
Viewing Human Life as Emotional Alive

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Viewing Human Life as Emotional Alive 

   Frank Li  Dec. 17 2011 in Waterloo Canada




Greeting to Bill Gates                                                     

1.0. The plight of AIDS treatment                                         

2.0. The therapeutic effect of positive psychology                            

2.1. Social activity can cure cancer                                          

2.2. Magical effect of the will                                              

2.3. Placebo is effective in 50% to 60% subjects                             

2.4. Laugh elevate the activity of NK cells                                  

2.5. Music affects brain, mood and mind                                   

2.5.1. A vegetative state boy wake up                                      

2.5.2. Singing awaken the hearts of the juvenile delinquents

2.5.3. Laughter CD for Depression on Sale in Austria

2.5.4. Music makes you feel happy by releasing dopamine

2.6. Caffeine can reduce the risk of cancers

2.7. Stress Causes Everything

2.8. Social pressure cause diseases

3.0. Physical Activities enhance Health

3.1. A 20 years study shows running slows the aging clock

3.2. Physical training can increase natural killer cell activity.

3.3. Running increase the Erythrocyte Immune Function

3.4. Exercise improve the number and function of NK cell

3.5. Running jogs memory by creating new brain cells

3.6. Jogging is good for the mind

3.7. Behavior Jogging for the Mind

3.8. Exercise can work as antidepressants

3.9. Jogging - The Best Cure to Depression

3.10. Exercise grows a healthy heart

4.0. The limitation of Reductionism

4.1. Antipsychotic cause heart attack

4.2. Synthetic drugs kill Children

4.3. Surveillance Therapy

5.0. Viewing Human Life as Emotional Alive

5.1. Integrated Therapy

5.2. Treatment of AIDS

5.3. Persistent vegetative state

5.4. Wounds Healing

5.5. Severe Flu

5.6. Psychotics

5.7. Anti aging       

    Emotion is an integral part of life. It fundamentally involves in the process of physiological. Old and new findings have demonstrated that psychological state is playing a decisive role in affecting our health. It acts as a double-edged sword that positive side can promote health with curative effect; negative side can adverse health with pathogenic effect. The positive psychology can be created through activities of social and physical with enjoyable for any people, no matter rich or poor, old or young.  

    This article intends to discuss the holistic therapeutic potential from psychological factors and existing therapeutic availables. It will be composed of several articles. Such as: 

    1. Viewing Human Life as Emotional Alive

    2. Chinese Medicine - A Promising Medical Approach

    3. Reducing psychological pressure in workplace 


    Now let us start with the first one. 

1. Viewing Human Life as Emotional Alive 

[Preface] As an important philosophy, Reductionism has been playing a significant role in the process of medical development. Most people have been convinced that reduces the body as molecular, protein and genetic to understand human life and diseases is most scientific, most reliable and most promising. This concept has led the diseases treatment over-reliance on the synthetic way with ignoring the human life being emotional alive, even impacted the authoritative drug regulations. More severe is that it has caused those natural and traditional therapeutic approaches were ignored even discarded with the label of unscientific.

This dogmatic bias is increasingly showing its adverse consequences, we are subjecting to the fatal bitter from its negative effect when we enjoy the sweetness from its positive effect. Inconceivable is that, when facing some urgent medical issues, such as, HIV and super bugs, that seems out of its wits. 

Fortunately, scientists never stop to explore the natural and traditional therapies, especially in China. Now there more and more organizations and scientists are joining the exploration world widely. It should be called as turning back on old road to seek medical way out with new shoes – modern technology. For example, FDA has improved drug regulations toward natural drugs,[1] [2]  and WHO has issued Strategy for Traditional Medicine. Here, I would like specially to highlight that, Germany has been treating phytomedicine in equal with synthetic medicine legally for many years. Foresightedly, their feasibility study started in three decades ago. Their wisdom of sensible pragmatic should be taken as a mirror with a role far beyond the medical issues.

More brightness is that scientists have developed system biology to make up for the shortcomings of Reductionism, which playing a role as a bridge to make the Reductionism and Holism being well integrated. They should be called as the Three Philosophical Brothers of Medicine. 

This article intends to substantively fuel above flames inspired by the reports of amazing curative effect produced by the positive psychology. It is a brief letter initially for introducing Chinese medicine, when I search some information for my writing, I found that psychological pressure is a main inducement for human diseases, when I searched more on this issue; I increasingly feel its importance, especially when I learnt the tragedy of France Telecom and Foxconn employee ommitted suicide. I felt eagerly to talk about some thing. It was that magical recovery of Mr. Graham Miles made by will enlightens me a clear idea how to start the talking. So, I changed the writing plan with much more concerning in the psychological factors. Gradually it was being increased to beyond the scope of a letter with subtitles from my reading and thinking in the past decades.

The references being cited in the article mainly came from the Internet, regarding Chinese medicine were translated from the articles in mandarin. Since the limitation of my ability in English and medical knowledge, the article is too far to be rigorous as academic paper and referential clinically. I sincerely hope that readers can make corrections on my mistakes to avoid wrong inducement to other readers. Philosophy is the basis of doing any thing efficiently, but need to be flexible in practical use to avoid being bound dogmatically. A philosophy’s name represents a systematic method; I repeatedly mentioned them are in order to make the discussion clear with briefest words. I apologize for that some references can not be tracked due to the losing of valid hyperlinks. Here, I would like to express my thanks to scientific researchers for their hard working and valuable research results, no matter their works being cited or not in this article and regardless which country they came from.

Surprising findings on the self-rehabilitation of some severe diseases under positive psychology and the findings on therapeutic mechanism of natural Chinese drugs have substantively updated the Holistic therapeutic potential. But, they require to be rationalized methodically for clinical application. This is also a part of the motives of this article.

Mr. Graham Miles, a British man who once was being 'left to die' by medical staff after being diagnosed with the 'locked-in syndrome' that caused him paralyzed from head to toes besides his eyelids from massive stroke. However, he never gave up the desire and self-struggles for survival. He willed to move his toe firstly and successful months later, then the fingers. Gradually he could talk, and then stood up to walk and drive. His self-rejuvenation firmly proved that positive psychology has powerful therapeutic effect that seems effective than that of medications currently. 

Thanks Mr. Graham Miles, his unordinary perseverance finally convinced us that our life is self controllable. We are what we thought, and we are what we believed. Health can be created by our self positive action. His success removed us the suspicion on the authenticity of following reports.

① Placebo, a sham drug without active medicines, can produce a curative effect in 50 or 60 percent of subjects with certain conditions by placebo effect - a cure in the mind. ② There were 5% cancer-infected mice’s tumors disappeared and 77% of them decreased the tumors’ volume by 43% only from living in an socially active environment for 3 weeks. ③ Laughter elevates the activity of NK cell. ④ “Listening to classical music increases blood flow to several brain areas, activating autonomic, cognitive, and emotional centers, while another area of the brain releases dopamine.” A chemical that affects mood and the ability to feel pleasure and heightens the sense of well-being. ⑤ A research crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics showed “that stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer.” 

