
广陵晓阳 (热门博主)
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The Meadow

(2012-03-16 20:33:48) 下一个

《 The Meadow 》

(by Robert Edgar Burns)

In the meadow of the valley,
Where wild flowers are roaming free.
There are multitudes of colors
And their backdropp forest greens.

There I sit and watch reflections
Of the clouds above the lake.
And the creatures drinking from it,
A deer, a swan, a snake.

To accentuate this beauty,
Are the mountains far away.
That rise above the woodlands,
“Look up” they seem to say.

While climbing one great mountain,
I see the meadow that’s below.
Looking even now more lovely,
Than when I was below.

So when you’re in a valley,
Looking up, you’ll want to climb.
But you’ll see that this new vision
Is no more lovely than what’s behind.

Let’s plan while on our front porch
As we both sip lemonade,
To go exploring in open meadows,
And leave behind this cooling shade!

Won’t you join me in my meadow?
Let’s delight in all we see.
And frolic in the sunshine,
As our love grows by degrees!

音乐《The Meadow Soundtrack》

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广陵晓阳 回复 悄悄话 回复bymyheart的评论:

bymyheart 回复 悄悄话 喜欢这个帖子,诗意,画意,音乐都和谐着。图片特别像我看过的一个人的油画。问晓阳春天愉快。
广陵晓阳 回复 悄悄话 回复Blue.Crab的评论:

哈哈,你是一位幽默风趣的网友。使用Fahrenheit (°F) 或 Celsius (°C )由你决定,只是别忘了转换公式:(°F - 32) x 5/9 = °C; °C x 9/5 + 32 = °F; :))))。
广陵晓阳 回复 悄悄话 回复安娜晴天的评论:

谢谢晴天妹妹的喜欢。你见过这张照片,是宝贝安娜的小企鹅姐姐拍摄的,那时我们全家攀登位于新西兰南岛福克斯冰川(Fox Glacier)之前经过一片草地、灌木丛和树林。。。
Blue.Crab 回复 悄悄话 As our love grows by degrees?
Do you use Fahrenheit or Celsius?
安娜晴天 回复 悄悄话 这次看不到照片,晚上再来看,喜欢诗和音乐。
广陵晓阳 回复 悄悄话 回复hongpurdy的评论:

hongpurdy 回复 悄悄话 love it......