

15.4 墨西哥法典 Mexican Codex

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目录 Catalog:  15.4.0 前言 Preface;15.4.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe;15.4.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe;15.4.3 雨劫 Rain Catastrophe;15.4.4 水劫 Water Catastrophe.

15.4.0 前言 Preface
《墨西哥法典》又名《画成的书》,中华文化中称作《无字天书》。本章结合太阳石历(如图15.4.0),以青松石王子(约公元1245-1325年)缔造墨西哥为例来谈上帝造人的标准流程。图15.4.0是墨西哥博物馆的标志性文物,显示着上帝造人的全部过程包括四中劫,分别是15.4.1虎劫,15.4.2风劫,15.4.3雨劫,和15.4. 4水劫。每一中劫包括二十小劫。一增一减为一小劫。
The Mexican Codex is also known as the "Painted Book", is called the "Wordless Sky Book" in Chinese culture. This chapter combines the Sun Stone Calendar (Figure 15.4.0) and takes the creation of Mexico by Huitzilopochtli (around 1245-1325 C.E.) as an example to discuss standard God's process of creating humans. Figure 15.4.0 is an iconic cultural relic from the Mexican Museum, showing that the entire process of God's creation of man includes four medium-catastrophes, namely 15.4.1 Tiger Catastrophe, 15.4.2 Wind Catastrophe, 15.4.3 Rain Catastrophe, and 15.4.4 Water Catastrophe. Each medium catastrophe consists of twenty small catastrophes. One increase and one decrease make it a small catastrophe.

故事开始之前,先说说古代玛雅人的文化背景。世界之初,阿弥陀来到世界上就是一对儿,名作自在男和自在女。那夫妻俩生了四个儿子,红藏、黑藏、白藏、和蓝藏,分别主宰东、北、西、和南方。“藏”是笔者我对纳瓦特语Tezcatlipoca的翻译,本义是 “冒烟的黑曜石镜”,如下图15.4.0.2-4和5。
Before the story begins, let’s talk some cultural backgrounds of ancient Mexicans. At the beginning of the world, Ometeotl came into the world as a pair, famously known as the Self-Sufficient Man and Self-Sufficient Woman (Tonacateuctli and Tonacacihuatl). The couple gave birth to four sons, Red Tezcatlipoca, Black Tezcatlipoca, White Tezcatlipoca, and Blue Tezcatlipoca, who ruled the east, north, west, and south respectively. Tezcatlipoca in Nahuatl means "smoking obsidian mirror", as shown in Figure, and 5.

Why are the gods in ancient Mexican culture named after mirrors? Because their God, Gold Boy, and Jade Girl are converted from God-sense (i.e., immaculate part of unconsciousness), Adam-sense (i.e., maculate part of unconsciousness), and Eve-sense (i.e., preconsciousness) (as shown in fig., 2, 3; cf. section 10.9 "Godly Trinity”). Each of the major gods and goddesses represents a part of a human being; by studying and viewing them, one can understand oneself. As the ancient Sumerian king Kubaba (Eve, Guanyin Bodhisattva, as shown in Figure said, “By using bronze as a mirror, one can straighten clothes and cap; by using human as a mirror, one can understand the gains and losses; by using history as a mirror, one can know the rise and fall of the dynasty; and by using God as a mirror, one can know sky, earth, past life, and the present life.”

根据古墨西哥的传说,主宰南方的蓝藏全是用骨造的,要等600年(注,其中500年是由劫历,也就是太阳石历转换而来)才开始变黄,即开始有新陈代谢。600年后,阿弥陀的儿子们开始创造了世间万物和其它的神灵。古代墨西哥人认为太阳(神)每天东升西落,经历春夏秋冬、风霜雨雪,损耗很大,需要定期予以补给,需要神和人为之牺牲。如果太阳(神)消失了,从虮子出生的秽血皇族人,和从湿气出生的泥血歌利王等会盛行;人类社会会被腐败、战争、和自然灾害等所毁灭。在墨西哥的传说中,天道轮回往复,太阳(神)奥林·托纳修已经被多次再造。奥林·托纳修即上面插图15.4.0中央的那张圆脸所示,其纳瓦特尔语的本义为 “上前来照耀” 。
According to the legend of ancient Mexico, the Blue Tezcatlipoca that dominates the south is made entirely of bones. It will take 600 years (note, 500 years of which are converted from the catastrophe calendar, that is, the Sun Stone Calendar) before it begins to turn yellow, that is, it begins to have Metabolism. 600 years later, Ometeotl sons began to create all things in the world and other gods. Ancient Mexicans believed that the sun (God) rose in the east and set in the west every day. It experiences spring, summer, autumn and winter, wind, frost, rain, and snow, and suffered great losses. It needed to be replenished regularly and required sacrifices by Gods and humans. If the sun (God) disappeared, the filthy-blooded royal people born from nits, and the mud-blooded Song-Profit kings born from moisture, etc., would flourish; and human society would be destroyed by corruption, wars, and natural disasters. In Mexican lore, the godly cycles have been repeated and the sun (God) Ollin Tonatiuh has been reincarnated many times. Ollin Tonatiuh is the round face shown in the center of fig.15.4.0 above, whose Nahuatl word means "to come forth to shine".


15.4.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
目录 Catalog: 前言 Preface; 蔻特鹠鸺 Coatlicue; 王子求婚记 Prince’s Proposal; 王子和蔻特鹠鸺的裸体婚礼 Nude Wedding of Xiuhpilli and Coatlicue; 昭告天下Declaration to the World; 造第一颗太阳 Creating the First Sun; 金童 Gold Boy

虎劫是太阳石历(如图15.4.1.1-9)的第一象限。虎字表示此奥林运动的发起者不是个普通人,代表青松石王子(Xiuhpilli,又名左翼蜂鸟Huitzilopochtli)。他是《墨西哥法典》中的一位主人公,约出生于公元1245年,王族家庭。本文翻译纳瓦特语Xiuhpilli为青松石王子,义为 “太阳的继承人” ,也常被理解为 “花王子” 。青松石就是墨西哥国旗上象征着中土(Tenochtitlan;如图3)图案底下的那块石头,代表太阳神。花王子表示他的先辈们对他赋予了厚望。
The Tiger Catastrophe is the first quadrant of the Sun Stone Calendar (cf. fig. The word Tiger indicates that the initiator of this Ollin movement was no ordinary man, representing Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli, aka Huitzilopochtli, “Hummingbird of the Left”). He is a protagonist in Mexican Codex, born around 1245 C.E., of a royal family. This article translates the Nahuatl word Xiuhpilli as Turquoise Prince, meaning “heir to sun”, and is often understood to mean “Flower Prince”. The turquoise stone is the one on the Mexican flag that symbolizes the Middle Earth (Tenochtitlan; as in Figure 3) underneath the pattern, representing sun god. The Flower Prince signifies the high expectations placed on him by his forefathers.

