
中国和墨西哥合作 对美国重大打击

(2025-03-24 04:11:27) 下一个


China and Mexico’s Shocking Announcement: A Major Blow to the US!

UNOMY 2025年3月14日



世界正在发生变化,北美是这种变化最明显的地区。几十年来,美国、墨西哥和加拿大之间的关系是可以预测的。墨西哥和加拿大是主要的贸易伙伴,供应从制成品到农产品等各种产品。所有这些都在一个让美国成为北美经济力量中心的体系内。但这种平衡正在迅速改变。墨西哥正在摆脱对美国长期以来的经济依赖,与一个意想不到的参与者中国建立更紧密的联系。而美国传统上一直主导着墨西哥的贸易和投资。近年来,墨西哥发生了重大转变。中国正在向墨西哥投入数十亿美元,重塑工业,并在此过程中挑战美国在自己后院的影响力。这种转变不仅关乎经济,还关乎权力,关乎杠杆作用,最终关乎谁在未来几年在北美发号施令。这一切意味着什么对未来意味着什么让我们分解一下,看看为什么这种跨性别信息会撼动全球舞台首先让我们谈谈一件大事墨西哥多年来对美国的日益独立墨西哥的经济与美国的北美自由贸易协定紧密相连,现在被称为美国墨西哥湾协定旨在在三个北美国家之间建立无缝贸易网络它起作用了美国成为墨西哥最大的贸易伙伴,很长一段时间以来,这种关系没有受到质疑从2018年到2023年,中国向墨西哥投资了惊人的23亿美元,仅在2023年就增加了1.5亿美元,而这仅仅是个开始这些投资不仅仅是随机的行业,他们正在进入汽车制造、可再生能源和基础设施等关键行业,这里的战略很明确,通过加强与中国的经济联系墨西哥不仅仅是使其多元化贸易关系它正在积极减少对美国的依赖,多年来这是一件大事,有一种不言而喻的假设,即墨西哥需要美国才能蓬勃发展,这一假设正在受到挑战,对美国来说,这一转变是一个警钟华盛顿长期以来一直将墨西哥视为一个在明确框架内运作的合作伙伴,该框架将美国利益置于中心,但随着中国的介入,墨西哥拥有更多选择,更多的谈判能力,最重要的是对其经济命运有更多的控制北美的力量平衡正在发生变化,美国意识到它可能不再是该地区唯一的主要参与者,但这个故事还有更多内容,这不仅仅是关于投资,而是关于投资的去向,这一点在墨西哥蓬勃发展的汽车行业中最为明显,中国已经全力投入墨西哥的制造业,特别关注汽车和电动汽车,仅在 2023 年,中国企业就投入了令人瞠目结舌的 27.2 亿美元投资于墨西哥的汽车行业,占中国在该国总投资的 72%,而这不仅仅是建立几家工厂,中国正在深深融入墨西哥的生产体系??,这些投资正在资助研发中心、供应链整合和劳动力培训计划,换句话说,中国不仅仅是将墨西哥用作组装汽车的地方,它正在建立长期存在,而更有趣的是,得益于墨西哥与美国的贸易协定,墨西哥正在成为中国进入美国市场的跳板,中国汽车制造商可以在墨西哥生产汽车,然后将其出口到美国,而无需支付通常直接从中国进口的高额关税,这意味着更低的成本、更高的竞争力,并可能给美国汽车制造商带来重大麻烦,对墨西哥来说,这是一个经济金矿,更多的工厂意味着更多的就业机会,更多的投资意味着更强大的基础设施通过将自己定位为全球电动汽车市场的关键参与者,墨西哥正在为长期增长做好准备,但对美国来说,这是一个日益增长的问题。距离美国边境仅数英里的中国工厂意味着竞争加剧,如果中国公司能够利用墨西哥的贸易优势削弱美国制造商,这可能会对美国经济产生严重影响。2025 年 3 月 9 日,前总统唐纳德·特朗普加倍实施其长期关税战略,称对来自墨西哥和加拿大的商品征收的关税可能会上调。特朗普最初计划对来自墨西哥和加拿大的钢铁和铝进口征收 25% 的关税,该关税将于 2 月生效,但被推迟了一个月,然后又推迟了一个月。现在 4 月 2 日是新的最后期限,但即使这仍悬而未决。