
尼日利亚 美国 关系破裂的原因

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2024 年 5 月 14 日

尼亚美——尼日尔总理阿里·马哈曼·拉明·泽内 (Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine) 在周二发表的《华盛顿邮报》采访中表示,尼日尔军政府领导的尼日尔于 3 月切断了与美国的军事关系,因为美国威胁实施制裁。

尼亚美于 3 月中旬宣布将终止与华盛顿的军事合作协议,此前不久,美国代表团离开了这个萨赫勒国家。


泽内说,率领代表团访问的美国负责非洲事务的助理国务卿莫莉·菲 (Molly Phee) 威胁说,如果尼日尔签署向伊朗出售其生产的铀的协议,将对尼亚美实施制裁。






美国于 4 月同意撤出 1,000 多名美国人员,与尼日尔的谈判正在进行中。




去年 7 月的政变推翻了民选总统穆罕默德·巴祖姆后,美国暂停了军事支持。


政变后,军政府在 2023 年底前将军队驱逐出前殖民大国法国,并加强了与俄罗斯的关系,俄罗斯在 4 月和 5 月派遣了军事教官和装备。

据尼日尔外交部称,美国的发展援助将继续进行,新协议为期三年,价值近 5 亿美元。

2094 条评论








我更喜欢华盛顿邮报写这篇文章,相信我能辨别出信息可能由于来源而可疑。知道 DOS 必须处理什么总比不知道好。

我认为作者非常清楚地表明我们应该对 Zeine 先生的话持怀疑态度。评论清楚地表明我们大多数人都注意到了这一点。

我赞扬华盛顿邮报的努力——这使它有别于其他 90% 的美国新闻机构。BBC 和《经济学人》是国际报道的两个主要来源。
卫报和 BBC 是国际报道最好的。《经济学人》和半岛电视台也很棒。




读了这篇文章后,我确实想知道 Phee 的傲慢、无能的干预是否是特朗普掏空国务院的结果?





WAPO,你真丢脸!多么可怕的、误导性的标题。根据你自己的故事,美国的“威胁”是,如果他们不恢复民主,不停止因非法军事政变而虐待/监禁自己的人民,我们将停止向他们的国家提供援助。你的标题听起来好像美国是个恶霸,而事实上,我们是在为弱者挺身而出对抗恶霸。再说一次,你真丢脸!啊,又一个国家建设者。不知道你是怎么从那条评论中得到“国家建设者”这个词的。自由主义者们醒了,麦格罗因!快跑,躲起来!我很困惑,事实上,WAPO 只是根据收到的信息讲述一个故事。请解释一下 WAPO 在什么时候站队。如果我们只根据我们想听到的内容获取信息,我们就会回到生活在黑暗中。美国没有下最后通牒。你读过这篇文章吗?它批评美国,站在尼日尔一边,称美国在欺凌。这是尼日尔的观点。








没有一个理想是 100%“可实现的”,但这并不意味着我们应该向暴力独裁者投降,或者帮助他们。




但是他们真的查过了吗?除了 Zeine 先生,没有任何人发表过独立声明。美国的立场与 Zeine 先生的报道一致——没有引用美国官员的声明,甚至没有引用尼日尔大学的专家的声明。

编辑后补充——有两段话来自“一位美国官员”,但没有提及具体引用。其他所有内容均引用自 Zeine 先生。
“针对 Zeine 的评论,一位美国官员表示:“3 月份向 CNSP 传达的信息是美国政府的协调立场,以专业的方式传达,以回应对尼日尔事态发展的合理担忧。CNSP 面临的是一个选择,而不是最后通牒,即他们是否希望继续与我们合作,尊重我们的民主价值观和国家安全利益。”





Zeine 的选择。






这种短缺是西方政策(和 GQP 愚蠢行为)的结果,我主张改变这种“谨慎”的做法。


“菲在之前的一次采访中说,美国官员在 12 月的会议上“尽可能明确地做出了选择”,强调美国援助将暂停,直到尼日尔设定恢复民主的时间表。”
为什么 Phee 指责尼日尔政府做了她一无所知的事情?这是傲慢和不尊重。





他说他告诉了 Phee 和 Ca

Niger Prime Minister says US 'threats' responsible for broken ties


14 May 2024 22:48

FILE—Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, appointed by the military on his firsr presser in Niamey, Niger September 4, 2023.

Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, appointed by the military on his firsr presser in Niamey, Niger September 4, 2023.


NIAMEY—Junta-led Niger cut military ties with the United States in March because it threatened sanctions, Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine said in a Washington Post interview published Tuesday.

Niamey announced in mid-March it was ending a military cooperation agreement with Washington, shortly after a US delegation left the Sahelian country.

Niger has been a key base for counter-terrorism operations in West Africa, with a major US drone base near Agadez city.

Zeine said Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee, who led the delegation's visit, threatened Niamey with sanctions if Niger signed an agreement to sell the uranium it produces to Iran.

"First, you have come here to threaten us in our country. That is unacceptable," Zeine said he told Phee.

"And you have come here to tell us with whom we can have relationships, which is also unacceptable. And you have done it all with a condescending tone and a lack of respect," Zeine recounted.

Asked about Zeine's account, State Department spokesman Vedant Patel did not dispute that Phee presented the junta with a "choice" and said that she was conveying a "coordinated US government position."

Phee offered "a choice that was rooted in our belief in democratic principles and what was in our national security interests," Patel told reporters in Washington.

He said that the United States decided to withdraw forces "in an orderly and responsible" way after realizing that the two sides could not come to an understanding.

The United States in April agreed to withdraw the more than 1,000 American personnel and discussions with Niger are underway.

"The Americans stayed on our soil, doing nothing while the terrorists killed people and burned towns," said Zeine, who has led negotiations with the United States.

"It is not a sign of friendship to come on our soil but let the terrorists attack us.

"We have seen what the United States will do to defend its allies, because we have seen Ukraine and Israel."

After a July coup last year overthrew elected president Mohamed Bazoum, the United States suspended military support.

By contrast, Russia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates welcomed the new leaders with "open arms," Zeine told the Post.

Following the coup, the junta expelled troops from former colonial power France before the end of 2023 and ramped up ties with Russia, which sent military instructors and equipment in April and May.

US development aid is set to continue with a new agreement worth almost $500 million over three years, according to the Niger Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


So Wapo wrote an article about a country where a leader took power as the result of a coup and used the coup leader as its primary source of information and perspective.

Yeah.. that bothers me. There’s so much wrong with this slanted article.
Slanted doesn't begin to describe it. I've seen the US press amplify propaganda from our own government (e.g. Iraq). But this is straight-propaganda for a murderous, illegitimate, military dictatorship.

On top of that, it doesn't hold up to its own internal logic. The article itself specifies that Ms. Phee's visit was "a last ditch effort" after Niger had already threatened to kick US troops out.

Among his chief complaints are that the US didn't accept the illegitimate coup "with open arms" as his fellow autocrats did, that we wouldn't sell the illegitimate government weaponry, and that we threatened sanctions if they sold uranimium to Iran? Are you kidding me?

The main presence of these new allies in Niger appears to be the reconstituted troops from the Wagner Group, who have wreaked havoc and stolen natural resources in half a dozen other African countries.

If you want to argue against a principled (and admittedly imperfect) foreign policy that advances democratic values and human rights, go right ahead. Even though we're facing new challenges in stemming the axis of autocrats who seek interest with other oppresive allies, I'd argue that US interests are still advanced by advancing those principles (again: admittedly imperfectly).

Go ahead and interview the leader of any regime that overthrows a legitimate government simply to gather power and enrich a handful of people. Congratulations on your scoop (an "exclusive" -- whooped-de-do!). But place the situation in more context than the anodine descriptions buried in this piece. And for God's sake, ask tougher questions. That scoop means nothing if its merely a soapbox for a despot's propaganda.
"I've seen the US press amplify propaganda from our own government (e.g. Iraq)."

