通过股票新闻 2023 年 8 月 22 日
彭博社汇总的 17,000 家公司的数据显示,自 2019 年底以来,近 160 家华尔街公司决定将总部迁离纽约。这一转变导致管理资产近 1 万亿美元的转移。
这些公司总数为 158 家,主要是出于对犯罪率上升、高税收和生活成本日益难以承受的担忧而迁出纽约市。 这些公司的累计资产管理规模达到惊人的 9930 亿美元。
这些公司中最突出的是由亿万富翁企业掠夺者卡尔·伊坎领导的伊坎资本管理公司。 2020 年 8 月,该公司放弃了位于曼哈顿第五大道通用汽车大厦的豪华办公地点,转而选择位于迈阿密郊区的一栋 14 层办公大楼。
伊坎资本管理公司目前管理着 222 亿美元的资产,距离卡尔·伊坎位于佛罗里达州印第安溪村的住所仅几步之遥。
另一个值得注意的例子是保罗·辛格(Paul Singer)领导的对冲基金埃利奥特管理公司(Elliott Management),该基金控制着总计592亿美元的资产。 2020 年 10 月,该公司将总部从曼哈顿中城迁至佛罗里达州西棕榈滩。
因对特斯拉的大胆投资而闻名的凯西·伍德 (Cathie Wood) 于 2021 年将其管理着价值 247 亿美元资产的公司 ARK Investment Management 迁至佛罗里达州圣彼得堡。
在已搬迁的 158 家纽约公司中,有 56 家选择佛罗里达州作为新的运营基地。 许多剩余的公司也同样选择搬到德克萨斯州和卡罗来纳州等气候温暖的州。
纽约的金融外流并不是一个孤立的事件; 加州管理的金融资产也损失了 1 万亿美元,流向了佛罗里达州、德克萨斯州和其他生活成本较低的地区。
金融公司的撤离对该市经济构成严重威胁。 去年,仅华尔街就占该市经济活动的 16%,占全州经济活动的 7.3%,大幅领先全国,而全国平均水平仅为 1.7%。
此外,金融公司的大规模迁移对纽约市和纽约州都有重大的税收影响。 去年,金融公司向纽约市贡献了 54 亿美元的税收,占个人所得税总额的近四分之一。
预计金融业的税收收入将大幅下降,这将对严重依赖个人所得税的国家造成影响。 截至 2022 年,纽约金融业就业岗位占比为 17.6%,比 1990 年的三分之一大幅下降。报告强调,“就业岗位已转移到成本较低的地区”。
包括高盛在内的知名公司已经开始在成本较低的地区进行扩张。 例如,高盛在达拉斯进行了大量投资,那里的生活成本比纽约便宜约 40%。
高盛正在达拉斯市中心附近建造一个由三栋建筑组成的园区。 这个耗资 5 亿美元、面积 815,000 平方英尺的开发项目计划于 2027 年开业,得益于市政府提供的 1,800 万美元的税收减免。
Shannon Thaler 2023 年 8 月 21 日
据报道,贝莱德和华尔街公司向列入黑名单的中国公司转移了数十亿美元。新任首席执行官特德·皮克 (Ted Pick) 领导下的摩根士丹利 (Morgan Stanley) 股价在第一季度业绩井喷后飙升
彭博社汇编的 17,000 家公司的数据显示,自 2019 年底以来,近 160 家华尔街公司已将总部迁出纽约,管理的资产接近 1 万亿美元(是的,就是“T”的万亿美元)。 。
数据显示,为了躲避猖獗的犯罪、严厉的税收和日益高昂的生活成本,资产达 9,930 亿美元的 158 家受够了的金融公司已经收拾行李离开了纽约,并带走了数千名高薪员工。 显示。
由亿万富翁企业掠夺者卡尔·伊坎领导的伊坎资本管理公司是迁往阳光之州的最著名的公司之一。 2020 年 8 月,该公司放弃了曼哈顿第五大道通用汽车大厦顶楼的豪华办公楼,转而在迈阿密郊区建造一栋 14 层办公大楼。
伊坎的公司管理着 222 亿美元的资产,目前在距离他位于印第安溪村的豪宅不到一英里的地方开展业务。
与此同时,对冲基金大亨保罗·辛格 (Paul Singer) 的埃利奥特管理公司 (Elliott Management) 于 2020 年 10 月将总部从曼哈顿中城迁至佛罗里达州西棕榈滩。该公司在调整了 AT&T、Twitter 和阿根廷政府等投资目标后,管理着总计 592 亿美元的资产。 在管理着 9930 亿美元资产的 158 家纽约公司中,有 56 家已迁往佛罗里达州,其中包括对冲基金大亨 Paul Singer 的 Elliott Management 和备受关注的选股者 Cathie Wood 的 ARK Investment Management。 在管理着 9930 亿美元资产的 158 家纽约公司中, 56 人已逃往佛罗里达州,其中包括对冲基金大亨 Paul Singer 的 Elliott Management 和备受关注的选股者 Cathie Wood 的 ARK Investment Management。 Getty Images/iStockphoto
一年后,备受关注的科技股大师凯西·伍德(Cathie Wood)——因对埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的汽车制造商特斯拉进行大胆的意外之财押注而闻名——将她的公司方舟投资管理公司(ARK Investment Management)及其价值 247 亿美元的资产迁至佛罗里达州圣彼得堡。
