2004 (9)
2007 (61)
2008 (69)
2009 (98)
2010 (87)
2012 (121)
2013 (49)
2014 (89)
2015 (75)
2016 (54)
2018 (169)
2019 (134)
2020 (257)
2021 (186)
2022 (363)
2023 (456)
2024 (457)
If you ever think about playing the piano, cut open your scalp and discard your brain for clearly it has been diseased. In all honesty, piano isn't half bad. It's just the tests. Most people think, oh you just play and practice every so often. NOOO. You have to take tests to graduate on to the next level. Happy happy joy joy.
Moving on from piano, I am sick. I have a flu or something. All I know is given the choice between being sick and going to schoo, I would take going to school.And I have like, three tests I need to catch up on. Anyways, many thanks on listening to my endless and meaningless rants. Good day to you my fine fellow. ADIOS........
(P.S. Sorry for not writing for a while. I've been busy. :))
每年三月,爱美丽就要考钢琴,晋升到下一级。她弹曲子不怕,但是那些theory可真是头疼,我完全不懂,就看着她那个小铅笔在那里算来算去, LOL。钢琴老师让她每天晚上做theory的题目。她每天游泳,骑车,排得满满的。这几天感冒了,游泳骑车都停了,才有时间开始好好恶补一下乐理知识。
Everyone knows you are very busy, you are an excellent and lovely little girl.