
加拿大人受够被骗了 Canadians Are DONE Getting RIPPED OFF

(2024-09-13 07:32:21) 下一个



2024 年 9 月 13 日

我非常支持资本主义,我认为公司应该能够做任何他们想做的事情,也就是说,资本主义的一部分是消费者可以用他们的钱投票,当公司表现不佳时,我们会对此产生影响,因为归根结底,这是供求关系,加拿大消费者说够了,我们看到加拿大人的消费习惯发生了重大变化,他们把更多的钱留在家里,不再把那么多钱给那些不再为我们提供我们认为值得的服务的大公司,我们看到加拿大人购买的地方发生了重大变化,租金也首次开始下降,这在很大程度上也与移民问题有关,我们将讨论这个问题,但让我们开始讨论高生活成本,因为许多加拿大人改变了他们的购物习惯,寻找优惠和省钱的方法,一些折扣店,如 Dollarama,正在收获回报,他们看到利润暴跌cdv 的 Kathy 对此进行了调查,Kathy 的销售额大幅飙升,这很正常,个人理财专家 Sandy 表示,折扣店(不仅仅是 Dollarama)的销售额创下历史新高,客流量也随之增加,这通常表明经济状况不佳或加拿大人的债务增加 Dollarama 报告称,其第二季度利润约为 2.85 亿美元,比去年有所增长,销售额再次增长 7.4%,这再次表明许多人都在寻找折扣或优惠,我一直在精打细算,寻找促销传单,嗯,是的,有时在网上购物,你会查看不同的情况,成为一个精明的购物者,知道我把钱花在了哪里,根据最近的一个应用程序,我没有赞助,但我鼓励其他人使用,甚至最近,到今天为止,嗯,这是一个叫做 flip 的应用程序,基本上它是一个将所有传单放在一起的应用程序,大多数商店都会进行价格匹配,所以你可以去那里说,哦,这是No Frills 传单这是 Metro 传单这是 soes 传单不管是什么嗯也就是说 Dollar Store 那里展示的产品和杂货店里的产品是一样的只是价格要低得多所以用你的钱去投票选择你作为消费者能得到最优惠价格的地方如果我们厌倦了这些杂货店比如 Dollar Store 怎么能以 Metro 的 50% 的价格出售同样的大米包去那里买你的产品因为那些杂货店我们已经看到销售额开始下降因为消费者的支出和支出放缓就像我在视频开头说的那样我不介意公司做任何他们想做的事情但是猜猜我们作为消费者会想办法避免你利用我们和加拿大人改变常规的速度很慢众所周知我们会忍受很多所以加拿大人试图找到解决这个问题的方法这一事实说明了加拿大人在经济上有多大的压力以及他们有多厌倦根据 Equifax 公司的报告,加拿大人的债务水平创历史新高,尤其是年轻的加拿大人。我今天和一些出去购物的人交谈过,他们说,抵押贷款、租金、汽车保险、汽油,食品杂货,所有这些加起来,到月底他们的银行账户里就所剩无几了,我们只有三个人,而且我们都有很好的工作,不幸的是,生活成本、工资成本并没有上涨,CTV 新闻采访的一位金融专家说,虽然通货膨胀率已经下降,但生活成本没有下降的原因是我们没有看到通货紧缩,我认为如果加拿大人希望出现通货紧缩,那不一定是正确的答案,他们可能需要寻找其他方式,这可能是削减预算或试图赚更多的钱,至于赚更多的钱,Barry Choice 说,数据显示,越来越多的人正在从事副业以维持生计,他说几年前 30% 的人口有兼职,现在这个数字超过了 50%,所以现在比以往任何时候都多,不仅仅是兼职gigs 我想说,你真的应该考虑一下你的购买和交易,因为作为一个国家,我们整个国家的购买和交易越少,对这些公司的影响就越大,他们可以看到,嘿,加拿大人的购买量越来越少,我们不能再推高这些价格了,大规模移民一直在人为地抬高这些价格,这就是为什么我对那家伙说的话有异议,对吧,你知道你不应该等待通货紧缩,讽刺的是,如果没有移民数量,我们就会经历通货紧缩,记住,这一直在人为地抬高价格

Canadians Are DONE Getting RIPPED OFF!!



