
批评亨廷顿的文明冲突论 对文化复杂性过度简化

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媒体教育基金会 2023 年 12 月 19 日




爱德华·瓦迪·赛义德 (1935-2003) 巴勒斯坦裔美国哲学家、学者、文学评论家和政治活动家。作为哥伦比亚大学文学教授,他是后殖民研究的创始人之一。作为一名文化评论家,赛义德以其著作《东方主义》(1978 年)而闻名,这是一本基础性著作,批判了东方主义的文化表述——西方世界如何看待东方。他的文本分析模型改变了文学理论、文学批评和中东研究研究人员的学术话语。

赛义德 1935 年出生于巴勒斯坦托管地耶路撒冷,他的父亲曾在第一次世界大战期间在美国陆军服役,因此他是美国公民。1948 年巴勒斯坦战争后,他移居埃及,然后又移居美国,在埃及期间就读于维多利亚学院,抵达美国后就读于诺斯菲尔德黑门山学校。

1957 年,他毕业于普林斯顿大学,获得英语学士学位,随后在哈佛大学获得英语文学硕士学位(1960 年)和博士学位(1964 年)。他的主要影响者是安东尼奥·葛兰西、弗朗茨·法农、艾梅·塞泽尔、米歇尔·福柯和西奥多·W·阿多诺。1963 年,赛义德加入哥伦比亚大学,担任英语和比较文学系教授,并在那里任教和工作至 2003 年。他还在北美、欧洲和中东的 200 多所大学授课。

作为一名公共知识分子,赛义德曾担任巴勒斯坦全国委员会成员,支持纳入巴勒斯坦返回权的两国解决方案,后因批评《奥斯陆协议》于 1993 年辞职。他主张建立巴勒斯坦国,以确保以色列占领区的政治和人道主义平等,巴勒斯坦人目睹了以色列定居点的不断扩张。然而,1999 年,他辩称,只有在一个以巴国家的情况下,才能实现可持续的和平。[14] 他把自己与以色列现状的对立关系定义为公共知识分子的职责,他们必须“筛选、判断、批评、选择,以便选择权和主动权回归到个人”男人和女人身上。

1999 年,赛义德和阿根廷裔以色列指挥家丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆共同创立了西东合集管弦乐团,该乐团总部位于西班牙塞维利亚。萨义德也是一位技艺精湛的钢琴家,他与巴伦博伊姆合著了《相似与悖论:音乐与社会的探索》(2002 年),该书汇集了他们在纽约卡内基音乐厅关于音乐的对话和公开讨论。


萨义德于 1935 年 11 月 1 日出生于耶路撒冷市的一个巴勒斯坦基督徒家庭,当时巴勒斯坦属于英国托管地。他的父母出生于奥斯曼帝国:他的母亲希尔达·萨义德(原姓穆萨)有一半巴勒斯坦血统,一半黎巴嫩血统,在拿撒勒长大;他的父亲瓦迪·“威廉”·萨义德是一位居住在耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦商人。希尔达和瓦迪都是阿拉伯基督徒,信奉新教。第一次世界大战期间,瓦迪在美国远征军服役,随后他和他的直系亲属获得了美国公民身份。




00:00:00 - 00:50:00

在此 YouTube 视频部分中,??爱德华·赛义德批评了塞缪尔·亨廷顿的“文明冲突”理论,对文化复杂性和冲突可能性的过度简化表示担忧。赛义德反对统一文化和文明冲突的理念,而是主张共存并保留差异。他强调承认个人和文化独特本质的重要性,以及需要与差异共存而不是促进冲突或统治。赛义德还强调了美国知识分子有责任解决美国的干预力量及其对世界的影响。该视频还涉及以色列和巴勒斯坦之间持续的冲突,批评美国向以色列提供大量援助,同时惩罚巴勒斯坦人,以及巴勒斯坦人缺乏有效的领导。赛义德呼吁明确斗争的目标,并承认以色列和巴勒斯坦身份的相互联系。此外,他还批评以色列对巴勒斯坦人民流离失所和遭受苦难缺乏承认和责任,以色列在巴勒斯坦社会的废墟上建立国家,导致巴勒斯坦经济遭到破坏和被迫流离失所。