根据特朗普政府的说法,这些关税背后的策略不仅仅是贸易,而是要打击芬内尔流入美国。特朗普的团队将这些关税定性为一种方式向墨西哥和加拿大施压,要求其加强边境禁毒执法,但批评人士认为,这只是朝着全面贸易战迈出的又一步。墨西哥的反应是经过深思熟虑的,而不是立即报复。总统克劳迪娅·辛(Claudia Shin)采取了等待和C的态度,推迟了反关税。另一方面,加拿大并没有那么有耐心。总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)明确表示,报复性关税正在考虑之中。他警告说,这种经济边缘政策可能会产生持久的后果,而现在情况变得更加复杂。特朗普的关税战略不仅影响贸易,还制造了不确定性。依赖北美供应链的企业处于不确定状态,不确定是预期更高的成本还是最后一刻的政策逆转。投资者犹豫不决。市场动荡不安。与此同时,美国陷入关税争端。中国正在悄悄巩固其地位,而美国企业和政策制定者则争先恐后地应对不断变化的贸易政策 中国为墨西哥提供稳定、长期投资和清晰的经济愿景 这是问题的核心 美国将墨西哥视为关键贸易伙伴,但中国将其视为机遇 通往北美市场的门户 生产中心和具有未开发经济潜力的国家 墨西哥经济转型的故事并没有随着其日益独立于美国而停止 它才刚刚开始 真正的游戏 Cher 这是中国在墨西哥投资的绝对规模,以及他们如何重塑该国一些最重要的行业,从制造业到电动汽车,甚至锂等关键资源 中国不仅仅是在试水墨西哥经济,而是在认真争取长期主导地位 中国一直在战略性地向墨西哥投入数十亿美元,不仅是为了帮助自己的企业蓬勃发展,也是为了在美国旁边站稳脚跟这些投资为中国企业提供了一条进入北美市场的直接途径,同时避开了可能拖累其发展的关税和限制,其中最大的领域之一是墨西哥的汽车行业,仅在 2023 年,中国企业就向墨西哥汽车行业投入了令人瞠目结舌的 27.2 亿美元,这不仅是一个大数字,而且是一个主导数字,当年中国在墨西哥的所有投资中有 72% 直接进入了汽车行业,但这不仅仅是为了制造更多的汽车,中国正在更深入地发展,这些资金被用于建立研发中心、精简供应链和培训工人,所有这些都是为了使中国支持的汽车公司在北美更具竞争力,而且它正在发挥作用,这一努力的主要部分集中在电动汽车上,中国已经在电动汽车生产方面领先世界,比亚迪和中投等公司现在正在全球范围内取得巨大进步他们利用墨西哥作为长期发射台,向美国市场投放更便宜、更高质量的电动汽车,因为这些汽车是在墨西哥组装的,他们能够利用贸易协议进入美国,而无需面对高额关税,这意味着美国汽车制造商突然面临更激烈的竞争,他们没有明确的方法反击墨西哥,这波中国投资带来了巨大的经济推动力,创造了数千个就业机会,基础设施正在改善,墨西哥作为全球制造业强国的声誉也越来越强,但另一方面,中国公司在墨西哥汽车行业占据如此强大的地位,他们开始影响游戏规则只是时间问题,这引发了人们对墨西哥长期经济战略的重大质疑,这些投资将使墨西哥更强大、更独立,还是会让墨西哥过度依赖中国而不是美国,但汽车行业并不是中国唯一采取行动的地方,还有另一个解决方案来源同样重要,甚至可能更重要,那就是锂,如果你一直在关注电动汽车的兴起,你就会知道锂是现代电池技术的支柱,它被称为白金是有原因的,没有锂就没有电动汽车,没有大规模的可再生能源储存,也没有办法真正摆脱化石燃料,这就是墨西哥拥有大量锂储量的原因,中国知道这一点,并且正在抓紧时间确保在 2023 年获得这些资源,中国能源巨头 JG Yang 与墨西哥太平洋公司签署了一项为期 20 年的液化天然气协议,加强了中国对墨西哥能源部门的承诺,这清楚地表明中国不仅对墨西哥的工厂感兴趣,还想要墨西哥的自然资源,如果中国控制了墨西哥大部分锂供应,这可能会让中国公司在全球电动汽车市场获得更大的优势,他们将拥有更多的控制权对电池材料进行控制,这意味着他们可以规定价格,限制竞争对手的供应,将最好的资源留给自己。