

(2023-03-07 21:48:24) 下一个


今涛拍案 |2023-03-07  










The influence of Chinese culture is so great that people take it for granted. If you visit any palace in Europe, such as Versailles, you will definitely see beautiful Chinese art.






China was named China because for a long time in history, only China could produce porcelain (also known as China). Now every household has Chinese food. Tea is the main drink originated in China. The independence of the United States began with Boston's protest against the tax on tea imported from China. Our books are printed on paper. China invented paper and printing. Can any country without books and libraries? China has had a great impact on human progress, and we still rely on these achievements to live and progress.






Niels Bohr led the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics. The scientist was puzzled about how to understand quantum mechanics. Later, Niels Bohr solved this problem because Niels Bohr's philosophy was influenced by Taoism.


The statue of Boer in front of Copenhagen University is engraved with the inscription of the symbol of Yin and Yang.


Chinese food is part of American culture. Tofu is an invention of Chinese people. When it rains outside, New Yorkers want to order chicken noodles and have a cup of tea for a nearby Chinese restaurant. This is Chinese culture. Jewish Americans like to go to Chinese restaurants at Christmas.






Our world is connected by sea trade. All ships are invented by China and have separate sealed cabins. All cargo ships use ship control devices, which are invented by China. They use the compass navigation invented by China.







The only difference in China's influence is that China has not applied for intellectual property rights for their paper, printing, tofu, compass and shipbuilding inventions. This has led some people to enjoy the influence of Chinese culture without feeling its existence.







I respect Chinese culture. My answer is not to judge Chinese culture, but why it does not have much influence on western countries.


1. Lack of exposure: most western countries' understanding and understanding of China is vague and general: in the history class, we learned that Europeans want to find a trade route to China. We know that ancient Chinese philosophers have many ideas, but we have never been told what these ideas are. When it comes to Chinese culture and philosophy, there is a huge loophole in western history books: people like Confucius and Buddha are mentioned, but there is no time to explain their philosophy. Therefore, most Westerners do not understand Chinese culture and ideology in school.


2. Lack of publicity: Before the 1990s, China did little to promote overseas understanding of Chinese culture. Although Confucius Institutes have begun to change this, there is still a big gap between the work of Chinese companies and groups in promoting Chinese culture and ideas and the work of Western companies and groups in promoting Western culture and ideas. Anyone who cares will eventually study Chinese culture, but in general, there is little interest in teaching Chinese culture to the world outside China.







Of course, this is unfortunate. China has a rich and fascinating culture. In my opinion, many things about China's world view may be very useful to Westerners (for example, China's views on group dynamics). One of the biggest benefits I found on Quora is that I can learn about other cultures directly from people living in culture, without the need for media companies to translate and filter people who distort other cultures.


We hope that in the next few decades, we will see more people come forward and share Chinese culture, philosophy and ideas in a way that we Westerners can understand and appreciate. If we want to coexist, if China and the West want to develop culturally, we need to better understand each other.







I am a Canadian citizen. My family and I have lived here for 50 years. I come from East India. I have dealt with Chinese people from all over the world and have been to China several times. I have worked in the dairy/food/spice industry in Canada for 30 years, from management to senior management, and now I have 15 years of self-employment. In addition, I have two master's degrees, one from India and the other from Canada.


My answer is: Mr./Ms. (subject to your knowledge, education and general knowledge): I think you think Chinese culture is not worth mentioning, but the reality is that Chinese culture spreads very fast, not to mention in the western world, but in fact in the whole world.


Chinese culture is visiting every family in a very gentle and subtle way:


You start and end every day with something made in China:


Now look around your room and see how many things you use are made in China, from toothbrush to floss. From little Johnny's bag to shoes, in fact, your shoes, oh, your Christmas tree, if it is man-made, it is almost made in China.











Chinese food swept the world: my former boss was sent to another factory in France for troubleshooting. For a long time, when he came back, I asked him about French food. He said that he ate Chinese food most of the time there. When asked why, I was shocked?


He said: The Chinese restaurant is just around the corner. I didn't want to go far when I went out. I was tired. Chinese food can be delivered directly to my office and room. It is delicious, fast and healthy. Because the company paid a fixed daily fee, it actually saved a lot of money, and because of a lot of fried and steamed vegetables, I lost some weight.


My wife and I are loyal fans of Spain. We have been there several times. Our favorite place is the Chinese restaurant and bakery in Jerona, Spain, just at the railway station. When we visited Aruba, from grocery stores to restaurants, it seemed that all food enterprises were owned by Chinese people.


In Canada, where I live, 80% of my neighbors are Chinese now. In fact, the community has changed, almost all of which are Chinese. About 80% of people said that they have brought great value to real estate, and there is no Chinese food that we don't know or haven't tried.


Chinese immigrants from many Canadian cities are taking over the food service industry. For example, in Waterloo (Ontario), where I do most of my business, it seems that there are one, two or even several Chinese restaurants at every major intersection.


China's influence: strive to make your next generation learn Mandarin. I believe it will become the second official language after English in the next few decades.