00:00:00 在 YouTube 视频的这一部分,演讲者讨论了塞缪尔·亨廷顿的论文和著作《文明的冲突》。亨廷顿的论文发表于 1993 年,带有一个问号,提出了世界政治正在进入一个新阶段的观点,冲突源于文明之间的文化差异,而不是意识形态阵营。演讲者认为,这篇论文比没有问号的扩展书更有效,重点关注亨廷顿对西方文明与伊斯兰文明和儒家文明之间潜在冲突的讨论。演讲者指出,亨廷顿的作品之所以受到广泛关注,是因为其发表的时间是在冷战结束后,各种新世界秩序理论的出现。然而,演讲者批评亨廷顿重复使用冷战时期的意识形态冲突论。

00:05:00 在 YouTube 视频“爱德华·萨义德:文明冲突的神话”的这一部分中,演讲者批评了塞缪尔·亨廷顿的论文和著作《文明冲突》。亨廷顿认为,冷战的结束标志着西方与其他文明(如伊斯兰教和儒教)之间冲突的新阶段的开始。他认为,西方必须利用这些文明之间的差异和冲突来保持其力量和主导地位。演讲者认为,亨廷顿的作品具有误导性,严重依赖有倾向性的宣传家和二手意见,而不是严肃的学术或理论。演讲者还批评亨廷顿使用“文明冲突”一词,这不是他自己的,而是从伯纳德·刘易斯那里借来的。演讲者认为,亨廷顿对冲突和分裂的关注不利于各国人民之间的真正理解和合作,而这对我们的星球来说是必要的。

00:10:00 在 YouTube 视频“爱德华·萨义德:文明冲突的神话”的这一部分中,演讲者批评了塞缪尔·亨廷顿和伯纳德·刘易斯的作品,他们将伊斯兰文明描述为单一的、对西方现代性的敌视。演讲者认为,两位作者都对十亿穆斯林进行了笼统的概括,认为他们都对西方感到愤怒,伊斯兰文明的定义是所谓的反西方主义。演讲者强调,亨廷顿和刘易斯是辩论家,而不是中立的观察者,他们的作品延续了文明冲突的观念,而不是解决它。演讲者质疑将世界简化为文明冲突并将其作为理解和行动的处方交给政策制定者的明智性。演讲者警告说,这种方法可能会延长和加深冲突,激发民族主义情绪,导致杀戮。相反,演讲者建议问问自己为什么要这样做,并集中精力减轻冲突的可能性。演讲者还批评使用“西方”或“伊斯兰”等模糊且可操纵的抽象概念,将特定的宗教、种族和民族归结为意识形态。

00:15:00 在 YouTube 视频的这一部分,标题为“爱德华·赛义德:文明冲突的神话”,爱德华·赛义德讨论了群体认同语言是如何在 19 世纪后期成为帝国主义的正当理由的。欧洲和美国列强,如法国、英国、德国、比利时和美国,都诉诸理论和修辞来为他们对非洲和亚洲的掠夺辩护。文明使命就是这样一个概念,它赋予更强大的国家以崇高理想的幌子殖民其他国家的权利。这一帝国竞争时期导致了文化命运理论和世界大战概念的发展,这些理论和概念基于文明之间的冲突或冲突。作为回应,被殖民的人民开始反抗他们的强行操纵和定居,导致组织了决心实现独立和自决的政治和文化运动。这种归属感的言论也是每个独立运动民族主义的核心,这些运动的结果是,在第二次世界大战后不久,古典帝国被瓦解,数十个国家赢得了独立。

00:20:00 在视频的这一部分,爱德华·赛义德讨论了各种文明登上世界舞台的过程,以及由此产生的文化特异性言论。他确定了这种话语的两个潜在方向:一个是乌托邦式的,强调所有民族之间的融合与和谐;另一个则认为所有文化都是如此特殊和嫉妒,以至于相互排斥和对抗。萨义德以联合国和各种世界政府的尝试作为乌托邦路线的例子,而冷战的理论和实践以及文明冲突理论则代表了第二个方向。他还提到了强调伊斯兰与西方之间内在对立的运动的复兴,以及定义自己的文化的重要性和对其定义的持续争论。萨义德认为,我们生活的时代不是文明冲突,而是定义的冲突,每种文化都定义了自己的敌人以及超越敌人的东西。他还承认存在反文化和反对声音,它们挑战官方文化及其定义。