I am big on capitalism and I think companies should be able to do whatever they want that being said part of
capitalism is the consumers get to vote with their dollars and when companies behave poorly we get to have an impact on that because at the end of the day it is supply and demand and the Canadian consumers are saying enough is enough and we are seeing major changes when it comes to Canadian spending habits they are keeping more money at home and stopping giving so much money to large corporations who are not providing us services that we see worth it anymore we are seeing major changes in where Canadians are buying as well as rents are starting to fall in the country for the first time ever a lot of that has to do with some immigration stuff as well which we will talk about but let's get into it High Cost of Living as many Canadians changing their shopping habits looking for deals and ways to save money and some discount stores like Dollarama are reaping the rewards they're seeing profits sore cdv's Kathy checked into this and Kathy a huge spike in sales assign of the times right Sandy a personal finance expert says anytime discount stores and not just Dollarama any discount store sees record sales or more foot traffic through their doors it's usually an indication that the economy isn't doing great or Canadians have more debt Dollarama reported in its
second quarter a profit of about $285 million which is up from last year and a 7 .4% increase in sales again a big
indication of many people looking for discounts or deals absolutely more I've been watching my pennies for sure
looking for the sale flyers and uh yeah um buying online sometimes you know checking out different situations being a little more of a Savvy Shopper to know where I'm spending my money and according to a recent so um an app that I not sponsored by but I have encouraged other people to use even recently as of today um is an app called flip basically it's an app that keeps all of the Flyers together most stores do price match so you can go there and say like oh here's the No Frills flyer here's the Metro flyer here's the soes flyer whatever it is um that being said the Dollar Store It showed products there that are the same products that are carried at grocery stores for just much less price so vote with your dollars go with where you as the consumer are getting the best price if we are sick of these grocery stores like how can the Dollar Store have those same rice packs for 50% of the cost that's going to cost us at Metro go there buy your products there because then those grocery stores where we're already seeing sales starting to Trend down at those grocery stores because of what consumers are spending on and slowing on it's it the whole point is like I said at the beginning of the video I don't mind companies do whatever they want but guess what we're going to find ways as the consumer to avoid you taking advant AG of us and Canadians are slow to change routine notoriously we will put up with a lot so the fact that Canadians are trying to find ways around this is saying a lot about how stressed uh Canadians are financially and how fed up they are with the corporation Equifax report debt levels are at record highs for Canadians especially young Canadians
I spoke to a number of people out shopping today and they say between mortgage or rent car insurance gas
groceries it all adds up and there's not much left in their bank account at the end of the month there's just three of
us and it's and and we both have great jobs um unfortunately with the cost of living the cost of wages don't go up a financial expert CTV News spoke to says
although inflation has gone down the reason the cost of living hasn't decreased is because we're not seeing deflation I think if Canadians are hoping for deflation that's not necessarily the right answer they might need to look for other ways and that could be either trimming their budget or potentially trying to earn more money as for earning more money Barry Choice says data indicates that more people are taking on side hustles to try to make ends meet he says a few years ago 30% of the population had a side gig now that number is more than 50% so now more than ever not just side gigs I would say it's worth really thinking about your purchases and your transactions because the less purchases and transactions we make on the whole as a country the more it's going to Ripple into these corporations and they could see hey Canadians are buying less we can't push these prices anymore and the mass immigration has been keeping these prices artificially inflated that's why I actually have an issue with what that guy said right oh you know you shouldn't wait for deflation ironically we would be experiencing deflation if we didn't have the immigration numbers that we do have remember it's artificially been inflating th