From above facts, we could understand the reason that there are fewer reports on successful clinical application of genetic medical approaches than that of was being hot hoped since the completion of human genome sequencing in 2003.

Chinese medicine evolved from thousands years’ massive medical practice based on the Daoism - a holistic philosophygenerated in 2000 years ago mainland China, which macro-viewing human body and emphasizing the therapeutic role of psychological factors with a thousand years belief that disease treatment is seven tenth in psychotherapy and only three tenth in medication. In particular, it has been identified more than 10 thousands of natural drugs and accumulated nearly 100 thousands of experience-based prescriptions. Modern studies from the level of molecular, protein and gene have shown that Chinese drugs have similar medicinal effect as that of synthetic ones and the nutritional effect as that oforthomolecular medicine with the advantage of few side effects. Some time, ill debilitated patients, need nutrients, not only drugs. So that Chinese drugs have demonstrated therapeutic effect on both diseases of communicable and non communicable, which were not satisfied by the treatment of synthetic drugs. Clearly, Chinese medicine is attractive promising resource in developing new therapeutic approaches both drugs and therapies. With the sensitive nose, FDA accepted the idea of traditional Chinese medicine idea.[1]..[2] Some super drug makers have dug into Chinese medicine, such as, Pfizer Inc and Swiss Novartis AG. Now Chinese medicine is becoming the hope in helping us to get out of the dilemma in health care. The door is opened widely for Chinese medicine with a huge market potential.

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In view of above, in the practice of diseases’ prevention and treatment, if we only focus on the physiological factors, the actual medical effect would be greatly weakened. October 15 2010, a report, Cancer 'is purely man-made' after finding almost no trace of disease in Egyptian mummies. The result enlightens us that, currently the most serious diseases of human facing are not AIDS, not cancer, but the deterioration of social moral and natural environment. The effect of any drugs and vaccines would be less than the effect of advancing the environment of moral and natural. Therefore, we should promote the moral civilization to go side by side with the material civilization.

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It is the time to lower down the social pressures by restoring the social morality. It is the time to update the manner in diseases treatment with existing therapeutic available to integrate a comprehensive therapeutic approach especially Viewing Human Life as Emotional Alive.


We must be aware that positive psychology is neither self-coming nor just rely on the medication, but it can be effectively created with regularly physical exercise, enjoy music, and get together with friends, etc. Doctor-your self is the best way to be healthy long live. It is the intention and the hope of my writing this article.

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Good morning Bill Gates:


Thank you! Thanks your family and your colleague for providing this platform to share the information about diseases treatment. As a courtesy return, please enjoy my writings posted here. I am sure you will enjoy an extra benefit beyond what described in the article. That is losing weight when you hardly trying to make clear what I really want to say with the English in pre-school level.


We are both interested in human health issue as a layman who has never been educated in a formal Medical school. However, everything has two sides; we have few dogmatic constraints with broader imagining scope and the advantage of lookers-on seeing most of the game.

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1. The plight of AIDS treatment


I learnt that your most concern is the treatment of AIDS. However, this nut is too tough to be cracked. Since the HIV firstly recognized in 1981, nearly 3 decades have been past. Although, the scientists worldwide have made great many efforts, the research reports are one after another. However, until now, neither the drugs nor the vaccines are clinically satisfied yet.


May 9, 2010, a report on NYtimes <After Long Scientific Search, Still No Cure for AIDS>. Writer wrote pessimistically: “Despite decades of effort, no magic bullet for AIDS has been invented.” “The obstacles are huge. The virus mutates as fast in a day as a flu virus does in a year, but can also lie dormant indefinitely.” “Since no one has ever been cured, there is no natural defense to mimic. And, since it attacks the CD4 cells that are the “fire alarms” of the immune system, vaccines that stimulate immunity may just give it more targets.” “Even in wealthy countries, it can only be controlled; antiretroviral cocktails keep it from replicating. Patients are not cured, but may survive into old age.”

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I have a feeling that some pathogens are becoming brainy by the stimulation in fighting with humankind, so that they are difficult to be controlled. According to encountered problems in the process of the research and treatment of AIDS, it is hard to predict a vaccine or new medications that can be used safely in near future. It may need to do a lot of fundamental work and the further coordinated advance of related Science and Technology.


Far water can not quench the urgent thirst. I think that besides keeping going on with what we have determined, at the same time, we should find some feasible therapeutic alternatives for the treatment of AIDS and other diseases. This is the main topic of this article. Also you are looking for the solutions of disease treatment with outstanding charisma that can effectively promote a new promising project, and I am sure that you are receptive to new ideas. This is the reason I wrote to you.

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As enjoyed a lot of reading, we are both aware the significance of the philosophy, such as Holism, it can help us to look at a problem in a macro perspective to find a suitable solution quickly by reducing the restrictive of Reductionism.


2. The therapeutic effect of positive psychology


2.1. Social activity can cure cancer

2.2. Magical effect of the will

2.3. Placebo is effective in 50% or 60% subjects

2.4. Laugh elevate the activity of NK cell

2.5. Music affects brain, mood and mind

2.5.1. A vegetative state boy wake up

2.5.2. Singing awaken the hearts of the juvenile delinquents

2.5.3. Laughter CD for Depression on Sale in Austria

2.5.4. Music makes you feel happy by releasing dopamine

2.6. Caffeine can reduce the risk of cancers

2.7. Stress causes everything

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There are new rays of hope being lit up for disease treatments. It is that new finding of cancer-infected mice were cured by an enriched social environment and a British man who regained his vitality by his will from being 'left to die' paralyzed state under the 'locked-in syndrome'.


2.1 Social activity can cure cancer


July 28 2010, a report, scientists in Ohio State University found that socially active environment can cause cancer tumors to shrink and even disappear. Their smart experiment is as following.

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"The lab rodents were originally housed in groups of about five, given all the food they wanted and allowed to play all day. However, for the research project, mice with cancer were placed in an even better, enriched environment. They had bigger living groups with 15 to 20 other animals to interact with. They also had more space and extra toys, hiding places and running wheels. "


"During and his colleague, Lei Cao, found that malignant tumors in animals living in this enriched environment started to shrink. In fact, tumors decreased by an impressive 77 percent in mass and decreased in volume by 43 percent, the researchers report. Moreover, five percent of mice with cancer showed no evidence of the disease at all after just three weeks of living in their new home. That seemingly spontaneous cancer cure never happened in control animals kept in standard housing. "

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"So what specifically is going on here that impacts cancer? Animals in a regular mice environment in the lab who exercised more didn't experience improvements in their cancer, so the scientists say more exercise isn't the total explanation. Instead, they think the complex social dimension in the new living arrangement was apparently the key. "


“‘A lot of people think stress is bad, but our data show the animals aren't just happy. Antidepressants won't give you the same effect,’ ” the scientists said in the press statement. “‘The goal isn't to minimize stress, but to live a richer life, socially and physically. You want to be challenged.’”