对墨西哥来说,这是一个不可思议的经济机会,但也是一个风险很大的机会。如果处理不当,锂矿开采可能会引起争议,它会导致严重的环境破坏、水资源短缺和与当地社区的冲突。还有一个问题是,谁真正从这些交易中受益。如果中国正在开采墨西哥的锂,但大部分利润都流向了中国公司,而不是留在墨西哥,那么这对国家来说真的是一种胜利吗?与此同时,美国正越来越担忧地关注着这一切的进展。美国也在努力确保锂用于自己的电池生产,但如果中国锁定了太多的供应,美国可能会发现自己在电动汽车竞赛中处于极大的劣势,这就是为什么华盛顿一直在推动与智利和阿根廷等国家建立更强有力的伙伴关系,这些国家也拥有大量锂储量,但当美国正在考虑长期锂战略时,中国已经在达成交易,建设基础设施,扩大控制范围,而现在,墨西哥似乎倾向于提供最直接利益的一方,这是中国对全球贸易和投资的态度中反复出现的模式,而不是陷入无休止的谈判中,中国行动迅速,提供资金资源和发展机会,而且不会像美国或其他西方国家经常做的那样提出同样的条件,这也是中国在墨西哥的影响力增长如此之快的原因之一,而美国则一直专注于贸易争端、关税和政治僵局,中国一直在悄悄加强其地位,建立联盟,确保长期经济优势,但这并不意味着美国出局,拜登政府一直在努力通过鼓励更多美国公司在墨西哥投资来抵消中国在墨西哥的影响力,加强供应链协议,使美国企业更容易在那里运营,目标是确保墨西哥与美国利益保持一致,而不是进一步陷入中国的经济轨道,然而,特朗普领导下的美国贸易政策最近发生了转变,使其中一些努力陷入混乱,新关税的不可预测性,贸易战的可能性以及北美领导人之间日益加剧的紧张局势,都使得建立稳定的经济伙伴关系变得更加困难,而这正是中国所利用的,而美国正努力应对关税和经济战略的内部争论,中国为墨西哥提供了一些不同的确定性,长期投资贸易协定,这些协定的限制更少,最重要的是,这是一个使其经济摆脱美国控制的机会,对墨西哥来说,这是一个重新定义其在全球经济中地位的难得机会,对中国来说,这是直接进入北美市场并加强其供应链的一种方式,但对于美国来说,这是一个日益严重的问题,而且只会越来越糟,几十年来,美国一直是北美的主导经济力量,它制定贸易政策,制定规则,并期望其邻国墨西哥和加拿大遵守规则,但今天,这种主导地位正受到华盛顿未曾预料到的挑战,中国正在以前所未有的速度扩大其在墨西哥的影响力,因此,美国正忙于应对,问题是,它的一些举动可能弊大于利,墨西哥作为关键制造中心的崛起不仅与汽车有关,还与它在全球贸易中日益增长的重要性有关,其地理位置使其成为北美和南美之间的桥梁,是通往国际市场的门户,现在是世界上一些最大经济体供应链中的关键参与者,这不是一夜之间发生的事情,墨西哥花了数年时间建设其基础设施,扩大墨西哥正在努力建设自己的港口,现代化铁路系统,加强物流网络,其结果是,墨西哥不仅是商品出口国,而且是真正的全球贸易强国,中国看到了潜力。目前发生的最大转变之一是墨西哥日益参与中国的“一带一路”倡议,这是一个巨大的全球基础设施项目,中国一直在通过大规模投资公路、铁路和航运路线,扩大其在世界各地的经济足迹。中国正在将自己与主要市场联系起来,而墨西哥正迅速成为该网络的重要组成部分。从实际角度来看,这意味着中国正在帮助开发墨西哥的贸易路线,使货物进出该国更加容易和便宜。墨西哥的港口正在升级,高速公路正在扩建,铁路线正在现代化,所有这些都是为了使墨西哥成为全球供应链的中心枢纽,而这正是美国面临的棘手问题。美国一直依赖墨西哥作为其贸易枢纽。墨西哥是美国在美墨加协定下的一个关键贸易伙伴,两国之间的贸易额创下历史新高,墨西哥甚至在 2023 年超过中国成为美国最大的贸易伙伴,但现在中国向墨西哥基础设施投入了数十亿美元,这不再只是墨西哥向美国运送商品的问题,还关系到墨西哥与中国和世界其他国家的联系。