随着我们个人越来越穷,数字一直在保持稳定,但通货紧缩可能会发生,然而伙计们,我们需要为此做好准备,如果你在看,你说要关闭所有移民,我同意你的观点,所以你知道如果我们要关闭移民,回到我们之前的数字,所有东西的价格都会下降,我们最终会陷入衰退,甚至可能是萧条,但对整个加拿大来说,这可能更好,这基本上是必须撕下的创可贴,而不是我们人为地用人口来膨胀,你知道,通过引入移民来印钞,这显然对我们的社会凝聚力更不利,我们现在能做的就是停止我们的支出,然后削减移民,并做好准备,这可能会对经济衰退产生影响,但这将使我们能够重建更强大的国家,如果我们能解决这些问题,下一代将有更多机会,但这会很痛苦,但这是另一个有趣的事情,我发现有趣的是,CTV 在所有新闻台中有很多,他们在生活成本危机方面做得最多这是关于加拿大的快餐连锁店开始降价的情况,我对麦当劳有意见,但这不是双关语,通货膨胀、高利率和住房成本给消费者带来了压力,现在很多人在外出就餐时减少了开支,快餐店表示他们的开支在增加,利润空间却很小,这就是为什么许多快餐店都在菜单中添加低成本食品的原因,这是 Pat forign 和消费者警报 Pat,感谢 Michelle 和 Nathan,餐馆表示,食品工资和保险的成本使得菜单价格难以保持低位,但随着一些顾客不再光顾,连锁店正在降低一些价格,试图赢回他们的青睐,快餐店随处可见,但去那里就餐的人数急剧下降,我们看到来餐馆就餐的人数少了一点,我们看到的是,每位顾客的消费额下降了,加拿大餐馆表示,由于物价上涨和运营成本上涨 20% 到 30%,许多企业都面临着财务压力,在加拿大,多达 47% 的餐馆在公司层面表示,我们没有赚钱,或者坦率地说我们正在亏钱,任何买快餐的人都说他们注意到了自从 Co 以来价格上涨,我注意到物价真的翻了一番 7,我正在看你 Taco Bell,我想要回我价值 5 美元的套餐,现在同样的套餐要 10 美元,我很生气,话虽如此,呃,不要再去快餐店吃饭了,原因有很多,好的,快餐过去的论点总是它是一种便宜的简单方法,经常可以养家糊口,在回家的路上为孩子们买食物,各种各样的东西,现在它不再便宜了,特别是像麦当劳这样的选择,它已经变得如此昂贵,我甚至不知道,我现在可以去当地的中速汉堡店,那里很棒,质量很好,雇佣当地人,很棒的人,你想和他们打交道,花费比我去麦当劳的钱还少,你以为我不会去当地的麦当劳吗,太烂了,但话虽如此,根本就不要去他们那里,因为它并不更健康,也并不容易,而且还要贵得多,比如你知道,一磅碎牛肉要 650 美元,你可以为一个四口之家做四个汉堡,也就是 650 美元,再加上面包和所有这些东西,它不会花费你 68 美元,而麦当劳现在就要达到这个水平,所以试着聪明购物,就像我说的,使用像 Flip 这样的应用程序,我敢肯定还有其他的,因为麦当劳是我一直有意见的公司之一,因为他们已经成为一种高级食品,这太疯狂了,但它也显示了 Tim Hortons,我们不会谈论 Tim Hortons,因为我非常讨厌他们,嗯,出于各种原因,主要是 lmia 欺诈,糟糕的服务,糟糕的质量,我们可以稍后再谈这个,但是让我们完成这个视频,我们再谈谈下一个东西,现在是 8 美元,现在是 16 美元,15 美元,你现在每天都买不起餐馆知道很多人都担心快餐的崛起和成本,这就是为什么他们要创建超值菜单,试图让客户回来。GX Canada 与公司合作吸引客户,表示目前正在进行超值套餐大战,看看你可以得到什么,我四天前刚刚用过这个优惠券,因为如果没有优惠券,我现在不会去吃快餐,嗯,它根本不值得,就像它仍然要花将近 10 美元一样,他们的鸡肉三明治很糟糕,然后你会得到小薯条和小饮料,我不得不向他们要一根吸管,因为他们不给我吸管,因为小饮料没有吸管,无论如何,我的观点是,如果我们作为一个集体,就像所有观看这个节目的人一样,你知道,与你社区的人交谈,停止向人们支付这些餐馆的钱

