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US PANICS As China STRIKES Back Against Tariffs, What's Happening?Global Scope 2025年3月18日

中国对美国农产品征收额外的 15% 进口税,包括猪肉、家禽、牛肉和大豆,是的,在国内很难关注我们在这场关税贸易战中已经看到的所有微小步骤,到目前为止,我们实际上一直在谈论三个贸易伙伴,最大的是加拿大、墨西哥和中国,正如你提到的,中国对美国出口征收的报复性关税今天开始生效,谁是所有关税的 PID,例如,我与两家供应商交谈过,他们说,他们的客户沃尔玛一直在向他们施加更大的压力,要求他们承担所有成本,他们告诉我,现在 20% 的关税对他们来说非常困难,甚至不可能,他们说这是特朗普 1.0 关税的顶峰。

美国从未预料到中国已经发动了无情的反击令人震惊的升级北京已阻止 15 家美国公司使用关键的中国技术,并对美国能源出口征收新关税,这一信息响亮而明确中国不会在紧张局势达到历史最高水平的情况下退缩这是贸易战失控的时刻吗,随着恐慌在华盛顿蔓延,一个问题仍然存在,美国将如何应对今天加入我们,我们将彻底解决这一切,但在深入之前,请喜欢这个视频并订阅有关最新地缘政治更新的更多见解中国以 15% 的关税反击特朗普关税贸易和关税战没有赢家我们需要的不是更多的关税,而是他们的 loock我们敦促美国纠正其行动并停止将贸易问题武器化中国已经反抗唐纳德特朗普总统的激进关税,对包括鸡肉、猪肉、大豆和牛肉在内的重要美国农业出口征收 15% 的税,贸易战的紧张局势螺旋式上升华尔街颤抖周一,投资者匆忙撤资,担心特朗普不断升级的关税战将带来毁灭性的经济后果,我们也在考虑这个问题,我们正在谈论对中国征收 10% 的关税,因为他们正在向墨西哥和加拿大运送芬太尼。

中国政府上周公布的报复性打击是对特朗普决定从 3 月 4 日起将中国进口商品关税翻倍至 20% 的直接反击,这是一次罕见的让步,中国商务部宣布,已经在途的商品将免于报复性关税,但直到 4 月 12 日,对外国商品征收关税仍然是特朗普强硬经济战略的基石,他坚持认为这些高额的进口税将填满美国政府的金库,保护国内产业免受外国竞争,迫使全球大国屈服于他的意志一系列有争议的问题,包括移民和贩毒,我们将与中国举行一些很好的会晤,我们已经计划了会议,呃,我们会看看会发生什么,但这只是开场白,如果我们不能与中国达成协议,那么关税将非常非常高,现在特朗普正准备在周三进一步升级,他将取消 2018 年首次征收的 25% 钢铁关税的例外情况,同时上周将铝关税从 10% 提高到 25%,特朗普迅速接连对加拿大和墨西哥进口产品征收关税,但其中许多产品被推迟了 30 天,但他的下一步行动可能会在下个月进一步震动全球贸易,他可能会推出互惠关税,这是一项全面的政策,旨在与外国政府对我们的商品征收的高额进口税相匹配,他们似乎并没有试图升级,他们并没有卷入一场口水战,你知道的,不是说唐纳德特朗普你知道这个那个或骂他名字或诸如此类的事情所以他们只是在等待和观察我认为他们意识到你无法控制唐纳德特朗普你只能简单地做好准备经济学家正在敲响警钟警告这些关税将不可避免地推高美国消费者的成本同时扼杀我们之中的创新公司免受全球竞争报复仍然是一个迫在眉睫的威胁美国农民是特朗普最忠诚的投票集团之一成为特朗普第一任期贸易战期间的明显目标北京对美国农产品征收关税给农业部门造成严重打击美国农产品对中国的出口暴跌,但在2020年休战后才出现脆弱的复苏,当时中国承诺增加购买但反弹是短暂的美国农产品对中国的出口在2022年飙升至380亿美元,但随后跌至根据美国农业部的数据,2023 年的出口额为 290 亿美元,去年的出口额下降幅度更大,为 250 亿美元,这种下滑趋势一直持续到 2024 年 1 月,当时出口额比去年同期暴跌 56%,以缓解金融危机。