
Official admitted that US has been meddling In Foreign Elections

(2018-02-18 01:08:01) 下一个


Former CIA Chief Admits US Meddling In Foreign Elections "For Their Own Good"

Former CIA chief James Woolsey appeared on Fox News to push the narrative of how dastardly 'dem Russkies' are in their meddling with the sacred soul of America's democracy.

Woolsey did his patriotic deep-state-duty and proclaimed the evils of "expansionist Russia" and dropped 'facts' like "Russia has a larger cyber-army than its standing army," before he moved on to China and its existential threats.

But then, beginning at around 4:30, the real debacle of the conversation begins as Ingraham asks Woolsey,

"Have we ever tried to meddle in other countries' elections?"

Hes responds, surprisingly frankly...

"Oh probably... but it was for the good of the system..."

To which Ingraham follows up...

"We don't do that now though? We don't mess around in other people's elections?"

Prompting this extraordinary sentence from a former CIA chief...

"Well...hhhmmm, numm numm numm numm... only for a very good cause...in the interests of democracy"

So just to clarify - yes, the CIA chief admitted that Democracy-spreading 'Murica meddled in the Democratic elections of other nations "in the interests of democracy."

In case you wondered which ones he was referring to, here's a brief selection since 1948...

2016: UK (verbal intervention against Brexit)
2014: Afghanistan (effectively re-writing Afghan constitution)
2014: UK (verbal intervention against Scottish independence)
2011: Libya (providing support to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi)
2009: Honduras (ousting President Zelaya)
2006: Palestine (providing support to oust Prime Minister Haniyeh)
2005: Syria (providing support against President al-Assad)
2003: Iran (providing support against President Khatami)-
2003: Iraq (ousting of President Hussein)
2002: Venezuela (providing support to attempt an overthrow of President Chavez)
1999: Yugoslavia (removing Yugoslav forces from Kosovo)
1994: Iraq (attempted overthrow of President Hussein)
1991: Haiti (ousting President Aristide)
1991: Kuwait (removing Iraqi forces from Kuwait)
1989: Panama (ousting General Noriega)
1983: Grenada (ousting General Austin's Marxist forces)
1982: Nicaragua (providing support
1971: Chile (ousting President Allende)
1967: Indonesia (ousting President Sukarno)
1964: Brazil (ousting President Goulart)
1964: Chile (providing support against Salvador Allende)
1961: Congo (assassination of leader Lumumba)
1958: Lebanon (providing support to Christian political parties)
1954: Guatemala (ousting President Arbenz)
1953: Iran (ousting Prime Minister Mossadegh)
1953: Philippines (providing support to the President Magsaysay campaign)
1948: Italy (providing support to the Christian Democrats campaign)

(h/t @Yogi_Chan)


Profile picture for user BigCumulusClouds
BigCumulusClouds  manofthenorth Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:01 Permalink

These bureaucrats, who barely have ability to rotate a door knob to open it, always think that they’ve got so much brains that they have to pick the outcome of election for the good of everyone. If not for their secure gubbermint job, they’d be mowing my grass, if they were lucky. 


In reply to That list of "interventions"… by manofthenorth

Profile picture for user Creative_Destruct
Creative_Destruct  Mango327 Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:44 Permalink

Russia's "Been doin' this since the 1920's." Yes the Russians do disinformation because they are, well, er, RUSSIANS...the nature of the beast, which we've ALWAYS known.

And, BTW, we've been doin' similar stuff (OR worse...like directly invading/intervening) for even LONGER!!!

I am so SICK of this self righteous "for their own good" shit. EVERYONE ALWAYS seems to know what's "GOOD" for the other guy. Can we just fucking let people do what they want and mind our own fucking business for a change????


In reply to This Russia bullshit has… by Mango327

Profile picture for user Giant Meteor
Giant Meteor  Mango327 Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:46Permalink

Well no time like the present to let the cast out of the bag. Once again proving all the conspiracy nuts, sane ...

"Have we ever tried to meddle in other countries' elections?"

Hes responds, surprisingly frankly...

"Oh probably... but it was for the good of the system..."

Note the language (probably) but but, it's for the GOOD of the SYSTEM ..

The system .. is not good ..

End transmission ..


In reply to This Russia bullshit has… by Mango327

Profile picture for user Dilluminati
Dilluminati  ZIONISM KILLS Sat, 02/17/2018 - 18:45Permalink

- "Obama has been sending taxpayer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for (the) election." ... Some have linked U.S. State Department funds to that effort. ... In September 2013, the State Department funded two projects run by OneVoice, a New York nonprofit.