对华盛顿来说,这是一个日益增长的担忧,贸易上对美国依赖程度较低的墨西哥拥有更大的筹码,而这正是正在发生的事情。以汽车行业为例,美国多年来一直试图通过提供补贴和激励措施来促进国内电动汽车的生产,以将更多的制造业带回国内,但与此同时,中国一直在积极扩大其在墨西哥的电动汽车生产,使其更容易、更便宜地出口到美国市场,而无需面临直接关税,现在美国汽车制造商不再拥有优势,而是面临着严峻的挑战。来自中国支持的公司以墨西哥为运营基地的竞争,这迫使美国汽车制造商陷入困境,要么找到一种方法来与中国较低的生产成本竞争,要么冒着在自己的后院失去市场份额的风险,这种战略机动正是中国对墨西哥的态度如此有效的原因,而美国则专注于短期贸易政策。中国正在打一场长期游戏,它不仅在墨西哥投资以获得即时收益,还在为长期经济影响力奠定基础,而中国正在加强与墨西哥的伙伴关系,而美国自己也犯了一些错误,目前该地区紧张局势的最大根源之一是围绕美国贸易政策的不确定性,前总统唐纳德·特朗普重新上台,对墨西哥和加拿大的关税再次成为 2025 年 3 月的主要问题,特朗普宣布对来自墨西哥的商品征收关税和加拿大的关税可能会在 4 月 2 日之后上涨,为依赖北美贸易的企业带来一波不确定性。最初,他计划对从墨西哥和加拿大进口的钢铁和铝征收 25% 的关税。但经过多次推迟和调整,企业不知道接下来会发生什么。这种不可预测性正是企业所讨厌的。企业需要稳定来规划未来,而贸易政策的不断变化使得投资、扩张甚至有效运营变得困难,但特朗普的贸易战威胁并不止于钢铁和铝。他还建议对加拿大木材和乳制品征收新的关税。警告说,如果墨西哥和加拿大不遵守我们的要求,特别是在控制芬太尼流动方面,那么墨西哥将受到经济制裁。这种来来回回的争论提醒我们,为什么多元化贸易关系如此重要,如果美国可以随时征收关税,那么墨西哥需要其他合作伙伴来依靠,对吧现在,中国非常乐意扮演这个角色,与此同时,加拿大也没有袖手旁观。总理贾斯汀·特鲁多明确表示,如果特朗普兑现威胁,报复性关税就会摆在桌面上。他还警告说,这种经济边缘政策可能会导致一场旷日持久的贸易战,这可能会严重扰乱供应链,损害边境两边的企业。但当墨西哥和加拿大试图应对美国贸易政策的不稳定时,中国的做法仍然保持一致,它为墨西哥提供财政支持、基础设施投资和贸易协定,这些协定提供了长期安全保障,而不仅仅是在制造业。近年来,中国也在墨西哥的农业领域大举进军。中国企业一直在增加对墨西哥农业的投资,特别是在甘蔗生产方面。2024 年,墨西哥农业和农村发展部与中国合作,在墨西哥实现甘蔗种植现代化。苏特东南地区占地数万公顷,此次合作是大趋势的一部分。中国确保获得墨西哥关键农业资源,同时提供技术和投资以实现该部门的现代化。与此同时,墨西哥对中国的农产品出口正在增长,猪肉、鱼粉、啤酒和泰拉等产品使两国之间的贸易额增长了 4.8%,到 2023 年达到 4.16 亿美元。虽然这似乎是一个小小的转变,但它是更大图景的一部分。如果墨西哥继续加强与中国的农业联系,可能会减少对美国农业贸易的依赖。美国农民肯定会感受到这种发展。这是目前发生的核心。美国仍然是墨西哥最大的贸易伙伴,但它不再是墨西哥的唯一选择。中国正在建立深厚的经济联系,提供替代方案,并给予墨西哥以前没有的筹码,美国越挣扎墨西哥的贸易政策越严格,就越希望在其他地方寻求稳定,这就是为什么未来几年将至关重要。美国是否会适应这些变化,找到一种方法来保持墨西哥作为密切的经济盟友,还是会继续沿着贸易不确定性的道路前进,将墨西哥进一步推向中国的势力范围?答案尚不清楚,但很明显的是,墨西哥不再只是听从命令,而是开辟自己的道路,对美国来说,这可能意味着北美将与它曾经控制的北美截然不同。

China and Mexico’s Shocking Announcement: A Major Blow to the US!