特朗普向农民投入了数百亿美元的纳税人资金,以弥补他们的损失,但贸易战重新点燃了问题,美国农民还能承受多久的交火,贸易战没有赢家,我们坚决反对这种不必要的增加,我们确实认为这违反了世贸组织规则,这就是中国向世贸组织提起申诉的原因,我还要强调,贸易战没有赢家,中国对特朗普政府不断升级的贸易战进行了严厉谴责,外交部发言人杨洁篪谴责加征关税是一场不该打、打不赢的鲁莽战斗,但随着紧张局势加剧,真正的问题是谁会退缩,中国商务部长黄之锋首先以挑衅的语气宣布,胁迫和威胁对中国不起作用,也吓不倒中国,他的警告是显而易见的,中国捍卫自身利益的决心是坚定不移的,没有贸易战的赢家我们决不接受压力和威胁,坚决维护国家主权、安全和发展利益自今年1月特朗普政府上任以来,已两次提高对中国进口产品的关税,引发北京迅速报复世界两大经济体之间的裂痕随着每一项新的关税和限制而加深黄之锋明确表示,如果美方在这条错误道路上越走越远,中国不会退缩,我们将继续以牙还牙他发誓,尽管面临越来越大的经济挑战,我们仍将战斗到底中国正加倍推进全球扩张黄之锋承认中国出口商面临压力,但透露北京方面正积极推动企业参加国际贸易展会,扩大影响力与此同时,政府正在加大对出口信贷的财政支持押注贸易、服务和电子商务我们不会把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里他说,但中国的战略足以抵御中国遭遇的风暴吗用报复性关税回击美国北京此举当然是为了回应特朗普总统对中国进口产品征收 10% 的关税,中国占据强势地位,本周有望与美国就这些额外关税进行谈判,当然这些关税将对中国企业产生影响,尽管我们经常听到这样的观点,即在国内为这些关税买单的是我们企业,是我们消费者,中国经济面临着一场艰苦的战斗,房地产市场苦苦挣扎,股市表现低迷,社会福利薄弱,新冠疫情导致的失业持续拖累了经济增长,国家发展和改革委员会主任郑山承认,2025 年经济预测徘徊在 4.6% 至 4.8% 之间,低于政府雄心勃勃的 5% 左右的目标,以应对这种放缓,郑山透露,北京正在起草一项专门的行动计划,以刺激消费支出和投资细节仍然很少,但有一点是清楚的,中国正准备深入挖掘。财政部长兰法安承诺为陷入困境的地方政府提供更有力的支持,并在教育、社会保障和医疗保健方面进行大规模投资。我们将确保每一分钱都花得物有所值。他保证,强调中央政府为政策实施留下了充足的空间。中国切断了你美国关键公司的出口,如果你不在美国生产你的产品。然而,在特朗普政府的领导下,你将支付关税,在某些情况下,关税相当高。中国对美国进行了有力的反击,将 15 家美国公司列入其出口管制名单,有效地切断了它们与关键的中国军民两用技术之间的联系。同时,它又将 10 家美国公司列入其不可靠实体名单,加剧了正在进行的贸易战的紧张局势。其中最严重的受害者是美国医疗设备巨头 Illumina,现在面临着彻底禁止其基因测序仪进口到中国的禁令。这一举措正值其两大中国竞争对手麦肯锡全球研究院和华大基因被列入美国一项法案之际,该法案以国家安全为由限制与多家生物技术公司的业务往来。凯投宏观中国经济部负责人 Julian Evans Pritchard 分析了北京的《反恐精英》,指出中国的回应旨在传递一个信息,即他们不会被欺负,但同时调整他们的回应,希望避免事态进一步升级,中国非常聪明,他们选择了对美国公司非常敏感的美国出口产品,你可以肯定,这些公司现在正在向特朗普先生抱怨。中国对美国化石燃料产品征收进口税,对煤炭进口和液化天然气征收 15% 的费用,同时对原油进口征收 10% 的关税,任何进口美国化石燃料的组织现在都需要缴纳新税,这会增加使用美国化石燃料的企业的运营成本能源供应中国是世界上最大的煤炭进口国,主要依赖印度尼西亚其煤炭需求俄罗斯澳大利亚和蒙古也发挥着关键作用作为供应商中国自 2018 年以来,根据中国海关的信息,中国对美国液化天然气进口量实现了稳步增长中国消耗的美国化石燃料与 2023 年的整体能源分布相比微不足道,其进口原油中只有 1.7% 