落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2025-03-25 20:54:56) 下一个

收到老师的email,说要做毕业的year book。需要每个家长发给他几张小时候和长大一点的照片。





Emily is a very strong young lady with self-motivation and discipline. She started training for a triathlete at the age of eight. She gets up early every morning for her training. She now holds the world record for the youngest female athlete to ever finish the 6-hour bike time trial.

Emily is also very dedicated to her academic performance and has been holding first honor and honor roll for eight years straight.

But most importantly, she has a very kind heart and genuinely cares for everyone around her.

Emily's favorite is Bill Cipher right now although we are sure that will change pretty soon, hopefully.

She has travelled a lot of places including China, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Austria, and of course a lot of places in America. And she said her favorite place is Scotland because it rains a lot.

Emily is very fun to hang out with. She has that weird sense of humor (probably from her dad) and she can really make people laugh if she wants to, unfortunately right now she is going through some teenager phase.

We are very fortunate to have Emily as our child. She brings sunshine to our life. We love you.

Mom and Dad

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落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 回复 '文文妈' 的评论 : 谢谢,我也要保留爱美丽的这些照片。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 谢谢
文文妈 回复 悄悄话 同样做妈的感同身受,爱美丽小时候好可爱啊!孩子这么优秀,爸爸妈妈外公外婆真的付出了无数心血。


laopika 回复 悄悄话 恭喜,爱家有女初长成!:)