According to Mexican legend, from his earliest years, the prince was encouraged by his parents and teachers to sacrifice himself for the recreation of the sun (God) (Figure When the prince was about forty years old, he became the “Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli)”. This meant that he had become an eighth-land bodhisattva (i.e., a buddha; cf. chapter 16 Path Crux) or higher; and that he had gained his father's trust as the heir to the throne. In other words, at the age of about 40, Turquoise Prince already had the knowledge to run the Ollin Movement and the political capital to launch the new Ollin Movement. Figure 5 indicates that in this Ollin Campaign, Turquoise Prince was making law (i.e. doing magic) in secret. Figures 6 and 7 indicate that he was burning himself in making the sun and that he sacrificed. The head of the man in Fig. 7 is below, indicating that he is dead; his buttocks are on the sun, indicating that he was sacrificed to recreate the sun (God). The remains of Turquoise Prince were interred at the top of the Tower of Floating Paintings (shown in Figure 8) in the Middle Earth (Tenochtitlan) district of Mexico City. According to Mexican legend, when a warrior dies, his spirit follows the sun for four years and then resides eternally in a hummingbird; hence the juristic fame of Huitzilopochtli (i.e. Hummingbird of the Left; as shown in Figures 9 and 10). 时间的推算 Time Estimates
读者当知青松石王子所创造的《墨西哥法典》已经被西班牙恶鬼焚毁了。本书根据 “1925年,墨西哥人选择了 1325 年 3 月 13 日来庆祝特诺奇蒂特兰城(Tenochtitlan,中土)的 600 周年纪念日” 来推算青松石王子和墨西哥的出生时间。根据中国佛学会对许多金童玉女觉悟年龄的统计计算,释迦摩尼佛(即金童)和观世音菩萨(即玉女)成佛的年龄是38.7岁,所以本文设定墨西哥(即金童,特拉洛克,亚当)和翠玉女(即玉女,夏娃)是在约1285年出生的,而青松石王子出生于1245年。
The reader should know that the Mexican Codex, created by Turquoise Prince, has been burned by those Spanish hungry ghosts. This book extrapolates the birth of Turquoise Prince and Mexico because “in 1925, the Mexicans chose March 13, 1325, to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the city of Tenochtitlan (Middle Earth).” According to the statistical calculation of the ages of enlightenment of many Gold Boys and Jade Girls by the Chinese Buddhist Society, the age at which Shakyamuni Buddha (Gold Boy) and Guanyin Bodhisattva (Jade Girl) became Buddhas was 38.7 years old. Therefore, this article assumes that Mexico (i.e., Gold Boy, Tlaloc, Adam) and Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e., Jade Girl, Eve) were born in 1285, and Turquoise Prince was born in 1245. 简述造神的流程 Briefing the Process of Creating Gods
公元1285年,约40岁的青松石王子觉悟成佛,并愿意为再造太阳(奥林·托纳修)而牺牲。这说明他再一次击碎了人的灵魂之石,设计出了金童和玉女,即从无意识的污染部分设计出了金童,从前意识的特性设计出了玉女(如图15.4.1.2-1,2;参见10.9《上帝的三和合》)。青松石王子在现实生活中挑选和培养了500位金童和6位玉女。当金童和玉女们在风风雨雨中(如图3,4)长大后,青松石王子选出了一对儿金童和玉女,并用恩怨情仇将他们俩捆绑在了一起,使他们俩的生命如亚当识和夏娃识一样,是 “俱有依” 的关系(如图5,6,7,8)。
In 1285 C.E., at the age of about 40, Turquoise Prince realized Buddhahood and was willing to sacrifice himself for the re-creation of Sun (Ollin Tonatiuh). This means that he once again shattered the stone of the human soul and designed the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl, i.e., from the contaminated part of the unconscious and from the preconscious properties (e.g., Figs., 2; cf. 10.9 Godly Trinity). Turquoise Prince selected and nurtured 500 Golden Boys and 6 Jade Girls in real life. After the Golden Boys and Jade Girls grew up in the midst of the winds and storms (see Figures 3 and 4), Turquoise Prince chose a pair of Gold Boy and Jade Girl, and bound them together with Favor Grudge Love and Revenge, so that their two lives, like the Adam-sense and Eve-sense, are mutually necessary dependent (as shown in Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8).

Eventually, after the passing of Turquoise Prince, around 1325 C.E., Golden Boy and Jade Girl were married, forming a new sun (God), the new Ometeotl two-body God (or Buddha as shown in figs. 5, 6, 7, 8). The married Gold Boy and Jade Girl were named Mexico and Chalchiuhtlicue; these two co-authored the Mexican Codex (as shown in fig. 9) and became the primogenitors of the Mexican people, and Huitzilopochtli naturally became God of the Mexicans. It is said that the thematic threads of the story of the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl can link up all the religious (i.e., God's) knowledge, and can satisfy all the needs of a human's life. 蔻特鹠鸺 Coatlicue
前文述说了青松石王子具有佛的智慧,实际他还有神的外貌(参见10.8 《神的外貌》)。他在取得了父王的信任,成为了王位继承人之后,就开始着手于成为转轮胜王(如雷音,参见15.3《羊乘教》),即成为新的太阳神。《契经》说,“转轮胜王出现时,必有女宝现世”,为什么?青松石王子是他的父辈们培养出来的,自然要为他培养一位女神妻子,就是插图15.4.1.1中的蔻特鹠鸺。
The previous section describes Turquoise Prince as having the wisdom of a Buddha, but he also had the appearance of a god (see 10.8 Godly Appearance). After he had gained his father's trust and become the heir to the throne, he set out to become the “Wheel-Turning Viking”, i.e., to become a “wheel-turning victorious king” (like Thor; cf. v. 15.3 Goat Vehicle Religion), a new Sun God. Why does “Harmony Sutra” say, “When the ‘wheel-turning Viking’ appears, there will be a ‘woman treasure’ present”? Turquoise Prince was raised by his fathers, and it was natural that a goddess wife should be raised for him, the Coatlicue in Illustration

