

不错!不错! Not bad !

(2009-12-01 07:59:37) 下一个




后来我们喝红酒的时候姗姗也要,我们就骗她说是爸爸喝的茶水。刚开始还能骗的了她,后来就不行了,一定要喝。我只好试着给姗姗讲道理。我很认真地告诉姗姗,这是酒,只有大人才能喝,小孩是不能喝的。等姗姗长大了,妈妈一定给姗姗喝。我只是抱着试一试的念头,因为姗姗的脾气比较犟,我没指望姗姗会听我的话。这次我却吃了一惊,姗姗听了我的话后,不再要酒喝,而是重复了我的话,大人才能喝, BABY 不能喝。我们一家人都高兴极了,以后不用怕姗姗要了。果然以后我们喝酒的时候,姗姗总是很乖,不吵也不闹。其实是我们自己小看了姗姗,她应该算一个很乖的宝宝了。


Today I decided to write the diary for Shanshan in two languages: Chinese and English. Many children born in Canada cannot read Chinese. Though we decided to let Shanshan learn Chinese, but we cannot know whether she will learn well. That’s why I want to write both in Chinese and English to make sure that Shanshan can understand those diaries for her.

The day before yesterday, I bought two necklaces. I tried in the night to see whether they are good for me. Shanshan saw the necklaces and immediately asked for them. She put the two necklaces around her neck and looked at the mirror. She looked several times and then put the necklaces into her hand to make them smaller. At the same time, she was speaking “not bad! Not bad!” like an adult. I could not help laughing hard because I never know where Shanshan learnt those words.

Shanshan likes new things. Every time she sees something new, she asks for it and we must give it to her. In summer, we buy many cans of soft drinks. Usually the cans are put in the refrigerator. So when we drink, they are cold and have a better taste. When Shanshan saw the cans, they are new for her and she asked for them. We had no choice but gave her a little bit. Shanshan likes the coca so much that she wants to drink as much as she wants. If we don’t give to her, she will cry and sometimes, lie down on the floor. We decided to hide the cans. Some are hidden in the corner of the fridge because Shanshan always run to the fridge every time we open it to get something. She tries to find something she is interested and ask for it. Finally she found the can when we open the fridge, and she took it out from the fridge and drunk a lot. Shanshan always has sharp eyes. It is rare that she ignores something happening. I checked Internet and found out that children are addict to sugar, just like somebody addict to drugs. Finally, we bought less soft drink to reduce the chance that Shanshan drinks too much sugar.

Later, when Shanshan saw us drinking red wine, she asked for it. We cheated her and told her this is the tea for papa. At the beginning, it is ok, she stopped asking for it. After several times, it is not useful and Shanshan kept asking for it. I tried to tell her the reason why we did not give the wine to her. What we are drinking is wine. It is for adult, not for baby. When you grow up, mom will buy wine to you and ask you to drink. I just want to have a try and did not expect the reasoning to be useful because Shanshan is kind of stubborn. This time I was surprised. Shanshan did not insist for it. Instead, she repeated my words: wine is for adult and not for baby. All of us were so happy that we don’t need to be afraid that Shanshan will ask for the wine in the future. Actually, Shanshan did not cry for it since that time. She just repeated my words every time we drunk wine. Finally I know that Shanshan is a very good baby. She will understand if we tell her the reasons.

Shanshan is so cute that I always like her very much. I appreciate in my heart that this is the best gift God gave to me. I cannot help telling, “Shanshan is so beautiful!” My husband joked with me it is because you are her mom, so you think she is very beautiful. I didn’t think that I exaggerate the reality. Shanshan is really very beautiful. Every night, she looked into my eyes. My heart is melt with tender. Or when she tries to do some funny things to make us laugh, she is my angel.

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