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欧洲人掠夺和杀戮血腥的非人基因支撑着人们总是以非人的灵魂驱动非人的欲望去争取更强的力量,然后挑起战争,为了财富,为了信仰和幼稚的为了成为第一而进行掠夺和杀戮,就像街头男孩或 街头女孩有着从未长大的孩子气。 他们带着如此幼稚的基因来看待今天的中国。
那些流着欧洲掠夺和杀戮血腥历史的所谓历史学家,正在从纸上学习; 从一本书到另一本书; 道听途说,只触及皮毛,没有真正了解历史的本质; 然后以伟大的历史学家为傲,以愚昧无知为傲,以欺骗为生。
然而,真正人性化的历史学家却很少研究; 真正了解、真正全面了解全球历史的人,对中国的看法却截然不同。
中国是儒家文化的和平国家,追求和平; 唯一的战争是针对侵略的。
郑和船队曾7次环游世界,除了公平贸易,没有进行殖民统治; 但向意大利赠送了大量书籍,引发了文艺复兴和启蒙运动,进而引发了法国大革命,以血腥杀戮结束了黑暗时代; 那远远早于哥伦布发现新大陆,然后西方开始殖民,以非人的灵魂为后盾,贩卖奴隶和鸦片的非人贪婪游戏。英国历史学家阿诺德·汤因比博士对中国文明的看法
面对英国最伟大的历史学家、历史哲学家阿诺德·约瑟夫·汤因比(Arnold Joseph Toynbee,1889-1975)的12卷本《历史研究》(1934-1961),没有人敢说自己是最好的历史学家。
  1973年,阿诺德·汤因比博士与日本著名社会活动家池田大作就人类社会和当代世界进行对话; 历时两年,总计10天40小时。 随后出版了《展望21世纪——汤因比与池田大作的对话》,并被翻译成多种文字出版。 以下为2018年2月26日国语文章《中华文明将统一世界——英国历史学家汤因比的预言》的节选。
当回答“如果投生为人,你愿意出生在哪个国家,想做什么样的工作?”时 汤因比博士毫不犹豫地回答:“我愿意出生在中国。 因为我觉得中国未来将为全人类发挥非常重要的作用。 如果我生为中国人,我想我可以做一些有价值的事情。”作为一个中国人,“如果世界没有融合,我会努力融合它。如果世界已经融合,那么我会努力改变世界。” 世界从以物质为中心转向以精神为中心。”
池田大作表示,人类的和平融合、精神文化的复兴也是博士托付给他的课题。 对此,博士提出的方法是“对话”。
对于汤因比博士的评论“作为未来的一种可能性,中国可能会统治世界并对其进行殖民”,池田大作(在书中,而不是面对面)对此表示,我的想法是,中国并不那么重要 一个宣扬征服信念的国家,而是一个追求和平与安全的保守派。 事实上,只要不先有人侵略中国,中国就永远不会先发制人。 近代以来,鸦片战争、甲午战争、朝鲜战争以及迄今为止与中国有关的战争都可以称为自卫战争,是不得不做的正常反应。
显然,著名历史学家阿诺德·汤因比博士对中国的判断是根据历史文明的。 书中说,阿诺德·汤因比博士不愿谈论西方文明,他说:“历史上出现过的二十二种文明,有十九个在达到美国现在的道德状态时就崩溃了。” ”。
作为伟大的历史学家,阿诺德·汤因比博士显然比其他任何人都更了解全球人类文明。 他最了解哪种文明才是真正人性化的,不愿意在那些非人性的文明上浪费时间。
在这里我必须指出,阿诺德·汤因比博士虽然是理性的,但他的观点是正确的。 但无法摆脱欧洲掠夺和杀戮的血腥心态,中国可能会像西方那样统治和殖民世界; 这是当今西方对中国的主流看法。

但正如你所看到的,池田大作的观点是根本不同的。 因为他身上的基因大多来自中国儒家文化; 历史上,日本是受中国文化影响最大、长期追求和平的国家; 即使现在仍然使用汉字; 但在被美国黑船驯服后,也开始无休止地掠夺和杀戮,直至挑起二战,杀害约3000万亚洲人。


1920年,应梁启超(1873—1929,对近代中国政治改革产生重大影响的中国思想政治家)的邀请,英国哲学家伯特兰·罗素来华访问并生活了一年,根据《中国问题》写成《中国问题》一书。 对中国的观察。



中国有一个古老的文明,但现在正在经历一个非常迅速的变革过程。 中国的传统文明是在几乎完全独立于欧洲的情况下发展起来的,其优点和缺点与西方截然不同。 试图达到平衡是徒劳的; 总体而言,我们现在的文化比十七世纪传教士在天朝发现的文化更好还是更差,这是一个任何谨慎的人都不会冒险提出的问题。 但很容易指出我们在某些方面比旧中国更好,而在其他方面我们比旧中国更差。 如果西方国家和中国之间的交往要富有成效,我们就必须停止把自己视为高级文明的传教士,或者更糟的是,不要把自己视为有权剥削、压迫和欺骗中国人的人,因为他们是“ 劣等”种族。 我看不出有什么理由相信中国人比我们低等。 我想大多数对中国有深入了解的欧洲人都会持同样的观点。