00:25:00 在 YouTube 视频“爱德华·萨义德:文明冲突的神话”的这一部分中,爱德华·萨义德以美国和伊斯兰教为例,讨论了承认文化内部争论和多样性的重要性。他认为,亨廷顿的“文明冲突论”过于简单化了文化认同的复杂性,忽视了不同文化之间正在进行的交流和对话。萨义德强调,应注重合作和人文交流,而不是强调差异和潜在冲突。他还强调了历史上各种文学和文化之间的长期关系和影响。

00:30:00 在 YouTube 视频“爱德华·萨义德:文明冲突的神话”的这一部分中,爱德华·萨义德反对塞缪尔·亨廷顿在“文明冲突”论文中提出的稳定和固定的文明概念。萨义德断言,文化和文明不是稳定的实体,而是可以操纵和发明的抽象概念。他批评西方话语将伊斯兰教描绘成一个单一而易变的实体,而事实上,伊斯兰教在不同地方存在很大差异。萨义德还指出了试图将文明分开的破坏性影响,以及认识到文明的复杂性和混合性的重要性。最后,他敦促采取一种更具综合性的方法来理解文明以及我们在全球背景下面临的危险。

00:35:00 在 YouTube 视频的这一部分,标题为“爱德华·萨义德:文明冲突的神话”,爱德华·萨义德讨论??了人类面临的危险,包括人口两极分化、识字率下降以及地方、民族、种族和宗教情绪的出现。他认为,正如塞缪尔·亨廷顿所描述的那样,社区意识、理解、同情和希望是文明冲突的解药。萨义德强调承认文化之间的共同点和取消教育国有化的重要性,以促进更好地理解我们所生活的复杂而混杂的世界。他批评了一神论的观点,即一个人的文化或文明是爱德华·赛义德将世界中心视为世界的中心,旨在消除这种思维方式所导致的无谓而无望的冲突。

00:40:00 在视频的这一部分,爱德华·赛义德批评了塞缪尔·亨廷顿的“文明冲突”理论,对文化的同质化和冲突的可能性表示担忧。赛义德既反对统一文化的理念,也反对文明冲突,而是主张在保留差异的情况下共存。他强调承认个人和文化独特性的重要性,以及与差异共存的必要性,而不是提倡冲突或统治。赛义德还强调了美国知识分子有责任应对美国的干预力量及其对世界的影响。他还谈到了巴勒斯坦人的处境,并对以色列总理内塔尼亚胡的行动和美国的支持表示担忧。

00:45:00 在 YouTube 视频“爱德华·赛义德:文明冲突的神话 | 以色列对加沙战争的免费电影”的这一部分中,发言人表达了对以色列和巴勒斯坦之间持续冲突的担忧,特别关注巴勒斯坦人面临的经济和政治斗争。发言人批评美国向以色列提供数十亿美元的援助,同时惩罚巴勒斯坦人打击恐怖主义力度不够。他对巴勒斯坦人缺乏有效的领导以及他们争取解放的斗争前景日益渺茫感到遗憾。发言人强调澄清斗争目标以及美国在为两国人民带来和平与正义方面的作用的重要性。他呼吁犹太人和美国人认识到良知危机以及以色列和巴勒斯坦身份的相互联系。

00:50:00 在视频的这一部分,爱德华·赛义德批评以色列对巴勒斯坦人民流离失所和苦难缺乏承认和承担责任。他指出,以色列是在巴勒斯坦社会的废墟上建立起来的,占领导致巴勒斯坦经济遭到破坏,并迫使有能力的人流离失所。赛义德认为,以色列不能继续迫害巴勒斯坦人,同时又忽视自己在巴勒斯坦苦难中扮演的角色,即使犹太人在历史上自己也是受害者。如前所述,该协议明确规定以色列不对占领的代价负责,赛义德认为这一立场是不可接受的。

YouTube: Edward Said: The Myth of the Clash of Civilizations,Free films for context on Israel's war on Gaza

Media Education Founda 2023年12月19日

Legendary scholar-activist Edward Said delivers a powerful lecture dismantling the persistent ideological belief that the world is riven by a clash of civilizations between the civilized and enlightened U.S.-led West and the barbaric and backward-looking totalitarian forces of the Middle East and Far East.