it's been keeping numbers steady as we get poorer
individually but the deflation could be happening however guys we need to be prepared for this if you watching and
you are saying shut all immigration down as much as I do agree with you just so you know if we are to shut immigration down back to the numbers which we were
previously prices on everything are going to fall we will end up in a recession might maybe even be a depression but it could be better for Canada on the whole it's basically the Band-Aid that has to be pulled off instead of us artificially inflating with people and you know printing money through bringing in Immigration which is obviously worse for our social cohesion what we can do is stop our spending right now and then cut the immigration and be prepared there would be recessionary impact from that but it would allow us to rebuild stronger and there'd be more opportunity for next Generations if we could fix these things but it would be pain but this is another interesting one that I found interestingly enough CTV has a ton out of all of the news stations they were doing the most on uh cost of living crisis and this is talking about how fast food chains in Canada are starting to lower prices and I've had a beef no pun intended with McDonald's for a while inflation higher interest rates and housing cost have been putting the squeeze on consumers and now many are spending less dining out fast food restaurants say their expenses are up and profit margins are slim which is why many are adding lower cost items to their menus here's Pat forign and consumer alert Pat thanks Michelle and Nathan restaurants say the cost of food wages and insurance is making it hard to keep menu prices low but as some customers stop going to restaurants chains are lowering some prices to try and win them back quick service restaurants are everywhere but the number of people eating in them has dropped dramatically we absolutely are seeing people come to restaurants less a little bit and more so what we're seeing is um the spend per visitor is down restaurants Canada says many businesses are facing Financial pressures due to hikes and their operating costs of 20 to 30% we're up to 47% of restaurants at the company level across Canada who are saying look we're not making money or frankly we're losing money anyone who buys fast food says they've noticed the increases ever since Co I've noticed that like the prices of things have like literally like doubled 7 I'm looking at you Taco Bell I want my $5 value box back it's now $10 for the same box and I'm ticked that being said uh stop eating out at fast food restaurants for a multitude of reasons okay the argument for fast food used to always be it was a cheap easy way to often feed families to grab food for your kids on the way home all sorts of things it is now no longer cheap especially options like McDonald's which has become so expensive that I don't even know like I can now go to loc you know mediump speed uh burger places in my town that are awesome good quality local hired people just amazing people you want to deal with for less than it costs me to go to McDonald's you think I'm not going to go to the local place McDonald's suck it but that being said just don't go to them at all because it's not healthier it's not easier and it's way more expensive like you know buy a pound of ground beef for 650 a pound you can make four burgers for you know a family of four that's 650 plus the Buns plus all that stuff it's not going to cost you $68 which McDonald's is getting to now so try and uh Shop Smart like I said use apps like flip I'm sure there's other ones um and find because McDonald's is one I've had a problem with for a while because they've become like a premium it's crazy but it also showed Tim Hortons there we're not going to talk about Tim Hortons because I freaking hate them um for all sorts of reasons mostly the lmia fraud uh poor service poor quality we can get into that later uh but let's finish this video and we'll talk with the next stuff here $8 now it's $16 $15 you can't afford to eat out every day these days restaurants know that many people are concerned about the rise and cost of fast food which is why they're creating value menus to try to get their customers back GX Canada which works with companies to engage customers says there is currently a value meal War taking place look at that you can get I actually just used this four days ago this exact coupon um because I won't get fast food now without the coupons and uh it was not even close to worth it like it was still almost 10 bucks their chicken sandwich sucks and then you get uh small fries and small drink which I had to ask for a straw for because they wouldn't give me a straw because the small drinks don't come with a straw anyways my whole point is if we as a collective like everybody watching this you know talk with people in your community stop paying people the money like these restaurants

