
盈_盈 (热门博主)
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闽南咸饭--南瓜饭 (Pumpkin Rice)

(2016-12-05 12:29:42) 下一个






My mum used to make this Pumpkin rice back home, there are similar dishes made with yam, Chinese mustard (Gai Choy) and long bean.


It is prepared almost like Spanish Paella, the rice is cooked together with ingredients and seasoning in a pot/wok, and later simmer to perfection.


Its simply irresistible as the tastes of yam, meat and other ingredients were all well blend into rice, every spoon of it is a charm! All you need is another bowl of soup, and that is! A great dinner already!



200-250 克 日本南瓜 (Kabocha)
5-6 片 咸肉/五花肉

1 杯 白米

2 杯 水 

2-3只 小红葱 (切片)或 1 tbsp 蔥酥


1 tsp 盐 (或适量)

一撮 五香粉



200-250 gm Kabocha/Japanese Pumpkin

5-6 slices of Bacon/Pork Belly

1 cup Jasmine rice

2 cups of water

2-3 shallots (Sliced) or 1 tbsp of fried shallot



1 tsp salt (or to taste)

A pinch of five spice powder





1. 小红葱切片,日本南瓜洗淨切塊(不必削皮)。米洗淨淘好。


2. 热锅,下一大勺油,把咸肉加入煮至油溢出,加入红葱片,煸炒雞肉煸炒變色。把南瓜加入炒至变色。


3. 把淘好的白米倒入,中火翻匀,加入盐调味,盐可以稍微多一点,米饭焖好之后咸淡就刚刚好了。把米翻炒至水份干,米粒有点透明的时候,倒入2 杯水。大火煮滚后转4号火(中火偏小火)加盖焖15分钟,或至水份焖干,檢查看看米飯是否已經熟透。熄火。

4. 打开盖子,用个饭勺把米饭拌匀,这个时候有点锅巴是很正常的,再次加盖,不点火虚焖10分钟才吃比較好。


1. Slice bacon into 1 inch in width. Slice the shallots and cut the kabocha into 1 cm x 2 cm pieces, keep the skin on if it is organic. Wash and soaked rice for about 10 minutes.


2. Heat up a wok, and add 1-2 tbsp of oil and add the bacon to cook until oil releases, add shallot slices and fry until fragrant.


3. Add the pumpkin pieces and  cook for 2-3 minutes, add five spice powder. Add rice and cook for 2-3 minutes, season with salt.


Note: The rice should taste a little saltier for now, as when the rice gets cooked, the saltiness balanced out by the sweetness of rice. 


4. Continue cooking at medium high heat until rice turn a little translucent, pour in 2 cups of water, you can add a little water later if you like your rice a softer. Turn the heat to medium low, cover with lid and cook for 15-20 minutes or until water disappear, switch off the stove.


4. Fluff up the rice using a spatula or fork, cover with lid and let it sit for 10 more minutes before serving.



It goes superbly with some soup!




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