
查理芒格 新加坡是最成功政府体系

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Aarthi Swaminathan 2019 年 5 月 4 日



“李光耀——他是最伟大的国家建设者,可能是世界历史上最伟大的建设者——他一生一遍又一遍地说过一件事,”那就是“弄清楚什么是有效的,然后去做 ”芒格说。


因为有了这种态度,芒格说,“你只要带着来自你自己国家的简单哲学去生活,你会发现它非常有效。 弄清楚什么是有效的,然后去做。”


从 1965 年独立时的两位数失业率和相对微不足道的人均 GDP 516 美元,到今天约 2.2% 的就业率和超过 57,000 美元的人均 GDP,该国一直被经济学家和政治家誉为成功的典范 一样。


2015 年 3 月 23 日,一名男子在丹戎巴葛社区俱乐部向已故前总理李光耀致敬,该选区是李光耀自 1955 年以来作为国会议员代表的选区。新加坡第一任总理李光耀去世 周一,他享年 91 岁,引发了对这位见证了这个小城邦从英国殖民地死水之地迅速崛起为全球贸易和金融中心的人的悼念。 路透社/埃德加苏 2015 年 3 月 23 日,一名男子在丹戎巴葛社区俱乐部向已故前总理李光耀致敬,该选区是李光耀自 1955 年以来作为国会议员代表的选区。路透社/埃德加苏

他在 1980 年的一次集会上宣称:“无论谁统治新加坡,都必须拥有钢铁般的意志,否则就放弃。这不是纸牌游戏,这是你我的生命。 我花了一生的时间来建造这个。 只要我负责,就没有人会打倒它。”


2010 年,在密歇根大学的问答环节中,芒格也对这个岛国给予了高度评价:“新加坡是世界上最成功的政府体系,”他说。 “如果你研究李光耀的生活和工作,你会发现人类历史上最有趣、最有启发性的政治故事之一。”——

Charlie Munger: 'If you want one mantra, it comes from' Singapore's first prime minister


Aarthi Swaminathan Aarthi Swaminathan May 4, 2019


Berkshire Hathaway’s vice chair, Charlie Munger, said Saturday that the one mantra he followed in life came from Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore who governed for three decades.

Responding to a question about human nature at the annual Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-ABRK-B) shareholder meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, Munger said the country’s founding father had a formula for success that he quite liked.

“Lee Kuan Yew — who is the greatest nation builder, probably that ever lived in the history of the world — he said one thing over and over and over again all his life,” and that was to “figure out what works and do it,” said Munger.

“If you want one mantra, it comes from Lee Kuan Yew,” he said.

Because with that attitude, said Munger, “You just go at life with that simple philosophy from your own national group, You will find it works wonderfully well. Figure out what works and do it.”

‘This is not a game of cards’

Under decades of Lee Kuan Yew’s leadership, Singapore transformed itself from a British outpost into a global trade and finance giant.

From unemployment in the double-digits and a relatively meager GDP per capita of $516 at its independence in 1965 to around 2.2% employment and a GDP per capita in excess of $57,000 today, the country has been hailed as a success story by economists and politicians alike.

But Lee Kuan Yew has often been criticized for using heavy-handed tactics to quell internal unrest.

A man bows as he pays his respects to late former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew at Tanjong Pagar community club, in the constituency which Lee represented as Member of Parliament since 1955, in Singapore March 23, 2015. Lee, Singapore's first prime minister, died on Monday aged 91, triggering a flood of tributes to the man who oversaw the tiny city-state's rapid rise from a British colonial backwater to a global trade and financial centre. REUTERS/Edgar SuA man bows as he pays his respects to late former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew at Tanjong Pagar community club, in the constituency which Lee represented as Member of Parliament since 1955, in Singapore March 23, 2015. REUTERS/Edgar Su


“Whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him, or give it up,” he declared during a rally in 1980. “This is not a game of cards, this is your life and mine. I spent a whole lifetime building this. And as long as I’m in charge, nobody’s gonna knock it down.”

Munger, who has made his fondness for the world leader known, has also said he liked Lee Kuan Yew’s unique — and at times controversial — policy moves.

In 2010 during a Q&A session at the University of Michigan, Munger also had high praise for the island nation: “Singapore is the single most successful governmental system to exist in the world,” he said. “If you will make a study of the life and work of Lee Kuan Yew, you’ll find one of the most interesting and instructive political stories written in the history of mankind.”—

Aarthi is a writer for Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter @aarthiswami.

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