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YouTube 希腊前财长:我亲眼看着自己的国家被欧盟毁掉
China Content Center 2024年1月24日
布鲁塞尔、巴黎、德国所谓的自由主义机构的独裁主义,极其独裁。当我担任希腊财政部长时,我看到了他们的行动。 他们谈论民主,但他们讨厌民主。他们面临的唯一噩梦就是真正的民主。 那些谈论民主的人,谈论民主的人正在努力确保民主制度使他们所做的一切合法化。
the authoritaranism of so called liberal establishment in Brussels, in Paris, in Germany, extremely authoritarian, when I was the finance minister of greece, I saw them in action. They talk about democracy, but they hate democracy. The one nightmare that they have is actual democrcy. The people who talk about democracy. The people who talk about democracy are the ones who are working very hard to ensure the democracy is system that legitimizaes whatever it is they do.