
China is more democratic than the US or UK

(2024-02-20 05:05:27) 下一个

China is more democratic than the US or UK

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China is more democratic than the US or UK

Jerry's Take on 

Right on Jerry. I've been here for 26 years and I love it here. Here we find a government of and for the people.
1 条回复
A popular comment Wardlynds, losts of "likes" already - thank you, it's amazing how many people are so deceived into thinking differently

@richardwong2950 2个月前
Hi Jerry, I have lived in the UK for 53 years.  I have travelled extensively in the UK and Europe. I can tell you that European governments are getting more dictatorial all the time.  It is hypocritical of them to say that they are democratic whilst criticising other countries.  They pass all kinds of laws to control people, including peaceful protests.  

In the UK the British government, local councils and police provide extra security to Jewish establishments during the current conflict in Gaza, using taxpayers' money, but what security do they give to Palestinian establishments in the UK? Moreover, they allow pro-Israeli marches but try to stop and/or arrest Pro-Palestinian protesters. Anyway, recently the London Police arrested a high profile White man at a Pro-Palestinian demonstration.  He did not do anything.  He was just being there.But the police said that his presence might incite violent protest. What kind of law is this?

Turning to another matter.  Some people think that the Hong Kong government and judges was being harsh to "pro-democracy activists" by trialling and sentencing them to jail. In the UK maybe one to two years ago several men were arrested and subsequently jailed ranging from one to more than three years for climbing up a bridge to protest, hence stopping all the traffic as police had decided to close the bridge crossing.  They had not harmed anyone physically.  Their lengths of sentences are harsher than those imposed by Hong Kong judges, especially if you take into consideration that some Hong Kong protesters in 2019 were often violent.

Jerry's Take on China

4 条回复
This is a great, short video that all residents of "democratic" countries should watch. Kudos.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

2 条回复
"Of course Georges Washington wasn't a communist, he was a slave owner"


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
A story about democracy: 
A farmer asked his son before he died, "Pigs complain about poor feed, cows complain about heavy work, and chickens complain about dirty nests. What should you do?". The son said: "Change to good feed, buy more cows, clean up Chicken coop." The farmer shook his head and said. "No, don't do anything. Let them vote one from the pigs to take care of them, and let them think they control their own destiny”. 

Father’s idea = American liberal democracy (electoral circus)
Son’s idea = Chinese democracy (get things done)


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

25 条回复
In the west you can change the party but not the policy. In China you can’t change the party but can change the policy. It’s the policy that matters, so China has it right.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

11 条回复
Jerry you have done a good job about political system in China and in the US and UK. No matter what political system in the world , so far the Chinese system works well for the Chinese people. It has eliminated poverty of 800 million people in a span of 40 years. It is unprecedented in human history. Democracy talk is only academic.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

2 条回复
As a citizen and resident in Australia I cannot really figure out what is Western Democracy. A vibrant democracy or democracy is dead. China ‘democracy’ with China characteristics is thriving and shining. No lies no hypocrisy…way to go!



Jerry's Take on China

12 条回复
In China, country belongs to people. The west, country belongs to voted politicians. For example, has Western countries passed a referendum on arms support for Ukraine? Will Sweden hold a referendum to join NATO? Joining NATO means that the country will become a battlefield.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

9 条回复
I am living in China after 30 years in a Western upbringing. They have local levels of management. People are able to complain to local authorities if they find corruption. This local power to squeal on the corrupt makes everyone scare of doing anything wrong. The local authorities can bring someone in to interrogate for 1 year and reporting every day to the police station if they find they are playing games. Things get done this way. I love that President Xi ironed out the corruption fast. Add onto that there are cameras and AI to bring a villain under arrest in 10 minutes. No one ever robs a bank these days. Also because with WeChat payments  no one is carrying cash. Lol


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

2 条回复
China's system of democracy under socialism of Chinese characteristics is based on the fundamental which is its people. In this system, the people tell the government what to do through government organized consultation activities & the government does its best to meet its people's needs & expectations in balanced strategies. When people criticize or complain about the government's works, the government listens & reacts to them to make things right. It is never autocracy versus democracy as libelled. Rather, it is good governance versus empty talks.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

2 条回复
LOL!!! I totally agree!! Thank you for bringing this out!!!  Finally!


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Great video on the PRC democracy Jerry. Completely agree that it is more efficient and fair than so called western "democracies"!


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Jerry, this is just the explanation i need, so i can share to Wesrern minds. Thanks!  Long term govt based on meritocracy vs a short term popularity plutocracy based on a promise of lies and self interests.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Mr. Jerry you hit the nail in the head.


