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参考消息 2023年07月29日 来自北京市 104人参与14评论
参考消息网7月29日报道 据法新社7月28日报道,尼日尔总统卫队队长阿卜杜拉赫曼·奇亚尼将军,也就是导致了总统穆罕默德·巴祖姆下台的人物,当天以新的国家强势人物形象亮相。发动军事政变者还警告称不允许任何外国军事干涉。
Military Takeover in Niger | Coup Leaders Suspend Constitution | European Union
Sohail Speaks 2023年7月28日 UNITED STATES
On Friday, the EU's top diplomat warned of "impacts" on EU-Niger cooperation, including the withdrawal of budget support, after General Abdulrahman Chiani declared himself the leader of the African state.
“The EU strongly condemns the coup in Niger. "The events of the last few days represent a serious attack on stability and democracy in Niger," High Representative Josep Borrell said in a statement.
"Any violation of the constitutional order will have consequences for EU-Niger cooperation, including the immediate suspension of all budget support," he added.
The warning came as General Abdurahman Chiani, head of the Presidential Guard, declared himself leader of Niger on state television after soldiers announced on Wednesday they had seized power in a coup.
The coup was condemned by the EU and other international bodies as an attack on democracy.