
被美国胁迫造谣中国 欧洲政客摧毁欧洲

(2024-11-18 04:58:40) 下一个

被美国胁迫造谣中国 欧洲政客摧毁欧洲

YouTube 2024年11月18日

歐洲不缺精英缺實話?! 官員不反中就丟飯碗?! 中國希臘合作深水港曾被歐洲威脅終止


Europe Has No Shortage of Elites, But Truth Is Missing?! Officials Risk Losing Jobs If They Don’t Oppose China?! China-Greece Deepwater Port Deal Once Threatened by Europe?! 完整影片來源 請看Thinkers Forum ?@thinkersforum4149?


Yanis Varoufakis(1961- ),since 2018, he has been Secretary-General of Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, a left-wing pan-European political party he co-founded in 2016. Previously, he was Greece's Minister of Finance between January 2015 and July 2015.

亚尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯(1961- ),自2018年起担任欧洲民主运动2025秘书长,该党是他于2016年共同创立的一个泛欧左翼政党。此前,他于2015年1月至2015年7月期间担任希腊财政部长。









我想,好吧, 為什麼不達成更大的協議,不只是比雷埃夫斯港,還要有鐵路發展的計畫,中國在鐵路現代化方面有出色的成績,他們起點和希臘差不多。因此,讓我們把這變成一個大型發展計畫,強化絲路並為希臘帶來我們不具備的技術,柏林和布魯塞爾向我們兩國政府施壓,實際上威脅我們,如果繼續這項協議,中國和希臘都會遭遇各種不幸後果,他們阻止了這項協議。


you know that if you counter the anti-chinese propaganda; if you come out in the media and say come on folks enough of this anti-chinese propaganda; you won't get this job. You'll be out of a job once you're no longer a minister, maybe you will lose your
ministership or your ministry. I've noticed in the last two years' the intensification of
anti-chinese propaganda in our media, just ludicrous stories that you don't need to know what's going on, just to read them or listen to them, to know that they have come out of production line of propaganda; and that propaganda is simply functional to Washington's intensification of the new C war against China, so I think China has a much better image
amongst people generally than amongst governments; which actually don't even believe their propaganda but they have to tow the line allow me to put it very bluntly; if you're a politician who wants a good job for yourself right' let's say you're the minister of something in Europe, in Italy, in Greece, right and you know that your career as a minister is not going to last more than five six seven at most 10 years and you are a career politician and then you want to move on up you w go
to Brussels to be given a cushy job the
some kind of um directorate of the
European Union some ambassadorship of
the European Union maybe become a
commissioner in the European Union maybe
get a job in Luxembourg at the European
Investment Bank well you know that if
you counter the anti-chinese propaganda
if you come out in the media and say
come come on folks enough of this anti-chinese
propaganda you won't get this job you'll
be out of a job once you no longer a minister maybe you will lose
your ministership or your ministry right
so people here in China must understand
that that it's not so much that propaganda works at convincing people
that China is the big bad wolf it doesn't work that way you simply
need to know that if you speak out
against the propaganda even if you don't
believe the propaganda your career
is going to be jeopardized there's a
fundamental difference between what
people think and what governments do
ordinary people uh I think across Europe
have a high regard for the Chinese
people they can see clearly that uh the
Chinese people whatever problems China may have pull
themselves up from the brute bootstraps
in the last 30 years went from a
situation where China was uh a third
world country a very impoverished
country to a country that is now um at the
Forefront of Technology of social
cohesion of they have a high regard for
for China they maybe they're a bit
envious because Europe is going the
other in the other opposite direction so
this is where we' come to these days propaganda doesn't even
need to convince people it just needs to
scare them from scare them off acting on what they know so if you
talk to you know the average Greek or to
the average Italian they know that uh
the diminution in the cooperation with
China you saw what happened in in
Italy a Neo fascist prime minister was
elected Georgia money in order for her
to build a strong relationship with
Brussels she had to build a strong
relationship with States and to signal
to the United States that she wants a
good relationship with them she ditched
the belon road agreement between Italy
and China that was a very cynical
political move that was negative it was
a negative development a bad development for Italy
the average Italian knows that when I
moved into the ministry there was
already an agreement between our creditors not Greece our
creditors and Costco China the Chinese
authorities on the port of P but it was
a terrible agreement and I didn't think
it was a good agreement for Costco
either because it was the conditions and
the terms were imposed by Germany that
wanted Costco to take the port of peros
but did not want Costco to have too much
influence and too many degrees of
freedom what I did I renegotiate the
with the Chinese government the
agreement for pis which made it far
better both for Greece and for China the
port of is Central to the new Silk
Road to the new trade route that goes
through the Su Canal comes to Greece and
from there goes by train up to Hungary
and Germany which is where the main hub
for Distributing Chinese exports to
Europe is but if you look at the Greek
trains that connect the port of P
to Hungary uh they're a joke so I thought all right well why
don't we have a bigger agreement not
just the port of peros but let's have a
project for um developing the railways China has uh a fantastic track
record at modernizing its Railways from
a state very similar to the one of
Greece more or less and therefore let's
let's turn this into a big developmental
project which strengthens the Silk Road
and gives Greece technology that we
wouldn't have Berlin and Brussels came down on both our
government and your government
effectively threatened both of us that
all sorts of um ills would be befall both China
and Greece if we continue with this
agreement they stopped this agreement
and then when I resigned they went back
to the old agreement which was less beneficial to China and
totally awful for us but such is
the defeatism of our peoples people say
yeah of course this is what they do but
what can we do right that you have this
Divergence between as I said and
therefore I'm concluding concluding in
the way that I began my answer what
people know and what governments do 

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