来自美国,这使得华盛顿最新的关税不过是空洞的威胁贸易经济学家丽贝卡·哈丁警告说,北京并不缺少替代品,俄罗斯急切地卸载折扣石油以资助其战争努力,同时,美国作为世界上最大的液化天然气出口国,在欧洲和英国并不缺少买家,但这场贸易战不仅仅是关于能源2月份中国对美国农业机械皮卡和大型汽车征收 10% 的关税进行了反击,但由于其大部分汽车进口来自欧洲和日本,对中国消费者的影响将可以忽略不计同时北京一直在积极投资国内农机行业,不仅使用关税报复,但作为加强其生产和粮食安全的一项精心策划的举措,这是众所周知的 300 亿美元,历史表明,中美合作有益,对抗有害,中国的反攻不止于关税,现在它把目光转向了美国科技公司,对谷歌发起反垄断调查,虽然细节仍然很少,但这家搜索巨头自 2010 年以来一直被中国封锁,只有通过应用程序分发的少量存在,如果中国完全切断联系,对谷歌的财务打击将是微乎其微的,但向华盛顿发出的信息非常明确,贸易战正在升级,问题是谁会先退缩,现在美国中国芯片战争即将升级,现在中国已决定限制两种金属的出口,这两种金属不仅对生产半导体而且对电信设备和电动汽车都至关重要,除了进口限制之外,中国还对 25 种稀有金属实施了严格的出口管制,这些金属对全球电子和军事生产至关重要,中国主导着这些关键材料占世界精炼总产量的近 90% 钨被列入新的限制名单,因为它很难获得,而且对航空航天制造至关重要北京实施的出口法规专门针对金属产品,但不影响中国进口用于制造高端半导体、航空航天技术和药品的关键金属从以前的情况来看,出口水平将大幅下降,因为公司在获得进口许可证时面临大量延误,而审查过程通常需要数周时间,同时为了确保其稀土金属供应,美国已向乌克兰提供 3000 亿美元的支持计划,以换取金属装运的保证然而,在特朗普与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·扎林斯基举行了一场充满争议和破裂的会晤后,这些谈判遇到了重大障碍,双方都部署了经济武器,全球贸易战没有缓和的迹象在后果变得无法承受之前,美国和中国还能走多远?卢比奥说,美国国际开发署的清理工作已经完成,该机构 83% 的项目已经消失。国务卿马可·卢比奥说,美国国际开发署的削减工作已经完成,该援助机构只剩下原来项目的 16% 左右,这是一项全面且前所未有的改革,取消了 5,000 多个合同。国务卿马可·卢比奥周一宣布,特朗普政府已经完成了对已有六十年历史的美国国际开发署为期六周的项目清理,美国国际开发署削减了 83% 的业务,宣告美国对外援助时代的结束。卢比奥证实,剩余的 18% 的援助和发展项目将转交给国务院。这是卢比奥在 X 上的一篇帖子中宣布的,也是他为数不多的公开声明之一。历史性地放弃美国对外援助 由唐纳德·特朗普总统任命的国务院官员和埃隆·马斯克的政府效率部共同进行的一项变革 总督团队表达了感激之情 卢比奥承认总督和我们辛勤工作的工作人员长时间工作以实现这项迟来的、历史性的对外援助改革 1 月 6 日,这些人质 大约 1,500 人要求赦免 是的,完全赦免 此举是在特朗普 1 月 20 日发布行政命令之后采取的,该命令冻结了所有对外援助资金,并对用于美国海外援助和发展的数百亿美元进行了详尽的审查,指控其中大部分支出是浪费的,并助长了自由主义议程 特朗普发起了对美国全球影响力的重大重组,审查正式结束 卢比奥的职位证实了这一惊人的结果,估计有 5,200 美国国际开发署取消了 6,200 个项目,这些项目花费了数百亿美元,但这些项目并没有达到美国的核心国家利益,在某些情况下甚至损害了美国的核心国家利益。卢比奥在与国会协商后宣布,我们打算将我们保留的剩余 18% 的项目交给国务院进行更有效的管理。他继续说道,然而,民主党议员和批评人士已经敲响警钟,称此举是非法的。他们认为,关闭如此规模的国会资助项目需要国会的明确批准。这场战斗可能才刚刚开始。美国正忙着作出回应,而中国的反击比以往任何时候都要猛烈。

US PANICS As China STRIKES Back Against Tariffs, What's Happening?

