
The Musts and Myths of Organic and Locally Grown (ZT from Yahoo

(2007-06-30 17:43:25) 下一个

The Musts and Myths of Organic and Locally Grown

Posted Tue, Jun 26, 2007, 10:01 am PDT

Soyou've been known to occasionally spend extra on organic milk, moseyover to the free-range meat section, and make an effort to support your local farms bybuying berries from a roadside fruit stand. Still, I'm betting the farmthat if you're confused about when to go local, when you should goorganic, and when it's all just baloney, you're not alone.

I reached out to two experts in the field for some solid answers. Joy Bauer, nutritionist extraordinaire, breaks down the musts and myths of organic and local, while Ryan Hardy,the fresh-market-obsessed chef at The Montagna in Aspen, provides fiveeasy ways to include the best of both into our diets. I hope this helpsyou figure out the best ways to bring farm-fresh food closer to yourhome.

Locally grownmeans seasonal food from small farms. Some say it applies only to foodsgrown within a 100-mile radius; others stretch it to 250 miles.

MUSTS: Seasonal fruits, seasonal vegetables, milk and dairy. WHY?Local crops harvested at their peak of freshness andflavor offer superior nutrient density, and buying produce from localgrowers reduces the environmental impact and costs of transportingproduct. 

MYTHS: Local food is not necessarily organically grown. However, there is truth to many local farmers' claims that they do not use pesticides. WHY? Theyjust can't advertise themselves as certified organic unless they'vegone through the certification process, which is lengthy and expensive.

Forplants, organic means grown on certified organic land without syntheticfertilizers or chemicals (like pesticides). Genetic modification andirradiation are also off-limits. For animals, organic means access tothe outdoors, only organic feed for at least a year, and no antibioticsor growth hormones.  

MUSTS: Apples,cherries, grapes (especially if they're imported), nectarines, peaches,pears, raspberries, strawberries, bell peppers, celery, potatoes, andspinach. WHY? Because these fruits and veggies have been found to contain the most pesticide residue, even after being washed. IF YOU WANT TO GO THE EXTRA MILE...alsobuy your beef, poultry, and dairy organic. Organic meats and dairy aremuch more expensive than nonorganic, but they'll also reduce yourexposure to toxins.

MYTHS You don't need toworry about buying these organic: bananas, kiwi, mangoes, papaya,pineapple, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, onion,sweet peas, and seafood. WHY? Because these fruitsand veggies tend not to carry pesticide residue, and seafood has noUSDA organic certification standards (so "organic seafood" doesn't meanmuch).

Now that you've got the dirt on organic and local, checkout Chef Ryan Hardy's 5 easy ways to bring the benefits of both to yourtable:

1. Go to farmer's markets. The farmer'smarket may not always easily fit into your busy schedule, but taking 30minutes to buy good foods for your family is worth the time.
2. Demand it at your local store. Ask your local grocer to get in products you want -- be specific and follow up.
3. Talk with local chefs who use local, organic ingredients.Chefs are notoriously picky about finding the right product. Ask aboutthe ingredients they use.... You'll probably find out that most areeasily obtainable.
4. Buy what's in season. Food isat its cheapest when it's at its best -- so take advantage and eatfresh fruits and vegetables when they're at their peak.
5. Eat more greens.Farm-fresh salad greens are exciting additions to all kinds of dishes,not just salads. Try adding them to pasta, serving them under a steak,or simply sandwiching them with goat cheese between bread.
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