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HIIIIIIII. I am emily. I just started horseback riding and today I did it for the 2nd time. It is awesome, and pro of it is that you get a good workout trying to control the horses. :)
My horse is named Boxter and he is super docile and nice. Today we just did laps in the arena with 2 other girls.
Before we start riding we always have to groom our horses and clean their hooves and such. I am by no means whatsoever good at this. Then we put on all the gear and stuff, and we are off!To make Boxter trot, kick him slightly with your heels and make clicking noises. To make him walk say hoe.
Then, to make him go left, pull the left rein, and same for the right. One of the other girls was riding a horse named Sam, and that horse is really stubborn. He also farted a lot.
They were both on a higher level than me, and they had these rods/sticks they would hit the horses with to make them go.
Looks painful if you ask me!
That is all for today axolotls BYYYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!! (Again ending with a period)....
Merry Christmas .