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Alain Delon perdure à jamais en tant qu\'acteur exceptionnel – m

(2023-08-21 19:22:03) 下一个


J'ai commencé à apprendre la langue française quand j'étais au collège, , où j'ai vu ses films et où j'ai été capturé par son personnage à l'écran. Alain Delon perdure à jamais en tant qu'acteur exceptionnel – mystérieux, captivant, charismatique et énergique, toujours incroyablement beau, intelligent, indubitablement très sûr de lui. L'héritage d'Alain Delon perdure en tant qu'acteur exceptionnel ayant laissé une empreinte inoubliable dans le cœur des cinéphiles du monde entier.


I began learning the French language when I was in college, where I watched his films and was captivated by his on-screen character. Alain Delon endures forever as an exceptional actor - mysterious, captivating, charismatic, and energetic, always incredibly handsome, intelligent, undoubtedly very self-assured. The legacy of Alain Delon lives on as an exceptional actor who has left an unforgettable mark in the hearts of cinema enthusiasts worldwide.

This videoclip of "Alain Delon: The Solitude of a Wildcat - One Day, One Destiny" delves into the multifaceted life and career of Alain Delon, to provides a poignant glimpse into the man behind the legend, highlighting his achievements, vulnerabilities, his relationships, controversies, and struggles, and the enduring legacy he has left on the world of film and beyond.

to english: Ces héros, qui peuplent la mémoire des amoureux du cinéma, ont en commun un visage, celui d'Alain Delon. Pour beaucoup, il reste figé dans cette image éternelle d'une beauté incandescente et ravageuse, celle d'une époque aussi. Les années n'ont tout de même pas effacé les aspérités, le caractère plus énigmatique de sa personnalité. Grâce à des images de jeunesse encore jamais dévoilées et aux témoignages de son frère Jean-François, de sa fille Anouchka mais aussi de l'une de ses premières amours, la comédienne Brigitte Auber, ce portrait révèle la face cachée d'un acteur et d'un homme. Un film de Laurent Allen-Caron Sur une idée originale de Laurent Delahousse Une production Magnéto

These heroes, who inhabit the memories of cinema enthusiasts, share a common face, that of Alain Delon. For many, he remains frozen in that eternal image of an incandescent and devastating beauty, emblematic of a bygone era. Nonetheless, the passage of years has not erased the nuances or the more enigmatic aspects of his personality. Through previously unrevealed youthful images and testimonials from his brother Jean-François, his daughter Anouchka, as well as one of his early loves, the actress Brigitte Auber, this portrait unveils the hidden side of an actor and a man.

A film by Laurent Allen-Caron Based on an original concept by Laurent Delahousse A Magnéto production

de rien: Un immense acteur ! C’est drôle parce que le hasard a voulu que les deux fois où sa compagne Rosalie a mis au monde Anouchka puis Fabien il c’est trouvé que dans la même clinique de Gien et bien il fut charmant avec le personnel médical mais le hasard des deux naissances de « nos enfants » respectifs (il y avais une chance sur des millions pour que cela puisse arriver et c’est arrivé » j’ai reçu un bouquet de fleurs magnifique et un courrier à mon retour de la maison. Je ne dirai pas qu’il n’est pas particulier la star immense du cinéma français qu’il est en fait un personnage particulier mais l’image de la froideur, de l’être imbu de sa personne est tellement surdimensionnée c’est un voisin discret ou du moins un voisin qui comme moi préserve sa tranquillité et par le fait la nôtre aussi mais un voisin courtois, agréable, un père attentionné et attentif à sa famille !