Summary of Edward Said: The Myth of the Clash of Civilizations,Free films for context on Israel's war on Gaza


This is an AI generated summary. There may be inaccuracies. Summarize another video 

00:00:00 - 00:50:00

In this YouTube video section, Edward Said critiques Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" theory, expressing concerns over the oversimplification of cultural complexities and potential for conflict. Said argues against both the idea of a unified culture and the clash of civilizations, instead advocating for coexistence with the preservation of differences. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unique inscape of individuals and cultures and the need to live with differences rather than promoting conflict or domination. Said also highlights the responsibility of American intellectuals to address the interventionary power of the United States and its impact on the world. The video also touches upon the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, with criticism towards the United States for providing Israel with significant aid while punishing Palestinians and the lack of effective leadership among Palestinians. Said calls for clarifying the goals of the struggle and recognizing the interconnectedness of Israeli and Palestinian identities. Additionally, he critiques Israel's lack of acknowledgement and responsibility for the displacement and suffering of the Palestinian people, built on the ruins of their society and resulting in the destruction of their economy and forced displacement.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses Samuel Huntington's essay and book "The Clash of Civilizations." Huntington's essay, published in 1993 with a question mark, introduced the idea that world politics was entering a new phase, with conflicts arising from cultural differences between civilizations rather than ideological camps. The speaker argues that the essay is more effective than the expanded book, published without a question mark, and focuses on Huntington's discussions of potential conflicts between Western and Islamic and Confucian civilizations. The speaker notes that Huntington's work gained significant attention due to its timing following the end of the Cold War and the emergence of various theories on the new world order. However, the speaker criticizes Huntington for recycling the ideological conflict thesis from the Cold War era.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "EDWARD SAID: THE MYTH OF THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS," the speaker critiques Samuel Huntington's essay and book, "The Clash of Civilizations." Huntington argues that the end of the Cold War marks the beginning of a new phase of conflict between the West and other civilizations, such as Islam and Confucianism. He suggests that the West must exploit differences and conflicts among these civilizations to maintain its strength and dominance. The speaker argues that Huntington's work is misleading and relies heavily on tendentious publicists and second-hand opinions rather than serious scholarship or theory. The speaker also criticizes Huntington for using the term "clash of civilizations," which is not his own, but rather borrowed from Bernard Lewis. The speaker suggests that Huntington's focus on conflict and division is not conducive to true understanding and cooperation between peoples, which is necessary for our planet.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "EDWARD SAID: THE MYTH OF THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS," the speaker critiques the works of Samuel Huntington and Bernard Lewis, who have characterized Islamic civilization as monolithic and hostile to Western modernity. The speaker argues that both authors make sweeping generalizations about a billion Muslims, assuming they are all enraged against the West and that Islamic civilization is defined by its supposed anti-Westernism. The speaker stresses that Huntington and Lewis are polemicists, not neutral observers, and their works perpetuate the idea of a clash between civilizations rather than resolving it. The speaker questions the wisdom of simplifying the world into a clash of civilizations and handing it to policy makers as a prescription for understanding and acting in the world. The speaker warns that this approach may prolong and deepen conflict, mobilize nationalist passions, and lead to murderousness. Instead, the speaker suggests asking why one is doing this and focusing on mitigating the likelihood of conflict. The speaker also criticizes the use of vague and manipulable abstractions like "the West" or "Islam" that collapse particular religions, races, and ethnicities into ideologies.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "EDWARD SAID: THE MYTH OF THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS," Edward Said discusses how the language of group identity emerged as a justification for imperialism during the late 19th century. European and American powers, such as France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, and the United States, resorted to theories and rhetorics to justify their plunder of Africa and Asia. One such notion was the civilizing mission, which gave more powerful countries the right to colonize others under the guise of a noble ideal. This period of imperial competition led to the development of theories of cultural destiny and the concept of worlds at war, which were based on the clash or conflict between civilizations. In response, the colonized peoples began to resist their forcible manipulation and settlement, leading to the organization of political and cultural movements determined to achieve independence and self-determination. This rhetoric of belonging was also at the heart of each independent movement's nationalism, which achieved the result of dismantling classical empires and winning independence for dozens of countries shortly after World War II.