UNOMY 2025年3月14日

The world is shifting, and nowhere is that more evident than in North America. For decades, the relationship between the United States, Mexico, and Canada was predictable. Mexico and Canada served as major trading partners, supplying everything from manufactured goods to agricultural products, all within a system that kept the U.S. at the center of North American economic power. But that balance is changing. And fast.
Mexico is breaking away from its long-standing economic reliance on the United States, forging stronger ties with an unexpected player—China. While the U.S. has traditionally dominated trade and investment in Mexico, recent years have seen a significant pivot. China is pouring billions into the country, reshaping industries, and, in the process, challenging America’s influence in its own backyard.
This shift isn’t just about economics. It’s about power. It’s about leverage. And ultimately, it’s about who calls the shots in North America in the years to come.

the world is Shifting and nowhere is
that more evident than in North America
for decades the relationship between the
United States Mexico and Canada was
predictable Mexico and Canada served as
major trading partners supplying
everything from manufactured goods to
agricultural products all within a
system that kept the us at the center of
North American economic power but that
balance is changing and
fast Mexico is breaking away from its
long-standing economic Reliance on the
United States forging stronger ties with
an unexpected player China while the US
has traditionally dominated trade and
investment in Mexico recent years have
seen a significant pivot China is
pouring billions into the country
reshaping Industries and in the process
challenging America's influence in its
own backyard this shift isn't just about
economics it's about power it's about
leverage and ultimately it's about who
calls the shots in North America in the
years to come what does this all mean
for the future let's break it down and
look at why this trans information is
shaking up the global stage first let's
talk about something big Mexico's
growing independence from the US for
years Mexico's economy has been tightly
linked to America's NAFTA now known as
the usmca was designed to create a
seamless Trade Network between the three
North American countries it worked the
us became Mexico's largest trading
partner and for a long time that
relationship wasn't questioned from 2018
to 2023 China and invested a staggering
$2.3 billion into Mexico with an
additional $150 million coming in 2023
alone and that's just the beginning
these Investments aren't just in random
Industries they're going into key
sectors like Automotive manufacturing
renewable energy and infrastructure the
strategy here is clear by strengthening
its economic ties with China Mexico
isn't just diversifying its trade
relationships it's actively reducing its
Reliance on the United States and that's
a big deal for years there was an
unspoken assumption that Mexico needed
the US to thrive that assumption is
being challenged for the US this shift
is a wakeup call Washington has long
viewed Mexico as a partner that operates
within a clear framework one that keeps
American interests at the center but
with China stepping in Mexico has more
options more negotiating power and most
importantly more control over its
economic Destiny the balance of power in
North America is Shifting and the US is
realizing it might not be the only major
player in the region anymore
but there's more to this story this
isn't just about investment it's about
where that investment is going and
nowhere is this more obvious than in
Mexico's booming automotive industry
China has gone Allin on Mexico's
manufacturing sector with a particular
focus on cars and electric vehicles in
2023 alone Chinese firms funneled an eye
watering 2.72 billion into Mexico's
automotive industry that's a full 72% of
China's total investments in the country
and this isn't just about setting up a
few factories China is embedding itself
deeply into Mexico's production system
these Investments are funding research
and development centers supply chain
Integrations and Workforce training
programs in other words China isn't just
using Mexico as a place to assemble cars
it's building a long-term presence and
here's where things get even more
interesting Mexico is becoming China's
Launchpad into the US market thanks to
Mexico's trade agreements with the US
Chinese automakers can manufacture cars
in Mexico and then export them to the US
without the heavy tariffs that typically
come with direct imports from China that
means lower costs higher competitiveness
and potentially a major headache for
American automakers for Mexico this is
an economic Gold Mine more factories
mean more jobs more investment mean
stronger infrastructure and by
positioning itself as a key player in
the global electric vehicle Market
Mexico is setting itself up for
long-term growth
but for the US this is a growing concern
Chinese factories just miles from the
American border mean increased
competition if Chinese companies can
undercut American manufacturers by
leveraging Mexico's trade advantages
that could have serious implications for
the US economy on March 9th 2025 former
president Donald Trump doubled down on
his longstanding tariff strategy stating