报告称,总共有 56 家纽约公司已迁往佛罗里达州,而剩下的大多数公司也前往德克萨斯州和卡罗来纳州等气候温暖的州。 纽约并不是唯一的主要输家,加州管理的金融资产也损失了 1 万亿美元,流向了佛罗里达州、德克萨斯州和其他成本较低的州。
佛罗里达州的其他主要输家包括芝加哥,去年芝加哥将亿万富翁肯·格里芬的巨型对冲基金 Citadel 输给了迈阿密。
大规模移民可能对经济造成严重打击:去年,华尔街占该市所有经济活动的 16%,占全州经济活动的 7.3%。 根据纽约州审计长托马斯·迪纳波利 (Thomas DiNapoli) 10 月份的报告,后者的数字是迄今为止全美最高的,仅高于 1.7% 的全国平均水平。
同样,人口外流也会对城市和州产生严重的税收影响。 报告称,去年,金融公司在纽约缴纳了 54 亿美元的税款,占个人所得税总额的近四分之一。
根据纽约州审计长托马斯·迪纳波利(Thomas DiNapoli)关于证券业的最新数据,华尔街的奖金可能会减少多达45%。 对于依赖个人所得税的国家来说,这种下降并不意味着好消息。
根据纽约州审计长托马斯·迪纳波利(Thomas DiNapoli)关于证券行业的最新数据,华尔街的奖金可能会减少多达45%。 对于依赖个人所得税的国家来说,这种下降并不意味着好消息。 Sipa USA via AP
报告警告称,今年该行业的税收收入将“大幅下降”。 报告还指出,到 2022 年,纽约金融业就业岗位比例为 17.6%,比 1990 年的三分之一下降了近一半,并指出“工作岗位已转移到成本较低的地区”。
Salary.com 的数据显示,高盛一直在达拉斯大力投资,那里的生活成本比纽约低约 40%。
该项目耗资近 5 亿美元,占地 815,000 平方英尺去年 7 月,达拉斯市向华尔街银行提供了 1800 万美元的税收减免,以换取为该市带来多达 5,000 个就业岗位,从而使百万英尺的发展成为可能。
文件显示,园区于 2027 年开放时,员工将享受地下停车场、一楼零售空间、占地 1.5 英亩的城市公园、酒店和住宅楼。
其他知名公司将总部从纽约迁至阳光地带避难州:伊坎企业 (Icahn Enterprises) 和联博 (AllianceBernstein)。 与此同时,高盛在达拉斯上下了重注。
其他知名公司将总部从纽约迁至阳光地带避难州:伊坎企业 (Icahn Enterprises) 和联博 (AllianceBernstein)。 与此同时,高盛在达拉斯上下了重注。 路透社
高盛发言人表示,该行没有计划放弃位于曼哈顿市中心西街 200 号的总部。
庞大的资金管理公司 AllianceBernstein 于 2022 年 5 月将其总部从纽约迁至纳什维尔,带走了价值惊人的 6,850 亿美元的管理资产。 在此过程中,这家大型公司还重新安置了 1,000 个工作岗位,彭博社当时报道称,这一转变将为这家全球资产管理公司每年节省 8000 万美元。
纳什维尔的搬迁是由硬数据推动的,这些数据显示退出纽约可以节省大量资金:根据 Statista 的数据,公司在曼哈顿的企业空间每平方英尺的花费中位数为 94 美元,而纳什维尔的办公室的中位数为 每平方英尺 31 美元。
根据 Salary.com 的生活成本比较工具显示,音乐城的生活成本总共比纽约低了近 42%。
AllianceBernstein 于 2022 年 5 月将总部从纽约迁至纳什维尔,搬迁了 1,000 个工作岗位,以期为这家全球资产管理公司每年节省 8000 万美元。
AllianceBernstein 于 2022 年 5 月将总部从纽约迁至纳什维尔,重新安置了 1,000 个工作岗位,以期每年为这家全球资产管理公司节省 8000 万美元。AB Corporate/YouTube
管理着超过 7 万亿美元资产的嘉信理财 (Charles Schwab) 在 2020 年收购德美利证券 (TD Ameritrade) 后,正式将其总部从旧金山迁至德克萨斯州达拉斯郊外的西湖。
据该投资公司网站称,这个占地 110 万平方英尺的园区历时三年多、耗资 1 亿美元建造,设施包括“咖啡馆、培训中心、多个协作空间、员工服务等”。
管理资产总额达 6,030 亿美元的富国银行 (Wells Fargo) 也斥资九位数开发北德克萨斯州一个占地 85 万平方英尺的枢纽。
据彭博社报道,在获得超过 3000 万美元的税收减免后,富国银行将斥资 5 亿美元建造两栋大楼和一个拥有 4,000 个停车位的车库,到 2026 年底,该车库将容纳 3,000 多名员工。
$1 trillion nightmare behind Wall St exodus
By ticker NEWS August 22, 2023

A significant financial exodus from Wall Street is causing New York City to hemorrhage staggering amounts of money, redirecting business opportunities to states in the southern United States, most notably Florida.