蔻特鹠鸺是笔者我对纳瓦特语Coatlicue 的音译,本义为 “她,蛇裙”;如图15.4.1.1中的三幅图都显示了她的裙子是由蛇构成的。插图15.4.1.1-1是重生之母蔻特鹠鸺的典型雕像。她腰带上的骷髅头是青松石王子的颅骨,表示青松石王子为再造太阳的事业牺牲之后,蔻特鹠鸺继承了他的事业。她的胸部伸出了四只手,表示她在青松石王子死后,她一个人肩负了教母和教父两个人的工作,继续教导抚育金童和玉女。她的头是由两条蛇构成的,表示她善于运用金童和玉女两个思维模式(参见10.9《上帝的三和合》)进行思考。她的眼睛长在了头顶,表示她生性高傲,瞧不起人。
Coatlicue is a Nahuatl word, means "she, the snake skirt"; the three pictures in Figure all show that her skirt is made of snakes. Illustration is a typical statue of Coatlicue, the mother of Rebirth. The skull on her belt is the skull of the Turquoise Prince, which means that after Turquoise Prince sacrificed his life for the cause of recreating the sun, Coatlicue inherited his cause. Four hands stretched out from her chest, indicating that after the death of Turquoise Prince, she shouldered the work of both godmother and godfather, and continued to raise and teach the gold boy and the jade girl. Her head is made of two snakes, which means that she is good at thinking using the two thinking modes of gold boy and jade girl (cf. v. 10.9 Godly Trinity). Her eyes are on the top of her head, indicating that she is arrogant and looks down upon others.

图-2头上装饰有很多羽毛,表示她颇具灵性。她飞奔在天,脚踝装饰有羽毛,表示她是行天,即文字思维型人。她蒙着眼睛射箭,表示她做事计划在先,然后有的放矢,觉悟的性格特质强,是玉女(夏娃)类人。她的乳房被两只白骨爪遮着,脖子上挂着人心项链,表示她对别人的刺激性很强,是位 “少男杀手” 。图-3显示她善于挖人心,裙下枯骨累累,表示她的女人皮,即五百威仪十万八千魅力(参见16.2节),害了很多人。
In Figure 2, there are many feathers on her head, indicating that she is quite spiritual. She is flying in the sky, and her ankles are decorated with feathers, indicating that she is a Migration Sky, a “word thinking type” person. She shoots arrows while blindfolded, which means that she plans things first and then has the target in mind, means that she has a strong conscientious trait, is a Jade Girl (Eve) type of person. Her breasts are covered by two white bone claws, and a necklace of human hearts hangs around her neck, indicating that she is very stimulating to others, is a "Heart Breaker". Picture -3 shows that she is good at poaching people's hearts, and there are many bones under her skirt, which means that her woman’s skins, i.e., 500 majesties and 108,000 charms (cf. section 16.2), have harmed many people. 王子求婚 Prince's Proposal
青松石王子(Xiuhpilli;亦作花王子)把蔻特鹠鸺邀请到宫殿,带她来到了雨神特拉洛克的雕像前(如图。王子指着雕像说: “我打算把现在的纳瓦特尔国建设成一个更大的帝国,将来,改名为墨西哥。” 他解释说,他将困住特拉洛克(如图 3,4,5 所示),使之成为墨西哥的祖庙(如图 7 所示)。青松石王子对蔻特鹠鸺说: “我请求你嫁给我(如图 1 所示),一起建设未来的墨西哥帝国。” 
Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli; aka. Flower Prince) invites Coatlicue to the palace and takes her to the statue of Tlaloc, the god of rain (Figure Pointing to the statue, the prince says, “I intend to build the present country of Nahuatl into a larger empire, and in the future, rename it Mexico.” He explains that he will trap Tlaloc (shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5) and make it the ancestral temple of Mexico (shown in Figure 7). Turquoise Prince says to Coatlicue: “I ask you to marry me (shown in Figure 1) and together we will build the future empire of Mexico.”

Coatlicue was dumbfounded by what she heard (Figure 6) and lowered her head sadly, why? She couldn't understand what the prince was saying, her own whole body didn't feel a thing about what the prince said and was speechless!
青松石王子发现蔻特鹠鸺还是个少女,不知道天道轮回的道理,就说:“啊!这是我们皇家的家事。我给你说说,你这么聪明,还是女神世家出身,一听就明白!我父亲发起了奥林运动(如图15.4.1.2-2-1和11中,那根DNA似的线就是奥林标志)。他把我培养成了神(即有佛的知识和神的行为),又把再造阿弥陀(如图11,12; 或说为新的太阳神)的任务交给了我。”
Realizing that Coatlicue is still a young girl and does not know the theory of Godly cycle, Turquoise Prince said: "Ah! This is our royal family business. You are so smart and are from a goddess family! I tell you some, you'll understand it right away! My father started an Ollin Movement (as in Figures and 11, the DNA-like line is the Ollin symbol). He raised me to be a god (i.e., to have the knowledge of Buddha, and with behaviors of a god) and gave me the task of recreating Ometeotl (as in Figure 11, 12), a new Sun God."

Turquoise Prince said to the girl Coatlicue, “I have redesigned the Gold Boy and Jade Girl based on the principles of mind mechanisms (cf. v. 10.9 Godly Trinity).  I decided to secretly select 500 baby boys throughout the country to be sacrificed to Tlaloc. Then I secretly sent people to teach them (cf. figs. 4, 5). When they were old enough, I would lead their lives to experience through the key cases of Tlaloc's life (cf. figs. 4, 5; each acorn and golden elixir represents a juristic case). Similarly, I plan to select six baby girls to be sacrificed to Chalchiuhtlicue. We have investigated and researched, the daughter born to you and me will have all the innate qualities of a Jade Girl. Then you, as the godmother of these 6 Jade Girls, will train them so that they will learn and experience through the key life cases of Chalchiuhtlicue without realizing it (cf. figs. 6, 7). When the Gold Boys and Jade Girls reach the age of marriage, we select a Gold Boy with the fourth meditation (cf. v. chapter 12) to fall in love with our Jade Girl daughter (cf. figs. 8, 9).”

