
To阳光, how to get rid of Criminal Trespassing charge

(2016-09-05 11:10:07) 下一个

To阳光: I have read your posts for the past five days, and follow-uped on the posts as much as I can. I realize that you have many supporters! This is amazing. I also want to share that my sister also had a charge of criminal trespassing and she was able to fight it off, and i will tell you the details in a minute.

First of all, I have to say how strong you are because my sister was suicidal when she was going through the ordeal. Maybe you are doing OK? Sometimes I get worried when I read some of your posts, for example, when you said you you might do something drastic .My sister said to me that if she could not fight off that charge, if she lost the case, she would consider suicide because she felt this would mean there was no justic in the world. Fortunately she was able to fight off the charge.

Like you, she was falsely charged with CT. In your case, it was Ms. Bowman who was the trouble-maker. For her, it was a blonde police man who did not like immigrants (as it appeared). He purposely arrested her so that he could bring trouble to her. My sister was davastated when she was arrested because she had always had a clean record. She has trouble with her attitude sometimes, which was what got her into trouble in the first place. My family members, and cousins instructed her to find the best lawyer she would. She did. She found a big law firm specializing in Personal Injury cases. She met this lawyer outside the court and she thought she looked like a decent guy. She explained her case to the lawyer and the lawyer instructed her to find a lawyer. He also said that his firm specialized in those cases and helped many professionals fight off these charges. He turned out to be God-sent and turned out to be a big-shot lawyer. Anyway, to put the story short, she hired him. It costed about 2000 dollars. He was more expensive than another lawyer friend, who would only charge 500 dollars. My sister opted for the more expensive one because she thought she deserved a more expensive lawyer. After all, my sister was a thrifty person but she decided to be good to herself this time.

This lawyer turned out to be God-sent. First, he gave the best legal advice. He role-played with her and spent about two hours with her. My sister wanted to go to trial. He role-played the court proceeding with her, and it made her realize that if she were to go through the trial, she might be convicted and receive a guilty verdict. Their goal was to get rid of the charges before the trial, that is, to make the police officer drop off the charge willingly.


Now remember the police officer was looking to ruin my sister's life and was not going to drop the charge willingly. So, the lawyer called the court and made sure that on that particular court date, the prosecutor for that day was Prosecutor Wilson, not some female prosecutor who probably would want to see my sister convicted. My sister was helped by God on that day. On her court date, the prosecutor was prosecutor Wilson, a male prosecutor who had sound judgement. The lawyer said that he would actually change the court date if this were not the case. He wanted to make sure that my sister's court date would be the date when prosecutor Wilson was there at the court.

To be continued.

Lesson #1: Find the best lawyer you can find. You can check the google ratings. Go with your heart. My sister felt he was a good lawyer when she saw him outside the court with other clients. He was well-dressed. He was good looking. He looked honest to her. This is how he turned out to be at the end as well.





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