You can actually see it everyday, right now! Just look at the front page of the New York Times (e.g. Israel). Most of those articles are straight from Israel.
I prefer WAPO write the article and trust me to discern that the information may be suspect due to the source. Better to know what DOS had to navigate than not.

I think the authors made it very clear that we should be suspicious of Mr. Zeine's words. The comments make it clear that most of us caught that.

My only gripe would be about the headline, which isn't the authors fault. WAPO does need some work there.
Nah it s so unbalanced that it doesn’t merit publication. Its accusations without answer from one side - pointless.
Most readers never go to the comments. Most readers take what is written at face value, and worst, this can be used to support more disinformation and propaganda by citing the Post as honest and fair.

This is a propaganda article, one of many from this author.
I applaud Wapo for making the effort -- which separates it from the other 90% of US journalistic orgs. BBC and The Economist are the two main sources for international coverage.
The Guardian and the BBC are the best for international coverage. Economist and Al Jazeera also great.
Usually MSM reports on Africa are based solely on US government press releases and leaks. It is unusual to quote an African who isn't on the US payroll one way or another.
PM Zeine was not the coup leader. He was a technocrat the coup leaders hired to administer the civilian portions of the government.
Good observation! Love primary sources — unless it's too confusing for you, since this kind of article requires you to think on your own.

Also, can we please get rid of Mary Catherine "Molly" Phee. I've been following her career for a while, and she's a total waste of space.

I have some experience in that difficult part of the world, and, while opposing coups d’etat and supporting democracy are important positions, every one of these situations has complicating characteristics and varying US interests which Congressionally-imposed binding general policies (e.g., cut off all aid) do little to help us address effectively.

Re Asst. Secretary Molly Phee: She is one of the most accomplished diplomats in our system, with significant achievements in service in Cairo, Amman, in Iraq (where she received high praise from our UK ally), at the US Mission to the UN and as Ambassador to South Sudan. And she speaks Arabic, French and Italian. We are fortunate to have her in the Service.

On reading the article i did wonder if the arrogant, inept intervention by Phee was the fruit of drumpf's hollowing out of the State Department?
WaPo does these exclusives, and often times he scratch your head why?

How about writing some interesting news stories that impact many people.

Oh wait, you can find that on the New York Times.
You object to foreign news?
Every article written about Hamas does the same thing. Uses Hamas as a source and presents it as fact. WaPo lost perspective long ago.
“It is not a sign of friendship to come on our soil but let the terrorists attack us. We have seen what the United States will do to defend its allies, because we have seen Ukraine and Israel.”
And the rift appears at least partly based in the U.S. government’s unwillingness to intervene in Niger’s internal civil dispute on behalf of an unelected government. Sounds like a sound policy decision by the U. S.
Let’s ask a corrupt despot bought by Russia for his opinion as to why he kicked out US troops. I’m sure he'll tell the truth.
It's hard to believe that they don't want to be apart of Joe's America. Always winning. Get Blinkin over there asap
They’d fit right in with Trump’s America, taking power by discarding democratic elections and working with Putin’s Russia who wants despots throughout world. Trump always winning, particularly in getting delays in court cases so he can use autocratic means to escape culpability for criminal actions.
It seems you’re not able to grasp what’s going on.
The United States is a democracy, and supports democracies.
This new government in Niger ousted a democratically elected administration in an illegal coup.
While Trump would embrace the new dictator with open arms, because that’s what he wants to be, Americans who love democracy cannot.

Which do you support: democracy or dictators?
Gonzotic is a well-known paid putin propagandist. Has been for years.
Well, the US (with help of the UK) helped remove a democratically elected leader in Iran back in the day to put in their own puppet -- who then was a brutal, even vicious dictator. And this made the way for the Mullahs to take over with their own brutality.