青松石王子继续说:“那,我们的女儿不会看上金童那种普通农民子弟,但她的 ‘五百威仪十万八千魅力’会创伤金童(如图9)。那时咱俩也在背后扇阴风,点鬼火,唆使他们俩打架。这样,被选中的金童就会因为创伤严重而堕入地狱(即患了精神病; 如图10)。但是我们选中的金童具有四禅的功力,他能依靠自己的力量从地狱里爬上来,而且分析出娶我们的女儿为妻是治愈他心理疾病的唯一方法(参见10.6 《治疗心理疾病的原则》)。他们俩结婚了,就是阿弥陀(即双身神,或双身佛,如图11,12)。 如是,我们所建造的墨西哥帝国由特拉洛克和翠玉女这两位作为开国的皇帝皇后,和墨西哥人的始祖,那墨西哥帝国的繁荣昌盛就是自然而然的事了。”
Prince Turquoise continued: "Well, our daughter will not fall in love with an ordinary farmer like the Gold Boy, but her "500 majesties and 108,000 charms" will traumatize the Gold Boy (picture 9). At that time, we also sow discord between them and instigate the two to fight each other. In this way, the chosen gold boy will fall into hell (i.e., suffer from mental illness; as shown in figure 10) due to severe trauma. But our chosen gold boy has fourth meditation experiences, he can climb up from hell on his own, and to analyze out that marrying our daughter is the only way to cure his mental illness (cf. v. 10.6 Principles of Curing Mental Illness). The two of them married are Ometeotl (the two-body god, or the two-body Buddha, as in figs. 11, 12). As such, it is only natural that the Mexican Empire we have built should prosper with the two, Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, as the founding emperor empress, and the primogenitors of the Mexican people.”
青松石王子对少女蔻特鹠鸺说:“这样做,由于我打破了阴阳两界的大门,切割时间,颠倒时间安排顺序,我就会生病,以至于死了(如图15.,3),看不到他们俩浴火重生,成为新的太阳神了。”  图3显示青松石王子因为造太阳(神)的事业而牺牲了,正在向妻子蔻特鹠鸺告别。
Turquoise Prince said to girl Coatlicue: "By doing this, because I broke the door between the living and died, cut time, and reverse the sequence of time, I will get sick and even die (as shown in Figure, 3), can't see that the two of them are reborn from the bath of fires and became the new sun god." Figure 3 shows that Turquoise Prince was responsible for the cause of creating the sun (God), and he is dying and is saying goodbye to his wife, Coatlicue.
Figure 1 shows girl Coatlicue who is listening to Turquoise Prince with all her heart. You see, her longing-filled eyes only see Turquoise Prince, and her only thinking is about Turquoise Prince. Her eagle-like ambition hugs the turquoise prince tightly, fearing that he will fall!

Prince said: "It doesn't matter! I voluntarily sacrificed myself to recreate the sun (God). How can I do great affair without sacrifice! After I die, you will continue to be responsible for the cause of creating the sun. Don't worry, you will already be my current age. The elders of the “Great Floating Painting Tower” (i.e., the Great Ancestral Temple) the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty will help you! Think about it, our daughter is younger than me now and she's a king. Who else can control her? If you, her mother, don't manage her, she can poke a hole in the sky!”
As shown in Figure, Coatlicue is watering the tree of life. The red color of her body indicates that she is Red Tezcatlipoca at that time and is the chief shaman for the cause of creating the sun god.
青松石王子又拉着蔻特鹠鸺来到特拉洛克的雕像前(如插图15.,说:“我都算过了,如果一切顺利,那时你还不到60岁!” 他指着特拉洛克的雕像说:“到那时,你就可以这样儿,‘特拉洛克!过来,过来!变成一只乌龟,驼我走一圈!’那会怎么样!?他就得变成乌龟,让你骑(如图15.,为什么?那女婿背丈母娘走一圈,让丈母娘开心,还不是应该的!咱俩这事不急,你再考虑考虑,和父母商量商量,我可以等。”
Girl Coatlicue (as in fig. was enlightened like a sun, and beautiful like a peacock, unable to find her mouth to speak anymore.
Turquoise Prince took girl Coatlicue to the statue of Tlaloc again (as shown in Illustration and said: "I have calculated it all. If everything goes well, you will not be 60 years old by then!" He pointed at the statue of Tlaloc and said: "At that time, you can do this, ‘Tlaloc! Come here, come here! Become a turtle and hump me around!’ What will happen!? He must turn into a turtle and let you ride on him (as shown in Figure, wherein? It’s right for a son-in-law to carry his mother-in-law on his back to make her happy! We are not in a hurry. Think about it and discuss it with your parents, I can wait."

少女蔻特鹠鸺一听,立刻急了,说:“我觉得,现在我们俩就应该开始造玉女!” 这俩人就动工了,开始制造玉女了(如图3)。图4显示,巫山云雨之后的蔻特鹠鸺立刻变得气定神闲,具有了皇家风范!为她自己在第一次约会就拿到了凤凰蛋而感到骄傲。
When girl Coatlicue heard this, she immediately became anxious and said: "I think the two of us should start making the Jade Girl now!" Then, the two of them started to work out girl Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e., Eve, Jade Girl; see fig. 3). Figure 4 shows that immediately after the witching hour, girl Coatlicue became poised with a royal demeanor! Proud of herself for getting the Phoenix Egg on the first date. 王子和蔻特鹠鸺的裸体婚礼 Nude Wedding of Xiuhpilli and Coatlicue
前文说青松石王子(Xiuhpilli;又名左翼蜂鸟Huitzilopochtli)和少女蔻特鹠鸺(Coatlicue)有了婚前性行为。王后知道后非常生气,斥责媒人。媒人受了委屈,来找蔻特鹠鸺的母亲抱怨。蔻特鹠鸺的母亲听后,也很尴尬,回答:“我相信王后的指责有道理,但我认为他们俩唠得兴奋了,青松石王子不忍心拒绝蔻特鹠鸺得热情,这俩人就做了糊涂的事。不过,我女儿可能也是一时兴奋,不是有预谋的,她可没那心计!” 蔻特鹠鸺发现自己的秘密计划暴露了,着实吓了一跳!幸好自己的母亲给自己作掩护!也后悔了:自己作为一个姑娘家,应该矜持稳重些!
As mentioned above, Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli; a.k.a. Huitzilopochtli, i.e. hummingbird of the left) and young Coatlicue had premarital sex. When the queen found out, she was very angry and reprimanded the matchmaker. The matchmaker felt wronged and came to complain to Coatlicue's mother. After hearing this, Coatlicue's mother was also embarrassed and replied: "I believe the queen's accusation is reasonable, but I think the two of them were excited by the chat, and Turquoise Prince couldn't bear to reject Coatlicue's enthusiasm, so the two did something stupid. However, my daughter may have been excited for a while, not premeditated, she doesn't have that kind of mind!" Coatlicue was really shocked when she found out that her secret plan was exposed! Fortunately, her mother covered for her! She also regretted: As a girl, she should be more reserved and steadier!