You're welcome: A tremendous actor! It's funny because fate had it that both times his companion Rosalie gave birth to Anouchka and then Fabien, it so happened that in the same Gien clinic, he was gracious with the medical staff. The coincidence of the births of "our respective children" (there was a one-in-a-million chance for that to happen, and it did) led to me receiving a magnificent bouquet of flowers and a letter upon my return home. I won't say that the immense French cinema star he is isn't a unique character. In fact, he is a unique character. But the image of coldness, of someone self-absorbed, is so exaggerated. He's actually a discreet neighbor or, at least, a neighbor who, like me, values his tranquility, and thereby ours too. He's a courteous neighbor, pleasant, a caring father who is attentive to his family!

prete a tete; @raoulduke6539 9 months ago J'adore Delon, personnage énigmatique et hors-norme, que beaucoup de gens critiquent, mais pas moi ! Alain, c'est Alain ! Delon a beaucoup fait du Delon, mais attention...quand on connait bien sa filmographie, sur près de 90 films ou plus, il est surtout exceptionnel dans quelques films : Plein Soleil, Rocco et Sès Frères, Le Samouraî, Le Clan des Siciliens, Attention Les Enfants Regardent, Doucement les Basses-rôle de curé comique à la Don Camillo- et surtout...Notre Histoire où Bertrand Blier lui offre un rôle à contre-rmploi, le rôle d'un garagiste alcoolique,qui lui vaudra le césar du meilleur acteur en 1984, loin des rôles de voyous ou de flics ! Delon, c'est Delon !

Ready to go; @raoulduke6539 9 months ago I adore Delon, an enigmatic and extraordinary character that many people criticize, but not me! Alain is simply Alain! Delon has done a lot of Delon, but be careful... when you know his filmography well, out of nearly 90 films or more, he truly excels in only a handful: Plein Soleil, Rocco and His Brothers, Le Samouraï, Le Clan des Siciliens, Attention Les Enfants Regardent, Doucement les Basses - a comedic priest role à la Don Camillo - and above all... Notre Histoire where Bertrand Blier offers him a role against type, that of an alcoholic mechanic. This role earned him the César Award for Best Actor in 1984, a departure from his usual roles as gangsters or cops!

Delon, he's just Delon!

@master_of_hardcore 8 months ago (edited) Il restera , pour moi , celui qui a permis à Romy Schneider d'être Romy Schneider . Il en parle souvent , à été présent dans les moments douloureux de la vie de Romy Schneider , présent quand elle a rejoins son fils , il a fait re-découvrir Romy Schneider , dans les années 60 , quand elle l'avait fait découvrir , dans les années 50 . ( la seule évocation que je retiens d'Alain Delon , c'est Romy Schneider)

@master_of_hardcore 8 months ago (edited) For me, he will always be the one who allowed Romy Schneider to be Romy Schneider. He often speaks about it, was present during the painful moments of Romy Schneider's life, there when she reunited with her son. He reintroduced Romy Schneider in the 60s, just as he had introduced her in the 50s. (The only association I have with Alain Delon is Romy Schneider)

@lojembove9934 2 months ago (edited) Très beau documentaire sur Delon. En regardant le film le battant, je m'étais arrêté sur lui, lorsqu'il sort de la prison et s'arrête pour s'allumer une cigarette ... Il allume sa cigarette en jetant un regard autour de lui à la Delon. Puis, continue à marcher longeant le mur de l'enceinte carcérale. En l'observant bien, je ressentais bien qu'il y avait du vécu là-derrière tout ça. Pas qu' un jeu d'acteur mais bel et bien, sa véritable nature, sa véritable vie qu'il nous partageait sur nos petits ou grands écrans. C'était à une époque où internet n'existait pas encore et où, on lisait pas tout et n'importe quoi sur les Stars. De nos jours, les Stars ne peuvent plus faire quelque chose sans être jugées et cataloguées par des gens envieux, jaloux et autres choses. Je retiendrai le meilleur de Delon. C'est à dire un acteur mystérieux et captivant à la fois. Un acteur charmismatique , énergique et capable d'interpréter à merveille Zorro et puis, regarder Gabin avant de passer à la guillotine. Passer d'un homme assuré à un homme qui doute de tout. C'était et ça restera Delon, l'acteur tragédien. Un ténor du cinéma français ! 7 Reply @tizianosavino7523 @tizianosavino7523 2 hours ago Ça doit être horrible, tout le monde meurs,et lui reste, même Ari, j'imagine qu'il doit rêver de ne pas se réveiller le matin,non la vie continue ! C'est un être à part ! Aussi incroyable que la vie est dure, il est acharné a la vie comme les félins ! Reply @lydieseibel912 @lydieseibel912 2 months ago C’est un excellent acteur, il a toujours été très beau, intelligent, sans aucun doute très imbu de lui-même et qui pourrait honnêtement le lui reprocher? Cet homme est un mythe vivant! De ses derniers films mon préféré reste LE RETOUR DE CASANOVA!