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The report reminds me that, in China, some people successfully expelled the mouse from their home by playing the recording of desperate screams of mouse. It proved that mouse has emotion, too. So they have the feeling of the fear.


The emotions of Humankind might be much richer than that of mice. Such as, anticipationgreedhopeenvydesirelove,fearshamerepulsioncontentmentanxietyhappinessprideguiltjealousyangersadnessdistresssurprise. Therefore, the enriched social environment would be much effective for the treatment of human disease than that of did on mice.

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2.2. Magical effect of the will


August 27 2010, an article of Man with 'Locked-in' syndrome makes amazing recovery said that a massive stroke victim man, Graham Miles who was once diagnosed with 'locked-in syndrome' that caused him paralyzed from head to toe besides his eyelids, even hard to breath in 1993, but now he is able to talk, walk, drive and even took up motor racing. He made amazing recovery after being 'left to die' by medical staff.


“‘There is no medical explanation for what I've achieved. As far as I know no one has taken their motor function as far as I have,’ he said.” “I remember thinking how strange it was that I wasn’t in total panic and despair. I had a major problem and I knew I had to deal with it and that was my main focus.” He said that “his first instinct was simply to survive.”

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I was determined to get some feeling back in my body. I concentrated on my big toe. I closed my eyes and willed it to move. One day, after about three or four months, it flickered.” Once I had made that initial breakthrough I started working on different parts of my body. Toes first, then fingers.” “I took my first steps on a Zimmer frame about five or six months after my stroke.”


The brain isn't totally understood – apparently there is a lot of extra capacity in it and it seems as though I've found some of it.” He said: “This has been our argument again and again – the fact that someone has a disability does not mean that they will not improve.”


The self-recovery of Graham Miles proved that psychological activity could influence the process of physiological activity and impact the process of human disease deterioration or recovery.

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Thanks Mr. Graham Miles, his unordinary perseverance convinced us that our life is self controllable. We are what we thought, and we are what we believed. Health can be created by our self positive action.


This not only reminds me of a famous phrase of Samuel Johnson: “Great works are performed, not by strength, but perseverance.” Mr. Graham Miles had touched the hand of death, but he self-struggled back from a fully paralyzed of 'left to die' state with his strong willpower of perseverance. His spirit gives us a strong inspiration. If we could be perseverance as him, we would self-recover variety of diseases because most of patients are stronger and clearer in physical strength and mind than that of he ever had. It is also effective in daily life. Any miracle could be created with perseverance, no matter how weak we may be.


I had a hazy idea for writing this an article about relationship of psychology and health from the medical thought of seven third in psychotherapy and three third in medication for a long time. It is Mr. Graham Miles made my vision became clear. His success acted as poured water to make the flower bud flowering.


2.3. Placebo is effective in 50% or 60% subjects


December 24, 1955, H. K. Beecher published his paper, The Powerful Placebo. He evaluated 15 clinical trials concerned with different diseases and found that 35% of 1,082 patients were satisfactorily relieved by a placebo alone.

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Other studies have since calculated the placebo effect as being even greater than Beecher claimed. For example, studies have shown that placebos are effective in 50 or 60 percent of subjects with certain conditions, e.g., ‘pain, depression, some heart ailments, gastric ulcers and other stomach complaints.’ And, as effective as the new psychotropic drugs seem to be in the treatment of various brain disorders, some researchers maintain that there is not adequate evidence from studies to prove that the new drugs are more effective than placebos.”


May 7, 2002, the article, Against Depression, a Sugar Pill Is Hard to Beat said that compared with the herbal remedy St. John's wort against Zoloft. St. John's wort fully cured 24 percent of the depressed people, who received it, and Zoloft cured 25 percent -- but the placebo fully cured 32 percent.

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In the view of placebos’ curative effect, some people even said, the placebo effect is the healing force of nature that published on The Cancer Journal - Volume 8, Number 2, March-April 1995.


2.4. Laughter elevate the activity of NK cell


December 2001, a report that researchers of Japan found the elevation of natural killer cell activity induced by laughter in a crossover designed study by measuring the natural killer cell activity before and after watching films, presenting 75-min comic film and non-emotional control film on different days to the same 21 healthy male subjects.


China has ancient sayings: One time laugh gains ten years younger. A clown into the city wins over a dozen doctors. It means that laugh can improve health.

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2.5. Music affects brain, mood and mind.


A report, what Are the Benefits of Classical Music on the Brain? Said that: “According to the Stanford study ‘The Rewards of Music Listening: Response and Physiological Connectivity of the Mesolimbic System,’ listening to classical music provides physiological rewards. Blood flow increases to several brain areas, activating autonomic, cognitive, and emotional centers, while another area of the brain releases dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that, among other things, affects mood and the ability to feel pleasure. This dopamine release, occurring as the other brain areas interact, allows a heightened sense of well-being." "This benefit of listening to classical music has implications for our understanding of disorders such as depression and bipolarity and schizophrenia, says the study's authors.”

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Following are some articles about the positive effects of music:


1. Using Music to Change Your Mood.

2. You are what you listen to.

3. Psychological effect of music and songs

4. How music affects the brain, mood and mind.

5. How music can change the way you think and affect your brain.

6. Seven Ways Music Influences Mood.


2.5.1. A vegetative state boy was being waken up


13th Oct 2010, there was a report, a vegetative state boy wake up in China.

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Yang Yang, a 12 years old boy who is an outstanding student at a primary school China, he plays badminton every day after school in a gym.


Aug 11 2010, a 31℃ hot day.The gym was too hot to breathe. After 2.5 hours training, Yang Yang suddenly collapsed with persistent seizures. Hospital saved his life, but due to severe heat stroke caused the damage in his nervous system, cardiovascular system, etc. He suffered hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy into unconscious state. Although, Aug 24 he opened the eyes, but there was no response on dangling hands.

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"He was breathing, his heart was beating, and there was hope still." His parents cheered them self.


Yang Yang prefers the song of Michael Jackson and the fairy tales. So his mother played the recording every day and soliloquy talking to him.


His classmates often came to see him, due to the fear of cross infection, his teacher made the recording of his classmates’ talk to him, and then his mother played to him every day.


Sep 8, Yang Yang got hyperbaric oxygen therapy as usual, he suddenly laugh out when heard the joke made by a patient girl. Sep 11, Yang Yang has gotten response in his eyes; he saw his father and mother. Sep 25, he called out Mom and Dad. Now, he can make exchanges with his Mom and Dad, also think of some English words and mathematical formulas. He will discharge from hospital soon.

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His doctor said that the recovery of vegetable state caused by trauma is faster. However, the recovery as Yang Yang caused by hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy usually is very difficult. It is very rare that he can restore so well in less than two months. The parents of Yang Yang talked and played the recording to him every day has played significant therapeutic role for his recovery.


2.5.2. Singing awaken the hearts of the juvenile delinquents


If we take the offenders as suffers of the mental disease, so, the music is the best psychiatrist or medication for them. Here is a pleasant proof.


