
To阳光, get rid of Criminal Trespassing charge IV

(2016-09-05 12:01:18) 下一个

Lesson #4: Even when you want to revenge, refrain.

My sister then hurried to talk to her lawyer: Mr. So and So, should I now sue the officer?

The lawyer said: SOandSO, I thought you are a christian. Where did you get this mean streak in you?

That was the end of the conversation. My sister decided even though she wanted to make a fortune by possibly suing the police department, she probably should not. She LET IT GO.

Two weeks later, my sister went to pay her fees at the lawyer's office. The lawyer happily told me: It's all about who you know! Why? Prosecutor Wilson is now judge Wilson. He has become a judge in a rich county. O Wow, said my sister.

Lesson #5: Expunge your records.

In your case, you cannot expunge your records right away. In our state, we have to wait for five years to expunge criminal records. You may have to wait that long. Since my sister was not convicted, she could do it right away. After she recovered from her depression, she did it on her own and costed about 200 dollars including the stamps. Now she has expunged her arrest records (she still have an arrest record).


Why all the details? Am I bragging about my sister? No, this is to show you that you must have sound legal advice. My sister has seen a case in which the client also insisted on going through a trial, and ended up getting a tripe sentence. He was offered 25 years for a plea bargain. He refused. He went to trial. It turned out that the state had two attorneys and he only had one public defender for his attorney. The state took out a cart full of evidence. The jury convicted him of all the charged. His sentence was tripled.


After the lawyer explained the court proceeding to my sister, my sister understood it was not wise to go through a trial. You should have avoided the trial.

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