蔻特鹠鸺忐忑不安地等待着相亲的结果,时间过得很慢。一个月后,媒人来了,说:“国王听说了青松石王子和蔻特鹠鸺的事,也很生气,训斥了青松石王子,说‘你们俩赶紧给我结婚!咱帝王之家可受不了未婚先孕的丑闻!” 蔻特鹠鸺听后,不安的心情终于缓和了下来,觉得国王可真是个好人,他妈却很难对付。”
Coatlicue waited anxiously for the result of the blind date, and time passed very slowly. A month later, the matchmaker came and said, "King heard the affair of Turquoise Prince and Coatlicue, and he was very angry. He scolded Turquoise Prince and said, 'You two should get married quickly! Our royal family can't stand the scandal of unmarried pregnancy! ' After hearing this, Coatlicue's uneasy mood finally eased. She felt that the king was really a good man, but his mother was difficult to deal with."
婚礼由两部分构成,一部分是在蔻特鹠鸺的庙中,另一部分在奥林·托纳修的庙中。插图15.是青松石王子跟随着新娘蔻特鹠鸺来向 “夏娃族的首领大女神蔻特鹠鸺” 请愿:再一次举办奥林(Ollin)运动,再造翠玉女。新娘蔻特鹠鸺手中拿着燧火石,表示 “大女神蔻特鹠鸺” 同意新娘蔻特鹨休和青松石王子再造翠玉女(即玉女,夏娃),再一次举办奥林运动,。
The wedding consists of two parts, one in the temple of Coatlicue and the other in the temple of Ollin Tonatiuh. Illustration shows the Turquoise Prince following the bride Coatlicue to petition “the chief Goddess of the Eve tribe, Great Coatlicue”: to hold a new Ollin Movement, to reincarnate Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e. Jade Girl, Eve). The bride Coatlicue holds a flint in her hand, indicating that the "Great Coatlicue" agreed that the bride and Turquoise Prince can reincarnate Chalchiuhtlicue to hold a new Ollin Movement. 

古埃及人称人思想机制中的随念自我为亚伯;亚伯的形象是个孩子。图3中,古埃及人用 “给亚伯喂奶” 来表示那个女人是夏娃(亦作玉女)。古墨西哥人描述人的随念自我为 “一天以内的自我” ,称作 “灵龙” ,亦作 “羽龙” ;它的形象是龙或孩子。古墨西哥人也用 “给灵龙喂奶” 来表示那女人是 “玉女类的人” ,如图1,用 “给灵龙喂奶” 来表示那个大女人是大女神蔻特鹠鸺。图2中,古墨西哥人用给灵龙喂奶和玉女类人的菩提树来表示那女人是众生之母,翠玉女。
Ancient Egyptians referred to the inner “along thoughts ego” in mind mechanism as Abel; and Abel's image is that of a child. In Figure 3, the ancient Egyptians used the "breastfeeding Abel" to indicate that the woman is Eve (also known as the Jade Woman). Ancient Mexicans described “inner along thoughts ego” as "the self of for one day”, called Quetzalcoatl, also known as the "feathered dragon"; its image is a dragon or a child. Ancient Mexicans also used "breastfeeding Quetzalcoatl " to indicate that the woman was a "Jade Woman type of person", as in Figure 1, and used “breastfeeding a small dragon” to indicate that the big woman is the Big Goddess Coatlicue. In Figure 2, the ancient Mexicans used “breastfeeding Quetzalcoatl” and an enlightenment-tree of Eve type person to indicate that the woman is the mother of all livings, Chalchiuhtlicue.
青松石王子说:“世尊!以前的太阳神六百年前就死了,现在您是他智慧生命在人们心镜中的影像,是空的;我们不可能冒犯着您!” 如图右上角奥林·托纳修灵羽上的那两朵太阳花,那像似但不是奥林标志,也没有颜色。“色”在唯心主义中是变碍义(参见11.4.1 《色蕴 》),相当于现代唯物主义中的物质。没有颜色,表示这位上帝没有物质的形体,无受无取,自然不会生气。与之相对应的,青松石王子腿上的两颗鲜艳的太阳标志表示他是一位活的奥林·托纳修。
Figure shows that the groom and bride came to swear an oath to Ollin Tonatiuh, but Ollin Tonatiuh was angry (as shown in the volcanic eruption below): "You still dare to come to me to testify about the marriage! You two are creating a new Ollin Tonatiuh to replace me, and you started reincarnating Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl) without even informing me; I will punish you!"
Turquoise Prince said, "Social Honor! The former Sun God died six hundred years ago, and now You are the image of his gnostic life (i.e. intelligence life) in the mirror of people's hearts, which is empty. It is impossible for us to offend you!" The two sunflowers, as seen on the former Ollin Tonatiuh’s Spiritual Feathers in the upper right corner of the picture, resemble but are not the Ollin symbol and have no color. "Color" in theism means transformation and hindrance (cf. v. 11.4.1 Color Node), equivalent to matter in modern materialism. The absence of color indicates that this God has no material form, has no acceptance and fetch, so naturally will not be angry. In contrast, the two brightly colored sun symbols on the legs of Turquoise Prince indicate that he is a living Ollin Tonatiuh.


When bride Coatlicue heard this, how could he quarrel with God! Anxiously said: "Social Honor! It was I who seduced him about our incident the other day; if you want to punish, punish me!" As shown in the picture, Coatlicue’s finger shoots out a charming butterfly. But Prince Turquoise receives a colorless charming butterfly, indicating that he accepted the Coatlicue’s kind intention, but showed that transgressive sexual act was of his own sincere and voluntary will.
The former Sun God said to bride Coatlicue: "You are honest! Forgive me for taking the liberty! You have inherited the Goddess position of Coatlicue, you are now of a higher godly rank than I am. Even though, you should not tease my son! I heard you two the other day in front of my son Tlaloc's statue. The boy is old and disrespectful, using his power and wisdom as a pander, those words made me feel numb even to hear them. And you're going to marry him! And you two are going to turn my son Tlaloc into a turtle and ride him!"

Coatlicue replied: "Social Honor! Turquoise Prince is my fiancé, and you are his predecessor as Sun God, my elder, so you’re reprimanding me is not considered rude to me. As for what happened that day, that was the prince joking with me; I would not bully God of North (i.e., Tlaloc)! As for my marriage to the prince, I don't mind that he's much older than me, I'm willing to marry him!"
The former Sun God said to Coatlicue: "What a good girl! That black son of mine (i.e., Tlaloc, Adam) is drooping and sad all day long, and it's hard for me to see him! My punishment for you is that he is reincarnated as a human being this time, you make him live a happier, more lively life!"