The Children and Young Women's Chorus of the China National Symphony Orchestra is a world-renowned Chorus with many international awards. Only one time in Italy 1996, they achieved four awards.

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The conductors, Professor Yang explained that, the art of the music is the art of the soul, the singing is sincerely, and only the pure soul could sing the songs of purity. In turn, singing could also purify human soul. The kids in the Chorus would form a right aesthetic philosophy and naturally get a capacity to distinguish between the right and wrong. Their lofty moral and healthy personality naturally formed, too.


He said, there was statistics that among the children who are learning music or studied music, the crime rate is the lowest, almost is zero, and no matter is abroad or domestic. For 25 years, I never heard the deviant or guilty of the kid who has once studied in our Chorus.

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He said, in abroad, as long as there is time, we would sing for those who in nursing homes and orphanages. Once in Taiwan, we sang to the juvenile prisoners who were only about 16-year-old youths. They squatted and bowed their bald shaved-head toward the floor deeply. When listened to our singing, they were all in tearful. Enlightened by that, the prison also bought a piano and organized a Chorus for young prisoners. At that time, the news also reported this event with the title of Beijing children singers’ singing awaken the hearts of the juvenile delinquents.


From above, I have an idea that singing and chorus can be used as a means of educating our children to naturally promote their lofty moral and healthy personality. Kids are our future. It is significant for the restoration of our social moral.

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2.5.3. Laughter CD for Depression on Sale in Austria


Nov 28, 2002, there was a report that Laughter CD for Depression on Sale in Austria. “The CD is a 20-minute compilation of what the makers describe as "infectious laughter and motivation-boosting statements by celebrities."” "The process of bringing depressed people out of this despondency has to be a slow and sensitive one. We have found a laugh is infectious. It can lift somebody out of a deep depression, even if it is only for a little while--but it's a good start," Said, Dr. Hermann Koutek of Austrian society for depression-related illnesses that founded 2 years ago to provide help and information on depression-related illnesses.


2.5.4. Music makes you feel happy by releasing dopamine


Jan 10, 2011, a new study from The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro at McGill University have found that the pleasurable experience of listening to music can induce the brain to release dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain important for more tangible pleasures associated with rewards such as food, drugs and sex.


A novel combination of PET and fMRI brain imaging techniques, revealed that dopamine release is greater for pleasurable versus neutral music, and that levels of release are correlated with the extent of emotional arousal and pleasurability ratings. Dopamine is known to play a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining behavior that is biologically necessary.”


“The team at The Neuro measured dopamine release in response to music that elicited “chills”, changes in skin conductance, heart rate, breathing, and temperature that were correlated with pleasurability ratings of the music. ‘Chills’ or ‘musical frisson’ is a well established marker of peak emotional responses to music.”


2.6. Caffeine can reduce the risk of cancers


Researches have shown that Coffee and tea has the effect to reduce the risk of cancers. Scientists always try to explain the therapeutic mechanisms from antioxidant or gene with ignoring the psychological factors on diseases treatment. Such as:


The significant effect that moderate amounts of caffeine can lift drinker’s mood and give drinker a boost.

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Japanese researchers announced that the people who drinks large amount of coffee will reduce the risk of cancer on head, neck, pharynx and oral cavity at the meeting of the Japanese Cancer Society in Osaka City in Sep. 22 2010. Japanese scientist explained mechanism, maybe is that the antioxidant in coffee has reduced the risk of cancer through preventing the damage of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) after the oxidation of intracellular substances.


I think that the mood boosting role of caffeine and tea can not only take therapeutic effect but also can take preventive effect on great many diseases.

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2.7. Stress Causes Everything


Jan 8 2008, a report, that a study of crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics has revealed the mechanisms underlying the connection between the stress and diseases. It said: “that stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer.”


Thousands years ago, Chinese people have found that disease treatment is seven tenth in psychotherapy, only three tenth in medication. The wisdom of ancient China well matched with the modern researches.


Until 1977, George Engel coined the biopsychosocial modela general theory of illness and healing, which considered social and psychological factors associating with the physical diseases.

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2.8. Social pressure induce diseases


Sept. 4, 2008, there are report that, 1 in 20 Americans depressed. However, in Oct 1 2010, CDC website updated with a report that new data show nearly 1 in 10 U.S. adults report current depression.


In a two years period, the number of depressed people was doubled in United States. The development of the depression was well matched with the development of the Financial crisis 2008 because that time bombs[1].[2]were bombing intensely in the late 2008 and early 2009 due to that “Economies worldwide slowed during this period as credit tightened and international trade declined.” At that time, the financial crisis has spread world widely, if estimate the potential sufferer world widely, the figure would be terrible high according to the proportion of depressed people in U.S..

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    The report of CDC started with a sad comment that “Depression can adversely affect the course and outcome of commonchronic conditions, such as arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Depression also can result in increased work absenteeism, short-term disability, and decreased productivity.”

 3.0. Physical Activities Enhance Health


3.1. A 20 years study shows running slows the aging clock

3.2. Physical training can increase natural killer cell activity.

3.3. Running increase the Erythrocyte Immune Function

3.4. Exercise improve the number and function of NK cell

3.5. Running jogs memory by creating new brain cells

3.6. Jogging is good for the mind

3.7. Behavior Jogging for the Mind

3.8. Exercise can work as antidepressants

3.9. Jogging - The Best Cure to Depression

3.10. Exercise grows a healthy heart

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3.1. A 20 years study shows running slows the aging clock


Aug. 11, 2008, a report, Running slows the aging clock Stanford researchers find said “Regular running slows the effects of aging, according to a new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine that has tracked 500 older runners for more than 20 years. Elderly runners have fewer disabilities, a longer span of active life and are half as likely as aging nonrunners to die early deaths, the research found.”


In 1984, Fries’ team began tracking 538 runners over age 50, comparing them to a similar group of nonrunners. The subjects, now in their 70s and 80s, have answered yearly questionnaires about their ability to perform everyday activities such as walking, dressing and grooming, getting out of a chair and gripping objects. The researchers have used national death records to learn which participants died, and why. Nineteen years into the study, 34 percent of the nonrunners had died, compared to only 15 percent of the runners.

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“At the beginning of the study, the runners ran an average of about four hours a week. After 21 years, their running time declined to an average of 76 minutes per week, but they were still seeing health benefits from running.” “Runners’ initial disability was 16 years later than nonrunners,’” Fries said. “By and large, the runners have stayed healthy.”


“Not only did running delay disability, but the gap between runners’ and nonrunners’ abilities got bigger with time.”  “The gap between runners and nonrunners continues to widen even as the subjects entered their ninth decade of life. The effect was probably due to runners’ greater lean body mass and healthier habits in general.”


“But so far, the effect of running on delaying death has also been more dramatic than the scientists expected. Not surprisingly, running has slowed cardiovascular deaths. However, it has also been associated with fewer early deaths from cancer, neurological disease, infections and other causes.