In reply to No  Shit,  What  about  Cuba… by ZIONISM KILLS

Profile picture for user marysimmons
marysimmons  SoilMyselfRotten Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:16 Permalink

Victoria "F*ck the EU" Nuland and the CIA were all over the Ukrainian "coup", but of course no mention of that on "Fair and Balanced".  Laura Ingram is a typical Fox News Zio-Nazi bitch, hiding behind a cross, who apparently believes her own BS, and along others like Hannity have blood on their hands.

The whole purpose of the Mueller indictment was to give the mainstream outlets something to report so idiot Americans will believe the crap put out about Russia since the Winter Olympics in Sochi and set the tone to justify a military conflict with Russia that won't end well for anyone, IMO


In reply to Democracy? Annnnnnnd it's… by SoilMyselfRotten

Profile picture for user New_Meat
New_Meat  marysimmons Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:46Permalink

mary, just a touch catty tonight, don't cha' think?

Zio-Nazi?  How dat work?

Whole purpose of the Mueller indictments is to give the folks a show to prove that their money hasn't been wasted on a Trump collusion charge for collusion that started in 2014 when Trump was prolly out schlongin' some playmate or other..


In reply to Victoria "F*ck the EU"… by marysimmons

Profile picture for user Omen IV
Omen IV  Looney Sat, 02/17/2018 - 23:15 Permalink

All these guys sound like  19th century Hucksters: Comey / Brennan / Clapper / Woolsley / Gates / Kerry.

You could close your eyes and visualize every one of them being in a traveling carnival show selling some magic elixir 100 years ago with a horse and a tent.



all bullshit people


In reply to  … by Looney

Profile picture for user DaiRR
DaiRR  skbull44 Sat, 02/17/2018 - 21:29 Permalink

LOL, a Russia led by Putin, a KGB veteran, not dabbling in U.S. election meddling is inconceivable for those with half a brain.  And you can bet it will be done every 4 years at a minimum with a thorough analysis afterward on the procedures, effectiveness and cost-efficiency of each media node they utilized.  You can also bet the U.S. has and will continue to election meddle around the globe, only I'm not so confident the U.S. post-election analysis of each meddling effort will be as thorough as the Russians.


In reply to It's always for the children… by skbull44

Profile picture for user Max Cynical
Max Cynical  Dumpster Elite Sat, 02/17/2018 - 18:14 Permalink

Add this one to the list...

US secretly created 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest and undermine government

USAid started ZunZuneo, a social network built on texts, in hope it could be used to organize 'smart mobs' to trigger Cuban spring

In July 2010, Joe McSpedon, a US government official, flew to Barcelona to put the final touches on a secret plan to build a social media project aimed at undermining Cuba's communist government.



In reply to I kinda wondered why they… by Dumpster Elite

Profile picture for user Dilluminati
Dilluminati  Stan522 Sat, 02/17/2018 - 18:44 Permalink


Jul 12, 2016 - The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to anIsraeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.


In reply to obama sent in operatives… by Stan522

Profile picture for user keep the bastards honest
keep the basta…  gellero Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:53 Permalink

No Australia? Whitlam dismissal  11/11/1975 even wiki lists it


Profile picture for user Zorba's idea
Zorba's idea Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:57 Permalink

Well, numm, numm, numm, ...for the good of our (((SPONSORS)))...err, I mean the System...yeah, thats what I mean.

Profile picture for user Son of Captain Nemo
Son of Captain Nemo Sat, 02/17/2018 - 17:59 Permalink

Woolsey is one of many profiles in the "machine" that turns out the worst socio/psychopaths called Langley!... Much like the Department of Defense they train them to believe they are the most highly intelligent and capable in espionage even when they "lose" and lose "badly"!

They look at themselves as superior beings in every way that deserve and expect no restraint. And are repeatedly rewarded with pay and responsibility even when failure on missions includes the worst "blowback"!

If there ever was a government agency alongside the DOD that deserves the honorary title of total betrayal to their motto "And You Shall Know The Truth And It Shall Set You Free"... that has economically and politically SINGLE HANDEDLY done the opposite of EVERYTHING DEMOCRACY STANDS FOR in it's TOTAL DESTRUCTION -this agency is the personification without equal and "without question"!

Profile picture for user coast1
coast1 Sat, 02/17/2018 - 18:17 Permalink

must be nice for zerohedge to post any type of an article, then wait for the "intelligent" posters here that do their homework to make a comment, then ZH uses that comment to post an interesting article..But ZH gets all the money for our homework...sweet huh?  actually, ZH has not even posted the updates of many more times the U.S. infuenced the elections of every government, and that if they mess up and the wrong guy gets elected, then they just bomb them back to the stone age..They didnt get hillary, so instead of bombing the U.S. they just do mass shootings.