Coatlicue replied: " Social Honor! As you wish! I am the Guardian of Godly Cycle (as indicated by the bird's nest symbol on her legs), and it is my sacred duty to incubate your godson Tlaloc (i.e., Gold Boy, Adam, Jaguar) and your daughter Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e., Jade Girl, Eve) to become a new Ometeotl. I will endeavour to make this two-body God shine once again, to illuminate the three-grand great-grand worlds!"
The former God turned his face to Turquoise Prince and said: "As for you, no matter how much I punish you, it will mean nothing compared to the pain you will endure in sacrificing yourself for me! Are you willing to take Coatlicue as your wife and make her a widow on earth in the future?"
Turquoise Prince replied: "Social Honor! I have already told her that I cannot grow old together with her in the mundane world. And I am willing to marry her!"

The former God said: "It seems I've been nagging too much, and the bride is waiting impatiently! Say the conclusion! I agree to organize a new Ollin Movement Games with Prince Turquoise and Coatlicue as the initiators. When the child, Chalchiuhtlicue, is born, you two can by the fame of Ollin Tonatiuh to declare to the world that a new Ollin Movement Game starts. I now proclaim in the fame of Ollin Tonatiuh that the benevolent man, Turquoise Prince, and the faithful woman, Coatlicue, are already husband and wife on earth! It is now sunset, an auspicious time, so send the bride and groom to the bridal chamber immediately!"
图15.4.1.3-3显示,洞房之中,青松石王子的阴茎不勃起,为什么?女神的外貌是人脑思维中默认女人样貌(参见11.4.1 色蕴),男人不对女神起性冲动。图3中,青松石王子的阴茎不对蔻特鹠鸺勃起,表明她具有女神的外貌和行为(如图中蔻特鹠鸺关节处的发光点所示)。那才不对呢?他们俩以前有过性交行为,没发现异常!
Figure shows that in the bridal chamber, Turquoise Prince's penis does not erect. Why? The appearance of the goddess is the default appearance of women in the human mind mechanism (see section 11.4.1 Color Node), men do not have sexual impulses towards goddesses. In Figure 3, Turquoise Prince's penis does not erect for Coatlicue, indicating that she has the appearance and behaviors (as shown by the glowing spots at Coatlicue's joints in the picture) of the goddess. What's wrong with that? They had sexual intercourse before, and nothing abnormal was found!

This shows that the appearance of Coatlicue is very similar to that of a goddess. The gray color of the world at sunset is the default empty color of mind, so unconsciousness (anciently God-sense) does not distinguish traits of things in that light intensity, so Coatlicue becomes a goddess. A few days ago, the two of them were in the sun, and Turquoise Prince's unconsciousness could capture Coatlicue's traits and had sexual impulses towards her, so the two of them could have sexual intercourse.
Why does Turquoise Prince in Figure 3 look like a teenager when he is already about 40 years old? To indicate Turquoise Prince’s ability of “Hundred Godly Transformations (see section 7.12)”. 诏告天下 Declaration to the World
In Figure, Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli, aka. Huitzilopochtli) was dressed as a woman and playing with Coatlicue. The background of the picture is the buildings on the earth's surface, indicating that they were in the Great God Sky (Figure 8). The Great God Sky is the First Meditation Sky that is no distinction between men and women in this sky and above, and clothing can be casual.

图36显示蔻特鹠鸺扮成了男人,金童。图37显示青松石王子和蔻特鹠鸺尽情地享受鱼水之欢。他们俩看到了一双高跟鞋,表示在他们的玩耍中,蔻特鹠鸺被提高了,具有了 “大女神蔻特鹠鸺” 的底蕴(如图38)。她的胳膊变成了两条蛇,表示她掌握了金童和玉女的两种思维模式(参见10.9节《上帝的三合和》)。
Figure 36 shows that Coatlicue is playing as a man, Gold Boy. Figure 37 shows they two were enjoying the pleasure of fish and water, saw a pair of high heels shoes, which meant that during their play, Coatlicue had been escalated and groomed into the "Great Coatlicue" (as shown in Figure 38). Her arms turned into two snakes, indicating that she had mastered the two thinking modes of Golden Boy and Jade Girl (see Section 10.9 "Godly Trinity"). 2 翠玉女出世 Chalchiuhtlicue Was Born
图15.中,蔻特鹠鸺头上的紫金冠表示她那时在纳瓦特国红得发紫。腰上的玉米(穗包)叶子表示在着七天七夜的婚礼中,她修成了人身果(参见15.3.9 《人天果》),成为了神身天(如图15.,即大女神蔻特鹠鸺。注,古墨西哥人用玉米穗代表意思食,即上帝赐予的食物。蔻特鹠鸺正在那儿琢磨着呢:“以前,妈妈总骂我,‘没出息,八辈子看不见后脑勺子’!这结婚几天,我咋总感觉能看见自己的后脑勺子了呢!?” 答:因为青松石王子在给她表演,讲解关于灵魂的知识(如图15.至8),她的觉悟水平提高了。
In Figure, the purple-gold crown on Coatlicue’s head indicates that she was extremely popular in Nahuatl at that time. The corn (ear-wrap) leaves on her waist indicate that during the seven-day-and-night wedding, she achieved the “human body fruit” (see section 15.3.9 Human Sky Fruit) and became a God Body Sky (see Figure, that is, she became the Big Goddess Coatlicue (as shown in fig. 3). Note: The ancient Mexicans used corn ears to represent Mana given by God. Coatlicue is pondering there, "In the past, mom always scolded me, 'No talent, can't see rear head even after eight lifetimes.' Just a few days since I got married, why do I always feel like I can see my rear head!" Answer: Because Turquoise Prince was performing to her and explaining the knowledge about soul (Figure to 8), and she was kind of enlightened.

