
盈_盈 (热门博主)
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南洋风味--海鲜冬阴汤/Tomyum Thale

(2016-07-06 12:28:23) 下一个
I planted lemongrass and kaffir lime tree this year and have been waiting for it to be ready for a good pot of homemade tom yum soup. Thanks to a good amount of rain and sunshine lately, my kaffir lime tree is thriving well.

I woke up to pouring rain today and immediately decided it's time for a good hot bowl of tom yum soup, I ran to my garden, cut two stalks of lemongrass in the rain and quickly snipped a few Kaffir lime leaves. 

Off  I go to work on my seafood tom yum soup !
6-8只 中虾 (去壳,去肠泥)
1 只 中型鱿鱼 (去膜,切花)
5-6 朵新鲜蘑菇/香菇/金针菇
2根 香茅 (去老皮,只用底部4-5寸,切段拍扁)
6-8片 疯柑叶 (Kaffir Lime Leaves)
1/2 寸兰姜 (Galangal)切片
1 只中型番茄 (切块)
5-6 只泰国小辣椒 切段(不嗜辣可以减半)
1 片 酸片 (Garcinia Atroviridis/Asam Keping) Optional
1 tbsp 切碎的香菜叶
1 tbsp 鱼露 (Fish Sauce)
1 只青柠 (挤出汁液)
1 tsp 泰国辣椒油 (Thai Roasted Chilli Oil)Optional
6-8 Medium size shrimp (shelled,veined)
1 Medium size cuttlefish (Skinned,Pineapple cut)
5-6 Fresh mushrooms, any type ( Thick Slice)
2 stalks of lemongrass(remove old skin,use only bottom 4-5 inches, cut into half in length, and smashed it with butcher knife to release the fragrance)
6-8 Kaffir Lime leaves (Remove Midrib, and lightly crush a little)
1/2 inche galangal (Slice)
1 Medium size ripped tomato (Cubed)
5-6 Thai Chilli (cut into 1 cm in length)
1 Garcinia Atroviridis/Asam Keping Optional
1 tbsp Chopped Coriander leaves/Cilantro

1 tbsp Fish Sauce
1 Lime (Juiced)
1 tsp Thai Rosated Chilli Oil Optional
Salt to taste
3 Cup water/Stock


1. 把材料准备好,虾去壳去肠泥,把壳留着备用。鱿鱼去膜,切花。疯柑叶去中间的杆,稍微揉出香味。香茅切段拍扁。兰姜切片,青柠挤出青柠汁。番茄切块,菇类切块,香菜切好备用。
2. 锅里倒入3杯水/高汤,加入虾壳煮大约10分钟。把虾壳取出,加入香茅,酸片,兰姜片,疯柑叶和辣椒加盖煮10分钟,至所有香料的香味溢出。
3. 你可以把香草取出丢弃。把汤再煮滚,加入番茄,香菇,虾和鱿鱼,加入鱼露和盐调味,熄火之后加入青柠汁,和几滴辣椒油。试试味道,不够酸可以再加点青柠汁。不够咸可以加盐或者鱼露。
1. Prepare all ingredients listed accordingly. Cubed tomato, slice mushroom and chopped Cilantro.

2. In a cooking pot, add 3 cups of water/stock, bring to boil, add shrimp shells and heads and cook for 10 minutes, remove the shells and heads. Add brushed lemongrass, galangal, Asam Keping, Kaffir lime leaves and chilli, cover with lid and cook on medium heat for another 10 minutes.

3. Remove the herbs and shrimp shells, bring the soup to boil again, add tomato pieces, mushroom, shrimp and cuttlefish, season with fish sauce, salt and lime juice, taste it and adjust sourness and saltiness if required.

Its mouth smacking and refreshing!
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