Profile picture for user Expat
Expat Sat, 02/17/2018 - 18:28 Permalink

How is this "news"?  The US has been meddling in foreign elections for hundreds of years.  When we can't change the results, we change the leader. We have assassinated foreign leaders.  We have organized revolutions. We have carried out false flag "terrorist" attacks to destabilize countries. 

Russia has paid for a few Facebook trolls.  Boo hoo.  Better that than the typical US method of kidnapping and torturing opposition leaders we don't like.  Fuck America and it's brutish hypocrisy.


Profile picture for user Paracelsus
Paracelsus Sat, 02/17/2018 - 19:06 Permalink

 A bit on and off-topic but Libya, with the color revolutions sweeping North Africa. Libya was a goldmine with the looting of Ghaddafi's weapons warehouses (HRC up to her tits in this!), and the Libyan treasury gold was flown out just as the Ukrainians had their's also ripped off. Much of the shooting in Syria was done with guns and ammo from this Mideast arms bazaar. I won't forget those merc's that were abandoned in Benghazi. They were expecting back-up, but no dice as the cavalry was told to "stand down". This was on Obama and Hillary. They can't duck responsibility. Aren't the Marines supposed to bodyguard the Ambassadors worldwide? And the Embassies? Something rotten in the state of Denmark. Sounds like an Iran-Contra gun-running operation.

Profile picture for user Foggy
Foggy Sat, 02/17/2018 - 19:11 Permalink

Sky News are instantly blocking links to ZeroHedge  on Facebook as a matter of course lately as spam :/

Profile picture for user SimianWrench
SimianWrench Sat, 02/17/2018 - 19:18 Permalink

How about a list of all the other countries that donate to (bribe) our politicians.  Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc...

Profile picture for user Radical Pragmatist
Radical Pragmatist Sat, 02/17/2018 - 19:51 Permalink

I'm not sure how I could become even more contemptuous of the arrogant but stupid American Power Elites like Deep State Reptile James Woolsey and the rest of his oily ilk.


P.S. Interesting how the Elite Hacks always walk away rich from their wreckage while us chump taxpayers get stuck with the bill.

Profile picture for user Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba Sat, 02/17/2018 - 19:56 Permalink

This guy iis a total incompetent POS!  Why does anyone bother wasting time listening to this neo's blather and lies. 

Profile picture for user Mzhen
Mzhen Sat, 02/17/2018 - 20:39 Permalink

Great Britain meddled in our election, and they need to be brought to justice.  The Brits spied on the Trump campaign and administration at the request of Obama and Rice.  Surveillance was first requested on August 28, 2016, right after Trump had secured the nomination.  The dossier was at least partly used as justification.  The request for surveillance specifically targeted the 5th and 26th floors of Trump Tower.  The project was called FULSOME.

On November 17, 2016, right after the election, Rice asked for a 90-day renewal of the surveillance.  Which would have extended to late February 2017.  Right before Sessions recused on March 2nd, and right before Trump tweeted about Obama tapping his wires on March 4th.

Rice told the Brits that the incoming administration was a potential threat to national security.  This was memorialized in correspondence between Robert Hannigan, GCHQ director, and foreign secretary Boris Johnson.  Hannigan unexpectedly resigned on January 23, 2017.  (The day before the Flynn FBI interview.  The same day WaPo reported the FBI had cleared Flynn.)


Profile picture for user uhland62
uhland62 Sat, 02/17/2018 - 21:28 Permalink

And he knows what's good for them.

Trouble is, though, since they ran out of gold to loot from Philippine hidey holes they really haven't got the money any more to buy people's obedience and silence. 

Profile picture for user Buck Shot
Buck Shot Sat, 02/17/2018 - 22:44 Permalink

He forgot to say that we will also gladly let your kids join the military and die a painful death or be horribly maimed in order for people like him to be part of the deep state. I love our country and our military, but I despise all these deep state butchers.

Profile picture for user youshallnotkill
youshallnotkill Sun, 02/18/2018 - 00:16 Permalink

Ok, so we've always been bullies and enjoyed giving other nations wedgies and worse. So we are supposed to now just take it and smile while Russia squeezes our balls?

I don't think so.

Profile picture for user fiddy pence haff pound
fiddy pence ha… Sun, 02/18/2018 - 02:28 Permalink

Listen. We should all vacate this space,

cuz we'll be targeted as trolls.

We see stupid people, in office.

we don't buy government lies.

Profile picture for user JasperEllings
JasperEllings Sun, 02/18/2018 - 03:03 Permalink

I'm trying to remember the name of the serial rapist a few years back that kept telling his victims it was "for your own good."


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