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自从骑完tahoe以后,我的人生就失去了目标。零敲碎打骑一点club ride。无意中看到我们这里每年一度的century,是本地各个餐馆赞助,据说rest stop的食物都是各个烹饪学校来举办,还举行比赛,让骑手们投票哪个食物最好。作为吃货的我,一看到这个,马上拍板交钱了。
106里,4800高,心里没底。调出年前骑napa的数据,102里,3300多,看来我的人生又要掀开新篇章了。每天下班后骑点cycling class,周末骑个小短途,两周以后,我就站在了出发点了。
开始骑以后,我发现主办方大概把精力都放在准备食物上了,标志做得很差,地上一个小小的油漆,其他什么都没有。我连地图都没带。赶紧跟着前面的大叔使劲骑了7-8里,大叔突然回头说,你上来。我以为他要跟我聊天,谁知道他就骑到我后面去了,敢情是要draft我。晕。一直在club我就是打酱油的,只有各位帅哥大叔拉我,哪有人这样占我便宜的,人家也不屑阿。没办法,只能闷头骑,偶尔想要擤个鼻子大叔都在后面说,keep going。靠。还好小伙伴骑了上来,大叔就过车拆桥,去draft小伙伴了。
到了第一个rest stop,在一个大湖边,风景优美。食物果然别具一格,萝卜丝苹果丝和什么焦糖巧克力,装在一个个小碟子里,太高端了,我只想吃点肉倒点水,很郁闷。
于是接着骑。十几个mile的rolling hill,爽得不行,正骑得风生水起,突然一看路标,发现早就骑错了。。。小伙伴和我互相推诿责任,但是结果是一致的,要倒头。于是再重新骑rolling hill,回到分叉口,等着下一波人一起走。过了一回儿,一队人马呼啸
又过了20mile。是下一个rest stop,终于看见肉了,我开始大吃特吃,要把冤枉用掉的卡路里吃回来。这时候,我发现一个诡异的事实,因为热了,大家都脱下了长袖外套,露出了各自的wrist band,和我们颜色不同。。。再一打听,他们都是60 miler。。
。坑爹啊。这些看上去这么hard core的人,都是骑60里的,我们又走错了。
这时候时间已经耗费了很多,小伙伴怯生生地说要不咱们也骑60里吧。我狠狠地瞪了他一眼说,付了100里的钱,就是要骑100里的,否则少吃了两个rest stop,亏死了!我一边拿了块肉嚼着,一边走出去找到SAG,跟他们一番诉苦,大叔大婶立即答应开
在路口,和大叔大婶道谢告别,然后再次开始征程。这次认认真真看地上的标志,不敢再出错了。路上碰到一个巨漂亮的亚洲妹妹,骑cevelo的骚车,长发飘扬。一路就到了下一个rest stop。准备食物的哥哥,看到我的车,大声说,哇,你是从中国来参加我们的century的??? 我#$&&%$
此后就是爬坡,下坡,爬坡,一路无话。那些本来我最喜欢的rolling hills,到了最后就变成了挥之不去的梦魇,一个坡以后,抬头一看,又是一个大坡,那种哀叹阿。support不够好,水也喝完了。还好摄影师朋友一路开车跟我们拍照,变成了私人SAG,端茶倒水拍照。
就不要吓路车新手了,再说本身就有很严重器材派倾向。尽管还是有一点wobbly(first time on 23mm tires),但感觉这比豪华车有意思多了。所以不愁,不愁,哈哈!
实在没发忍住对road bike的向往,提前消费了。今天试了一把,holy cow, 所有的对road bike的正面评价都是真的。文学城应该有一个自行车论坛to share this type of excitement! BTW, bike fitting is definitely worthy if this service is reasonably included in the bike price.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Appreciate it! For sure I will get a road bike then. I've already got everything, except SPD pedals for my current bike, and I never felt I liked such an endurance sport this much. At the moment, my average speed is 18 km/h, which is just the entry level for club ramblers. Every cyclist I met in the trail passed me with no mercy (although I felt sometimes my bike was flying already). :-) This is why I'd like to know how to improve my performance to move onto the next level, either through a road bike, cycling class or whatever.
1. Is cycling class the most important thing in your experience that significantly improved your biking performance?
----no, the actual riding experience is more important. climbing, sprinting during the riding are far better than riding in gym, although spinning class is indeed a good exercise during my weekdays when I cannot do long rides.
2. Does joining a cycling club help as much as cycling class?
---it's different purpose, cycling club is for group riding, you need to know your speed level and join the appropriate riding group, it's fun, but probably won't help much with your performance, especially for beginners.
3. Is road bike a must?
--- yes, if you are serious about it and want to get to the next level. otherwise you can ride any kind bike you want and just enjoy it.
1. Is cycling class the most important thing in your experience that significantly improved your biking performance?
2. Does joining a cycling club help as much as cycling class?
3. Is road bike a must?
Internet上有太多评论,很多都说不清。很想听听有实际经验人的建议,特别是第3点。可能是更想找个人来justify我的road bike计划吧 :-)