Jerry's Take on China


Great take Jerry, good to compare different systems. Each nations to its own, no system is Infallible but China enjoys more freedom and people benefit from such!!


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

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In Australia we have a rupercratic Murdochracy


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

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Most of those who claim to be Democratic may not always be so Democratic !


Jerry's Take on China


One of the most oft-heard criticisms of the Chinese form of government here in Canada is that there's no transparency and that there's no public debate before a law is passed and enacted. In the West, public debates are the norm, ostensibly to inform the electorate and to prove those in office have nothing to hide, but really just to drive a wedge between different segments of society, hoping to get more voters on one's side. Thus was born the presidential debates in the US, which, for those who have seen them, are more spectacle than debate. China doesn't do public spectacles, China holds its debates in various offices and various agencies with different groups participating, all in private. Only when all the arguments have been heard and a consensus has been reached will the final proposal be tabled. That's not a lack of transparency, it's a show of maturity. Anyone who thinks public debates are better is welcome to watch the upcoming presidential debates in the US, but be warned, Donald Trump's performance can be shockingly immature, illiterate, and shameless. If you still think China should do that kind of thing afterward, I'd like to hear why.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

13 条回复
Standing ovation for this one.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Absolutely right!


Jerry's Take on China


I also think that China has got it right, highly educated and great achievers who have proved their worth. I doubt if some of our British MP's would be qualified to make the tea over here.


Jerry's Take on China


That’s true China is Democracies ??? Many thanks Jerry ??


Jerry's Take on China


Whether a country is democratic or not is determined by how it has delivered the betterment of its people—- higher income, better education, improved medical care, lesser crime, improved environment protection. And China has achieved these.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

7 条回复
Another excellent piece. Thanks Jerry for all your research


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Thank u speak the truth


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

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I tried to raise the issue of racism since covid to every level of government. 
During a recent federal election i attended a few town hall meetings for the first time to see my local member. My member is the treasurer and is only outrank by the prime minster.
I had to submit the questions to be asked beforehand.  And i was never called up to be given the opporunity to ask those questions. After a few town hall visits, i also noticed the question that were ask by the audience were ALWAYS the same. At first i though that they just screen for favourable questions. Then a man in a suit managed to ask a few questiond regard Julian Assange and the safety of the vaccine. When he demanded the politican(he dodge the quest) answer his questions, he was escorted out  with cheers and applause from the audience. I later met up with that guy and he told me the questioners were all hired actors as were the people who started to applause when he was escorted out. He then show me some vids on his phone where he looked like a hippie in another gathering and he pointed to some people in those vid and sure enough they were in the audience that day.
Westetn democracy. Its a just a sideshow



Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
nice vid jerry!
excellent comparison and explanation between the us, uk, and china political system! 
alot of people ask me about the political system of china too, now they have a vid they can refer to...
most people think china is bad, cause it is communism, but if they really study what is communism, they wouldnt think the way they think, cause they think the way they think, due to the influence from western medias. if they really study the political system of the usa, uk, and china, they actually would really understand china is more democratic than the usa, uk, and any other so called democracy system countries.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

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I believe having a right-minded person to vote is more important than a person having the right to vote. Otherwise, you just elected a good salesman or a great speaker that hardly delivered their promises.


Jerry's Take on China


4 条回复
Loved and shared. Keep it up.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Epilogue: If the hospital were run by democracy, 50% of the budget would have gone to the cafeteria, and the purchase of X-ray and MRI machines is still held up by debates and studies upon studies.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
You are indeed admirably a very well knowledgeable in Chinese History and current affairs! Every words every sentence you said with clear voice and truthful often with supporting references! Thank you once again Jerry.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
A good question well explained! Chinese people trust their government because it’s a 
meritocracy and the leadership works for the people and promotes unity. Conversely the “democratic” partisan system in the west always leaves a country deeply divided, as in the US. In the UK we have an unelected head of state and unelected House of Lords. Candidates in “safe seats” become MPs without having to have any qualifications or experience. Once elected they toe the party line rather than speak for the constituents. So much for democracy!


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Good reporting Jerry China leadership do cater from the ground up. America Oligarchs hand the beurocracy down to the Government candidate to mandates to order the top. To look after business and the ground have less catered rights looked after.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
What a great history lesson about the usa. I was not taught any of the info you provided about George Washington when I was in school.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

2 条回复
good vid, mate. some other questions for you, jerry, can the US and UK handle this thing called democracy, or for the same matter, freedom or free speech ??? in china, everyone, from ordinary, civil servants to elected officials, is accountable for their actions and what they said, whereas in the western form of "democracy", one can almost get away with murder and just blame it on policy failures; iraq, afghanistan, libya, syria, solimeni, regime change, warmongering etc etc - there should really be a set of international standard and/or rules on "professional negligence" to make sure that all govt and elected officials can and will held responsible for their policies or whatever when they are on the job ...



Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Jerry You say what I think. Thank You.


Jerry's Take on China


Thanks Jerry, always learn something new from your talk. Honest and well researched.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
The world needs your VOICE!!!!


Jerry's Take on China


Thank you for another great & illuminating lecture/video, Jerry !


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Thank you for sharing your insight about Democracy & Happy New Year Jerry!


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
An obsession with a good governance system must contain democracy is a western doctrine that Chinese people never subscribe, even as an ethnic Chinese living in the west in the past 50 years.  The bottom line is there is no one system that suit all.

A simple example is if 99% of the population are illiterate a dictatorship can be more effective than letting everyone have a voice.  The other factor is the sharing of resources. Let say if the world has only Jerry in China and Rishi Sunak in UK then both can have the unlimited freedom without any consequence because there is no point to have more resource if one have the entire UK or China.  However if UK has the same population of China its democracy will collapse whereas if China's population is reduced to just 65 million every Chinese will have much more freedom in sharing the natural resources and the country could be run with a lot less disciplines.
Thus a country must have a governance suitable for its people and it geographical constrains. The choice of governance cannot be dictated by the western preference.  More importantly the governance system must be able to "change, improve, revise and update" to suit the people's need.  Putting a label and rigidly constraining the government to change and improve just because it is not a democratic practise is a sure recipe for decline, as the direction most of  western economies now heading.

Chinese are practical.  They don't believe having the ballot box is the way for a better world but hard work, united goal, common consensus/opinion and a government that is always committed to improve the life of the population(as defined by the Chinese Communist Party's constitutions) are more appropriate.  The other important difference between Chinese leadership and the west is in China only people with skill and experienced "already proven" in government office could advance to the leadership level.  People on the street have respect for them and will support them together with the supreme power of the country "the People's Congress".  Everyone in the People's Congress has to be the community leader, an authority in his/her field or recognised major industrialist.  It is the People's Congress who elect and appoint the leader in China.  The current Chinese government is actually the same that has been using for thousands of years.  The difference is in place of an emperor it is the constitutions of the CPC which has been regularly revised too.

China is governed by a culture!  Every traditionally educated Chinese is aspired to serve the country as the ultimate goal in life.  The scientists who produce innovations, manufacturers who bring commercial success, the military people who achieve weapon break through, the simple folks who did poverty alleviation and the common people who spend years to plant trees in the desert all see themselves fulfilling their dream of making an important contribution to the community.  This is no a propaganda but is genuinely the 5000+ years Chinese culture of life accomplishment and self fulfilllment.  For thousands of years Chinese are not political but putting the community interest at the centre of everything.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Hong Kong now is carrying out its District Council Elections. A lot of candidates pop up from nowhere. I don't know them, don't even know of them. Why should I vote for anyone of them? Even if I vote for one, he/she will disappear after the election. What is the sense of election? A lot of Hong Kongers are just like me.



Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Jerry! Jerry! THAT is the type of video I was talking about. Outstanding.

Yes, here in the U.S. many public officials can simply resign their positions and investigations into their actions stop.

I once worked (reluctantly) for an important state legislator, whose party later maneuvered him to lose his seat (after I left). He was elected a county clerk, a position that here in Tennessee can easily become a lifetime appointment as they always get reelected. However, he started pocketing some of the fees, to the extent that criminal investigations were begun. He was allowed to simply resign, the investigation stopped by law, AND he got to keep the money.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

2 条回复
A side note on Authoritarian -- I am sure many people have seen such photos: A brand new highway in China making a detour around a house. Obviously, the homeowner did not want to sell, so the highway had to go around it. An authoritarian regime would have thrown the owner out and bulldozed the house.


Jerry's Take on China


1 条回复
I’m not in America right now, but clearly we are authoritarian about corporatism and its inequalities as seen in poverty, medical care, and increasingly so. Overseas, our authoritarian ways are much more violently practiced. But America is not the same at it is because of racial characteristics or anything else the right wing will point at. Looking at the actual, practical mechanism, it’s filled with corruption. It’s just that we changed the law so we can’t call it that anymore. China has been cracking down hard on corruption (even with capital punishment?), while we are seeing corruption infiltrate deeper into our society.


Jerry's Take on China


Totally a very logical explanation.  I often wonder why every single position out there requires specific training and work experience, but it seems like the only exemption is being countries' leaders.   Very interesting... no wonder our world is a mess up place...