According to data compiled from 17,000 companies by Bloomberg, nearly 160 Wall Street firms have made the decision to relocate their headquarters away from New York City since the close of 2019. This shift has resulted in the transfer of almost $1 trillion in assets under management.
These firms, totaling 158 in number, moved out of New York City primarily due to concerns related to rising crime rates, high taxes, and an increasingly unaffordable cost of living. The cumulative AUM of these firms amounts to an astounding $993 billion.
Prominent among these firms is Icahn Capital Management, led by billionaire corporate raider Carl Icahn. In August 2020, the firm abandoned its luxurious Manhattan location at the General Motors Building on Fifth Avenue, opting instead for a 14-story office complex situated in a Miami suburb.
Currently managing $22.2 billion in assets, Icahn Capital Management is now located just a short distance from Carl Icahn’s residence in Indian Creek Village, Florida.
Moving south
Another noteworthy example is Elliott Management, a hedge fund led by Paul Singer, which controls a total of $59.2 billion in assets. In October 2020, the firm shifted its headquarters from Midtown Manhattan to West Palm Beach, Florida.
Cathie Wood, renowned for her bold investment in Tesla, moved her firm ARK Investment Management, which manages assets worth $24.7 billion, to St. Petersburg, Florida, in 2021.
Of the 158 companies from New York that have relocated, 56 have chosen Florida as their new base of operations. Many of the remaining firms have similarly chosen to move to warmer states such as Texas and the Carolinas.
The financial exodus from New York is not an isolated occurrence; California has also lost $1 trillion in financial assets under management to states like Florida, Texas, and other regions with a lower cost of living.
NYC economy
The departure of financial firms poses a serious threat to the city’s economy. Wall Street alone accounted for 16% of the city’s economic activity in the previous year and 7.3% of economic activity across the state, marking the highest percentage in the nation by a significant margin, as the national average is just 1.7%.
Additionally, the mass migration of financial firms has substantial tax implications for both New York City and the state. In the preceding year, financial firms contributed $5.4 billion in taxes to New York City and represented nearly a quarter of all personal income tax collections.
Tax revenue from the financial industry is anticipated to experience a significant decline, with repercussions expected for the state, which heavily relies on personal income taxes. As of 2022, New York’s share of financial industry jobs was 17.6%, a drastic reduction from the one-third share it held in 1990. The report highlights that “jobs have shifted to lower-cost regions.”
Prominent firms, including Goldman Sachs, have embraced lower-cost regions for expansion. Goldman Sachs, for instance, is investing significantly in Dallas, where the cost of living is approximately 40% cheaper than in New York.
Leaving town
Goldman Sachs is in the process of constructing a three-building campus near downtown Dallas. This $500 million, 815,000-square-foot development, scheduled to open in 2027, was made possible by $18 million in tax breaks granted by the city.
Other notable firms, including Icahn Enterprises and AllianceBernstein, have also relocated their headquarters away from New York to more cost-efficient locations.
New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city: report
By Social Links for Shannon Thaler Aug. 21, 2023
A giant, sucking sound is coming out of Wall Street — and it’s siphoning staggering sums of money out of the Big Apple while handing business to Florida and other states farther south.
Nearly 160 Wall Street firms have moved their headquarters out of New York since the end of 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion — yes, that’s trillion with a “T” — in assets under management with them, according to data from 17,000 companies compiled by Bloomberg.
Looking to dodge rampant crime, stiff taxes and an increasingly exorbitant cost of living, 158 fed-up financial firms representing a whopping $993 billion in assets have packed up and left the Big Apple, taking thousands of high-paid employees with them, the data shows.
Icahn Capital Management — headed by billionaire corporate raider Carl Icahn — is among the most prominent firms to decamp to the Sunshine State. In August 2020, the firm ditched its posh Manhattan digs atop Fifth Avenue’s General Motors Building in favor of a 14-story office complex in a Miami suburb.
