
29年的中学团聚晚餐 (九月2007)

(2008-10-14 18:36:55) 下一个
In 1978 we graduated from high school and we all moved towards our future. Our friends went all over the states for Universities, but we still kept in touch. 29 years later we decided to get together again, so they all came back to California for a reunion and we talked about the old days. (the good old days) Now they all have their professions by being a doctor, lawyer, engineer, businessman. At that time there were not many Chinese in California, only 100 something Chinese students in our school, but 8 of us always kept in touch. Now our children are either in college or working. Only me and my other friend's children are working and schooling. The rest of their children are still in college or high school. They have another 8 to 10 years before they can take it easy. Here is our dinner:
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紅燒乳豬 (大媽)
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蟹肉魚翅魚湯,請不要罵我 (吾關我事架) I don’t like it, and I didn’t order it!
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飽魚海心 I didn’t like the 海心 feels ugly inside my mouth.
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炒蟹 I don’t like it either, made my hands dirty
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北京片皮鴨 only the meat left.
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dessert 1
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dessert 2 木爪with something 甲
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