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jim366 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

Invest in China: Rapid GDP Growth Rates Indicate Prosperous Futu

(2006-12-31 08:12:05) 下一个
Thursday November 30, 9:21 am ET

Lloyd Sakazaki submits: For a day-trader, a few weeks can seem like an eternity. For a speculator, a few months is an extended holding period. For an investor, a few years is considered long-term. For making a fortune, a few decades [plus perseverance, timely decision-making and good luck] are typically required. For us Americans, a few centuries is what we mean by "history." However, if we want to understand our own economic future, we really should look back much further in time--a couple millennia, in fact--to develop the proper perspective.