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3.2. Physical training can increase natural killer cell activity.


Japan 1999: Physical training can augment plasma catecholamines and natural killer cell activity. The results got by a experiment of 10-week exercise training period on physical fitness and plasma catecholamine concentration at rest. And on natural killer cell activity in young healthy untrained females, subjects (20-22 years old, N=16) carried out physical training by a protocol which consisted of treadmill jogging at a work-intensity of 50% of their VO2max, two hours a day three times a week for ten weeks.


3.3. Running increase the Erythrocyte Immune Function


China 1999: 25 healthy males were 21.28 ± 0.89 years old, moderate speed running for 10 minutes five times a week in the morning. Before and after each running, immediately examine the RBC immune function. The results showed that after running the C3b receptor rosette (RBC-C3bRR) and the immune complex rosette rate (RBC-ICR) of red blood cells was significantly higher than that of before running (P<0.01), It indicate that running could improve the ability of immune adherence of red blood cell to enhance the red blood cell immunity.

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3.4. Exercise improve the number and function of NK cell


U.S. 1996: Healthy male (n = 32) and female (n = 32) subjects were randomly assigned to an exercise or control condition. Exercise involved a continuous incremental protocol consisting of cycling for three periods of 6 min at work rates corresponding to 55%, 70% and 85% peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak). Blood samples were drawn at baseline, at 6 min, 12 min and 18 min during exercise, and at 2 h following completion of exercise. The results indicate that short-duration low-intensity exercise can significantly increase NK cell number and activity. However, alterations in NK cell number are not accompanied by changes of a similar magnitude in NKCA.


3.5. Running jogs memory by creating new brain cells


Britain 2010: Two groups of mice, one which had unlimited access to a running wheel in average of 15 miles (24 km) a day while the other did not. After a few days left alone, they put both groups of mice through a series of memory tests on a computer screen.

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The screen displayed two identical squares side by side, and if they nudged the one on the left with their nose they received a sugar pellet reward, while the one on the right yielded nothing. The mice that had been running were almost twice as successful as those in the control group at picking the correct square.


At the start of the test, the squares were 30 cm apart, but got closer and closer until they were almost touching. The big difference was seen in this stage. The sedentary mice got steadily worse. The scientists also tried to wrong-foot the mice by switching the square that produced a food reward but the running mice were quicker to catch on when scientists changed them around.


Tissue samples taken from the dentate gyrus part of the rodents’ brain, one of the few regions that can grow new cells on corresponding area of human adult brain, revealed that the running mice had grown fresh grey matter during the experiment. On average 6,000 new brain cells had been created.

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The report also mentioned: “The Cambridge researchers joined forces with colleagues at the U.S. National Institute on Ageing in Maryland to investigate the effect of running. A few days of running led to the growth of hundreds of thousands of new brain cells that improved the ability to recall memories without confusing them, a skill that is crucial for learning and other cognitive tasks, researchers said.”


3.6. Jogging is good for the mind  


Germany 2005: 30 people jogging twice a week for 30 minutes and then tested them for mental improvements.


They found that while their memory for numbers remained much the same, but their ability to recall images and complete visual tasks, such as map work, had dramatically improved.

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Halfway through the experiment the researchers split the team of joggers, with one group continuing to run. Those who had stopped jogging started to make far more mistakes than those who continued.


3.7. Behavior Jogging for the Mind


U.S. 1978: California Psychiatrist Thaddeus Kostrubala, who for five years has practiced psychotherapy while jogging alongside his patients. Jogging, he says, makes people more talkative and breaks down the social barrier between a know-it-all therapist and a passive patient. But Kostrubala, a veteran marathoner and author of The Joy of Running, has a stronger reason for conducting his running dialogues: he thinks jogging is itself a form of therapy. So far he has trained two "running therapists" and claims some success in using jogging as a treatment for depression, drug addiction and schizophrenia. Says he: "I think this is a new and powerful way of reaching the unconscious."

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3.8. Exercise can work as antidepressant


U.S. 2000: Scientists at Duke University Medical Center tested exercise against Zoloft, and found the ability of either -- or a combination of the two -- to reduce or eliminate symptoms were about the same. They found that exercise seemed to do a better job of keeping symptoms from coming back after the depression lifted. The patients in this study had been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. This report followed earlier research in which 156 adult volunteers had taken part in a four-month comparison of exercise, Zoloft or a combination. The exercise primarily consisted of brisk walking, stationary bike riding, or jogging for 30 minutes, plus a 10-minute warm-up and 5-minute cool-down, three times a week.

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3.9. Jogging - The Best Cure to Depression


January 03, 2009: “Depressed patients who have done regular exercise had a better result compared to other patients who just relied on the traditional psychological medications. Patients who had done their regular exercise were found to have gained more self confidence, more happiness and a feeling of accomplishment.” “In another study, it was proven that regular walking improves memory and good judgment of the older persons.”


“What is the scientific explanation to this positive result you might ask? The doctors explained that exercise increases blood flow to the brain which provides more oxygen. Exercise also reduces brain salt ratios which improves the patient's mood. This is based on the proven fact that physical exercises produce sweating and over urination resulting into the reduction of salt content in the blood. Endorphin, which is a chemical compound the brain, produces while doing exercise improves the psychological condition of a person and makes him more optimistic.”

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3.10. Exercise grows a healthy heart


Dec 23, 2010, a report, researchers of Harvard Medical School found “that exercise turns on a genetic program that leads the heart to grow as heart muscle cells divide. It appears that shift in activity is driven in part by a single transcription factor (a gene that controls other genes). That gene, known as C/EBPb, was known to play important roles in other parts of the body.”


“Researchers say. The new evidence gives important biological insights into the heart’s potential for regeneration of muscle.”


4.0. The limitation of Reductionism


In the process of medical development, such as, Gene Therapy, synthetic drugs, vaccine, etc., we have cheered a great many times for the bloom of hopeful flowers. However, many of them are good-looking but clinical role were far less than expected, some of them even played a role as killer and caused many withdrawals. Why do these happen? The inducer was the philosophy –Reductionism. It originally attempts to simplify the things; however, things will develop in the opposite direction when they are being made extreme. It have been leading medical researches much complicated than that of Holism and misleading us to treat disease in ignoring the human life being alive under the uncontrollable influences especially psychological one. The synthetic drugs have been falling into a vicious circle of killing patients then withdrawal, although the majority of them were being killed on the way of developing already when being found malformed in the womb.

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4.1. Antipsychotics cause heart attack

4.2. Synthetic drugs kill Children

4.3. Surveillance Therapy


4.1. Antipsychotic cause heart attack: August 08 2010, a report that Newer Antipsychotics Have Same Increased Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death as Older Ones.


4.2.. Synthetic drugs kill Children: Feb. 28, 2009, a report, UK authorities ordered for more than 60 popular over-the-counter medicines, some specifically labeled for children, will be marked with warnings that they must not be given to children under six and are not recommended for under-12s after dozens of British children who took the medicine died.