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, Edward Said discusses the emergence of various civilizations onto the world stage and the resulting rhetoric of cultural specificity. He identifies two potential directions for this discourse: one utopian, emphasizing integration and harmony between all peoples, and the other suggesting that all cultures are so specific and jealous as to reject and war against each other. Said uses the examples of the United Nations and various attempts at World Government as instances of the utopian line, while the theory and practice of the Cold War and the Clash of Civilizations theory represent the second direction. He also mentions the resurgence of movements stressing the innate opposition between Islam and the West, as well as the importance of defining one's culture and the ongoing contest over its definition. Said argues that the period we are living in is not the Clash of Civilizations but the Clash of Definitions, and that each culture defines its enemies and what stands beyond it. He also acknowledges the existence of countercultures and dissenting voices that challenge the official culture and its definitions.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "EDWARD SAID: THE MYTH OF THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS," Edward Said discusses the importance of recognizing the internal debates and diversity within cultures, using the examples of America and Islam. He argues that Huntington's theory of the Clash of Civilizations oversimplifies the complexities of cultural identity and ignores the ongoing exchange and dialogue between different cultures. Said emphasizes the need to focus on cooperation and humanistic exchange rather than emphasizing differences and potential conflicts. He also highlights the long-standing relationships and influences between various literatures and cultures throughout history.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "EDWARD SAID: THE MYTH OF THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS," Edward Said argues against the notion of stable and fixed civilizations, as put forth in Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" thesis. Said asserts that cultures and civilizations are not stable entities but rather abstractions that can be manipulated and invented. He criticizes the way Islam is portrayed in the Western discourse as a monolithic and volatile entity, when in reality, it varies greatly from place to place. Said also points out the damaging effects of trying to separate civilizations and the importance of recognizing their complexity and hybridity. He concludes by urging a more integrative approach to understanding civilizations and the dangers we face in the global context.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "EDWARD SAID: THE MYTH OF THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS," Edward Said discusses the dangers facing the human race, including the polarization of populations, the decline of literacy, and the emergence of virulent local, national, ethnic, and religious sentiment. He argues that the sense of community, understanding, sympathy, and hope is the antidote to the clash of civilizations, as described by Samuel Huntington. Said emphasizes the importance of recognizing commonalities between cultures and denationalizing education to promote a better understanding of the complex and mixed world we live in. He critiques the monotheistic position that suggests one's culture or civilization is the center of the world and aims to eliminate the wasteful and hopeless conflicts that arise from such thinking.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, Edward Said critiques Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" theory, expressing concerns over the homogenization of cultures and the potential for conflict. Said argues against both the idea of a unified culture and the clash of civilizations, instead advocating for coexistence with the preservation of differences. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unique inscape of individuals and cultures, and the need to live with differences rather than promoting conflict or domination. Said also highlights the responsibility of American intellectuals to address the interventionary power of the United States and its impact on the world. The situation of the Palestinians is also addressed, with concerns over the actions of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the support of the United States.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "EDWARD SAID: THE MYTH OF THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS | FREE FILMS FOR CONTEXT ON ISRAEL'S WAR ON GAZA," the speaker expresses concern over the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, specifically focusing on the economic and political struggles faced by Palestinians. The speaker criticizes the United States for providing Israel with billions of dollars in aid while punishing Palestinians for not fighting terrorism enough. He laments the lack of effective leadership among Palestinians and the shrinking horizon of their struggle for liberation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of clarifying the goals of the struggle and the role of the United States in bringing about peace and justice for both peoples. He calls on Jews and Americans to recognize the crisis of conscience and the interconnectedness of the Israeli and Palestinian identities.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the video, Edward Said critiques the lack of acknowledgement and responsibility taken by Israel for the displacement and suffering of the Palestinian people. He points out that Israel was built on the ruins of Palestinian society and that the occupation has resulted in the destruction of their economy and forced displacement of capable people. Said argues that Israel cannot continue to victimize the Palestinians while ignoring its own role in their suffering, even as Jewish people have historically been victims themselves. The Accord, as mentioned, specifically states that Israel bears no responsibility for the costs of the occupation, a position Said finds unacceptable.
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