Icahn’s firm, which manages $22.2 billion in assets, now conducts business less than a mile away from his mansion in Indian Creek Village.
Meanwhile, hedge fund tycoon Paul Singer’s Elliott Management — which oversees a total of $59.2 billion after shaking up investment targets including AT&T, Twitter and the government of Argentina — moved its headquarters from Midtown Manhattan to West Palm Beach, Fla., in October 2020.
Of 158 NY-based companies managing $993 billion in assets, 56 have decamped to Florida, including hedge fund tycoon Paul Singer’s Elliott Management and closely watched stock picker Cathie Wood’s ARK Investment Management.Getty Images/iStockphoto
One year later, closely watched tech-stock guru Cathie Wood — famous for her bold windfall bet on Elon Musk’s car maker Tesla — moved her firm ARK Investment Management, and its $24.7 billion worth of assets, to St. Petersburg, Fla.
In all, 56 of the New York firms have decamped to Florida, while most of those remaining also headed to warmer states such as Texas and the Carolinas, according to the report. New York isn’t the only major loser, with California also having lost $1 trillion in financial assets under management to Florida, Texas and other lower-cost states.
Other major losers to Florida include Chicago, which lost billionaire Ken Griffin’s giant hedge fund Citadel to Miami last year.
The mass migration threatens a crippling economic blow: Last year, Wall Street accounted for 16% of all the economic activity in the city and 7.3% of economic activity statewide. The latter figure is the highest in the nation by far, towering above the national average of just 1.7%, according to an October report by New York state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli.
Likewise, the exodus has grave tax implications for the city and state. Last year, financial firms paid $5.4 billion in New York taxes and accounted for nearly a quarter of all personal income tax collections, according to the report.

According to New York state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli’s latest figures on the securities industry, Wall Street bonuses could slump by as much as 45%. The dip doesn’t spell good news for the state, which relies on personal income taxes.Sipa USA via AP
Tax revenue from the industry this year is headed for a “significant decline,” the report warned. It also noted that New York’s share of financial industry jobs was 17.6% in 2022 — down by nearly half from a third in 1990 — and noted that “jobs have shifted to lower-cost regions.”
High-profile examples include Goldman Sachs, which has been heavily investing in Dallas, where the cost of living is about 40% less than it is in New York, according to Salary.com.
Goldman Sachs is in the process of erecting a three-building campus just outside downtown Dallas, according to documents filed with Dallas’ city plan commission obtained by the Dallas Morning News.
The nearly $500 million, 815,000-square-foot development was made possible with the $18 million in tax breaks the city of Dallas granted the Wall Street bank last July in exchange for bringing as many as 5,000 jobs into the city.
When the campus opens in 2027, staffers will enjoy underground parking, a first-floor retail space, a 1.5-acre urban park, a hotel and residential towers, the filings showed.

Other prominent firms moving their headquarters from New York to Sun Belt refuge states: Icahn Enterprises and AllianceBernstein. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs is betting big on Dallas.REUTERS
A spokesperson for Goldman said the bank has no plans to abandon its downtown Manhattan headquarters at 200 West St.
Mammoth money manager AllianceBernstein moved its headquarters from New York to Nashville in May 2022 — taking a staggering $685 billion in managed assets with it. In the process, the mega-firm also relocated 1,000 jobs in a shift that Bloomberg reported at the time would save the global asset management firm $80 million a year.
The Nashville move was driven by hard numbers that show the massive savings that can come with an exit from New York: According to Statista, companies spend a median of $94 per square foot for corporate space in Manhattan, while offices in Nashville run for a median of $31 per square foot.
Altogether, the cost of living is nearly 42% less in Music City than it is in the Big Apple, according to Salary.com‘s cost-of-living comparison tool.
Representatives for the company did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

AllianceBernstein moved its headquarters from New York to Nashville in May 2022, relocating 1,000 jobs in an effort to save the global asset management firm $80 million a year.AB Corporate/YouTube
Charles Schwab, which oversees more than $7 trillion in assets, officially re-designated its headquarters from San Francisco to Westlake, Texas, outside of Dallas after it acquired TD Ameritrade in 2020.
The 1.1 million-square-foot campus was over three years and $100 million in the making, with amenities that include a “café, training center, multiple collaboration spaces, employee services and more,” according to the investment firm’s website.
Wells Fargo — which has assets under management totaling $603 billion — is also spending nine figures to develop an 850,000-square-foot North Texas hub.
After receiving more than $30 million in tax breaks, Wells Fargo is spending $500 million to construct two buildings and a 4,000-space garage that will play host to over 3,000 workers by the end of 2026, Bloomberg reported.