
澳大利亚国立大学 中国研究中心

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Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW) 



习近平的“反遏制”战略 | 裘德·布兰切特


澳大利亚中国与世界研究中心 2024年6月20日

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裘德·布兰切特担任战略与国际研究中心 (CSIS) 弗里曼中国研究主席。此前,他曾担任北京经济与商业会议委员会中国经济与商业中心的项目主管,在那里他研究中国的政治环境,重点关注中国共产党的运作及其对外国公司和投资者的影响。在经济与商业会议委员会工作之前,布兰切特曾担任加州大学圣地亚哥分校 21 世纪中国中心的助理主任。
Xi Jinping’s ‘Counter-Containment’ Strategy | Jude Blanchette


Australian Centre on China in the World

A key pillar of Xi Jinping’s policy agenda is the fortification of China’s economic and financial system in the face of what he has described as US-led “containment, encirclement and suppression”. This talk explores the elements of this policy agenda and its implications for the United States and Australia.

Jude Blanchette holds the Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Previously, he was engagement director at the Conference Board’s China Center for Economics and Business in Beijing, where he researched China’s political environment with a focus on the workings of the Communist Party of China and its impact on foreign companies and investors. Prior to working at the Conference Board, Blanchette was the assistant director of the 21st Century China Center at the University of California, San Diego. 

The Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW) 中华全球研究中心 in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific is a leading international institution for Chinese Studies, encompassing all scholarship that furthers our understanding of the Chinese world — the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan and the Chinese diaspora — on its own terms and through its own languages, addressing both its traditions and contemporary developments in a rapidly changing world.

CIW supports multi-disciplinary research that draws on the best traditions of both the humanities and social sciences, and that engages with public debate. Through its various research and education programs, CIW is helping Australians to better understand China.

Chinese studies has been a major strength of the ANU since the university's establishment in 1946. The Australian Centre on China in the World was founded in 2010 to promote multi-disciplinary scholarship on the Chinese world and now serves as a university-wide focal point for research, education and public outreach on China.

CIW is home to The China Journal, one of the world’s leading journals on contemporary China and published by the University of Chicago Press. CIW produces the China Story, the China Story Yearbook and the award-winning Little Red Podcast, which feature behind-the-headlines news and insights on China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the global Chinese diaspora.

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