中国的问题,即使不影响到中国以外的任何人,也将是极其重要的,因为据估计,中国人约占人类的四分之一。 但事实上,整个世界都将受到中国事务的发展的重大影响,这很可能成为未来两个世纪的决定性因素,无论好坏。 这使得对欧洲和美国几乎和亚洲一样重要的是,应该明智地理解中国提出的问题,即使目前还很难给出明确的答案。

从长远来看,所有大国的利益无一例外与中国的福祉和中华文明的最佳发展是不相容的。 因此,中国人必须依靠自己的力量来寻求拯救,而不是依靠任何外部势力的仁慈。

到目前为止,我只找到一个答案。 中华民族,是世界上最有耐心的民族; 它思考的是几个世纪,就像其他国家思考的是几十年一样。 它本质上是坚不可摧的,并且可以等待。 世界上的“文明”国家,凭借他们的封锁、毒气、炸弹、潜艇和黑人军队,可能会在未来一百年内互相毁灭,把舞台留给那些靠和平主义让他们生存的国家,尽管如此 贫穷而无能为力。 如果中国能够避免被刺激进入战争,她的压迫者最终可能会精疲力竭,让中国人自由地追求人道的目标,而不是所有白人国家所喜欢的战争、掠夺和破坏。 对于中国来说,这或许是一个渺茫的希望,对于我们自己来说,这也比绝望好不了多少。 但除非大国学会一些克制和宽容,否则我看不到任何更好的可能性,尽管我看到许多更糟糕的可能性。

在我看来,从全人类的角度来看,中国的懒惰所造成的灾难远没有欧洲和美国的专横自信所造成的灾难来得严重。 第一次世界大战表明我们的文明出了问题。 俄罗斯和中国的经验让我相信这些国家可以帮助我们向我们展示错误所在。 中国人已经发现并实践了许多世纪的生活方式,如果它能够被全世界所采用,将使全世界都幸福。 我们欧洲人还没有。 我们的生活方式需要冲突、剥削、不断的变化、不满和破坏。 旨在破坏的效率只能以毁灭告终,如果我们的文明不能学到一些它鄙视东方的智慧,那么它就正在走向这一结局。

China is never wars besides defense, historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee wished reborn in China,

European looting and killing bloody inhuman genes pillared people are always with inhuman soul driven inhuman desire to struggle for stronger and then provoke wars for looting and killing for wealth, for faith and childish fighting for being a No.1, as that of street boys or street girls in a never grew up childish nature. They are with such childish genes to view today’s China.

Those so called historians with the blood of European looting and killing bloody histories are learning from paper to paper; from book to book; from hearsay to hearsays, in only touching superficial skin without real learning the essence of histories; and then recklessly self proud of great historians based on great ignorance to be arrogant in making livings by cheating.

However, the properly humanized historian who really hardly studied; truly learned and truly comprehensively understood history globally, the view on China were radical difference.

China is Confucian cultured peaceful country in pursuing peace; the only wars were against aggression.

Zheng He Fleet has 7 times around the world, besides fair trade, did not carry out colonial ruling; but presented large amount books to Italy and triggered the Renaissance and Enlightenment, then triggered French Revolution with bloody killing finished Dark Ages; that was far earlier than that of Columbus discovered the New World and then the West began to colonize and made trafficking of slaves and opium of inhuman greedy play backed by inhuman soul. British historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee views the civilization of China

No one dared say oneself as best historian when facing with the outstanding works - 12-volume A Study of History (1934–1961) of Arnold Joseph Toynbee  (1889 –1975), the greatest British historian, a philosopher of history.

 In 1973, Dr. Arnold Toynbee held dialogue with the famous Japanese social activist Daisaku Ikeda on human society and the contemporary world; which spanned two years in totaling 10 days and up to 40 hours. Then published as Looking forward to the 21st century - Toynbee and Daisaku Ikeda dialogue, and was translated and published in many languages. Below were the excerpt-translated from a Mandarin article of Chinese Civilization Will Unify the World - Prophecy of British Historian Toynbee in Feb. 26, 2018.

When replying “If you reborn as a human, what country are you willing to be born in and what kind of work wants to do?” Dr. Toynbee replied without any hesitation: “I am willing to be born in China. Because I felt that China will play a very important role in the future for all mankind. If I was born as a Chinese, I think I can do something worthwhile." As a Chinese, “If the world has not merged, I will work hard to integrate it. If the world has merged, then I will try to shift the world from material-centered to spiritual-centered.”

Daisaku Ikeda said that the peaceful integration of mankind and the rejuvenation of spiritual culture are also the subjects entrusted to him by Doctor. The method proposed by the Doctor for this is “conversation”.