图15.忽略此文物的来源)中,青松石王子双手捧着刚刚出世的翠玉女(玉女,夏娃),很喜欢。为什么翠玉女看起来像个魔鬼?因为欢乐的玉女是女神,是福;悲伤哭泣的玉女是殃(参见10.8 《神的外貌》)。
Figure shows that Coatlicue is pregnant and dreams of turning Tlaloc into a turtle to ride. You see, she was enjoying herself so much, but Tlaloc was so crushed that he grimaced and couldn't stand up, why? At that time, the jade girl is still in her belly, the gold boy is born, also just born. In the picture, she is bigger than others, which means that currently she was already “Great Coatlicue”.
In Figure (Ignore the source of this artifact), Turquoise Prince holds the newly born Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl, Eve) in his hands and likes it very much. Why does the baby look like a devil? Because she was crying, and a happy Jade Girl is a Goddess, a Fortune, a sad or weeping Jade Girl is a Misfortune (cf. 10.8 Godly Appearances). 诏告天下 Declaration to the World
Following the instructions of the former Sun God (Ollin Tonatiuh) in the previous section, Turquoise Prince and Coatlicue make it known: Ollin Tonatiuh has decided to convene a new Ollin Movement, in which all the people and animals of the world are invited to participate. Whoever reaches Sun God first, the princess Chalchiuhtlicue will marry him and become the new king of the Sun Tribe.
Figure shows that Coatlicue, who was less than 20 years old, was already at the forefront of the world. She oversees the source of life, assumes the responsibility of the mother of rebirth, and has become the guardian of Godly Cycle. 造第一颗太阳 Creating the First Sun
青松石王子(又名左翼蜂鸟,如图15.4.1.5-1-1)为了造第一颗太阳(相当于佛教的肉眼通),献祭给了古代的雨神特拉洛克(Tlaloc;如图2,3,4)500名男童。图1显示,青松石王子亲手伤害了许多孩子,将为此付出自己的生命。图2头顶的劈裂表示,这个作法会让孩子成为特拉洛克时具有多重性格。图3显示,青松石王子会把自己国王的宝座赔偿给他的教子,新造出来的特拉洛克,墨西哥。插图5是现在位于墨西哥城的大浮屠塔。塔顶的两座坟,一座是太阳神左翼蜂鸟的;另一座是墨西哥人的始祖,本故事中被创造出来的,墨西哥(一位特拉洛克, 亚当)的。
Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli, aka. Huitzilopochtli, as in Fig. sacrificed 500 baby boys to ancient Tlaloc, the god of rain (as in Figs. 2, 3, 4), to make the first sun (the Buddhist equivalent of Flesh Eye Through). Figure 1 shows that Prince Turquoise has personally harmed many of the children and will pay for it with his own life. The split on the top of the head in Figure 2 indicates that this practice will cause the child to have multiple personalities when he becomes Tlaloc. Illustration 3 shows that Turquoise Prince would compensate his throne as king to his godson, the newly created Tlaloc, Mexico. Illustration 5 shows the “Great Floating Paints Tower (Templo of Mayor)” in modern Mexico City; the two tombs at the top of the tower, one is Sun God Huitzilopochtli, another of Mexican primogenitor, Mexico (a Tlaloc, Adam) created in this story.

According to the indigenous people of Mexico, during the dedication of Tlaloc, mothers of male infants of the right age went to the designated place with their children in their arms and handed them over to the priests. It is said that if the boy cries, it is good, meaning Auspicious. Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl, Eve, a priestess) would comfort the child. The exact process of dedication was secret and invisible to the child's mother. So how did the ancient Mexicans make the first sun? 蒙眼睛 Blindfolding
Illustration indicates that Turquoise Prince is doing his dirty work secretly. He will raise the Gold Boy into a Tlaloc (Buddha of Shakyamuni type) without the knowledge of either the Gold Boy or the Gold Boy's parents, and then put the Gold Boy into the bottle of his daughter, Chalchiuhtlicue. That bottle represented the juristic boundary of his daughter's goddess. At the same time Turquoise Prince put both the Gold Boy and the Jade Girl (Chalchiuhtlicue) into his own bottle which represents his own juristic boundary. In this way the three of them were bound together as the Godly Trinity.

The author I believe that there are three steps in the specific process of sacrifice. The first step is Blindfolding, is to place the child in a place where there is no one around, at an age when the child is just getting the hang of things, not quite yet. The Godfather stands at a distance, having to be visible to the child, and then the Godfather sprints towards the child, startles the child, and then quickly leaves. With the child looking like this, and with this surprise, it is said that the child's eyes were blindfolded (as in Figure The reason the eyes were blindfolded was that the child had infantile neurodevelopmental disorder, a visual impairment, cannot see far. Why is it a good thing for a child to cry? If the child does not cry, it means he is not frightened, and he will not suffer from infantile neurodevelopmental disorders, so this approach has failed. 金童病了 Gold Boy Was Sick
Illustration is a statue in a Mexican museum of a mother holding her sick child, worried overwhelmingly. The carvings on the bodies of the mother and child indicate that the child is the Gold Boy, the infant Tlaloc. Modern doctors have diagnosed the child as having central nervous system damage based on the many terracotta figurines such as Figures 4, 5, and 6.
The modern American psychiatric manual describes this as a mental patient feeling that his vision is impaired by a white fog and that he cannot see clearly in the distance. This phenomenon was said by the ancient Mexicans to have blindfolded the child.

Figures 4 and 5 show that the golden boy is clumsy and has uncoordinated body movements. Figure 6 is obviously a fool; is Mexico's founding emperor is a fool? The author I believe that Figures 4 and 5 show the true condition of the golden boy in his early childhood; while Figure 6 shows the adult Tlaloc not as the norm, but as a state of occasional neurodevelopmental disorders caused by early childhood trauma. 启蒙 Revelation
Step 2 of making “Flesh Eye Through” is revelation. After the child's eyes have been blindfolded for a few months or a year, find someone who looks like the Godfather who charged (flushed, rushed) the child, who is neither a stranger nor an acquaintance of the child, to do the same thing again that the Godfather who had done it to the child. This time let the child see it clearly. They say that by doing this, the child's blindfold is uncovered. The child's infantile neurodevelopmental disorder was treated, but a latent psychosis was left behind, so a third step was needed. Prince Turquoise secretly delegated Uncle Maize (as in Figure, 2, 3), a distant relative of Gold Boy, to uncover the Gold Boy's eyes.