Global Scope 2025年3月18日

China slapped an additional 15% import tax on American farm products including pork poultry beef and soybeans yeah it's kind of hard to pay attention at home to all the Tiny Steps that we have seen already in this tariffs trade war and so far we've really been talking about three trading partners the biggest ones Canada Mexico and China and as you mentioned China's retaliatory tariffs on
American exports kicked in today who PID for all the tariffs uh for example I spoke to two suppliers who said that uh their customer Walmart has been putting
more pressure on them to take on all the costs and they've been telling me that it's just so difficult if not impossible for them to take on now 20% tariff they
said this is on top of the Trump 1.0 tariffs the US never saw it coming China has Unleashed a ruthless Counter Strike in a stunning escalation Beijing has
blocked 15 American companies from
critical Chinese Technologies and
slapped new tariffs on US Energy exports
the message is loud and clear China
won't back down with tensions at an
all-time high is this the moment the
trade War spirals out of control and as
Panic spreads through Washington one
question remains how will the US respond
join us today as we break it all down
but before diving in like this video And
subscribe for more insights on the
latest geopolitical updates China
Strikes Back at Trump tariffs with 15%
levies trade and tariff Wars have no
winners what is needed are not more
tariffs but their loock we urge the US
to correct its action and stop weaponizing trade issues China has rebelled against President Donald
Trump's aggressive tariffs unleashing a
15% tax on vital American Agricultural
exports including chicken pork soybeans
and beef as tensions in the trade War
spiral Wall Street trembled on Monday
with investors hastily pulling their
money fearing the devastating economic
Fallout of Trump's escalating tariff
battles how much we're thinking about
that too we're talking about a uh a
tariff of 10% on China based on the fact
that they're sending fentanyl to Mexico
and Canada the Chinese government's
retaliatory strike unveiled last week
was a direct counter punch to Trump's
decision to double tariffs on Chinese
Imports to 20% as of March 4th in a rare
concession China's Commerce Ministry
announced that Goods already on route
would be spared from the retaliatory
tariffs though only until April 12th
tariffs on foreign Goods remain a
Cornerstone of Trump's Hardline economic
strategy he insists these steep import
taxes will fill US Government coffers
Shield domestic industries from foreign
competition and force Global powers to
bend to his will on a range of
contentious issues including immigration
and drug trafficking we'll have some
good meetings with China we have
meetings planned and uh we'll see what happens
but that was just a an opening Salvo if
if we can't make a deal with China then
the tariffs will be very very
substantial now Trump is preparing to
escalate even further on Wednesday he
will strip away exceptions on the 25%
steel tariffs first imposed in 2018
while simultaneously hiking aluminum
tariffs from 10% to 25% last week in
Rapid Fire succession Trump slapped
tariffs on Canadian and Mexican Imports
only to delay many of them for 30 days
but his next move could shake global
trade even more next month he May roll
out reciprocal tariffs a sweeping policy
designed to match the Steep import taxes
imposed by Foreign governments on us
Goods they're not seemingly trying to
escalate they're not getting into a war
of words not you know saying Donald
Trump's you know this that or calling
him names or anything like that so
they're just waiting and watching I
think they came to the realization you
cannot control Donald Trump you can just
simply prepare economists are sounding
the alarm warning that these tariffs will inevitably drive up cost for American cons consumers while stifling Innovation Among Us companies shielded
from Global competition retaliation remains a looming threat with America's
Farmers one of Trump's most loyal voting blocks becoming an obvious Target during Trump's first-term trade Wars Beijing has wielded tariffs against American
farm products delivering a severe blow to the agricultural sector us Farm
exports to China plummeted only to see a fragile recovery after a 2020 truce when China pledged to ramp up purchases but the rebound was short lived American Farm exports to China soared to $38 billion in 2022 only to Tumble to $29 billion in 2023 and an even steeper decline to $25 billion last year according to the US Department of Agriculture the downward spiral continued into January 2024 when exports alone plunged 56% from the same period a year before to soften the financial Devastation Trump funneled tens of billions of taxpayer dollar to Farmers to compensate for their losses but as the trade War reignites the question looms how much longer can America's
Farmers afford to be caught in the
crossfire there are no winners in a
trade War we are firmly opposed to this
unwarranted increase and we do believe
that this is in violation of the WTO
rules so that's why China is filing a
complaint at this WTO and let me also emphasize that there is no winner in a trade War China has Unleashed a fierce rebuke against the
