
A Eulogy for Our Beloved Elly

(2008-08-14 06:26:32) 下一个
Last night our beloved, avid and agile Elly, our pet guinea pig hopped all the way to guinea pig heaven which is filled with carrots-his only favorite vegetable.

We found Elly in a pet shop in the summer of 2005. He was only a few months old at that time, covered with black and white fur. A bald spot was visible on his back. Not quite an attractive one by appearance, he had a strong personality and athletic prowess which made him stand out. He would stand up on his two little hind legs and chatter his teeth. He would dodge around the cage on his four tiny legs like a rabbit. We fell in love with him at first sight.

We brought him home. He proved to be a true champion of all guinea pigs! He would straighten his upper body and reach for a piece of carrot in air. He would run in circles in his pen excitedly anticipating a piece of carrot. Sometimes when the room was quite, we would hear him chattering his teeth fighting his imaginary rivals.

He was a true darling despite his fierceness. He would sit on our lap and purr deeply and contentedly when we ran our palm along his soft, shiny fur. When he heard us calling his name, he would run out to meet us from his usual hiding spot underneath a cover like a little kid getting a piece of chocolate. When it was time to change his pen, he would be left on the family room. He would hide himself in the curtain for a few minutes and then venture out to the floor, running in between our legs, playing hide-and-seek.

Our mundane daily routine begins at 6:30AM when we get out of bed, assemble in the kitchen, have breakfast and prepare a quick lunch. Elly was fully in sync with our schedule. He would squeak loudly for his morning treat-a carrot when we were having our cereal or pancakes.

For the last few days, I had been missing his squeaks. In the back of my mind there was always this cloud of doubt wondering why Elly stopped squeaking. Sadly as we hustle and bustle in this world to make a living, we often neglect to stop for a moment to listen to our quiet inner voices until it is too late.

Last night as usual I took a piece of carrot from the refrigerator, went to the cage and tapped it on the cage. The first surprise was that Elly did not run out to greet me as he usually did. I took a peak inside, Elly, with all his fur puffed up, was standing on his little legs, motionless. Immediately almost like a thunder it came to me that Elly fell sick!

Shock was my first reaction. That was why I did not hear him squeaking these days! He had been sick! Denial and anger followed. I was angry at myself for ignoring Elly's silent cry for help for the last few days! I got some Chinese liquid medicine. Wrapping Elly in a tower only with his head exposed and holding him in one arm, I started to feed him the Chinese medicine through a syringe. He took a few drops after a bit struggle. I put him back into the cage still wrapped in the towel. Looking into his sad black round eyes, I could tell that the vigor of life was escaping like a leaking balloon. He nestled into the towel. I pulled one corner over to cover him. He seemed comfortable and stayed still underneath the towel.

I sat at the cage and prayed. Miracle does happen. Lord, please show us your power. Bless us with a miracle.

I spent the whole evening at his cage…

Finally bed time came. We went to bed….Around 5, I had a nightmare. In the dream, I had a pet. For some reason, I forgot his existence and thus neglected to feed him for a few days! He was dying. I woke up from the dream, got out of bed and ran downstairs to see Elly. Elly was dead as I feared. He got himself out of the towel; his little body stretched out and stiff…

Depressed and sad, I went back to bed. Viv was still sound asleep. Around 6:20, Viv opened her eyes. She turned her face to me. Her first sentence was: "Elly is dead?!"

Our darling little guinea pig, the champion of all little pigs, was merely 3!

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