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新政府敦促扩大 LGBTQ 权利

作者:迈克尔·K·莱弗斯 2021 年 9 月 29 日


绿党的泰莎·甘瑟尔 (Tessa Ganserer) 来自巴伐利亚。 尼克·斯拉维克(Nyke Slawik)来自北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,也是绿党成员。

Joschua Thuir 是一名警察督察,也是德国联邦警察中心基础培训和继续教育的讲师。 他还是 VelsPol Deutschland 的跨性别大使,该组织是一个代表该国 LGBTQ 警察的非政府组织。

图伊尔周二告诉《华盛顿刀锋报》,甘瑟雷尔曾与他合作对警察进行培训。 图伊尔表示,甘塞雷尔和斯拉维克的当选“对我们跨性别群体来说是一个非常非常大的机会,现在德国联邦议院的发言人都是跨性别者。”




选举结果是 LGBTQ 权利的“绝佳机会”

德国中左翼社会民主党副总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨可能会接替长期担任基督教民主联盟总理的安格拉·默克尔。 由于肖尔茨在周日的选举中没有获得多数选票,因此需要组建联合政府。

德国男女同性恋协会的亨利·恩格斯周一在一份声明中向肖尔茨表示祝贺。 恩格斯还表示,这次选举结果是“德国改善LGBTI权利的绝佳机会”。

恩格斯表示:“德国社会民主党、绿党和自由民主党的选票增加也表明选民想要一个酷儿政治进步的政府。” “我们呼吁组建一个政府,在上届立法机构瘫痪后,抓住酷儿政治觉醒的机会,我们期望绿党、自民党和社民党兑现他们的酷儿政治选举承诺。 对我们来说,只有及时带来真正变革的联盟才是可以接受的。”

男女同性恋协会特别敦促德国新政府制定“反对 LGBTI 敌意的国家行动计划”,并修改该国《基本法》第 3 条,明确禁止全德国基于性别认同和性取向的歧视。 男女同性恋协会还呼吁“性别自决”并接纳 LGBTQ 难民进入德国。

Two transgender women elected to German parliament


New government urged to expand LGBTQ rights

By     September 29, 2021
Activists in Germany continue to celebrate the election of two transgender women to the country's parliament. (Washington Blade photo by Michael K. Lavers)

Activists in Germany continue to celebrate Sunday’s election of two transgender women to the country’s parliament.

Tessa Ganserer of the Green Party is from Bavaria. Nyke Slawik, who is also a member of the Green Party, is from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Joschua Thuir, a police inspector who is an instructor at a German Federal Police center for basic training and further education. He is also the trans ambassador of VelsPol Deutschland, an NGO that represents LGBTQ police officers in the country.

Thuir on Tuesday told the Washington Blade that Ganserer has worked with him on trainings for police officers. Thuir said Ganserer and Slawik’s election is “a really, really big opportunity for us as a trans community to have speakers now in the German Bundestag who are trans by themselves.”

“It’s much more impressive to listen to people who are in those situations instead of people who talk about people who are in those situations,” said Thuir.

Julia Monro of the German Association for Trans Identity and Intersex People agreed.

“It is a big signal to the world that Germany is a country with diversity,” she told the Blade.

Election results are ‘great opportunity’ for LGBTQ rights

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the center-left Social Democratic Party of Germany will likely succeed long-time Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Christian Democratic Union. A coalition government will need to form because Scholz did not receive a majority of the votes in Sunday’s election.

Henry Engels of the Lesbian and Gay Association in Germany on Monday in a statement congratulated Scholz. Engels also said the election results are “a great opportunity for the improvement of LGBTI rights in Germany.”

“The increase in votes for the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany), Greens and FDP (Free Democratic Party) also shows that voters want a queer-politically progressive government,” said Engels. “We call for a government to be formed that, after the paralysis of the last legislature, now seizes the opportunity for a queer political awakening, and we expect the Greens, FDP and SPD to implement their queer political election promises. For us, only a coalition is acceptable that brings real change in a timely manner.”

The Lesbian and Gay Association specifically urged the new German government to develop “a national action plan against LGBTI hostility” and to amend Article 3 of the country’s Basic Law to specifically ban discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation throughout Germany. The Lesbian and Gay Association also called for “gender self-determination” and the admission of LGBTQ refugees into Germany.

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