Trump administration's escalating trade
War foreign Ministry spokesperson ly Jan
condemned the Tariff hikes as a reckless
battle that should not be fought and
cannot be won but as tensions Mount the
real question remains who will blink
First Chinese Commerce Minister Wong
winow matched the defiant tone declaring
coercion and threats will not work on
China nor will they scare China his
warning was unmistakable China's
determination to defend its interests is
unswerving there are no winners in a
trade War we will never accept pressure
and a threats and will resolutely
Safeguard our national sovereignty
security and development interests since
taking office in January the Trump
Administration has raised tariffs on
Chinese Imports twice triggering Swift
retaliation from Beijing the rift
between the world's two largest
economies deepens with every new Duty
and restriction Wong made it clear China
will not back down if the American side
goes further down this wrong path we
will continue to respond in kind he
vowed we will fight to the end despite
mounting economic challenges China is
doubling down on global expansion Wong
acknowledged the pressure on Chinese
exporters but revealed that Beijing is
aggressively pushing companies to enter
international trade shows and expand
their reach meanwhile the government is
ramping up financial support for export
credit betting on trade and services and
e-commerce we do not put all our eggs in one basket
he said but is China's strategy enough
to weather the storm china hit back at
the US with retaliatory tariffs Beijing
doing this in response of course to
president Trump's 10% tariff on Chinese
Imports a position of strength as it
looks to potentially negotiate uh with
the US this week on these additional
tariffs of course these tariffs will
have an impact on Chinese businesses
although we often hear the perspective
that it's us businesses it's us
consumers that pay the grunt of these
tariffs domestically China's economy
faces an uphill battle a struggling
housing market sluggish stock performance weak social welfare and
lingering job losses from the covid-19 pandemic have slowed growth the head of
the national development and Reform Commission Jung Shan admitted that 2025
economic forecasts hover between 4.6% and 4.8% falling short of the government's ambitious around 5% Target to counter
this slowdown Jung revealed that Beijing
is drafting A specialized plan of action
to stimulate consumer spending and
investment details remain scarce but one
thing is clear China is preparing to dig
deep Finance Minister Lan faan pledged
stronger support for struggling local
governments and massive investments in
education Social Security and Healthcare
we will make sure that every coin is
well spent he assured emphasizing that
the central government has left ample
room for policy to be implemented China
cuts off key you us companies if you
don't make your product in America
however under the Trump Administration
you will pay a tariff and in some cases
a rather large one China has struck back
forcefully against the United States
placing 15 American companies on its
export control list effectively cutting
them off from crucial Chinese dual use
Technologies at the same time it has
added 10 more us companies to its unreliable entity list escalating tensions in the ongoing trade War one of the most significant casualties is US
medical equipment giant Illumina now
facing an outright ban on the import of
its genetic sequencers into China the
move comes as two of its major Chinese
competitors MGI and bgi were included in
a US Bill to restrict business with multiple biotech firms on National Security grounds Julian Evans Pritchard head of China economics at Capital economics analyzed beijing's Counter-Strike stating that China's
response was designed to send a message that they're not going to be pushed
around but at the same time calibrate their response in the hopes of trying to
avoid escalating things further and China is very smart they've picked US
exports that are very sensitive to us firms uh and you can be sure that those
firms are giving an earful to Mr Trump
right now China established import taxes
on American fossil fuel products by
placing 15% fees on coal Imports and
liquefied natural gas while applying a
10% Duty on crude oil imports any
organization importing us fossil fuels
now requires payment of the new tax
which drives up operation costs for
businesses using American Energy
supplies China the world's largest coal
importer relies primarily on Indonesia
forits coal needs Russia Australia and Mongolia also play key roles as suppliers China has enacted a steady
growth pattern in US LNG Imports since 2018 based on information from Chinese Customs China consumes minimal us fossil fuels compared to its overall energy
distribution in 2023 only 1.7% of its imported crude oil came from America making Washington's latest tariffs
little more than an empty threat trade Economist Rebecca Harding warns that Beijing has no shortage of Alternatives with Russia eagerly offloading discounted oil to fund its war effort meanwhile the us as the world's largest LNG exporter has no shortage of buyers
