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Sotong Kangkung or Cuttlefish salad with Water spinach/Convolvulus is a very common street food in Malaysia, it is normally sold at the same stall that sales Rojak Buah/Fruits Rojak since the sauce are pretty similar.
Sotong Kangkung contains blanched cuttlefish and water spinach/convolvulus then are tossed with prawn paste, chili, sweet sauce. It will then top with sesame seeds and grounded peanuts before serving.
1/2 只 水发鱿鱼
250 克 蕹菜/空心菜
1 小勺 甜酱油
1 大勺 虾膏 (Heh Ko)
1 大勺 海鲜酱
2 大勺 多用途叁巴辣椒酱
3 大勺 烤熟的花生 (辗碎)
1 大勺 烤熟的芝麻
250 g Kangkung/Water spinach/Convolvulus
1 tsp Caramel Thick Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Sweet Shrimp Paste /Heh Ko
1 tbsp of Hoisin Sauce
2 tbsp Sambal Tumis
3 tbsp of crushed roasted peanuts
1 tbsp roasted sesame
1. 先把鱿鱼干根据这个做法--》
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_67f589f40102wqs5.html 泡发好/
1. Soak and clean dried cutter fish according to this method--》http://www.echoskitchen.com/2016/11/how-to-soaking-and-preparing-dried.html or use shop bought soaked cuttlefish. Cut into pieces and blanched.
2. 把所有酱料混匀备用。花生烤香辗碎备用。
3. 蕹菜/空心菜摘好汆烫备用,空心菜很好熟,烫的时间不可太长。
4. 把空心菜和鱿鱼摆盘,淋上酱料和花生芝麻,再加上两大勺多用途叁巴辣椒酱拌匀即可食用。
2. Mix all ingredients listed under sauce together. Roast and crush peanuts, let cool.
3. Blanch kangkung/water spinach in boiling water, water spinach cooks really fast, so do not overcook it.
4. Place blanched cuttlefish and Kangkung on a plate, pour the prepared sauce on top and sprinkle crushed roasted peanuts and sesame on top with 2 tbsp of Sambal Tumis at the side, mix well and serve immediately.