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I wonder if there are any synthetic drugs still available for children Flu in Britain. Are there any alternatives available? Parents could only anxiously watch their beloved-child suffering the fever and cough,do nothing? This reminds me of another strange medical project.


4.3. Surveillance Therapy: Sep. 13, 2007, the Canadian Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute of Canada announced a large, multi-year international study called Surveillance Therapy Against Radical Treatment trial to try to help hundreds of thousands of men diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. They recruited 2,130 newly diagnosed patients with low-risk prostate cancer in Canada, the United States, England and Europe. They hoped that Surveillance Therapy would solve one of the thorniest dilemmas in prostate cancer care because those current therapies have made some patients condition deteriorated quickly.

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The project is too cruel. A people already knew suffering cancer, but dare not touch it. It is a challenge for patients’ willpower? Some of them may be defeated psychologically. However, this is a painful choice because there is no ideal therapy available.


Why do we step into such a dire medical situation? Is it that scientists do not work hard? Is it the misleading ofReductionism? Or is something else? We should reflect more beyond the medical issue.


Why do we have ability to develop the weapons of mass destruction to destroy our self many times without ability to develop a method to treat prostate cancer?


Why do we have money to research for killing life without enough money to research for saving life?


We should seriously consider that what is the root of those cruel unexpected happening easily?

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Maybe you think that I have digressed from the main topic. However, as an influence factors for our health, the social issue is important part that can not be ignored, because that human health is closely related with the influence of the environment of natural, economical and political. Any unexpected social problems that can cause psychological pressure are the inducement of diseases, which any amount of charitable donations can not help. I will try to discuss it in other article later.

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5.0. Viewing Human Life as Emotional Alive


5.1. Integrated Therapy

5.2. Treatment of the AIDS

5.3. Persistent vegetable state

5.4. Wounds healing

5.5. Severe flu

5.6. Psychotic

5.7. Anti Aging


Old and new findings have clearly demonstrated that psychological activity is the integral part of human life and playing a significant role in affecting people healthy enjoying life. It closely involves the process of disease development, in which the positive one can promote health with therapeutic effect and the negative one can adverse health with pathogenic effect.


In medical practice, we should well play these features. Such as, positive psychological could be used in diseases treatment, it would be able to act as good medication to cure diseases with full of humanity in respecting patients. It would be a promising therapeutic approach with the potential to pave a new medical boulevard that will be able to treat wider range of disease. But the prerequisite is that we must view human life as emotional alive based on the Holism.

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Here, I dare boldly predict that we can cure the cancer patient without any medications. However, no one can cure a cancer patient, a patient who lost the positive psychology by giving up the desire for survival. Obviously, it indicates that, in the process of some disease treatment, compared with the psychological factors, the synthetic drugs may just play an auxiliary role.


5.1. Integrated Therapy


Above I have pointed out so many shortcomings about Reductionism. I do not mean to shoot it to die. I appreciate the dialectical ways of looking at every thing, but do not appreciate the dogmatic ways of one-sided looking. Reductionism has its rational core that can not be replaced. We should better play its role with the part of its reasonable by trying to avoid the part of irrational.

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In medical practice, System biology is to make a general integrated analysis for the research results on subdivided components based on the Reductionism, such as, cells, protein, and genes….. Holism is working from a much extensive macro scope based on the above two by integrating with the psychological factors and natural medicinal materials. Therefore, System biologyReductionism and Holism are the inseparable three brothers. “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” Only when they are working together, we can see clear the nature of human life and comprehensively understand the generation and recovery of the diseases to achieve a significant effect than that of any of them being used individually. Here Holism should take leading position with a wider scope of vision, especially the consideration of emotional factors that the other two are not considered.

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Western Medicine, Chinese medicine or other therapeutic methods are all the valuable fruits of human civilization. We should treat them all with equal attitude of respecting because they are the experiences that some one had paid by blood or even life, which have reduced the banes that we may be suffered today.

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So called is a general thought that intends arousing public to pay attention on psychological factors in medical and social activities. In medical practices, it should be focusing on that, by integrating existing therapies, such as, Western medicine, Chinese medicine, emotion lifting activities (music, chatting, comedies, social activities) and proper physical exercises (jogging, walking), etc. to form an Integrated Therapy. With their potentiating synergistic effect achieves a more powerful therapeutic approach to be used to treat a wider range of diseases. Such as:


5.2. Treatment of AIDS

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Integrating the diet supplements, psychological factors, and physical exercises into the process of AIDS’ treatment, it may be called as HIV Nature Therapy because it is not directly focusing on the main cause - HIV at all.


5.2.1. Treatment method

5.2.2. Chinese drugs

5.2.3. Prevention of AIDS

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5.2.1. Treatment method


Besides controlling the HIV by synthetic drugs (if it is available), by using diet supplements to treat each uncomfortable symptom of the patients, such as, fatigue, skin itching, throat discomfort, appetite loss, diarrhea, etc., to improve their physical strength and life quality, thereby to reverse their desperate mood, rebuild their confidence for survival and positive psychology. This way will achieve following effects:


Firstly, it is to return patients a normal life as much as possible physically, psychologically and socially, thereby seeking a long-term peaceful coexistence with HIV in the situation without radical treatment available currently.

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Secondly, it is most important that we could reverse the people's psychological despair for AIDS. Since, I guess, that most of HIV infected are overwhelmed by psychological fear rather than the HIV itself. Once psychological fear is being eliminated, the patients would regain their optimistic psychology and thereby regaining their vitality. With diet supplements, social activities, and physical exercises to restore their immunity gradually, we may finally defeat the HIV in a roundabout way.


5.2.2. Chinese drugs


Chinese drugs called as diet supplements in North America. I can design this kind formula with added effects of inhibiting HIV replication and enhancing immune function without negative effect.

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Indeed, some of HIV vaccine is focusing on the restoration of damaged immune system. It can be superseded by Chinese drugs and will achieve better result with lesser side effect. More hopeful is that, in China, scientists have carried out anti-HIV vitro screening for more than 800 Chinese drugs, in which more than 100 showed positive anti-HIV role. Chinese drugs have demonstrated significant therapeutic effects in each phase of HIV/AIDS development, and there were some reports of cured cases already.

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Intermittent antiretroviral medication was successful on some bold AIDS patients by self trial and caused the interest of researchers. If we use it by integrating with Chinese medicine, it would be much effective,.


Sep. 22 2010, Chinese health officials said: since 2001 signed "United Nations Millennium Declaration", Chinese government made arduous efforts to fulfill its commitments. Now China's AIDS infection rates and mortality rates are falling down. I think this has the contribution of Chinese medicine.


About the magic therapeutic mechanism of Chinese drugs I will introduce it in the section of .

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After physical strength being improved by Chinese drugs, we may encourage the patients to do some suitable activities physically and socially or even physical jobs to accelerate their recovery, which would be effective as that of medication.


Now discuss about how to prevent AIDS.


