
同情阳光: suggestions on your appeal to state supreme court

(2016-09-05 17:18:33) 下一个

同情阳光: I was thinking about your appeal to the Ohio state supreme court. There was one thing that was overlooked in your court and in your jury trial. You were told by Ms. Bowman and later by Dean Irwin (?) with two different messages. Since the appeal court had stated that the situation was like a child talking to one parent without informing the parent what the other parent had said (See the decision by the appeal court), I was thinking that maybe you could argue that you were told with two different messages. Ms. Bowman asked that you get permission in order to stay. Then Dean sent a letter which did state as the final decision. I was not sure why you did not understand that. However, for your argument, you could argue that because of extreme emotional distress, and recent DV, you were not able to make the best judgement which resulted in your inquiring the Dean about whether you could still stay after obtaining the permission. I think in this case, it was like a child being told of two different things by two different parents. I believe this is related to having come from a different culture. If you have a lawyer, make sure you explain this to him.


I am not sure if it is too late for you to submit additional arguments to the supreme court. You could try to submit supplemental materials to the court and see if they would accept. Court usually prefers to see additional evidence. This could be some additional evidence. You should up-play your lack of cultural understanding, and your language barriers. You should down-play your intelligence. Not the other way around. In fact, Americans are smarter than we think and we are more stupid to them than we think. So let it be. 


My two cents. You should ask for a consult from a law firm which usually costs 100 dollars for the first hour. You can consult several before making the last decision.  You can look up on the internet on how to prepare for cultural defenses. If the supreme court rejects your appeal, are you sure you could appeal to the federal supreme court? Since CT is a state offense, the Federal courts would not take these cases.


Lastly, i think your writing format in preparing for the cases is off. You could look up to see what the proper legal format should be. Maybe libraries can help you.

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