Trying to control another country with your own puppets never works out. We are a very ignorant nation.
Shame on you WAPO! What a terrible, misleading headline. According to your own story the US "threat" was that we would stop propping up their country with aid if they didn't restore democracy and stop mistreating/jailing their own people as a result of their illegal military coup. Your headline makes it sound like the US was being a bully, when in fact we were standing up for the weak against a bully. Again, shame on you!
Ah, another nation-builder.
Don't know how you got "nation builder" out of that comment.
The freier's are waking up, mcgloin! Run and hide!
I'm confused, if factual WAPO is simply telling a story based on the information received. Please explain at what point did WAPO take sides. If we only intake information based on what we want to hear, we will go back to living in the dark.
The U.S. didn’t give an ultimatum. Did you read the article? It criticizes the U.S. by sort of taking the side of Niger in indicating the U.S. was bullying. That’s an opinion by Niger.
We absolutely have an ultimatum, why are you saying otherwise? You can think the ultimatum is rational and moral (restore democracy as we define it, or else lose military support) or you can think it's bad. But we definitely pressed the new government to make a choice with incentives, with a time constraint. That is an ultimatum.
WAPO took sides in the headline, when they accused the USA of making a "threat" against Niger.

Without context, "threat" is taken as that's of violence. That is not start happened here.

WAPOs editors are professional wordsmiths so they know when they are being misleading.
WAPOs editors are professional wordsmiths

I’m not so sure of that.
Did you read the headline?
It blames the US for promoting democracy if you read the article.
I agree. The article has a negative US spin to it. Niger leader feels condescension? Maybe they’re just insecure. Why would the U.S. jump into a fight just after a coup anyway?

Maybe because 'Coups are us'?
Because the US policy demanding that every nation be a democracy is unachievable and DOES NOT SERVE AMERICAN INTERESTS.

Congress must re-write the limiting laws to allow American institutions to work with foreign governments to serve American interests. Then the State Dept must get its head out of its keister and serve our interests.
"US policy demanding that every nation be a democracy is unachievable and DOES NOT SERVE AMERICAN INTERESTS."

democracy does serve American interests.

Authoritarians oppose American interests with lies and violence.

No ideal is 100% "achievable," but that doesn't mean we should just surrender to violent authotarians, or help them.

Take your anti-democracy propaganda elsewhere.
Are we no longer accepting of news that has a negative US spin? Thought this was a DEMOCRACY?
No... It was a terrible lack of cultural sensitivity. In many parts of the world, to go into a home (country) and tell them how to do things is an atrocious affront.

They are not the US where we allow other countries (like Israel) to come lecture us.

We might see that as insecurity if one doesn't like it. In some cultures it is seen as grave disrespect of your host.
“Shame on you if you can’t dance too.”
They are just reporting the position of the Niger government. Isn't that newsworthy? They also got the US government reply on the topic - it's up to you to decide which side is trustworthy and which is not.
This is a ridiculous article. Wagner, or what's left of it, helped stage the coup in Niger. Of course the US isn't going to give a bunch of anti democracy authoritarians weapons. And besides simply repeating lies as well as Ru disinfo the reporter just had to get that dig in at Biden. At this point it's surprising y'all's weather reports & movie reviews don't include some attack on Biden.
This is a ridiculous comment. Just because you don't like the facts it doesn't mean the reporter did anything wrong. Nothing in the article suggests that the U.S. should "give a bunch of anti democracy authoritarians weapons". The reporter was simply reporting what was said and done by both sides. It's called journalism. You should look up the concept.
Were they, though? There are no independent statements attributed to anyone but Mr. Zeine. The US position is as reported by Mr. Zeine — there are no cited statements by US officials, or even by, say, university Niger experts.

Edited to add -- there are two paragraphs sourced to "a U.S. official," but no named citations. Everything else is cited to Mr. Zeine.
"In response to Zeine’s comments, a U.S. official said: “The message to the CNSP in March was a coordinated U.S. government position, delivered in a professional manner, in response to valid concerns about developments in Niger. The CNSP was presented with a choice, not an ultimatum, about whether they wished to continue their partnership with us, respectful of our democratic values and national security interests."

This was fairly far down in the article; it was definitely written to report Niger's statements and point of view, but it did incude a rebuttal by US officials.

