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Manifestantes na Pra?a da Concorde depois de o governo francês ter aprovado a reforma das pens?es no parlamento sem vota??o, usando o artigo 49.3 da Constitui??o, em Paris, 16 de Mar?o de 2023.

Manifestantes na Praça da Concorde depois de o governo francês ter aprovado a reforma das pensões no parlamento sem votação, usando o artigo 49.3 da Constituição, em Paris, 16 de Março de 2023. AFP - ALAIN JOCARD


欧洲 – 继欧洲人权专员批法国警察对抗议民众过度使用暴力之后,美国白宫一位发言人表示:美国“支持在某地或其他地方的和平示威权利”。欧洲议会左派议员们在比利时首都布鲁塞尔的欧洲议会大楼前示威。20多名议员高举“停止法国警察暴行”的标语牌,指责法国警察对抗议者过度执法。


在法国为反对将退休年龄从 62 岁提高到 64 岁在内的且政府未经议会表决直接通过的养老金改革部分议员要求法国警察停止对养老金改革抗议者实施暴力行为。巴黎清洁工已经逐步恢复打扫街头的工作,但要把垃圾全部收干净还需好几天的时间。法国西北部、马赛地区和巴黎大区加油还是十分困难。

欧洲安全与合作组织新闻自由问题特别代表米亚托维奇(Dunja Mijatovic)曾表示:一些示威者的零星暴力行为或其他人在示威期间犯下的其他应受谴责的行为不能成为国家人员过度执法的理由。

人权联盟谴责法国警察“过度执法”。法国西部示威活动的组织者统计有 200 人受伤,其中包括一名示威者左眼被打瞎和两名至今昏迷不醒。他们的亲属以“企图谋杀罪”提出诉状。

Council of Europe slams 'excessive use of force' by French police in protests


The continent's leading human rights watchdog is joined by rights groups, magistrates and left-wing politicians condemning actions by law enforcement at demonstrations against the country's pension reform.

By Le Monde    March 24, 2023

The Council of Europe – the continent's leading human rights watchdog – on Friday, March 24, criticized French police's "excessive use of force" during demonstrations against an unpopular pension reform.

"Violent incidents have occurred, including some that have targeted the forces of law and order," its commissioner for human rights Dunja Mijatovic said.

"But the sporadic acts of violence of some protesters or other reprehensible acts committed by other persons during a protest cannot justify excessive use of force by agents of the state. These acts are also not enough to deprive peaceful protesters of their right to freedom of assembly," she said.

"It is up to the authorities to allow the actual exercise of these freedoms by protecting peaceful demonstrators and journalists covering these protests against police brutality and against violent individuals acting within or on the sidelines of marches," she added.

Read more Article réservé à nos abonnés French police caught on tape during protest arrest: 'I can tell you, we have broken elbows and faces'

Rights groups, magistrates and left-wing politicians have in recent days raised the alarm over what they have described as arbitrary arrests and apparent abusive police practices during protests against President Emmanuel Macron's plan to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64.

Anger has boiled over in the street since his government last week invoked a controversial executive power to force through the bill without a parliamentary vote. Police have detained hundreds as they try to disperse daily protests in Paris and other cities, but rights advocates say they have released the large majority without pressing charges.

Amnesty International has raised the alarm over the "widespread use of excessive force and arbitrary arrests."

Reporters Without Borders has said police assaulted several "clearly identifiable" journalists. But security officials have defended their actions, saying they are responding to violent rioters and anarchist groups which frequently infiltrate French demonstrations to provoke clashes.

French police accused of using excessive force during pension protests



Human rights watchdog say people angry at Macron’s pension law had right to protest peacefully

 in Paris  Sat 25 Mar 2023 12.58 GMT


A riot police officer raises their baton during a rally in Paris on Thursday. Photograph: Christophe Ena/AP

Europe's leading human rights watchdog has accused the French police of using “excessive force” during protests against a fiercely contested pension law.

Dunja Mijatovic, the Council of Europe's human rights commissioner, said those wishing to gather peacefully had a right to be protected from “police brutality” and attacks by protesters against officers did not justify a heavy-handed response.

She called on France to respect the right to protest, describing the situation as “worrying”.

The warning comes as tensions in France continue to rise, with more demonstrations expected over the weekend and a national day of action planned by unions next Tuesday. The continued unrest, heightened after the government pushed through the controversial law without a vote, prompted the postponement of King Charles’s planned three-day state visit to France on Sunday.

“Violent incidents have occurred, some of which have targeted the forces of law and order. But sporadic acts of violence by some demonstrators or other reprehensible acts committed by others during a protest cannot justify excessive use of force by agents of the state,” Mijatovic said in a statement on Friday.

“Nor are such acts sufficient to deprive peaceful demonstrators of their enjoyment of the right to freedom of assembly. It is up to the authorities to allow the actual exercise of these freedoms by protecting peaceful demonstrators and journalists covering these protests against police brutality and against violent individuals acting within or on the sidelines of marches.

“While a state may be authorised to use force in order, inter alia, to restore order, such use should be a last resort and in strict compliance with the conditions of necessity and proportionality. The primary obligation of every Council of Europe member state is to protect the people under its jurisdiction and their human rights.”

The police have been accused of making arbitrary arrests and using unnecessary force when dealing with protesters angry at Emmanuel Macron’s pension law, which raises the retirement age from 62 to 64. Demonstrations across the country have been mostly peaceful, but have degenerated into clashes between small groups of protesters and police and the destruction of public and private buildings and property.

Hundreds of people have been arrested and detained. The majority have been subsequently released without charges.

“The release of many people without charges calls into question the necessity and proportionality of the measures taken against them,” Mijatovic added. “Violence, wherever it comes from, can never be used as a means to resolve a social and or political crisis. The violence must stop. This is a necessary condition for the effective exercise of the freedoms of expression and assembly, as well as for trust between the population and the police.”

Le Monde reported that in one audio recording it had obtained and authenticated, a number of police officers could be heard threatening youngsters arrested during a pension protest last Monday. “I can tell you, we have broken elbows and faces,” one officer reportedly said.

Reporters Without Borders said police had assaulted several “clearly identifiable” journalists during the recent demonstrations.

On Thursday, 1.1 million people according to official figures, 3.5 million according to unions, took to the streets across France for a ninth day of protests policed by about 12,000 law and order officers.

The previous day, Macron, whose centrist government narrowly survived a vote of no confidence on Monday, inflamed the public mood during a television interview in which he said the law would go ahead. The bill is currently being examined by the Constitutional Council; if approved it is expected to come into effect in September.

Afterwards, unions, opposition leaders and critics accused the president of “arrogance and contempt” and vowed to continue the strikes and protests.

On Friday, the interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, announced 11 investigations had been opened into alleged incidents of police violence during the pension protests.

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