
盈_盈 (热门博主)
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素食好主意 -- 简易克什米尔香饭 (Kashmiri Pulao)

(2016-11-29 11:30:26) 下一个


Unlike most Pulaos in India, Kashmiri Pulao is known to be mild, aromatic and slightly to the sweet side. Garnishing with fresh fruits like pomegranate and some dry fruits makes it look so colorful and appetizing.



1 cup Basmati 香米

1/4 cup 腰果

1/4 cup 葡萄干

1/4 cup 豌豆/Sweet Peas

3-4 tbsp Ghee/酥油




1 片 桂叶(Bay Leaf)

1/4 tsp 豆蔻籽 (Cardamom)

4-5 只 丁香 (Cloves)

1/2 tsp 黑胡椒粒 (Black Pepper Corn)

2 tsp 孜然 (Cumin seeds)

盐适量 (大约 1 tsp)

2 大勺的 红葱酥

1/2 杯 牛奶

一小撮 藏红花



1 cup Basmati rice

1/4 cup Cashew Nuts

1/4 cup Raisin

1/4 cup Sweet Peas

3-4 tbsp Ghee

a handful of pomegranate


1 Bay Leaf

1/4 tsp Cardamom

4-5 Cloves

1/2 tsp Black Pepper Corn

2 tsp Cumin seeds

salt to taste, or around 1 tsp

2 tbsp of Fried shallots 

1/2 cup milk

around 20 strands of Saffron


1. 把印度香米洗净泡水20分钟左右。红葱切片后炸酥备用。热上1/2杯牛奶后加入一撮的藏红花泡20分钟。

2. 另外一口锅里下一大匙的酥油,把腰果煸香,取出备用。然后把葡萄干中小火下锅稍微过一下,取出备用。

1. Soak Basmati rice for 20 minutes. Slice and fry shallots until crispy. Warm 1/2 cup of milk and place saffron strands into milk and soak for 20 minutes.
2. In between, heat 1 tbsp of ghee in a cooking pot, roast cashew nuts until golden brown, take out and set aside. Add raisin and give it a quick stir, be careful not to burn it. Take out and set aside.



4. 把剩余的酥油加入锅里煸香黑胡椒粒和孜然,倒入米饭后翻炒匀,倒入牛奶和藏红花,加盖焖煮一会儿。试试味道,不够咸可以稍微加点盐调味。

5. 加入豌豆翻匀,熄火前加入葡萄干和葱酥拌匀。腰果和石榴可以在吃之前才撒在表面。

3. Bring half pot of water with salt, bay leaf, cloves and cardamom seeds to boiling. Drain soaked rice and add it to the water with herbs and spices, cook for 8-10 minutes. Turn the heat to medium low and cook for 3-5 minutes more or until the rice is about 70-80 % cooked. (The rice should be breakable when presses with fingers, but not soft yet). Drain the cooked rice and leave aside.

NoteCooking time is really depends on the type of rice you have, old rice required more time than new ones. You could try to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

4. Add the remaining ghee into pot, add cumin seeds and pepper corn, stir until cumin seeds cracks. Add rice and pour milk and saffron over rice, cover with lid and cook for few minutes. Add some salt if needed.
5. Add sweet peas,raisin and fried shallots before turning off the stove turn the rice well and cover with lid for few minutes. Cashew nuts and pomegranates are to be added before serving so that it stays crunchy.


This rice goes well with any dal or curries.




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