For the comments of Dr. Toynbee "as a possibility of the future, China may rule the world and colonize it," Daisaku Ikeda argued (in book, not in face to face) with that, my idea is that China is not so much a nation that promotes the conviction of conquest, but rather a conservative who wants peace and safe in nature. In fact, as long as someone does not invade China at first, China will never preempt. In modern times, the Opium War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Korean War, and the wars related to China so far can be called self-defense wars, which were the normal reaction that has to be done.

Please remember that the dialogue was held in 1973, at that time, China did not make economic reform yet, the economic situation was in the most difficult period without any hope can be seen.

Obviously, the judgment of the famous historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee about China was according the civilization historically. It said that Dr. Arnold Toynbee was unwilling to talk about the civilization of the West and said that “Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state as the United States is in now.”

As great historian, obviously, the Dr. Arnold Toynbee was well understood human civilization globally than that of any others; he was most understanding which civilization was properly humanized and was unwilling to waste time on those inhuman one.

Here I have to indicate that though Dr. Arnold Toynbee was rational; but could not get rid of the European looting and killing bloody fed mentality of China may rule and colonize the world as that of inhuman deeds of the West; which is the leading view of the West on China in today.

But as you see, the view of Daisaku Ikeda was radical difference; because of he has the genes mostly from Confucian culture of China; historically, Japan was a country that was influenced the most by the culture of China and long in pursuing for peace; even right now it is still in use of Chinese characters; but, after being tamed by the black ships of the United States, it also began to endlessly plunder and kill, until killed about 30 millions of Asians by provoking world war II.

The view that China may rule and colonize world shows that even if the greatest historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee could not get rid of the limitation of intelligence that trapped by own acquired knowledge.

British philosopher Bertrand Russell views the civilization of China

1920, by the invite of Liang Qichao (1873 – 1929, of Chinese politician with thought had significantly influenced the political reformation of modern China), British philosopher Bertrand Russell visits and lived in China for one year long and wrote book The Problem of China according to observation on China.

Bertrand Russell was a Western philosopher that I appreciated the most, his book The Problem of China introduced China at that time has modern significance. 

Below was the excerpt from book The Problem of China.

China has an ancient civilization which is now undergoing a very rapid process of change. The traditional civilization of China had developed in almost complete independence of Europe, and had merits and demerits quite different from those of the West. It would be futile to attempt to strike a balance; whether our present culture is better or worse, on the whole, than that which seventeenth-century missionaries found in the Celestial Empire is a question as to which no prudent person would venture to pronounce. But it is easy to point to certain respects in which we are better than old China, and to other respects in which we are worse. If intercourse between Western nations and China is to be fruitful, we must cease to regard ourselves as missionaries of a superior civilization, or, worse still, as men who have a right to exploit, oppress, and swindle the Chinese because they are an "inferior" race. I do not see any reason to believe that the Chinese are inferior to ourselves; and I think most Europeans, who have any intimate knowledge of China, would take the same view.

Chinese, until we brought disturbance, secured on the whole a peaceable existence and a life full of enjoyment.

Chinese problems, even if they affected no one outside China, would be of vast importance, since the Chinese are estimated to constitute about a quarter of the human race. In fact, however, all the world will be vitally affected by the development of Chinese affairs, which may well prove a decisive factor, for good or evil, during the next two centuries. This makes it important, to Europe and America almost as much as to Asia, that there should be an intelligent understanding of the questions raised by China, even if, as yet, definite answers are difficult to give.

All the Great Powers, without exception, have interests which are incompatible, in the long run, with China's welfare and with the best development of Chinese civilization. Therefore the Chinese must seek salvation in their own energy, not in the benevolence of any outside Power.

So far, I have found only one answer. The Chinese nation, is the most, patient in the world; it thinks of centuries as other nations think of decades. It is essentially indestructible, and can afford to wait. The "civilized" nations of the world, with their blockades, their poison gases, their bombs, submarines, and negro armies, will probably destroy each other within the next hundred years, leaving the stage to those whose pacifism has kept them alive, though poor and powerless. If China can avoid being goaded into war, her oppressors may wear themselves out in the end, and leave the Chinese free to pursue humane ends, instead of the war and rapine and destruction which all white nations love. It is perhaps a slender hope for China, and for ourselves it is little better than despair. But unless the Great Powers learn some moderation and some tolerance, I do not see any better possibility, though I see many that are worse.

The evils produced in China by indolence seem to me far less disastrous, from the point of view of mankind at large, than those produced throughout the world by the domineering cocksureness of Europe and America. The Great War showed that something is wrong with our civilization; experience of Russia and China has made me believe that those countries can help to show us what it is that is wrong. The Chinese have discovered, and have practised for many centuries, a way of life which, if it could be adopted by all the world, would make all the world happy. We Europeans have not. Our way of life demands strife, exploitation, restless change, discontent and destruction. Efficiency directed to destruction can only end in annihilation, and it is to this consummation that our civilization is tending, if it cannot learn some of that wisdom for which it despises the East.


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