My first reaction was that it was the coup that created the rift in US-Niger relations, not US "bullying."

We have lost an important ally in Africa, which is very concerning.

On the other hand, Niger has also lost an important ally in the US.

Zeine's choice.

Unfortunate for the people of Niger, though, to lose their democracy and to find themselves Russia's newest 'friend.'
Your comment is a blatant lie. Did you even read the article?
Journalism doesn't need prurient headlines to sell the story.
Based on the headline, I expected that there was some trump appointed jerk making impossible demands on Niger.
Nope, it was a russian backed autocrat complaining that he can't get freebies from US taxpayers like our allies get.
"Journalism doesn't need prurient headlines to sell the story."

You sweet summer child. We've been reading Yellow Journalism for over a century.
????????????????The United States doesn’t seem to bother when they give anti democracy authoritarians weapons and support. Look at how many States worldwide the United States helps that are absolutely disgusting
You can't change U.S. policy on supporting dictators without changing that policy one dictator at a time.

Biden could have just embraced the new government on behalf of global oil companies, but instead is putting pressure on this new one to bring back democracy.

Isn't that what you would want?
There's a meme going around that shows the recent Northern Light event which says, " Sky's gay now! Because of woke." WaPo would replace woke with Biden. This article is, as you noted, simply a one sided propaganda piece. The author can join the infamous NYT reporter Walter Duranty in the Hall of Shame now.
Right, what about all the weapons we sell to the Saudis? We even support a base there.
Saudi Arabia would like to have a word with you.
Of course the US isn't going to give a bunch of anti democracy authoritarians weapons.
Nonsense. Explain weapons sold to Saudi Arabia
Our base was there to provide intelligence to the French on N African jihadists in the desert attacking Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. With the French ousted from all three countries, our base is no longer useful.

We don't need Niger's uranium or gold. Niger's people need the money from their mineral wealth but most of it will be stolen by the elites in concert with the Russians.
Only one thing to do here. Defeat Russia in Ukraine.
Several good outcomes at once.
Have you seen the other headline?
Defeat Russia! What happy pills are you taking
Russia is making use of Ukraine's lack of weapons and planes.
This shortage is an outcome of Western policies (and GQP idiocy), I am advocating for a change in this 'cautious' approach.
Russia is entirely defeatable.
Exactly. That could easily change if the US simply provided ALL our artillery ammunition to Ukraine. Then Congress could decide whether they want to buy more for our troops. It still would be the cheapest war the US ever was involved in.
Ukraine must win, Russia must loose.
The sooner the better.
Must win???
Where are your Nukes?
Mr Zeine has just handed over control of his country to the Russians. He may find them a little more unruly and less compliant than the USA - and more inclined to pursue their own narrow economic self interest. And if it suits their purposes to stay the Russians are unlikely voluntarily to quit on demand.
Russia, unlike the U.S., doesn’t ask that you try and create a democracy. They’ll gladly help you shut down any political opposition - providing arms and military leadership. They are also more amenable to providing bribes and kickbacks to those in power. So who do you think the kleptocracy that runs the country will go for? Their choice is Russia or China.
So now the Post is taking the word of a despotic tyrant over the USA? I don’t see anything in the message sent the new coup making thugs that is offensive. The Islamic terrorists on the rampage will soon make it clear why American and the French support is desperately needed for West Africa.
Colonialism is dead. Niger needs to stand on its own, but stills needs foreign aid to fund the graft.
So a coup leader expects to inherit the relationship his predecessor had with the US. Oh well, I'm sure he'll like Wagner mercenaries better.
Maybe the US should stop training these coup leaders.
So long as Zeine gets his pockets stuffed with cash by Wagner, and he will, everything will be just fine with him and his new Russian friends. At the end of he day, it's all about the cash money.
It sounds like Zeine wants power and is trying to shift blame to the US for making aid conditional on democratic norms and allies.
No complaints about you writing the article — seems to be a lot of opinions what should or shouldn’t be written about lately — but, I’m having a hard time feeling upset about not providing equipment, weapons, and intel to a brand new coup established junta that is fine with selling uranium to Iran.

