Last sunday, my girls came home with their friends to 拿"紅包" I cooked 盆菜 for them. I don’t think it is the right way to do it, but I wanted to try it anyway. Every time I went to HK, I always wanted to try this dish, but my husband doesn’t like to try it. I have to try to make this by what I remember from the Advertisement pictures in the restaurant.
Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, shrimp, roast duck, abalone, stream chicken, taro root, dried mushroom
Cook Chinese cabbage with oil, salt put in the pot’s bottom (you can use any vegetable you want), taro root cut and steam for 30 minutes. Half roast duck cut into pieces, 2 abalone cook with salt, oyster sauce, chicken broth, soy sauce, simmer for 4 hours or until it’s tender
half steam chicken cut into pieces, shrimp clean (cut all the legs off and pan fried in the hot pan until color turn to orange add soy sauce and wine, dried mushroom, soaked, clean, cook with oyster sauce, sugar, soy sauce, chicken broth. After it’s done add corn starch water cook for another minute.
After it’s all done, put each portion on top of the cabbage. And serve.(you can reheat in the oven)

1. 2 whole毛瓜, 8 dried scallops , 2 piece ginger , 1 tbl sesame oil , 1 ts wine
2. Ingredients for scallops: 1 ts ginger juice, 1ts wine, 1 ts sugar
3. sauce: 200 gm broth from the scallops, 1 ts sugar ½ ts salt 1tbl oyster sauce , 1 ts soy sauce ,pinch of white pepper
4. 2 tbl corn starch 5 tbl water.
soak dried scallops in 1 cup water for 1 hours, put scallops into a pot and steam for 30 minutes. Put scallops a side. Reserve the juice. Clean 毛瓜, cut into 2 inch wide, use a scope to take out the middle part, insert cooked scallops in the middle of 毛瓜, put directly into the pot and cook it for 20 to 30 minute. With the juice of scallops.
put #4 with sesame oil ginger and wine in a pot cook until it’s thicken put sauce on the of the 瓜 and serve.

Sauce: oyster sauce, light soy sauce, salt, sugar, pinch of white pepper, mix well
Clean pigeon , pad dry, put sauce all over pigeon , let it marinate for 4 hours, take it out discard the sauce, pad pigeon dry, deep fry for 5 or 6 minutes. (depends how big the pigeon)


Recipe is from “areyoueye” 謝謝


my little grand daughter (doggie) I will get one for myself soon _(a)