@lojembove9934 2 months ago (edited) A truly beautiful documentary about Delon. While watching the film "Le Battant," I was drawn to a particular scene where he exits the prison and stops to light a cigarette. As he lights it, he casts a Delon-esque glance around him. He continues walking along the prison wall. Observing closely, I could sense that there was real life experience behind it all. It wasn't just acting, but truly his authentic nature, his real life that he shared with us on our screens, big and small. This was a time before the internet, when we didn't read every little thing about the stars. Nowadays, celebrities can't do anything without being judged and labeled by envious and jealous people. I will remember the best of Delon – the mysterious and captivating actor. A charismatic and energetic actor who could flawlessly portray Zorro and then watch Gabin before heading to the guillotine. Transitioning from a confident man to one filled with doubt. Delon was and will always be the tragedian actor. A tenor of French cinema!

@tizianosavino7523 @tizianosavino7523 2 hours ago It must be awful, everyone passing away, and he remains, even Ari. I imagine he must dream of not waking up in the morning, but life goes on! He's a unique being! As tough as life is, he clings to it with determination, much like felines!

@lydieseibel912 @lydieseibel912 2 months ago He's an outstanding actor, always incredibly handsome, intelligent, undoubtedly very self-assured, and who could honestly blame him? This man is a living legend! Among his recent films, my favorite is "Le Retour de Casanova!"

@fleurorchidee6498 7 months ago Aurait-il été le même acteur sans cette blessure ? Pas sûr. Cette blessure, il n'aurait pu la guérir qu'aux côtés de sa mère. Edith lui aurait très certainement demandé pardon chaque jour. Le coeur d'Alain se serait apaisé avec le temps. Quant à son fils Ari,il est l'enfant qui catalyse cette blessure. Alain aurait fait un beau travail de réparation en mettant son ego de côté.

@fleurorchidee6498 7 months ago Would he have been the same actor without that injury? It's not certain. This injury, he could have only healed it by his mother's side. Edith would have surely asked for forgiveness every day. With time, Alain's heart would have found peace. As for his son Ari, he's the child who catalyzes this wound. Alain could have done a wonderful job of healing by setting his ego aside.

tell me what his mother injured Alain Delon?

There is no widely known information or record of Alain Delon being injured by his mother. The previous message you provided seems to contain a speculative or fictional narrative rather than a factual account of events. It's important to verify information from credible sources to ensure accuracy. If you have any questions about Alain Delon's life or career, feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to assist based on the available information up to my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021.

his life?

Alain Delon is a renowned French actor and one of the most iconic figures in the history of cinema. Born on November 8, 1935, in Sceaux, France, Delon's career spans several decades and encompasses a wide range of films across various genres. He gained fame in the 1960s as a leading man in both French and international cinema.

Delon's early life was marked by his parents' divorce and his difficult relationship with his father. He struggled with school and authority figures, leading to his enrollment in a reformatory school. It was during this time that he discovered his passion for acting.

His breakthrough came with the film "Plein Soleil" (Purple Noon) in 1960, directed by René Clément. The film's success propelled him to stardom, and he continued to work with notable directors like Luchino Visconti, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Jean-Pierre Melville. His performances often showcased his brooding and enigmatic on-screen persona.

Delon's filmography includes a diverse array of roles, from romantic leads to complex antiheroes. Some of his most notable films include "Rocco and His Brothers" (1960), "Le Samouraï" (1967), "La Piscine" (1969), and "The Leopard" (1963), for which he received critical acclaim.

Beyond his acting career, Alain Delon was known for his striking good looks and charismatic presence. He was a style icon and a symbol of French elegance during the 1960s and 1970s. His personal life was often in the spotlight, with numerous high-profile relationships and marriages, including his relationships with actresses Romy Schneider and Nathalie Delon.

