落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2008-10-19 18:34:22) 下一个

IMG_4513 by you.








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饭桌 回复 悄悄话 great 感悟! you are such a kindness understanding and consideration girl! I like your writing
小泥山 回复 悄悄话 落花,

看过之后是会心的微笑.喜欢你的每一篇文章. (ZT)



dadaland 回复 悄悄话 always stand by your side:)
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 dadaland,谢谢你的支持。:)
punny,泳者,frog rain thunder,谢谢你们的留言,很开心可以和你分享这些小小的片断,并且能够远远隔着网络,会心地微笑。:)
Fog_Rain_Thunder 回复 悄悄话 看过之后是会心的微笑.喜欢你的每一篇文章.
泳者 回复 悄悄话 看书看累了,来看看榜样的生活,还是很解乏的。就象楼下某人说的,智慧的人对生活可以有随时随地的淡淡感悟,不但对自己有益,对读者来说,也很有帮助啊~(受益者语)
punny 回复 悄悄话 很喜欢阳光透过百页窗洒进来的样子 :)
的确如此,在刚出道的时候,很多新手似乎都是这么战战兢兢的,一些宽容一些信任一些谅解是对他们很好的鼓励 :)
dadaland 回复 悄悄话 落花,每个人看世界的角度都不同,又怎么会有相同的结论和感悟呢?呵呵,不必在意。我不擅写作,怕坚持不了,不如不写。看你的文对我即是放松和享受啦。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 dadaland,aprilwind, appleflower, 你们都是一个赛似一个的冰雪聪明,艺术修养也比我高得多,我建议你们都开博,写出来大家一起感悟,呵呵。
纵然平行,yeah right, you wrote whole long piece of comment then ask me to rest well? hehe.
i don't know many female residents you know, but your comment is very biased, just like your opinion about female as always, i mentioned before in your blog.but there is nothing to argue about, as we all have different perspectives of this world.

about the "cheese", i got it from a garden store, it was never designed as a nightstand, i don't know where you get this idear, hehe.

sorry for the water, i didn't change for 3 or 4 days since i am in ICU this month and barely awake when i come home, but also because the flowers come with some "powder" that you can put in the water to make flower last longer, that might contribute to the water color too.

and i wish i can see the sunshine in the morning, but i always have to go work early and rarely enjoy it, that's why i am so excited to see the sunshine when i came back.

i don't want to swear on anything because this is really not a big deal, and i don't know what kind of training you had to make you so confident giving judgement here. after all, how many things in this world you are actually sure about?

this is just a small diary i wrote about a moment of my day, and turns out i have to spend more time to explain it, which totally ruins the pleasure when i was writing it.sigh...
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 Interesting piece! I am wondering where you got such flair of “English Patience”:). I always thought that young female residents in hospitals, as a group, are usually a bunch of exhausted, irritated, obnoxious, egocentric, manipulative control freaks. Of cause, I am sure your are not in the pack of the those alpha females :).

In case you get offended by my coments, you can laugh at me at my expense. Nowadays, guys like us work in financial sector are hopelessly believed by people in NYC or elsewhere as wicked demons with severe delusional disorders, who have been indulging their greed in a de-moralized zone and careless about the rest of the world :(. Are you feeling a little better now ?

Back to your realization about relinquishing control, it certainly holds true that letting an inexperienced hair stylist messes round a person’s hair may not result in same devastating consequence as that causes by an incorrect decision from a young doc ( after all, hair do grow back, yet a mistake from medical fields may not be so forgiven ). However, to put things in perspective, your reflection might touch a good point. Simple fact is that laying back and putting faith in other person’s hands is easy said than done in many circumstances; many of us may need to learn the art to steer clear from control-in-all-the-time mode and give other people a chance.

Allow me to shift lighter side, In reference to your pic on the top, few things puzzle me . a. Who moved the “cheese” ? ( substitute “cheese” with nightstand) b. The water in flower vase/pitcher appeared to be about a week old. c. Based upon the angle that sunrays traveled trough the windows the time frame for the picture to be taken seemed to be in the morning rather than in the afternoon.

Do you see I am tormenting you by taxing your patience and integrity ?

Rest well.

AppleFlower 回复 悄悄话 Great analogy! Luo Hua, you're so nice. I would've totally freaked out and ran away from that girl. :)
Aprilwind 回复 悄悄话 象往常一样,真喜欢你的照片.
dadaland 回复 悄悄话 喜欢你随时随地的淡淡感悟,真是个智慧的女孩,愿保持一个好心情!