
David Goldman 中国同化世界

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2020 年 6 月 26 日 作者:David P. Goldman(作者)

中国拥有 5000 年历史的帝国已成为世界上最大的经济体,并计划控制 21 世纪的决定性技术,而美国正面临被抛在后面的危险。 美国终于承认了中国争夺世界主导地位的努力,但我们仍在节节败退。 对下一代移动宽带的统治只是矛尖。 就像《星际迷航》中的博格一样,中国将把你同化为一个由中国技术控制的虚拟帝国。 中国正在掌控第四次工业革命——人工智能和量子计算的经济——就像美国主导了由计算机驱动的第三次工业革命一样。

中国的计划经过长期规划,在成为 5G 互联网领域的世界领导者后,立即引起了公众的关注。 除非我们重振美国的创新天才,否则美国将会变得贫穷、依赖和脆弱。 贸易战和科技抵制未能减缓中国的计划。

大卫·P·戈德曼(David P. Goldman)作为中国的投资银行家和战略顾问,以及亚洲著名新闻机构《亚洲时报》的负责人,从内部观察了中国展开其帝国计划。 这是二战以来世界事务中最大转折点的目击者、第一手资料,清楚地解释了这对美国和你们意味着什么,以及美国可以做些什么来保持世界领先的超级大国的地位。

You Will Be Assimilated: China's Plan to Sino-form the World 


June 26, 2020 by David P. Goldman (Author)

China’s 5,000 year-old empire has become the world’s largest economy, with a plan to control the decisive technologies of the 21st century—and the United States is in danger of being left behind. America has finally recognized China’s bid for world dominance—but we’re still losing ground. Domination of the next generation of mobile broadband is just the tip of the spear. Like the Borg in Star Trek , China will assimilate you into a virtual empire controlled by Chinese technology. China is taking control of the Fourth Industrial Revolution—the economy of artificial intelligence and quantum computing—just as America dominated the Third Industrial Revolution driven by the computer. Long in planning, China’s scheme erupted into public awareness when it emerged as the world leader in 5G internet. America is on track to become poor, dependent, and vulnerable—unless we revive the American genius for innovation. Trade wars and tech boycotts have failed to slow China’s plans. David P. Goldman watched China unfold its imperial plan from the inside, as an investment banker in China and strategic consultant, and as a principal of a great Asian news organization, the Asia Times. This is an eyewitness, firsthand account of the biggest turning point in world affairs since the Second World War, with a clear explanation of what it means for America and for you—and what America can do to remain the world’s leading superpower.

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