
Italy's Meloni torn between Trump and European allegiance

十国集团 (G10) 在布鲁塞尔举行会议意大利总理乔治娅·梅洛尼于 2025 年 3 月 20 日在比利时布鲁塞尔出席十国集团 (G10) 移民早餐会。OLIVIER HOSLET/Pool via REUTERS/文件照片购买许可权,打开新标签
罗马,3 月 21 日(路透社)——意大利总理乔治娅·梅洛尼发现自己在扮演政治角色在欧洲加强防御之际,梅洛尼采取平衡行动。

梅洛尼是唯一一位出席特朗普 1 月就职典礼的欧盟领导人,尽管特朗普对欧洲征收关税并威胁放弃与俄罗斯的战争中的乌克兰,但她仍小心翼翼地避免对这位美国总统提出任何批评。

自 2022 年以来一直掌权的梅洛尼在本周参加欧洲领导人峰会时否认了她受到特朗普影响的说法。


自从梅洛尼于 2012 年创立意大利兄弟组织以来,她一直将与美国的密切关系置于外交政策的核心,同时淡化最初强烈的欧洲怀疑主义。




梅洛尼办公室一位不愿透露姓名的消息人士称,这位意大利领导人正寻求在 3 月下旬或 4 月初与特朗普举行会晤,届时欧盟将对价值 260 亿欧元(280 亿美元)的美国商品征收反关税,以回应美国对钢铁和铝征收的关税。

特朗普暗示他未来可能不会保护北约成员国,欧盟委员会对此感到不安,已制定计划将欧盟的军事开支增加 8000 亿欧元(8690 亿美元),而法国则提出考虑将其核保护伞扩大到欧洲盟友。

意大利是北约国防支出最少的国家之一——2024 年仅占国内生产总值的 1.5%,远低于北约要求成员国应支出的 2% 门槛,也远低于特朗普要求的 5%。

你会发现他们都说了同样的话。 “‘不’,”经济部长、联盟资深成员吉安卡洛·乔尔杰蒂 (Giancarlo Giorgetti) 说。
意大利公众对国防开支的支持很少,教皇方济各的反战立场在这里引起了共鸣。IPSOS 本月的一项民意调查显示,39% 的选民反对重新武装,28% 的选民支持,其余的选民尚未决定。

(这个故事已被更正,在第 5 段中说梅洛尼自 2022 年以来一直掌权,而不是 2023 年)
作者:Crispian Balmer 编辑:Frances Kerry


欧洲类别巴黎居民将投票决定增加 500 条步行街

意大利部长表示,与马斯克的 Starlink 的谈判陷入停滞




Italy's Meloni torn between Trump and European allegiance

By  and   March 21, 2025
Group of Ten (G10) meeting in BrusselsItalian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends a Group of Ten (G10) breakfast on migration in Brussels, Belgium, 20 March 2025. OLIVIER HOSLET/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab
  • Summary
  • Meloni battles to balance Trump admiration with EU ties
  • Critics accuse Meloni of isolating Italy within EU
  • Pressure builds on Meloni to join EU defence drive
ROME, March 21 (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni finds herself playing a political balancing act as Europe moves to bolster its defences.
A nationalist with deep admiration for U.S. President Donald Trump, she is battling to reconcile the growing gulf between her ideological instincts, which lie with Washington, and Italy's strategic ties to the European Union, analysts say.

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Meloni was the only EU leader to attend Trump's inauguration in January and has carefully steered clear of any criticism of the U.S. president, even as he has hit Europe with tariffs and threatened to abandon Ukraine in its war with Russia.
While she has taken part in emergency talks with European partners on how to navigate the upheavals caused by Trump's foreign policy, her engagement at times has seemed unenthusiastic, prompting critics at home to accuse her of isolating Italy within the EU.
Meloni, who has been in power since 2022, dismissed suggestions that she was under the sway of Trump as she headed into a summit of European leaders this week.
"I don't blindly follow either Europe or the United States ... I am in Europe because Italy is in Europe, so it's not like we're thinking of going somewhere else, but I also want the West to be compact," she told parliament.
Ever since Meloni founded her Brothers of Italy group in 2012, she has placed close ties with the United States at the heart of her foreign policy, while watering down initial, fierce euroscepticism.
Trump's strong-arm tactics with old allies as he looks to enhance American power has wrong-footed pro-Atlanticists, while forcing Europe to hastily review its geopolitical options and shore up its defences.
The turmoil has put on hold Meloni's hopes of serving as a bridge between Europe and the White House, with Europe's two nuclear powers France and Britain taking the lead in forging a response to Trump, while Germany grabs headlines with plans for a huge spending splurge to scale up its military.
"Right now, Meloni does not have the leverage to play a mediating role with Trump," said Giovanni Orsina, a politics professor at Rome's Luiss University.
"If Trumpism enters a second, more constructive phase, she might be able to play a role, leveraging political and personal affinities."


Meloni last month called for an "immediate summit" between the United States and its allies after Trump lambasted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the White House, but Washington ignored her appeal.
Sources in Meloni's office, who declined to be named, said the Italian leader was seeking a meeting with Trump later in March or early April, when the European Union is due to impose counter tariffs on 26 billion euros ($28 billion) worth of U.S. goods in response to U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminium.
In her address to parliament this week, Meloni questioned the wisdom of retaliatory tariffs and urged Europe to continue its military cooperation with the United States inside NATO.
Spooked by Trump's suggestion he might not defend NATO members in future, the European Commission has laid out plans to boost the bloc's military spending by 800 billion euros ($869 billion), while France has offered to consider extending its nuclear umbrella to European allies.
"It is right that Europe equips itself to do its part, but it is at best naive, at worst mad to think that today it can be done alone without NATO," Meloni said, declining to say if heavily indebted Italy would ramp up its own defence budget.
Italy is one of the countries that spends least on defence in NATO -- just 1.5% of gross domestic product in 2024, well below the 2% threshold NATO says members should spend and far from the 5% demanded by Trump.
This has undercut her standing in Washington, diplomats say.
"Trump's perspective is that everybody must pay," said Kurt Volker, a former U.S. NATO ambassador who worked with the first Trump administration.
"He will probably single out other countries before he gets to Italy ... But it'll be in his sights," he told Reuters.


Despite U.S. pressure, Meloni faces opposition from her coalition ally, the far-right League, not to join the European Commission's "ReArm" project.
"Try and ask our mothers what they think. ... You'll see they all say the same thing. 'No'," said Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, a senior League member.
There is little public support for defence spending in Italy, where the anti-war stance of Pope Francis resonates. An IPSOS opinion poll this month said 39% of voters were opposed to ReArm against 28% in favour, with the rest undecided.
However, Italy's sizeable armaments industry, including heavy weights such as Leonardo and Fincantieri, risks missing out on a bonanza if Meloni shuns the project.
"What people should understand is that now is a very important time for the defence industry to expand, to grow and to create new jobs and it would be strange if Italy did not look into such a possibility," European Commissioner for Defence Andrius Kubilius told reporters on Wednesday.
Nathalie Tocci, head of Italy's Institute of International Affairs think tank, said Meloni could not indefinitely sit on the fence between Washington and Brussels.
"Her heart lies with America, but in the end she will follow her head, which is basically telling her that Italy is in Europe. Our economy is entwined with Germany and you can't change that," she said.
(This story has been corrected to say that Meloni has been in power since 2022, not 2023, in paragraph 5)