that duties on goods from Mexico and
Canada could go up originally Trump had
planned for a 25% tariff on steel and
aluminum imports from Mexico and Canada
to take effect in February that was
delayed by a month then another month
now April 2nd is the new deadline but
even that's up in the air the strategy
Behind These tariffs according to the
Trump Administration it's not just about
trade it's about fighting the flow of
fenel into the US Trump's team has
framed these tariffs as a way to
pressure Mexico and Canada into
tightening drug enforcement at the
borders but critics argue that this is
just another step toward an all-out
trade War Mexico's response has been
calculated instead of immediately
retaliating president Claudia Shin bomb
has taken a wait and C approach holding
off on counter tariffs Canada on the
other hand hasn't been as patient prime
minister Justin Trudeau has made it
clear that retaliatory tariffs are on
the table warning that this kind of
economic brinkmanship could have lasting
consequences and here's where it gets
even more complicated Trump's tariff
strategy isn't just affecting trade it's
uncertainty businesses that rely on
North American Supply chains are in
limbo unsure whether to expect higher
costs or lastminute policy reversals
investors are hesitant markets are
volatile meanwhile while the US is
Tangled in tariff disputes China is
quietly solidifying its position while
American businesses and policy makers
scramble to navigate shifting trade
policies China is offering Mexico
stability long-term investment and a
clear economic Vision this is the heart
of the issue the US sees Mexico as a key
trade partner but China sees it as an
opportunity a gateway to the North
American Market a production Hub and a
country with untapped economic potential
the story of Mexico's economic
transformation doesn't stop with its
growing independence from the US it's
just getting started the real game Cher
here is the sheer scale of China's
investments in Mexico and the way
they're reshaping some of the country's
most important industries from
manufacturing to electric vehicles and
even critical resources like lithium
China isn't just dipping its toes in the
Mexican economy it's making a serious
play for long-term dominance China has
been strategically pouring billions of
dollars into Mexico not just to help its
own businesses Thrive but to gain a
foothold right next to the United States
these Investments are giving Chinese
companies a direct pathway into North
American markets while sidest stepping
tariffs and restrictions that would
otherwise slow them down one of the
biggest areas where this is happening is
Mexico's Automotive sector in 2023 alone
Chinese companies funneled an
eye-watering $ 2.72 billion into
Mexico's car industry that's not just a
big number it's a dominant one 72% of
all Chinese investments in Mexico that
year went directly into the the auto
sector but this isn't just about
building more cars China is going deeper
These funds are being used to set up
research and development centers
streamlined Supply chains and train
workers all with the goal of making
china-backed car companies more
competitive in North America and it's
working a major part of this push is
focused on electric vehicles China
already leads the world in EV production
with companies like byd and cic making
massive strides globally now they're
using Mexico as a long launch pad to
flood the US market with cheaper
highquality electric cars since these
vehicles are being assembled in Mexico
they're able to take advantage of trade
deals that allow them to enter the US
without facing heavy tariffs that means
American automakers are suddenly facing
much tougher competition and they don't
have a clear way to fight back for
Mexico this wave of Chinese investment
is bringing a huge economic boost
thousands of jobs are being created
infrastructure is improving and Mexico
reputation as a global manufacturing
Powerhouse is getting stronger but
there's another side to this with
Chinese companies taking such a strong
position in the Mexican Auto industry
it's only a matter of time before they
start influencing the rules of the game
that raises big questions about Mexico's
long-term economic strategy will these
Investments lead to a stronger more
independent Mexico or will they make
Mexico overly reliant on China instead
of the US but the Auto industry isn't
the only place where China is making
moves there's another resource that's
just as important maybe even more so and
that's lithium if you've been following
the rise of electric vehicles you know
that lithium is the backbone of modern
Technology it's been called white gold
for a reason without lithium there are
no EVS there's no large-scale renewable
energy storage and there's no way to
make a real transition away from fossil
fuels and here's the thing Mexico has
massive lithium reserves China knows
this and it's wasting no time securing
access to these resources in 2023
Chinese energy giant JG Yang signed a
20-year LNG deal with Mexico Pacific
reinforcing China's commitment to
Mexico's energy sector that's a clear
sign that China isn't just interested in
Mexico's factories it wants its natural
resources too if China gains control
over a significant portion of Mexico's
lithium supply it could give Chinese