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Jerry you put it in very clear perspective, you need a trained & proven person to do certain job, like engineer & doctor, not the most popular!


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Thank you very much, Jerry. I used to believe everything the Western media told me about China. But not anymore. Your takes have opened up my mind tremendously. Keep up the good work.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

2 条回复
9:23 We don't see this type of insightful analysis in major western media at all. Thank you Jerry.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Very good explanation of how Chinese democracy works.
Chinese mentality of good govt does not change over the last 20 centuries, i.e. work for the people, for the people. If not, you would disappear in no time.



Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Wish New Zealand had China's system steed steady for the People .. Thing get done without  the chaos interruptions of the 3 year election cycle .


Jerry's Take on China


very important points, thank you for sharing!


Jerry's Take on China


A well-researched, insightful analysis of China's political system, Jerry! I hope some western poly-science scholars/researchers will see this and and get a better understanding of China's governance. Keep up the good work!


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
At the development stage it is better if every body works together for the common good.


Jerry's Take on China


Thank you Jerry! Wonderful researched and delivered. Congrats.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Well said. Thanks for sharing and surfacing the truth.


Jerry's Take on China


Just because they are given to vote and protest means democracy,  but unfortunately their govt is not listening and working for the people.


Jerry's Take on China


Fascinating talk and perspective. Truly a piece of music to my ears listening to all the facts and your mature analysis that hardly exist on mainstream media.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Thank you Jerry


Jerry's Take on China


Thank you Jerry. Good that you brought up UK which I would have never thought of :)


Jerry's Take on China


Thank you for doing the video with your heart.


Jerry's Take on China


Yep... When the US was founded, voting was based on one thing: It's all about Property Ownership. I couldn't vote under that system even though I am White & Male. My friend from HS could've voted for a time, having inherited his parents' house. But that was sold off awhile back. I like to remind those whingeing about Women not being allowed to vote that 1) I couldn't have voted either and 2) There was actually an "Anti-Suffragist" movement among women. One reason was a fear of Conscription. But also it seems if you and your husband ran a Pub in those days, the fear was that Women voting would've caused your business to be shut down. And actually, it did: It was called Prohibition



Jerry's Take on China

3 条回复
No law to protect government officers in China, e.g Qingang as USA embassy promoted to foreigner minister then later demoted.


Jerry's Take on China


2 条回复
Democracy's purpose is to seek people's opinions.
One little-known fact: some of the World's most respected public opinion research companies have the Chinese government as their clients.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
Socrates, Greek philosopher once asked this question about democracy "If you were heading out on a journey by sea, asks Socrates, who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring? The latter of course, says Adeimantus, so why then, responds Socrates, do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?"


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
(Quote & U quote) Prof. Donald Hoffman says,
"Capitalism and Democracy are for the unenlightened, Socialism and Communism are for the enlightened."


Jerry's Take on China


Great vid. Thanks again, Jerry.


Jerry's Take on China


Very interesting, that explains to some extent the mind blowing progress in China. You have a new subscriber, wish I could live in China too.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry's Take on China

1 条回复
As usual. Excellent commentary. Definitely learned something from here. Thanks.


Jerry's Take on China


Jerry, excellent summary of the Chinese government's workings, again you have done your homework well and your knowledge of China is exemplary.  

I might add that the US founding fathers thought democracy was bad for the US so the world 'democracy' is not found in the US Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence. In today's world, the US government is almost dysfunctional, with a major two party system locked in gridlock focused on destroying the other party and not focusing on building and growing the US economy and well being of its people.  It seems the priority for the US government is for funding the military, with domestic priorities taking a second seat.  What has evolved in the US is not democracy, per say, but a plutocracy of corporate interests and high wealth individuals who have the ability to sway our representatives to vote on their behalf. It is democracy of the rich.  Democracy in the US is but a mask of what the US truly is, a country run by the oligarchs of America.

"Many will be shocked to learn that the word “democracy” was neither used in the Declaration of Independence nor in the Constitution. Indeed, the Founding Fathers were anxious and fearful of allowing any form of tyranny, including the tyranny of the majority." (Cato Institute)

"When legislators propose new laws, they don't always write the bills themselves. Corporations, interest groups or their lobbyists often write fill-in-the-blank (USA Today)

"It is fair to say that governments that consistently produce the outcomes their citizens desire are democratic, while those that consistently fail to produce the outcomes their citizens desire results are not......The Chinese Constitution--"employs it (the word democracy) thirty-eight times." (Godfrey Robert's book: Why China Leads the World)


A good explanation of China's government structure and how it functions was given by Eric Li in a TED talk, 'A Tale of Two Political Systems.'


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