落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2009-09-14 16:41:46) 下一个
IMG_0388 by you.

IMG_0413 by you.

IMG_0415 by you.

IMG_0439 by you.


IMG_0471 by you.

IMG_0500 by you.


IMG_0502 by you.

IMG_0494 by you. 

IMG_0580 by you.
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纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 Excellent answer! You gave a solid reason with well-proved facts to back up.

Am I hurt? Are you kidding me? As matter of fact, I laughed out with your reply because you injected a good dose of humor in it. Finally, may prayer has been answered, someone is out of coma.:)

FYI, I am not upset at all about you for not showing a pic of the street (which has symbolic meaning rather a physical wonder). I made this multiple choice question at spur of moment last night is to aim for “tormenting” you a bit. I have to admit that it is fun to watch you to get mildly mad thus, showing your true color. Do you realize when you are challenged you become more confident, not mention to be sexier, than you are sad ? Call me a sick dude if you like.:)

Thanks for sharing your trip piz, especially a glimpse of Trinity Church, a peaceful place indeed. Gazing at those weathered tomb stones in the church cemetery at lunch time often makes me ponder my priority and soften my heart for people I love and care. It is weird, surrounded by all these hectic and well-oiled financial ‘machines’ this old Gothic architectural church seems out of place at first glace, but like or not, it has become a fixture that stands there tall and dignified to testify in time, good or bad including the earth-shaken and sky darkened day of sept. 11, 2001; yet not a single “guru” or “invincible” among us on the street can be even marginal defiant like it as the dust settles.

BTW, You should appreciate your father’s aspiration and be more supportive for his endeavor.:)

落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 回复纵然平行的评论:It seems you got deeply hurt by my neglecting wall street, where i am sure the major part of you life has been attached to. :)

don't take it too seriously, my parents and i are simply tourists, and we only take pictures where the views are appealing to us, unfortunately wall street were undergoing some construction and seems disorganized and overcrowded. even worse, almost half of the street was blocked in front of stock exchange, so really there is not much for us to see. if it makes you feel better, my dad did have a picture in front of stock exchange, a wishful picture hoping he can profit a little bit at chinese stocking market, hehehe.

Trinity church, on the other hand, is one of my favorite spots in NY, it's by the end of wall street, also i like the federal hall with G.Washington statue.
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 A simple question, Do you “deliberately” leave out one of most mentioned trademark of the city, Wall Street, from your trip picture posting ? :)

I was wondering, if you don‘t mind, Can you help us to understand your rationals by answering following question that I just created ?

You choose not to take or show pictures of The Street because

a. That narrow and plain street as well the surrounding area are dumps and completely overrated.
b. It has been one of the most lethal of all malignancies in America. a toxic social contagion that would weaken your and others morality and ethics.
c. The place was full of avaricious con-artists, swindlers and delusional individuals.
d. It was the ground zero of worldwide financial melt-down, a after-mess has triggered a global recession which has almost brought this country down to its knee. Showing a pic of it may glorify the wrongdoing or send a wrong message to your readers.
e. In one year of time, the irresponsible acts from this place has shrank a whooping number of 17.8 percent of millionaires globally As a result, your own personal
assets have aslo plummeted ,so posting a pic may remind your pain and suffering.
f. all above

Have fun and choose wisely:)
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 appleflower,yes we did have a good time in NY,too bad it ended so soon.:)
fog_rain_thunder,punny, 爸爸妈妈一直习惯走路的,我是不行啦,累坏了,呵呵。
punny 回复 悄悄话 不错不错,累坏了吧
但和爸爸妈妈一起出游是很开心的 :)
开心! 回复 悄悄话 漂亮!!!!好图!好景!好心情啊!
fog_rain_thunder 回复 悄悄话 那张两个女孩子面对面吃东西的照片挺有趣的:)
Appleflower 回复 悄悄话 Looks like you had a nice trip with your parents. :)