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on call today

(2006-07-21 00:44:46) 下一个

Two thirty in the morning now, finally get sit down and relax, still have some dictation to do, but I am too hungry and tired to do it right now, will do it right after this writing, hehe.

Today is a busy call day, my resident is still busy working in ER, but I get capped, which is very nice. I love this “cap” policy in my hospital, as an intern,  you are not allowed to admit more than 5 patients every night, after 5, your resident will do the work for you. My resident is doing his 7th now, unfortunately he is not covered by the cap policy, I feel bad and asked him earlier if there is anything I can do, but he said no, he is fine.  I think after the first year training, he is efficient enough to handle the situation.

Earlier this night, I got paged by a nurse. After discussing about the patient, I said thank you for the help as usual, she said no problem, and then she said it’s fun to watch me working. I could not recall her face because there are so many nurses, social workers, other staff working on the floor. She said every morning, I walked in to ward with excited mood and pleasant smile on my face.

I didn’t even notice that. All I can remember is the sleepiness and tiredness every 5:30am when the alarm clock goes off. My resident told me on my very first day, always be nice to nurse,  I guess that’s why I always keep my smile, but I am tired and frustrated inside, just my smile covers them, which is good. It’s always a pleasure to work with someone is happy, well, at least appears to be.

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山高水长 很喜欢看你的日播剧,在工作的时候能有时间整理自己的心情,还要保留自己女性的性格和梦,真难得!看来职业女生不一定都要走灭绝师太的道路啊!
玄米 回复 悄悄话 问候一下,辛苦了。
tabby 回复 悄悄话 做临床时间真是过得飞快,一转眼我的第一个rotation就结束了。再过一周你也应该换别的地方了吧。回头看看,我觉得这第一个月得到的最重要的东西是自信。一开始几天我和别人介绍自己是新的PGY-2时总觉得底气不足,很不确定自己是否真的能胜任。非常能理解你这篇文章里的喜悦,因为我自己信心从此大增的时刻是我的主治医生对我说“You are very strong clinically"的时候。这以后我觉得自己在各方面的进步都大为加快。我想我们一旦适应了新环境,一定会做个好的住院医的。在门诊和病人打交道的这一个月里再一次感受到“What you say is more important than how you say it". 当然两全其美是最好的,但至少我们以前的住院医训练让我们知道what to say.

呵呵我要好好享受一下这最后一个悠闲的周末。祝上班开心 :-)
wuximm 回复 悄悄话 Smile is contagious and spread happiness to everybody. Keep smiling.
在农村 回复 悄悄话 这两天才开始看你的BLOG的,好看!还推荐给了朋友们看,他们都很喜欢.:)
对了,喜欢那个 如何爱下去.
MicroLondon 回复 悄悄话 Sometimes just giving a presentation weights heavier than the materisls to be presented. One must possess strong spiritual power to handle a busy schedule as you are having. good work.
盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 MM: You obviously have a passion for the job. People around you can feel it and witness your effort. They will soon love your spirit as much as we do here:) Take good care.
女孩安然 回复 悄悄话 听起来蛮开心的,不过好象真的很累。。。
人在异乡 回复 悄悄话 :)
BMW328 回复 悄悄话 there's nothing else can make you this happy.
keep going