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4/19/2016 更新:我家里有个爸爸买给我做月子的闷烧锅,月子里妈妈给熬的红枣水在里边焖一天都还是滚热的,保温功能特别好!
Update: 4/19/2016:I have a thermal cooker that dad bought me when I had my son, mainly to make soup and red dates soup for my confinement time.
I was amazed by its ability to retain heat, the soup mom made will stay piping hot in it for the whole day!
I tried using it as incubator to make homemade yogurt the other day, since it has such good ability to retain heat, I did not add warm water in it, I just wait till the milk become warm, add my starter, stir and placed the yogurt in the thermal pot (inner pot removed), cover with lid and let it sit over night.
The result is amazing, it makes solid, thick, beautiful yogurt (See picture on top of this page!)
Yay to saving energy with this one!
Recipe -- http://www.echoskitchen.com/2016/04/homemade-yogurt.html