in Europe and the UK but this trade War isn't just about energy in February China struck back with a 10% tariff on
us agricultural Machinery pickup trucks
and large cars yet with most of its
vehicle Imports coming from Europe and
Japan the impact on Chinese consumers
will be negligible at the same time
Beijing has been aggressively investing
in its domestic farm machinery industry
using tariffs not just as retaliation but as a calculated move to fortify its production and food security which is 30 billion which is already known history has shown that China and the United States benefit from cooperation but suffer from confrontation and China's counter offensive doesn't stop at tariffs it has now turned its sights on American Tech launching an anti-monopoly probe into
Google while details remain scarce the
search giant has been blocked in China
since 2010 with only a minor presence
through app distribution if China Cuts
ties completely the financial blow to
Google would be minimal but the message
to Washington is crystal clear the trade
war is escalating the question is who
will blink first now the US China Chip
War is all set to escalate now China has
decided to restrict exports of two
metals that are crucial in producing not
only semiconductors but also Telecom
devices and electric vehicles Beyond
import restrictions China has also
imposed stringent export controls on 25
rare Metals which are crucial for Global
electronics and Military production
China dominates the refinement of these
critical materials accounting for nearly
90% of the world's total refined output
tungsten is part of the new restricted
list because it is difficult to secure
and is critical for Aerospace
manufacturing the export regulations
implemented by Beijing specifically
Target Metal Products but do not affect
China's import of crucial Metals used to
create high-end semiconductors Aerospace
technology and pharmaceuticals standards
from previous situations indicate that
export levels will drop dramatically as
companies face extensive delays in
obtaining import permits through an
examination process which usually takes
multiple weeks meanwhile to secure its
supply of rare earth metals the US has
turned to Ukraine offering a $300
billion support package in exchange for
guarantees on metal shipments however
those negotiations have hit a major
roadblock following a contentious and
fractured meeting between Trump and
Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski
with economic weapons deployed on both
sides the global trade War shows no
signs of easing how much further will
the US and China push before the
consequences become too great to bear
Rubio says usaid Purge is complete with
83% of the agency's programs gone a
secretary of state Marco Rubio says the
cuts at usaid are done leaving the aid
agency with only about 16% of its
original program that's an elimination
of more than 5,000 contracts in a
sweeping and unprecedented overhaul
Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced
Monday that the Trump Administration has
completed its six-week Purge of programs
under the six decade old US agency for
International Development usaid slashing
a staggering 83% of its operations
declaring the end of an era in American
foreign aid Rubio confirmed that the
surviving 18% of Aid and development
programs will be transferred to the
state department the announcement made
via a post on X was one of Rubio's rare
public statements on what has become a
historic pivot away from US foreign
assistance a transformation carried out
by President Donald Trump's political
appointees at the state department
alongside Elon musk's Department of
government efficiency Doge teams
expressing gratitude Rubio acknowledged
Doge and our hardworking staff who
worked long hours to achieve this
overdue and historic reform in foreign
aid January 6th these are the
hostages approximately 1,500 for a
pardon yes full pardon the move follows
Trump's executive order on January 20th
which Froze all foreign assistance
funding and launched an exhaustive
review of the tens of billions of
dollars spent on us Aid and development
abroad charging that much of the
spending was wasteful and fueled a
liberal agenda Trump initiated a
dramatic restructuring of America's
Global Outreach with the review
officially concluded Rubio's post
confirmed the Staggering results an
estimated 5,200 ut of usaid 6,200
programs have been eliminated these
programs spent tens of billions of
dollars in ways that did not serve and
in some cases even harmed the core
National interest of the United States
Rubio declared in consultation with
Congress we intend for the remaining 18%
of programs we are keeping to be
administered more effectively under the
state department he continued however
Democratic lawmakers and critics are
already sounding the alarm branding the
move is unlawful they argue that
shutting down congressionally funded
programs on this scale requires explicit
approval from Congress this battle may
just be beginning the US scrambles to
respond and China is striking back
harder than than ever let us know your
thoughts on these latest updates in the
comments if you enjoyed this video don't
forget to like And subscribe


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