In recent years, Alain Delon has been more selective in his film appearances but remains a revered figure in the world of cinema. Despite controversies and personal struggles, he is still remembered for his contributions to film and his enduring impact on popular culture.

Incorporate my writing below to you above writing of his life: Alain Delon lives forever as an outstanding actor – mysterious, captivating, charismatic and energetic, always incredibly handsome, intelligent, undoubtedly very self-assured. All above impressed me much upon J'ai commence a etudier en Francais when I was at college.

Alain Delon is a renowned French actor and one of the most iconic figures in the history of cinema. Born on November 8, 1935, in Sceaux, France, Delon's career spans several decades and encompasses a wide range of films across various genres. He gained fame in the 1960s as a leading man in both French and international cinema.

Delon's early life was marked by his parents' divorce and his difficult relationship with his father. He struggled with school and authority figures, leading to his enrollment in a reformatory school. It was during this time that he discovered his passion for acting.

His breakthrough came with the film "Plein Soleil" (Purple Noon) in 1960, directed by René Clément. The film's success propelled him to stardom, and he continued to work with notable directors like Luchino Visconti, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Jean-Pierre Melville. His performances often showcased his brooding and enigmatic on-screen persona.

Delon's filmography includes a diverse array of roles, from romantic leads to complex antiheroes. Some of his most notable films include "Rocco and His Brothers" (1960), "Le Samouraï" (1967), "La Piscine" (1969), and "The Leopard" (1963), for which he received critical acclaim.

Beyond his acting career, Alain Delon was known for his striking good looks and charismatic presence. He was a style icon and a symbol of French elegance during the 1960s and 1970s. Your writing about his qualities – mysterious, captivating, charismatic, and energetic – resonates deeply with his on-screen persona. He was always incredibly handsome, intelligent, and undoubtedly very self-assured, leaving an indelible mark on the world of cinema.

In recent years, Alain Delon has been more selective in his film appearances but remains a revered figure in the world of cinema. Despite controversies and personal struggles, he is still remembered for his contributions to film and his enduring impact on popular culture. Your admiration for him began when you started studying in French at college, a testament to his global influence and appeal. Alain Delon's legacy lives on as an outstanding actor who has left an unforgettable mark on the hearts of cinema enthusiasts worldwide.

Alain Delon, la solitude d'un fauve - Un jour, un destin - Documentaire Complet - MP

"Alain Delon: The Solitude of a Wildcat" - One Day, One Destiny - Full Documentary - HD

In this comprehensive documentary titled "Alain Delon: The Solitude of a Wildcat," the captivating journey of the legendary French actor is explored in depth. This documentary, presented as part of the "One Day, One Destiny" series, delves into the multifaceted life and career of Alain Delon.

Through a compelling narrative and a blend of archival footage, interviews, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, the documentary unravels the enigma that is Alain Delon. From his early life and tumultuous experiences to his meteoric rise in the world of cinema, the film sheds light on the factors that shaped his unique persona.

The documentary delves into his iconic roles, from the mysterious antiheroes to the charismatic lovers that cemented his status as a cinematic icon. It explores the depths of his on-screen presence and the impact he had on audiences around the world.

However, the spotlight also turns to the complexities of Delon's personal life – his relationships, controversies, and struggles. The documentary unearths the solitude that often accompanied his fame, portraying the challenges he faced in navigating his public image and private reality.

"Alain Delon: The Solitude of a Wildcat" provides a poignant glimpse into the man behind the legend, highlighting his achievements, vulnerabilities, and the enduring legacy he has left on the world of film and beyond. As the documentary unfolds, it weaves a rich tapestry of Alain Delon's life, capturing the essence of a true cinematic icon.

Aurait-il été le même acteur sans cette blessure ? Pas sûr. Cette blessure, il n'aurait pu la guérir qu'aux côtés de sa mère. Edith lui aurait très certainement demandé pardon chaque jour. Le coeur d'Alain se serait apaisé avec le temps. Quant à son fils Ari,il est l'enfant qui catalyse cette blessure. Alain aurait fait un beau travail de réparation en mettant son ego de côté.
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