In this section of the YouTube video titled "第3次巨变(Sea Change)已经开始! 美联储将会加息到7%! 40年的低息环境已经终结! 投资大师霍华德马克思(Howard Marks)对投资者的建议! 2024如何投资?【艾财说083】,"
the host, Alex, discusses the current investment climate and new recommended strategies from renowned investor Howard Marks, who believes that the giant variable, or the third cycle of economic change, has already begun. The low-interest rate environment has ended, and fast-paced deregulation initiated by Paul Volcker, the former head of the Federal Reserve, has led to a 40-year cycle. The speaker argues that businesses and governments should manage their debt levels and considers the potential risks associated with the US economy's policies, including inflation and the possibility of a Taiwanese "red line" scenario. The investment advice provided by Marks recommends investing in different types of assets, such as debt securities, due to the third wave of economic change. However, the speaker also highlights the risks associated with the short-term debt market. The video emphasizes the impact of psychology and human behavior on the stock market, and the speaker concludes by encouraging viewers to subscribe and like their channel.
00:00:00 In this section of a YouTube video titled "第3次巨变(Sea Change)已经开始! 美联储将会加息到7%! 40年的低息环境已经终结! 投资大师霍华德马克思(Howard Marks)对投资者的建议! 2024如何投资?【艾财说083】", the host, Alex, discusses the current investment climate and the new recommended strategies from renowned investor Howard Marks. He believes that the giant variable, or the third cycle of economic change, has already begun, and all past investment strategies are no longer applicable. Marks discussed his company's newest investment advice, which warns of the 40-year low-interest rate cycle that has passed and the fast-paced deregulation initiated by Paul Volker, the former head of the Federal Reserve. Some of the interviewers, including Elon Musk, are already investing in the Bitcoin network and are excited about the industry's future prospects. The host of the video also mentions historical data, such as increased lending activity driving asset prices and financial markets upward.
00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the third sea change, which is the end of the low-interest environment and the likely rise in interest rates. According to the speaker, this will have a significant impact on businesses and individuals, leading to higher costs, reduced lending, and lower profitability. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and adjusting investment strategies in this new environment. The speaker also discusses the impact of the low-interest environment on government and enterprise debt. Many businesses and the government have accumulated significant debt over time, which can lead to financial collapse if it becomes difficult to repay when faced with rising interest rates. In this regard, the speaker believes that businesses and governments should take proactive steps to manage their debt levels to mitigate the risk of bankruptcy.
00:10:00 This section discusses the current status of the US economy and the potential risks associated with its policies. The speaker argues that the US can print more money without any limits, and that this will continue to inflate the dollar and require the government to continue investing heavily in Ukraine and Israel. The speaker also mentions the possibility of a Taiwanese "red line" scenario, which could accelerate the termination of currency and debt management. Regarding investment advice, the speaker mentions that Marks recently recommended a change in investment strategy, as we are now in the third wave of economic change. He suggests that investors must adapt to the new market conditions and invest in different types of assets, such as debt securities, with higher returns and lower volatility. The speaker also highlights the risks associated with the short-term debt market, which can experience significant fluctuations in value, making long-term investments challenging.
00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the impact of psychology and human behavior on the stock market. They argue that the short-term fluctuations of the stock market are largely influenced by people's reactions to news, and that their response to positive news may not necessarily be to buy stocks, but to sell them instead. The speaker suggests that long-term trends in the stock market are related to economic, enterprise, and operational management, among other factors. The speaker concludes by encouraging viewers to subscribe and like their channel.
当然,所有这一切都在过去一年左右的时间里发生转变。最重要的是,2021年初通胀开始抬升,当时刚刚解除隔离,人们拥有大量的资金(居家所积累的储蓄,包括大规模新冠疫情纾困计划派发的资金),但商品和服务非常有限(因为制造业和运输业重启状况不平衡导致供应受阻)。美联储认为通货膨胀是"暂时现象",因此继续实施低利率和量化宽松政策,放松银根。这些政策进一步刺激了需求(尤其是对住房的需求),而当时根本不需要刺激。随着时间的推移,2021年通胀逐渐恶化,到年末时,美联储终于意识到通胀可能难以在短期内缓解。因此,美联储11月份开始减少购债规模,并于2022年3月开始加息,开启了有史以来最快的加息周期之一。在2021年大部分时间里,股市未受通胀和加息的影响,但在接近年底时开始下跌。从那时起,事情便按照可预测的路径发展。正如我在备忘录《投资心理学》(On the Couch)(2016年1月)中写道,在现实世界中,事物一般在"相当好"与"没有那么好"之间摇摆。但在投资界,人们的感知往往在"完美无瑕"与"绝望透顶"之间摇摆,如同以前被视为市场常态的事件会被解读为灾难性事件。