5.2.3 Prevention of AIDS


Firstly, it is to develop HIV-condom. This is most effective and fastest approach. Since the mesh on current condoms is too big to block the HIV in 100%, we need manufacturing new effective one?

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Secondly, it is further public popular for AIDS Knowledge. Since that many people might hear AIDS horrible, but how horrible is it? Some people might not really understand. Because that they never saw the true AIDS patients especially those who developed in terminal period with scary appearance. So make vivid video by recording the true life of them: emaciated bony body, pinched faces; the eyes were haggard and cavernous, just like the movable skeleton living under expensive medication with intolerable side effects. Even if this kind of medication now is facing interruption due to the shortage of donation. The video is better accompanied with the weak voice of patients: how they were infected, psychological feeling of regret for the ridiculous lifestyle before. The video patients should include sharing syringe drug abusers, people of promiscuity, etc.

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The facts of unconsciously being HIV infected under the bad lifestyle will strongly touch the nerve of audience and get strong psychological reaction. After watching this kind of video, who would not be scared? Who dares not self-protect carefully? The rate of HIV infected will decline significantly. The achievement of this job is as significant as the finding of any treatment approaches. Obviously, the video’s educational effect is at our fingertips while the other medications are unknown. Also many people would improve their lifestyle consciously, and the related criminal would be reduced too.

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5.3. Persistent vegetative state (PVS)


In China, a girl keeps in PVS for 5 year, however, when heard her father was injured she shed tears. From here, I associated that; the majority of unconscious PVS patients might have emotion. Besides being unable to move independently, the PVS patients should be similar to normal people in physiological activity although it may be very weak.


This provided a new possibility for treatments by Integrated Therapy. That is besides the medications of Chinese drugs and music, their family member or medical staffs, better is spouse or kids should talk to patients with giving them massage over the body, which would take the effect as social active . At the same time, ask the patient to move a part of the bogy by will as that of Mr. Graham Miles had succeeded.

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We may make some suitable equipment to help patients passively doing some physical exercise that can take the effect in similar as jogging or walking, thereby accelerate the generation of the brain cells or recover the damages on the body. The exercise equipment may be very simple, such as, 1. Vibration bed: the soft bed adds a roller below and makes the patients movement in a wave style along the body height direction. 2. Mark time machine help patients’ exercise in walking style, etc.


We may use Chinese medicine to accelerate the recovery. I can prepare this kind of Chinese drugs.


We must establish a clear consensus that we should never treat a patient who is in Vegetative State as a vegetative. We should never ignore their psychological feeling. We must treat them as disabled people with clear mind. This manner must be taken as main therapeutic measure on the top of any other therapies.


Here, I would like to express my sympathy to the patients and their families. The dark will be past soon, and the dawn is coming. Let us say together: Thank you Mr. Graham Miles, thank you the researchers of Ohio State University, thanks for making us re-understand our life and a new therapeutic potential.

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5.4. Wounds Healing


There were report that in United States, deadly superbugs kills soldiers and causes to amputate limbs among troops wounded in Iraq[1].[2].[3].[4].[5].[6].[7]. Because have no effective antibiotics against mystery super-bugs - Acinetobacter baumannii. The terrible reality is forcing us to look for new solution besides seeking for new version antibiotic.


There is report that Chinese drugs can make suture removal in 1 or 2 days after abdominal surgery rather than that of 1 week conventionally. Wound fat liquefaction scarred over in 3 hours with one time external sprinkling drug powder, which happened when my younger brother’s hipbone fractured in a car accident 12 years ago. I prepared the drug powder by smashing several Chinese herbs. Following is a photo took in 3 years ago.

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The wider white is the area of fat liquefaction


For being unbelievably shortened heeling process, the only logical explanation is that Chinese drugs have changed therecognized wounds healing process. The significant support is that modern studies have shown that some of Chinese drugs have significant promoting effect on wounds healing with both medicinal and nutritional properties. Such as, restoring the blood circulation, improving the nutritional supply, improving the immune function, increasing the fibronectin, increasing the basic fibroblast growth factor, enhancing the collagen synthesis, promoting wound’s acidification, promoting the proliferation of the granulation tissue cells, improving the fibroblasts function, increasing the wound contraction materials. Chinese drugs can restore the original appearance by reducing the extra scar formation and the color precipitates.

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Therefore, Chinese drugs can accelerate the wounds healing from multi-aspect. Maybe,we can establish a new therapeutic concept on wounds healing. That is regardless of the superbugs, by using Chinese drugs to enhance the immune defense ability and accelerate the regeneration of wounds tissue to kill bacteria by destroying their living environment to reach the curative outcome that antibiotics cannot achieve. It may be called as Wound Natural Therapy. In this way, above superbug infected soldiers would be cured easily without amputating limbs.


Please bury the fear for superbugs and forget it forever by taking the Integrated Therapy.

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I have an idea that sprinkles the Chinese drugs powder on the wound immediately after injury or surgery to promote the wound scarred as fast as possible to avoid being infected. For those after operation, will shorten the time afterward medications and restore original appearance. For those needing further operation will be helpful from not being infected before getting a suitable treatment.


5.5. Severe Flu


SARS: During the outbreak of SARS in 2003 in China, among 5326 were confirmed SARS cases, 3104 were treated by Western Medicine integrating Chinese Medicine. The wonderful therapeutic effect of Chinese drugs is manifested.

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1. Relieve fever and shorten the duration.        

2. Improve weakness, breath shortness, dry cough and clinical symptoms of poisoning.

3. Eliminate the toxicity and the negative effects of Western drug, such as steroid in large doses use.

4. Help to reduce the amount of use of hormones.

5. Improve hematopoietic function and hypoxic conditions.

6. Protect the organs function and avoid organs failure.

7. Reduce the systemic complications.                  

8. Promote the absorption of inflammation to avoid the bad sequels. Such as the femoral head necrosis, which the causes are still in debating, one is SARS virus, and another one is the use of glucocorticoids in large dose.

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As a result, no one was dead in the group of intervening with Chinese drugs.

 AH1N1 flu: According to the massive clinical statistics of mainland China on the treatment of A H1N1 flu, the successful experience is that, if the treatment focuses on each symptom of the patient and improves their physical condition by Chinese drugs besides the use of Western drugs. The number of developing into the critical condition and death was largely reduced. 

Obviously, above method can be used in the Flu treatment for children in Britain. Also we do can develop Flu drugs according to above experience by cheaper Chinese drugs with lesser negative effect.

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5.6. Psychotics 

A mental disorder that is sensitive to psychological factors, and MRI scan showed that heavy atrophy happened on sufferrer's brain with continuous deteriorations.  

 Many cases have showed that the most psychotic sufferers are the genius youth and psychological stress plays an important role for their onset [1] [2] [3]. I think that is because the speed of thinking of genius brain is much faster than that of normal brain, so that under the same psychological pressure, the negative impact is stronger for genius youth than that of normal one, thereby the impairment on gifted brain is much heavier than that of normal one. The damage may induce mental disorders. On other hand, the untalented youth are rare to take the challenging tasks; therefore, they have lesser chance to suffer heavy psychological stress.

