
美国女中国生活三年,说中国真好 美国真坏

(2024-10-26 22:27:51) 下一个


YouTube 2024年10月26日


我在中国生活了三年半,我可以告诉你,新闻并没有描绘出中国的全貌,令我震惊的是,中国真的先进,他们用移动支付来支付一切,我们聊天支付,所有支付,人们不再使用信用卡了。 他们有高铁,几乎通向任何地方。 在过去的30年里,上海从一个乡村发展成为一个成熟的城市。

我们不谈论这个, 美国人也不了解中国的历史有多复杂,中国有15亿人,他们的历史跨越了数千年,你可以想象有这样的历史水平,他们为什么这样运作和对事情的反应,可能是由于过去发生的事情。例如,很多美国人问我为什么中国对毒品如此严格,我所在中国,不是美国那样的,中国经历了第一次和第二次鸦片战争,西方人把鸦片带入中国,彻底摧毁了他们的经济。所以看看这段历史,我们就能明白为什么中国对毒品有如此强烈的立场,他们不想要一个效率低下的人口。


如果我试图在一个拥有 15 亿人口的国家建设一座城市,而这个国家大部分是农村人口,你怎么能让美国技术过来,完全超越他们的国家。


我收到了 114,000 美元的急诊室账单,仅仅在那里待了 3 个小时,收费14,000 美元,在美国没有医疗保险的生活简直是疯了。我从小就没有医疗保险,有很多关于这方面的故事,但就在这个特殊情况下,我胃痛得厉害,所以让我们来看看这些数字,花费了 144,000 美元 放射科 600 美元 实验室 400 美元 仅让他们检查你的 P 就需要 300 美元 身体皮肤 CT 5,800 美元 我要求做皮肤 CT 吗? 没有,但我的胃疼,所以他们说我必须做一次超声波检查 22,000 美元。只是去急诊室就诊 3,500 美元, 这 3,500 美元包括什么? 因为我做的是实验室工作,这里的所有工作都是额外的,比如,抽我的血 1,100 美元。 114,000 美元,现在我很幸运,我有保险,所以这对我来说降到了 115 美元。




YouTube 2024年10月26日

I lived in China for three and a half years and I can tell you the news does not paint the full picture of China it shocked me how advanced China really is they use mobile payments for everything we chat pay allei pay people don't pull out credit cards any longer over there they have highspeed rails that go just about everywhere in Shanghai over the past 30 years has developed from being a country side to being a full blown out City we don't talk about this also Americans don't understand how complex China's history is there are 1.5 billion people in China and they have a history that spans thousands of years you can imagine having that level of History why they operate the way they do and react to things now is probably due to what happened in the past for example so many Americans ask me why is China so strict on drugs we're not like that in the US well China had the first and second Opium Wars where westerners brought opium and it completely trashed their economy so looking at this history wecan see why China has such a strong stance on having drugs in the country they don't want an inefficient population and the way I think is we often times ask why is technology like why are our products not allowed to go
into China if I'm looking at history and
I'm seeing all the different ways that
westerners have come over and completely
China's economy I'm like if I'm trying
to build up a city of a country of 1.5
billion people most of which are in
rural populations how are you going to
have American Technology come over and
completely overtake their country my
whole thing is when we look at China we
have to understand the full picture it
can't be a comparative game with what
does the US do and oh China should do
the same thing we are very different
countries we have very different
histories and we have to understand that
when we go to make a perspective which
is why for 
I got a $114,000 ER bill for just being there for 3 hours $14,000 living in the USA without health insurance is wild like wild and I grew  up without health insurance and have so many stories about this but this right here this particular instance I had extreme stomach pain so let's check out these numbers okay what costs $144,000 Radiology 600 laboratory 400 rology just for them to check your P it costs $300 CT body skin $5,800 did I ask for a CT skin no but my stomach hurts so they said I had to have one ultrasound $22,000 emergency room General so just to visit the emergency room to just be there $3,500 what is in that $3,500 what is included in that because everything else I did like lab work everything it's additional on here Diagnostics lab so just them doing my lab work like taking my blood $1,100 $114,000 now lucky for me I have insurance so this for me went down to $115 I did however grow up without insurance and my parents they still don't have insance insurance so when they are in extreme pain like that they will literally sit there and suffer until it eventually goes away because they cannot afford to go to the ER and get help which is so sad I was a mom this makes me think of what my mom went through nowadays when my kids are sick and they're feeling really really bad I am privileged to have insurance and be able to take them to the hospital but when we were little in the United States my mother could not afford to take us to the e are when something was really really scary or bad you know she would just have to wait it out because we couldn't afford it so sad so many people still live this way including my own parents so Healthcare really needs to be more affordable our taxpayer money is used for awful things in the world but it cannot be used to get us health insurance so that we don't have to live this way it's sad fore foree foree

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