落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2009-06-06 20:56:08) 下一个
想挑一首歌在住院医生毕业典礼的时候放slides, 大家有什么推荐的么?

挑好了,呵呵,谢谢大家的热情推荐,有的歌真得很不错,但是就像纵然平行说的,每个人心里都有自己的歌,我在听了很多歌之后,突然想起来这首歌,和我一直很要好的住院医生小R,我们夏天经常一起开车去芝加哥,驰骋在lake shore,夏日阳光灿烂,湖边的风凉爽惬意,车里就放着这张专辑,这首歌的名字叫做best days,还有什么歌名比这首歌更合适呢。这首歌送给和我一起度过这三年的住院医生小R,纪念我们一起经过的酸甜苦乐。



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mayoda 回复 悄悄话 perfect song. Cong!!!
mayoda 回复 悄悄话 you raises me up is best I thought. please let us know the result.
fog_rain_thunder 回复 悄悄话 You Raise Me Up

There are several versions of it that I can find on youtube. Check it out to see if you like any of them.

盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 sorry,那个链接歌已经没了,我这才发现我竟贴了两次。还有一个是:
盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 because you loved me
我喜欢歌词,和高昂振奋的曲调。感谢所有在这路上发掘你,支持你,LIFT YOU HIGH 的人
14-I-71 回复 悄悄话 Sorry, should be "the Prayer" by Charlotte Church & Josh Groban.
14-I-71 回复 悄悄话 how about "The Payer" by Charlotte Church & Josh Groban ?
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 谢谢大家,纵然平行,you are right,only i know what i am looking for...
蚊子凶猛 回复 悄悄话 煽情的还是欢快的,还是雄壮浑厚的?

newprozac 回复 悄悄话 I dreamed a dream (susan boyle)
I believe I can fly
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 Congrats, you did it! Wish all of us would be there for your triumphant moment :).

For your signature song going with your slides, I'd like to suggest two of them as food for your thoughts, assuming little inputs given in the aspects of the theme of this year's graduation, your peers and your audience's ages, artistic tastes and the materials on the slides.

1) “The Call” by Regina Spektor
My Reasons: a: Melodic and listenable music that
has a morsel of sadsness and hope
embedded in it.
b. Meaningful lyric. For instance, the
verse “You'll come back when
they call you, no need to say good-
bye" would make the bittersweet
moment easier to gulp down.
c. Delightful and confident voice.

2) “See Who I am” by Sharon Adel
My Reasons: a. Individualism blended with caring
b. inspirational and courageous lyric.
For example, the sentence “The
world is our hand, this is not the
end” would strike a positive note
before farewell.
c. Energetic and shimmering metal
sound mix that may grab your
audience's attention, preventing
them to doze off on you, not
mentioning you may wake up the
dead if you turn the volume up :).
Below are these two songs with the lyrics from Youtube. You may listen them to see if they fit the bill. The fact of matter is that we may provide you with some recommendations, but in the end , you know better than anyone else which song you'd like to have to go with your speech since you have lived through these three years. So believe your heart that tells you, and the rest is just gravy.

Good Luck.

sunshadow 回复 悄悄话 我这么问可能有点弱。中文还是英文还是就是谱子?