
unexpected 2008-06-17

(2010-02-26 21:22:43) 下一个
I went to Seattle two weeks ago to see and listen to His Holiness. I did not expect anything to happen. Perhaps being there and being able to see His Holiness was already good enough for me. What I did not expected was that His Holiness totally stunned me by his great ease, his super wisdom, and his unmatched compassion!  Sitting there on the stage, with the wisdom seemingly flowing out of his body,  he was like the king of kings, commanding every single movement of  every one's feeling. At the same time, he was not stired by the crowd at all, where thougsands of people were fully occupying the theatre and he is only just a bit over half of my age. The world is in his thinking, in his mind. He has none of his personal preference or emotions only to be occupied by other's emotions and feelings.
His great compassion generated a shake on the way of my practice, which I have to chew on it for the past two weeks.  What pleased me is that this shake strengthens my goal of practice. I hope it will produce a lasting impact on me.
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