companies an even bigger advantage in
the global EV Market they'd have more
control over the materials that go into
batteries which means they could dictate
prices limit Supply to competitors and
keep the best resources for themselves
for Mexico this is an incredible
Economic Opportunity but it's also a
risky one lithium mining can be
controversial if it's not handled
carefully it can lead to Serious
environmental damage water shortages and
conflicts with local communities there's
also the issue of who actually benefits
from from these deals if China is
extracting Mexican lithium but most of
the profits are going to Chinese
companies instead of staying in Mexico
then is this really a win for the
country meanwhile the US is watching all
of this unfold with growing concern
America is also trying to secure lithium
for its own battery production but if
China locks down too much of the supply
the us could find itself at a major
disadvantage in the EV race that's why
Washington has been pushing for stronger
Partnerships with countries like Chile
and Argentina which also have
significant lithium Reserves
but while the US is looking at long-term
lithium strategies China is already
making deals building infrastructure and
expanding its control and right now
Mexico seems to be leaning toward the
side that's offering the most immediate
benefits this is a recurring pattern in
China's Approach to Global trade and
investment instead of getting bogged
down in Endless negotiations China moves
fast it offers funding resources and
development opportunities and it doesn't
place the same kinds of conditions that
the US or other Western countries often
do that's part part of the reason why
China's influence in Mexico is growing
so quickly unlike the US which has been
focused on trade disputes tariffs and
political gridlock China has been
quietly strengthening its position
forming alliances and securing long-term
economic advantages but this doesn't
mean the US is out of the game the Biden
Administration has been working to
counter China's influence in Mexico by
encouraging more American companies to
invest in the country and strengthening
supply chain agreements that make it
easier for us businesses to operate
there the goal is to make sure Mexico
remains aligned with American interests
instead of drifting further into China's
economic orbit however the recent shift
in US trade policy under Trump has
thrown some of those efforts into chaos
the unpredictability of new tariffs the
possibility of a trade War and the
growing tension between North American
leaders have all made it harder to build
stable economic Partnerships and that's
exactly what China is taking advantage
of while the US struggles with internal
debates over tariffs and economic
strategy China is offering Mexico
something different certainty long-term
investment trade agreements that come
with fewer restrictions and most
importantly a chance to diversify its
economy away from American control for
Mexico this is a rare opportunity to
redefine its position in the global
economy for China it's a way to get
direct access to the North American
market and strengthen its Supply chains
but for the US this is a growing problem
that's only getting worse and for
decades the United States has been the
dominant economic force in North America
it shaped trade policies set the rules
and expected its neighbors Mexico and
Canada to fall in line but today that
dominance is being challenged in ways
Washington didn't anticipate China is
expanding its influence in Mexico at an
unprecedented pace and as a result the
US is scrambling to respond the problem
is some of its moves might be doing more
harm than good Mexico's rise as a key
manufacturing Hub isn't just about cars
in lithium it's also about its growing
importance in global trade its
Geographic graic location makes it a
bridge between North and South America a
gateway to International markets and now
a critical player in the supply chains
of some of the world's biggest economies
this isn't something that happened
overnight Mexico has spent years
building up its infrastructure expanding
its ports modernizing its rail systems
and strengthening its Logistics networks
the result a country that's not just an
exporter of goods but a true global
trade Powerhouse and China sees the
potential one of the biggest shifts
happening right now is Mexico's growing
involvement in China's belt and Road
initiative an enormous Global
infrastructure project that China has
been using to expand its economic
footprint across the world through
massive investments in roads Railways
and shipping routes China is linking
itself to key markets and Mexico is
quickly becoming a major part of that
Network in Practical terms this means
that China is helping to develop
Mexico's trade routes making it easier
and cheaper for goods to flow in and out
of the country ports are being upgraded
highways are being expanded and rail Lin
are being modernized all with the goal
of making Mexico a central Hub in the
global supply chain and this is where
things get tricky for the United States
the US has always relied on Mexico as a
critical trade partner under the usmca
trade between the two countries reached
record highs with Mexico even surpassing
China as America's top trading partner
in 2023 but now with China pumping
