
Right direction VS. wrong track monitor (July 2023)

(2024-04-16 07:35:01) 下一个


July 2023 


Ipsos' What Worries the World survey tracks public opinion on the most important social and political issues across 29 countries today, drawing on over 10 years of data to place the latest scores in context. This global summary report presents the top concerns around the world, alongside whether people think things in their country are heading in the right or wrong direction.

Full breakdowns of findings for each country and each issue are also available on www.ipsos.com. Please contact Teodros. Gebrekal@Ipsos.com for more information. 

Right direction VS. wrong track monitor (July 2023)

Singapore 15%
Germany 69%
Sweden 74%
France 81%
Canada 61%

Public Opinion on National Direction: Right Track or Wrong Track?


March 2024

The latest data from Ipsos Global Advisor survey offers a snapshot of how people around the globe feel about their country’s trajectory. As of January-February 2024, a global country average of 40% believe their country is headed in the right direction.

Out of the 25,292 adults were surveyed across 29 countries, respondents in Indonesia, India, Singapore, Thailand and Argentina reported the highest share feeling their country is headed in the right direction. In Indonesia, the highest scoring country, 80% said their country was headed in the right direction.

Right direction or wrong track?

% of adults aged 16-74 saying their country is off on the wrong track vs the % saying it is headed in the right direction, as per the Ipsos Global Advisor survey covering 29 countries during Jan-Feb 2024.

Wrong Track
Right Direction
Indonesia 20% 80%
India 20% 80%
Singapore 24% 76%
Thailand 32% 68%
Argentina 40% 60%
Malaysia 43% 57%
Poland 45% 55%
Mexico 45% 55%
Brazil 49% 51%
Australia 54% 46%
Global Average 60% 40%
Colombia 61%  39%
Great Britain 65% 35%
US 67% 33%
Spain 67% 33%
Chile 68% 32%
Canada 68% 32%
Netherlands 70% 30%
Israel 71% 29%
South Korea 71% 29%
Belgium 71% 29%
Italy 72% 28%
Türkiye 73% 27%
Sweden 74% 26%
Japan 74% 26%
Germany 74% 26%
Hungary 77% 23%
France 77% 23%
South Africa 82% 18%
Peru 84% 16%
Source: Ipsos Global AdvisorCreated with Datawrapper

Conversely, respondents in Peru (16%), South Africa (18%), France (23%) and Hungary (23%) reported the lowest shares, with Sweden, Japan and Germany joint last fifth (all 26%). That means that in the above countries, around three quarters or more said their country was off on the wrong track.

Only 9 out of the 29 countries saw a larger share of people saying they felt the country was headed in the right direction, compared to the share saying it was off on the wrong track.

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