Personally, I am a loyal fan of Chinese history, food and all other things. I also know that in the coming decades, Mandarin will be an important language and will make progress in life. That's why I have to sign up for my two little monkeys (my grandchildren, aged three and five, take Mandarin classes). My two sons grew up with Chinese friends, and my grandchildren are not far away. As a result, my two sons performed very well in school/college/university, which I believe is partly due to the extremely hard attitude of Chinese friends and some teachers in their schools.






In ancient times, you can also find the influence of the Chinese people on your life. Here, the Chinese people changed the world: invented.. Paper/printing press/gunpowder/acupuncture and moxibustion/handcart/compass/and, oh, traditional medicine,... huge cultural depth, knocking down magnificent buildings, showing the world, family values, the integration of Buddhism/Taoism and Confucianism, beautiful pagodas and Lingshan Giant Buddha, Chinese proverbs and wisdom, oh, and abacus. Well, I forgot to mention: fortune cookies (sorry, only available in North America). These cookies make everyone's life very good. Thank you China.












This is a wrong assumption.


Are you sure that the influence of Chinese culture on western countries is so small? In fact, I think on the contrary, Chinese culture has such a great influence on western countries that you hardly notice that what you do and use is Chinese!


Let's start with basic knowledge:


Pork, rice, tea, silkworm, porcelain, noodles. In some countries, these inventions form the basis of their culture. Don't we all associate the British with their tea drinking culture? Is that Chinese? isn't it? How about CHINAWARE when they drink together? How will Italian cuisine evolve without pasta?






Paper is an extremely important invention of human civilization, leading to the invention of toilet paper, gift packaging, paper money, books and printing, all of which are Chinese inventions. There are no paper-wrapped gifts under your Christmas tree. Will there be Christmas?


Of course, there are fireworks! Don't we celebrate New Year's Day with Chinese customs? Watch fireworks?


How about Chinese art? Articles with Chinese artistic style. Rococo style originated from Chinese art. What would Versailles look like without Rococo style?


You can also blame the Chinese for inventing the national examination; This is the first time that British people adopted it after studying the imperial examination. This is the origin of elite rule. Before that, rulers were chosen according to their aristocratic lineage in Europe.







We should not ignore the influence of European Confucianism that triggered the Enlightenment era. Philosophers like Voltaire are loyal supporters of Confucianism. They realized that the people actually had the right to overthrow the evil king. Without the influence of China, the French Revolution would not have happened.


This is only the influence of ancient China. When China declined 100 years ago, China's influence on western countries was greatly weakened. But I'm afraid not. With the promotion of China's cultural influence, it is expanding again. You can visit Southeast Asia and know the influence of Chinese culture.







When I wake up, I use an accurate, automatically powered clock to watch the time. I got up and put the kettle on and made tea with a porcelain cup. I put a slice of lemon in my tea. I remember that all the oranges come from China. In fact, all the lemons in the world are the products of Arab lemons, which originate from China's Nin mun *. I decided to fry an egg, and then put some ketchup, which is a Cantonese style pickled ketchup.

我醒来后,用一个准确的、自动供电的时钟看时间。我起身把水壶放上,用瓷杯沏茶。我在茶里放了一片柠檬,记得所有的柑橘都来自中国,事实上,世界上的柠檬都是阿拉伯柠檬的产物,它源自于中国的Nin mun*。我决定煎一个鸡蛋,然后放一些番茄酱,这是一种广东式的腌制番茄酱。

When I watch football matches with some friends, I like to drink brandy, which is a double distilled wine.


I collect morning papers printed in movable type. I read that there was an earthquake in California, which was probably the first time detected by a seismograph. On the same day, I bought some fireworks and bullets.











I use the modern toothbrush invented in 1498. I put on a silk shirt and tie. I chose a cool fur collar jacket with knotted button fasteners. I'll take my wallet and see how much cash I have left... OK, 60 dollars. I walked through the sluice along the canal. I didn't want to get lost, so I used GPS. But without the invention of the compass, GPS would be useless.




Now I dare not say that the Chinese invented the wheel, but they invented the unicycle. (How big a leap from the wheel to the unicycle?) This is the ancient ancestor of the bus I ride. The bus was once pulled by a horse with a yoke. Coincidentally, the concept of (steam) engine appeared in the Song Dynasty.


I work in the civil service. I learned the system of taking the entrance examination from China. The civil service system of meritocracy is a Confucian ideology. In my work, I use computers. This concept can be directly linked with simple but magnificent abacus calculators.


Work is boring. I'm looking forward to having dinner, which is a Chinese dish dressed in Italian clothes. Ravioli (dumplings) and pasta (noodles). Thank you Marco Polo. After that, there will be a poker game every week to play mahjong with some friends.







These examples are only a few examples of the influence of Chinese people in their daily life, and they are not comprehensive. If China files a lawsuit against the stolen intellectual property LOL, our intellectual property will face huge losses...


The simple fact is that China's great progress has affected almost every aspect of our daily life. From the profound insights needed for civilized life to the inventions produced by this idea, billions of people enjoy it every day. They don't know how much it has contributed to the Chinese people in history and today... including the answer to this question.


Just as I answered this question with my mobile phone made in China in 2020... there are more things from China.


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