billions into Mexican infrastructure
it's no longer just about Mexico sending
Goods to the US it's also about Mexico's
strength in its ties with China and the
rest of the world for Washington this is
a growing concern a Mexico that's less
dependent on the US for trade is a
Mexico that has more leverage and that's
exactly what's happening take the Auto
industry as an example the US has spent
years trying to boost domestic
production of electric vehicles offering
subsidies and incentives to bring more
manufacturing back home but at the same
time China has been aggressively
expanding its EV production in Mexico
making it easier and cheaper to export
to the US market without facing direct
tariffs now instead of American car
manufacturers having the advantage
they're facing stiff competition from
chinese-backed companies that are using
Mexico as their base of operations and
that's forcing us automakers into a
tough position either find a way to
compete with China's lower production
costs or risk losing market share in
their own backyard this kind of
strategic maneuvering is exactly why
China's approach to Mexico has been so
effective unlike the US which has been
focused on short-term trade policies
China China is playing the long game
it's not just investing in Mexico for
immediate gains it's laying the
foundation for long-term economic
influence and while China is
strengthening its Partnerships in Mexico
the US is making some missteps of its
own one of the biggest sources of
tension in the region right now is the
uncertainty surrounding us trade policy
with former president Donald Trump back
in the picture tariffs on Mexico and
Canada are once again a major issue in
March 2025 Trump announced that tariffs
on goods from me Mexico and Canada could
go up after April 2nd creating a wave of
uncertainty for businesses that rely on
North American Trade initially he had
planned a 25% tariff on steel and
aluminum imports from Mexico and Canada
but after multiple delays and
adjustments companies are left wondering
what will happen next this
unpredictability is exactly what
businesses hate companies need stability
to plan for the future and constant
changes in trade policy make it
difficult to invest expand or even
operate effectively but Trump's trade
War threats don't stop at steel and
aluminum he has also suggested new
tariffs on Canadian Lumber and dairy
products warning that if Mexico and
Canada don't comply with us demands
especially in relation to controlling
the flow of fentanyl then economic
penalties will follow for Mexico this
kind of back and forth is a reminder of
why diversifying trade relationships is
so important if the US can impose
tariffs at any time then Mexico needs
alternative Partners to fall back on and
right now China is is more than happy to
fill that role meanwhile Canada isn't
sitting back either prime minister
Justin Trudeau has made it clear that
retaliatory tariffs are on the table if
Trump follows through with his threats
he's also warned that this kind of
economic brinkmanship could lead to a
prolonged trade War something that could
seriously disrupt Supply chains and hurt
businesses on both sides of the Border
but while Mexico and Canada try to
navigate the instability of us trade
policy China's approach remains
consistent it's offering Mexico
financial support infrastructure
investment and trade agreements that
provide long-term security and it's not
just in manufacturing China is also
making big moves in Mexico's
agricultural sector in recent years
Chinese companies have been increasing
their investments in Mexico's farming
industry particularly in sugar cane
production in 2024 Mexico's Ministry of
Agriculture and rural development
partnered with China to modernize sugar
cane farming in the south-southeast
region covering tens of thousands of
hectares this collaboration is part of a
large Trend China securing access to key
agricultural resources in Mexico while
simultaneously offering technology and
investment to modernize the sector at
the same time Mexico's agricultural
exports to China are growing products
like pork fish meal beer and teila have
seen a 4.8% increase in trade between
the two countries reaching $416 million
in 2023 and while this might seem like a
minor shift it's part of a bigger
picture if Mexico continues to
strengthen its agricultural ties with
China it could lead to less Reliance on
us agricultural trade a development that
American farmers would definitely feel
this is the core of what's happening
right now the US is still Mexico's
biggest trading partner but it's no
longer Mexico's only option China is
building deep economic ties offering
Alternatives and giving Mexico leverage
it hasn't had before and the more the US
struggles with its own trade policies
the more Mexico looks Elsewhere for
stability this is why the next few years
are going to be crucial will the US
adapt to these changes and find a way to
keep Mexico as a close economic Ally or
will it continue down the path of trade
uncertainty pushing Mexico further into
China's sphere of influence right now
the answer isn't clear but what is clear
is that Mexico is no longer just
following orders it's carving its own
path and for the US that could mean a
North America that looks very different
from the one it once controlled

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