
广陵晓阳 (热门博主)
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(2014-07-15 20:26:04) 下一个

The Unbearable Heaviness of Being

I was informed this morning that our good friend SY was sent to an emergency room last night. My eyes were filled with tears and I prayed an earnest prayer for SY and her family. SY suffers a life threatening illness and undergoes various therapies. She fights the dreadful disease with courage, tenacity, and dignity.

On the other hand, an acquaintance whom I knew at a Fitness Center took his own life. He was only in his mid-30s. What a tragedy it is. His colleagues and some of people who attended his Zumba dance class will hold a special 75-minute memorial Zumba dance to celebrate his life.

To live or to die, both need courage. I like what Tagore wrote in “Stray Birds”: Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. But, I like even more what Tolstoy wrote in “War and Peace”: The most difficult thing but an essential thing is to love life. To love it even one suffers. Life is all. Life is God. To love life is to love God.
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