Whole thing stinks of Russian backed Wagnertypes (who are moving in before we’ve even moved out) and Chinese misinformation campaigns.
"Phee said in a previous interview that American officials “made the choice as stark and clear” as they could during the December meeting, emphasizing that U.S. assistance would remain suspended until Niger set a timeline for restoring democracy."
This is not a failure of the Biden administration as the author implies. It is solely a failure of the Nigerian people. Good luck with your new regime. Putin owns you now.
Who writes the headlines for the Post? The issue here is not that the US threatened Niger. The US explained to these new leaders, who were put in place through a coup, that we cannot support them if they sell uranium to Iran. Should the headline not have been something like: Coup Installed Nigerien Government Wishes to Sell Uranium to Iran; US will not continue to support.
Your headline seems to imply that our government representative has done something wrong, rather than the actions necessary to attempt to ensure the safety and security of the US.
And its allies?
Why did Phee accuse the Nigerien govt. of something she had no information on? That is arrogance and disrespect.
It's arrogance and disrespect to think that saying something makes it true
Obviously she had information.
And what is that information?
This is hilarious. People can't actually be this naive, can they?

Russia backed the coup in Niger. It's painfully obvious. They want influence in Africa (which they have already and are rapidly expanding) and they want to screw with us geopolitically wherever they can, and this was an easy opportunity.

So Niger's new dictator can say whatever he wants. Seeing off US forces was almost certainly a precondition of whatever aid the Russian intelligence community offered them.

Of course if they disliked us, they will have a truly great time with their new Russian "friends", but this seems like two groups who deserve one another.
Of course they did. It is naïve to think opposite - with or without caps lock. NazPutin’s hunger for lebensraum, useful idiots and goodies is almost limitless.
This “exclusive” is unconscionable. So a Russian-supported despot staged a coup, and yet WaPo criticizes the US for not supporting the despot as he purged his “terrorists.” Got it.
I didn't read it like that. It did seem to heavily rely on the reader to read between the lines to figure out what is actually going on, though.

I think they were trying to be too neutral and actually made it sound like the US is being unreasonable, when it's fairly clear who is just trying to shake the US down and Russia has been pushing their interests in this area for over a decade now.

That they'd sell Uranium to Iran then bring up the "lie ahout WMDs in Iraq" is particularly .. stupid. (people never mention that Saddam was openly acting like he did have a program and wouldn't let inspectors in!)
He said he told Phee and Campbell that Niger would rather have American investors than soldiers.
Basically they want American dollars and Russian bodyguards.
What a dummy! He thinks he can get investors after welcoming the Russians and kicking out the U.S.? He thinks the West are fools. He wants investors to build the resource infrastructure so he can then nationalize it because of the bad westerners “demands”.
He's talking to China, not dumb Americans who give aid in exchange for resources but won't invest in infrastructure. Why would anyone align with the US when all it does in third world countries is try to export democracy when they can get all the aid and infracture without any peaky political meddling?
“If American investors arrived, we would give them what they wanted,” he recounted telling the States Department officials. “We have uranium. We have oil. We have lithium. Come, invest. It is all we want.”
Let's not get bent out shape because an African dictator is making demands that change on a weekly basis. More or less, he wants our money to do whatever he wants to do.
Nope. He said that if US troops weren't going to join their fight against terrorism, then what were they doing in Niger?
This is a perfectly rational response. But the inability of US readers to stomach any external criticism of US policy is little short of hilarious.
I have a healthy skepticism of US foreign policy toward non-aligned countries. But Niger seems to have invited all of the US' adversaries into town before talking to or finalizing new deals with the US.

Of course the US will be skeptical of a military coup government that suddenly is visiting Iran and setting up Russian troops on the other side of an airbase.
Zeine said Niger was asking for additional military equipment and what it considered a more equitable relationship between the two forces, according to his account.

Translation - Zeine was asking for additional money for his account
and if the US will not cooperate- Russia and China will.

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