因为这不值得,是的,从体验的角度来看,这将是一个小小的牺牲,但我们必须让公司知道,我们已经支付了这些价格,最终他们必须平衡价格,门店正在降低许多商品的价格,我们在快餐品牌中看到的是很多嗯,你知道,超值套餐和超值套餐大战,它们一起发生,以吸引顾客进门,一些顾客说,如果没有优惠,他们会在家吃饭,说实话,我会试着寻找优惠券,如果有优惠券,我会去,但除此之外,我会尽量避免,一般来说,一些超值商品是限时优惠,但其他商品可能会继续存在,因为连锁店试图找到新的方式,吸引更多的人流到他们的餐厅,业内人士表示,税收变化可以帮助安大略省 4 美元以下的餐点免征 PST,但将税收减免提高到更高的金额可能会使适度在你这边,快餐的价格更便宜,是的,没错,再次重申,快餐的唯一好处是,它是方便的,但它是一种廉价的养家糊口的方式,现在,即使食品价格如此之高,它们也在趋于平稳,所以你知道,理想情况下,我们可以在家做饭,而不是把辛苦赚来的钱交给这些大公司,他们可以,就像他们说的那样,这些公司正在赔钱,你也应该赔钱,如果资本主义就是这样运作的,如果你不提供我们想要支付的产品和服务,你就输了,话虽如此,你们知道我是一个房地产经纪人,房地产投资者,所以我是每个人都喜欢抱怨的那些邪恶大房东之一,然而,我们在我的市场和人们中看到了轶事,我知道通过房地产投资圈,嗯,在这个视频中,我们看到现在整个加拿大的租金已经达到顶峰,正在下降,让我们开始吧这里很贵,是的,我们永远不会住在这里,我们负担不起,可能感觉不像,但一份新报告显示,温哥华房东要求的租金正在下降,rentals.ca 的报告称,上个月温哥华一居室的平均租金刚刚超过 2700 美元,是全国最高的,但报告显示,这比去年下降了 9%,两居室的平均租金也下降了,根据报告,与去年相比,下降了约 6%,我们目前正在寻找住处,我想说的是,这里的情况差不多,或者稍微好一点,嗯,在这个地区,人们说你可以进行更多的谈判,我真的不相信,我的意思是,我可能在他们的网站上,但我不知道,是的,我真的不相信,我得到了疫情期间的协议,所以我会永远呆在那里,因为离开那里就像我不知道,可能比我现在支付的类似费用多 600 美元,我很高兴听到这个消息,希望你知道,未来一切顺利,但 H,作为个人,我知道还是有点糟糕,所以再次,就像我们谈论这个的时候,租金在下降,而不是从以前的地方下降,租金仍然在上涨,但总体而言,它们已经达到顶峰,并且正在慢慢开始下降,所以作为房东,我一直将我的单位保持在比市场租金低 100 美元左右,所以是 500 美元,我会把它标价 1,400 美元,这样我就会收到 10 倍的申请,我会收到很多人进来,我可以选择我想住在那里的人,我会找到好的租户,与他们建立良好的关系,我没有这样做,因为我在经营一个慈善机构,所以这是仍然是自私的想法是嘿,我将比市场租金低 100 美元,我会有更多人感兴趣,我会得到一个好租户,但同时这也没有什么坏处,我必须说,是的,我知道我低于市场租金,所以就像你知道的,我不是在敲诈别人,就像它仍然感觉还可以,但你知道,虽然有人和我谈判,但我最近谈判的租户停止支付,这有点令人震惊,对我们来说相当昂贵,但你知道,我们只是再次从轶事中看到它,就像租金已经达到顶峰,如果你想在那里找到好租户,你可能不得不谈判并降低租金,我刚刚在六月搬家,就像我之前有室友一样,然后我搬到了一个一居室,但我的租金价格已经翻了一番,平均要价报告显示,伯纳比的租金也下降了,但苏伊士的情况则不同。报告称,不列颠哥伦比亚省增长最快的城市上个月的平均租金刚刚超过 2,100 美元,同比增长 8%,在加拿大全国排名第五。报告称,租金增长率为 34 个月以来的最低水平,这归因于公寓完工率提高、最近人口增长放缓和温哥华劳动力市场疲软。Monica Ghoul 是的,所以很明显,移民人数有所减少,主要是来自国际