By the way, traditionally, the third step in the practice of the Flesh Eye Through (as shown in Illustration is when the child is between the ages of 16 and 25, and when the child's Flesh Eye through has been formed, the child's Godfather, the child's parents, and those whom the child trusts the most, together, inform the child of the practice of the Flesh Eye Through. The reader should know that the Gold Boy of this article (Mexico) was not subjected to the third step of the practice, because he ran away from home and escaped to a foreign country. 金童 Gold Boy
自从谷伯(即谷神,燃灯佛)为金童启蒙,就成了他的好朋友,常与金童一起玩,给他讲故事。 如插图15.4.1.6-1-1所示),在喂食金童橡子。那橡子是什么?图1下显示,那橡子是灵水里生长出的橡树结的果实。图3显示那些橡子似的带有象形文字的玉石,能够转动太阳石历(如图2,是表明天道轮回的劫历)。那些大字,每个字是一个传说故事,是一个自然法的经典案例。图4显示,由于吃了那些橡子,长大后的金童吸收了很多灵水,生出了许多灵,变成了黑色,成为了北方之神。他头上的羽毛代表灵。
Ever since Uncle Maize (Centeotl, Maize God, Lamplighter Buddha) unfolded the Gold Boy’s eyes, had become his good friend, often playing with him and telling him stories. Figure shows Uncle Maize in feeding the Gold Boy acorns. What is that acorn? Figure 1 lower part shows that the acorns are fruits of an oak tree that grows out of the spiritual water. Figure 3 shows that the acorn like jade stones with hieroglyphics can turn the Sun Stone Calendar (i.e., “Catastrophe Calendar” showing godly cycle, as in Figure 2). Those large hieroglyphics, each a legendary, is a classic case of natural law. Figure 4 shows that because of eating those acorns, the grown-up golden boy absorbed a lot of spiritual water, gave birth to many spirits, and became black, the god of the north. The feathers on his head represent spirits.

Those large, complex hieroglyphics that no anthropologist or religious scholar in the world now understands, and yet Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli, aka. Huitzilopochtli) had Uncle Maize teach those big words to a child less than three years old! But look at Figure 1, reader, the Gold Boy was enlightening like a spinning candlestick! Is that a compliment to the Gold Boy's intelligence? Or is it showing that Maize God taught his godson well? Look, reader, at the roots of those candles; that's the golden boy's eyes understanding, his ears getting it, his nose feeling it, his tongue getting excited, his body becoming enlightened; all those organs are what they see, and there is never a lack of enlightenment. The brain, the organ that should be most enlightened, is not enlightened!

青松石王子是怎么想的,怎么让谷伯教一些连正常的成年人都不懂的东西给一个不满三岁的孩子?图1中那些觉悟的器官,眼根、耳根、鼻根、舌根、和身根是五行,就是本心,亦名五色。行是说眼耳鼻舌和身,这五识在移动,但没有移动者。色在唯心主义中是变碍义,参见11.4.1节《色蕴》。 青松石王子在向金童的本心输送知识。
What was Uncle Maize thinking? Oh, my God! This boy has no brain! It's no big deal that I've lost my juristic fame, but I deserve to die for ruining Turquoise Prince's hundred years project of recreating sun.
What was Turquoise Prince thinking? How could he let Uncle Maize teach something that even normal adults don't understand to a child under the age of three? Those organs of enlightenment in Figure 1, eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, and body root are the five migrations, which are the original heart, also known as the five colors. Five Migrations are said to be the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, these five senses are moving, but there are no movers. Color in theism is the meaning of change and obstruction, see section 11.4.1, "Color Node". Turquoise Prince is channeling knowledge to the Gold Boy's original heart.
What exactly are the meanings of the hieroglyphs represented by those acorns that are so powerful? There are similar statements in Buddhism, such as that the earth, water, fire, and wind are the four Big Seeds (see Section 11.2). The “Unified Compilation of Buddhism” says that the one Big Seed of the Boundary (i.e., the earth) is worth one Buddha. 狮子吃了巨人 Jaguar Ate Giants
The legendary Tiger Catastrophe in Mexico was filled with giants (Note 1) who fed on acorns (Note 2). Later, all those giants were eaten by the Jaguar (Note 3), and the Tiger Catastrophe came to an end.
Note 1, This story is a memoir of Mexico (a Tlaloc, Shakyamuni). The tiger catastrophe happened before he was three years old. Most readers don't remember it. In the eyes of infants and young children, normal young people and adults are giants. Therefore, Mexico's recollection became this sentence. 
Note 2: In addition to being a solid food, acorns also have the meaning of Mana. Mexicans call Mana as corn; Buddhism calls it as “food of intent and mean” (cf. section 11.5 Four-Food Crux). This sentence means that not only did Uncle Maize often come to tell me stories and teach me the Seed Words, at that time, Prince Turquoise also frequently sent people to tell stories near my home, and my parents held me to listen to stories. People ate acorns and talked about runes that looked like acorns.

Note 3, Jaguar is a fame for Tlaloc. "Jaguar Ate Giants", it means that Tlaloc has forgotten everything in the Tiger Catastrophe. How did he forget everything? When people are born, they think in images. With the formation of language, infants' memory patterns, memory extraction patterns, and thought patterns change. One forgets things from before the age of three with this change at around three years of age, and a normal person cannot recall memories from before the age of three. Then how did Tlaloc recall so much? Modern psychology says it's not uncommon among psychopaths to recall affairs before the age of three.

既然青松石王子知道人长大后,会忘掉三岁之前的事,他怎么还花费那么大的人力物力去教金童?三岁之前的事虽然被忘了,可记忆还在无意识(古作神识)里发挥着作用,习气犹在。例如,金童会对特拉洛克和翠玉女感兴趣,感觉似曾相识。当金童遇到了与古代特拉洛克类似的经历,那些三岁之前的记忆就发挥作用了,他就可能感知该怎么做了,如有神助。而那个帮助他的“神” 正是青松石王子。
Since Turquoise Prince knew that when a person grows up, he would forget what happened before he was three years old, why did he still spend so much labor and resources to teach the golden boy? Although the events before the age of three were forgotten, the memories were still playing a role in the unconscious (anciently God-sense), and the habits were still there. For example, the Gold Boy would be interested in Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, feeling déjà vu (already seen). When the golden boy encounters an experience like that of ancient Tlaloc, those memories from before he was three years old come into play, and he may perceive what to do, as if he were helped by God. The "god" who helped him was Turquoise Prince (i.e., Xiuhpilli, and later Huitzilopochtli) exactly.

Illustration on the right, the man with the pointed hat is the Prince of Turquoise who is presiding over the Ollin movement. The picture on the left shows the Sun Stone Calendar, the round face in the center with the pointed hat represents Ollin Tonatiuh. The pointed hat is seen as a compass in the Sun Stone Calendar, why? It is that this article, the reasoning that lies between the Tiger Catastrophe and Wind Catastrophe, holds an important place in understanding God's secrets.

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