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I have an experience of calling back the emotion of a 35 years old male who was 10 years in psychotic state in emotionless and making him act as normal as before by Chinese drugs in one week and willingly went to school in months later. I am sure that Chinese drugs have restored the damaged brain because I selected Chinese drugs are focusing on the regeneration of brain cells. I believe that treat psychotic by the Integrated Therapy would be easier as same as treating a common Flu with added benefit of preventing the side effects of heart attack or diabetes by antipsychotic. 

The most significance that Chinese drugs can return a normal life for psychotic is not only can build up the positive psychology for sufferers but also can build up a new consensus for public, which is that schizophrenia is not a refractory disease at all. The psychotic symptom is a clear sign of the talented brain with outstanding creative ability; they can be rescued and able to exert their talent again. Patients and their families should not worry about the damage to their reputation and thereby evading from the society. Those worries have very bad affect on the recovery and the normal life of psychotics and their families.

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Chinese drugs may take as psychotic prevention for all gifted youths without identifying with the ’ultra high risk’ (UHR), when they facing some foreseen psychological pressure, such as examination, competing, etc. they can take it ahead to reduce their negative reaction on stress thereby reduce the psychotic incidence to help them passing the high psychotic risk period when their brain rapidly developing.

 Chinese drugs are different with synthetic drugs. They are the diet supplements. For the healthy body they take the effect of enhancing the physical strength, only for the sick body they take the medicinal effect.

 Here I would like to mention that a documentary of the Discovery Channel, Schizophrenia Stolen Lives Stolen Minds has introduced some psychotic sufferers.

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Sean, a British young man, his talent had let him enter an England top art school and designed an award winning logo at his 20, and then his challenging job, such as task deadline made him into psychotic state. He strongly hopes to return to normal. His older twin brother Stephen worried very much about that he has high chance to get the same illness as his younger brother’s.


John Forbes Nash, an American professor, a winner of Nobel Prize and being filmed as a warm welcomed movie - A Beautiful Mind. His younger son is a smart Dr. in Math. They are both psychotic sufferers as a convincing proofs that psychotic were associated closely with the talented brain. The father said, although he was not being hospitalized, however, he never stop to struggle to get rid of the interference from hallucinations and hardly try to turn back on normal thinking. I felt that he seems to be able to distinguish between reality and hallucinations already. This may be a kind of good result for some of patient. They can keep themselves in reality under hallucinations without manic to focus on their work. I hope that is true rather than a day dream.

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I have strong confidence to help them returning to normal with their talent together in weeks by pure natural Chinese drugs, at least reduce their manic feeling with a normal emotion – talkative, laughing, humorous, especially starting to plan for future, which is a driving force for being alive and the essential for further recovery.


5.7. Anti Aging


Everyone desires healthy longevity. However, currently aging is unpreventable. Now, I would like to take the sage - Warren Buffett as example to discuss how to delay the aging by Chinese medicine. I hope this does not cause his unpleasant since this is a kind of costless philanthropy and he is a protagonist.

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Most of us would agree that called Warren Buffett as a sage, and could point out many convincing reasons. Besides all of yours, my reason is that I did not find his records on harming the economy for seizing money although he does has the ability. A drop of water can reflect sunlight, and a tiny thing can reflect a person's kind nature. This is why that I eagerly take him as example without seeking his consent in advance, only express my apologies to him when hurriedly doing the trouble here. Another reason is that he is a person who is living under the flashlight, so that every one can think of him easily and understand the magic anti-aging effect of Chinese medicine easily.


No one doubts that Warren is healthier than that of most people in his age. According to my observation from his photos and videos, I think, he is in 80 years old age, 60 years old body with 40 years old mind, which benefited from his good lifestyle and positive psychology controlled by his willpower that is beyond most of us. In particular, he is not greedy. I mean…, I mean that he can resist the temptation of dainty, which is a difficult to be resisted for most of us.

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My focus here is not the above, but how a person as healthy as Warren can get benefit from Chinese drugs.


Human body is similar as a complex machine driving by emotions. It also needs regular maintenance, especially when aged. Besides the help of good lifestyle and positive psychology, Chinese medicine can maintain health and delay the aging process substantially:① Improving the immune function from the level of cellular and molecular.② Improve the elderly endocrine function.③ Renew damaged tissue.④ Restore aged organs.⑤Anti DNA damage and repair after injured.⑥Regulate the physiological index in normal range. Especially, some Chinese drugs can act as natural antioxidant to effectively scavenge free radical. Russian professor reveals the antioxidant can stop people from getting old.

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I dared say that Warren would be healthier with a much younger appearance, if he had regularly taken nutritional supplements made of Chinese drugs with my prescriptions. I tell you a secret that I had the prescriptions free for him already. As a return after his getting younger by taking my nutritional preparations, he has to consider my suggestions as following.


I had the preparations with Chinese drugs free for Warren Buffet already. As a requiting, after getting younger with more energy by taking my medicinal preparations, he is better to consider my suggestions as following with gained extra energy.


    Note: This paper is as a post following the article of Bill Gates. 

         Exciting News For HIV Prevention                        


As I mentioned in my speech to the XVIII International AIDS Conference on Monday, one promising area in the fight against HIV/AIDS is antiretroviral (ARV) -based prevention: pills, injections, and gels that contain the drugs now used for treatment.


And so it really was a privilege to be in Vienna when the incredibly exciting results of a new study were released. The Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in Africa (CAPRISA) microbicide trial, the first of a new generation of ARV-based microbicides, showed reduced risk of HIV and herpes infections in women. This is the first time that a microbicide has been found to be effective.


What makes this so important is that we are a big step further in putting HIV prevention in the hands of women, who account for the majority of HIV infections worldwide.


The CAPRISA microbicide is a topical gel that contains tenofovir—an antiretroviral drug widely used to treat HIV infections which women in the study inserted up to 12 hours before sex and soon after having sex for a maximum of two doses in 24 hours.


The tenofovir gel was found to be 39 percent effective in reducing a woman's risk of becoming infected with HIV during sex. The study also found that the microbicide is 51 percent effective in preventing genital herpes, important because women with genital herpes are at greater risk for HIV infection. Widespread use of the gel, at this level of protection, could prevent more than half a million new HIV infections in South Africa alone over the next ten years saving many lives.


The CAPRISA microbicide trial findings are an exciting advance for HIV prevention. They give us reason to be hopeful, not just for an effective microbicide, but also for other ARV-based prevention tools now in development. As with any promising new HIV prevention tool, we look forward to discussions on how we might collaborate with other funders to support projects to confirm and extend these findings.


I’m really glad I attended the conference this year. As I said in my speech, even as we advocate for more funding, we need to be much more efficient in our approaches for treatment and prevention. But there was tremendous energy in Vienna and I am optimistic that we can push ourselves to make the most of every dollar of funding, to identify the most effective ways to save lives, and to share what we learn as widely as possible.

                                      --- Bill Gates      July 22, 2010  

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