 because it's not
worth it yes it will be a bit of a
sacrifice from an experience standpoint
but we have to let the companies know
we're done paying these prices and
eventually they would have to level out
outlets are creating lower price points
on many items what we're seeing within
the Quick Service Brands is a lot of um
you know value meals and and and value
meal Wars kind of happening together to
you know entice customers to come
through the door some customers say
without a deal they'll eat at home to be
very honest I try to look for when
there's coupons and try to go if there's
coupons but otherwise I try to avoid it
in general some value items are limited
time offers but others could be around
to stay as chains try to find new ways
to draw more foot traffic into their
restaurants and the industry says tax
changes could help meals under $4 are
free of the PST in Ontario but raising
the tax break to a higher amount could
make modest meals more affordable on
your side yeah well exactly again the
the the only benefit of fast food is yes
that it's accessible but that what it
was inexpensive way to feed your family
now even with grocery prices being as
high as they are they are leveling out
so you know ideally we can cook more at
home and not give these giant
corporations our hard-earned dollars and
they can we they like they said so these
corporations are losing money good you
should lose money like that's if that's
the way that capitalism works if you are
not providing the product and service we
want to pay for you lose that being said
you guys do know I'm a real estate agent
real estate investor so and one of those
big evil landlords everybody likes to
complain about however we are seeing
anecdotally in my market and with people
I know through real estate investment
circles and um in this video we're
seeing here all across Canada right now
rents have peaked and are going down
let's get into it yeah it's
expensive yeah we would never live here
forever we couldn't afford it it may not
feel like it but a new report suggests
what Vancouver landlords are asking for
for rent is going down the report report
rentals.ca says the average asking rent
for a one-bedroom in Vancouver last
month was just over
$2700 that's the highest in the country
but the reports suggest that's a 9% drop
year over-year the average asking rent
for a two-bedroom also down according to
the report by about 6% compared to last
year we're looking for place at the
moment and I would say that it's similar
or a little bit less um in this area in
particular people are saying you can
negotiate more I don't really believe it
I mean I maybe on their website but I
don't know yeah I don't really believe
that I got a pandemic deal and so I'll
just stay there forever I guess cuz to
to leave there would be like I don't
know probably $600 more than what I'm
currently paying to get something
similar I'm glad to hear
that and hopefully um you know that like
gos well for the future but H yeah as an
yeah know still kind of sucks I so again
like when we were talking about this
rents are going down not down from where
they were before rents are still up
overall but they've hit a peak and are
slowly starting to go down so as a
landlord I've always kept my units
around $100 under what the market rent
was so it was ,500 I would put it up for
1,400 that way I would get 10 times the
applications I would get a lot of people
coming in and I would get to choose the
people who I wanted to live there I'd
find good tenants have a good
relationship with them I wasn't doing it
cuz I'm running a charity so it's still
self-serving the idea was hey I'll be
$100 under what Market rent is I'll have
more people interested I get a good
tenant but also it didn't hurt that I
got to say like yeah I know I'm I'm
under Market rent so it's like you know
I'm not like gouging people like it's
still feel okay about it but um you know
although I've had people negotiate with
me and my most recent negotiated tenant
stopped paying and it's been a bit of a
bit of a blow up quite the expense for
us um but uh you know it it's just we're
seeing it anecdotally again like rents
have peaked and if you want to get good
tenants in there um you might have to
negotiate and put in a lower rent just
moved in June um and like I had
roommates before um then I moved to like
a one-bedroom but my prices like in rent
has doubled average asking rents also
dropped in bernabe according to the
report but it's a different story in sui
the report says the average in rent in
BC's fastest growing city was just over
$2,100 last month an 8% increase
year-over-year and the fifth highest in
the country across Canada the report
says rents grew at their slowest annual
rate in 34 months which it attributes to
higher apartment completions a recent
slowdown in population growth and a
softening labor market in Vancouver
Monica ghoul yeah so obviously
immigration slow blowing a little bit
mostly from the interna

国家学生方面,因为他们觉得来这里已经不值得了,这与政府的上限无关,他们没有做任何事,学生们已经意识到这是一个骗局,说起来有趣,值得一提的是,sui 是布兰普顿以外最以印度人为中心的社区之一,所有移民都会去那里,你知道,就像布兰普顿 Siri 一样,因为我们的印度移民比例很高,而且还在增长,我也听说如果你来自 sui 或那个地区,商店的招牌现在开始用印度语言标注他们的招牌和价格牌,我觉得看到加拿大人的价格减免是件好事,显然,这在很大程度上与消费者行为和我们看到的变化有关,记住支持本地人少花钱,保护自己,谢谢你们,如果你在视频中看到这么远,你绝对很棒,非常感谢观看时别忘了点赞和订阅,祝你今天过得愉快

tional student side because they're going like it's not
worth it to come here anymore it has nothing to do with the government caps they're not doing anything the students have caught on that it was a scam that
being said interesting and worth noting sui one of the most you know Indian focused neighborhoods outside of Brampton which all the immigrants are going to you know like Brampton Siri because we do have such a high uh percentage of Indian immigrants is still growing I also have heard if you're from sui or from that area that the store signs are now starting to put their signs and price signs in Indian languages I thought it was good to see some price relief for Canadians and obviously a lot of it has to do with consumer behaviors and the changing we are seeing remember support local spend  less protect yourself thank you guys if you made it this far in the video you absolutely rock thank you so much for watching do not forget to like And subscribe and have a great rest of your day


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